A badguy in SuperTux is a foe of Tux. They may not be "bad" in the way that a hedgehog isn't really bad, but they can certainly hurt Tux. Most of the badguys are creatures, like Snowballs with varying characteristics, but some are more like objects (Stalactite for example) or phenomena like Flame.
Tux will try to avoid approaching badguys if possible. If he runs into one or one drops on his head, he is hurt. When hurt Tux will lose a powerup or, if Tux has no powerups left, he will be killed.
Many of the badguys Tux can knock out by jumping on them and squishing them. Others are only stunned by this for a short while or are insusceptible to this and hurt Tux instead. As a rule of thumb, badguys with a spiky head or helmet can usually not be jumped on. For a list of badguys that can be squished take a look at the squishable badguys category. Most badguys can be killed with the fire- or iceflower power up.
This page shall describe all enemies, old and new, in as much detail as possible. We also need to settle down on proper names for enemies, since currently there is a lot of confusion. If you want see on real names, click here.
A leg-less Snowball with eyes that moves forward in a constant bounce motion like a ball. It's jump height should be big enough that Tux can pass under him safely, while making it difficult to jump on him or (potentially) outright impossible when he is at the highest point.
[[Grumbel|User#grumbel]]: Jump height and width in the current implementation could be tweaked a bit to make it easier to stand below it. Placement in the levels is the biggest problem, should only be used in open spaces, not closed ones where it hits the ceiling and bouncing becomes unpredictable. It could also move faster and jump higher, at the moment it is far to easy to just jump on it.
The cannon can be mounted on either static or rotatable pedestal. It shoots angry looking snowballs. It is indestructible. SVN for non-captainsnowball/kamizazesnowball enemies
The version in SVN can in fact shoot Snowshots. Can this sentence be removed or do you mean something else? --octo 07:55, 27 February 2010 (UTC)
I didn't find any mention of Captain Snowball in neither the Milestone 2 nor the Milestone 3 design documents. What's the status on him? --octo 07:55, 27 February 2010 (UTC)
Captain snowball is used in several level in bonus 3 --giby Fev 2014
A Cannon is a game object that spawns new badguys. The interval in which badguys are spawned is either fixed or random. A cannon can be shot with either the fireflower (dies) or iceflower (stops it emitting new badguys). Whether or not the dispenser is squishable and butt-jumpable depends on the appearance: The trapdoor and rocket launcher types are immune to Tux standing or jumping on them, the cannon type can be broken this way.
It is also possible for the cannon to shoot inanimate, non-badguy objects (even other cannons.)
There are three possible sprites for this object: Trapdoor, cannon and (in lack of a better word) rocket launcher. Please note that despite the name, rocket launcher is the preferred appearance, at least in Icy Island (Milestone 2).
: This section is possibly outdated.
[[Grumbel|User#grumbel]]: Overly complicated and configurable. It should focus on one thing and doing it well (i.e. shooting snowballs) instead of doing everything and than some. Might be best to discard the current
class and replace it with a Canon class.
Captain Snowball is a badguy planned to debut in version 0.4. There are not yet many levels which feature Captain Snowball, but he will most likely appear in Icy Island levels or other snow-themed levels.
Planned for 0.4. In SVN since 5323.
Again a very basic enemy, but unlike the Snowball he doesn't walk around in a straight pattern, but walks forward and backward around a fixed position. It is a stationary enemy.
Crystallo is a badguy in Icy Island. He moves back and forth in a fixed range. He is not yet widely used, but he has been implemented in some test levels and some user-submitted levels.
[[Grumbel|User#grumbel]]: As is, it's behaviour is pretty useless, needs a complete overhaul. Doing a ice version of the Stony in Wall would be an option.
Already in the code, but not
much used in Milestone1 Levels. This badguy shouldn't be used in
Icyland, it is a forest enemy.
Fish is a badguy that jumps out of water. When Tux has to cross the water he has to pay attention to the fish so he doesn't get caught.
Maybe a different color can be used in the forest world than in the Icyisland.
Also, possibly there should be a few different types of fish:
[[Grumbel|User#grumbel]]: Doesn't look dangerous enough, not obvious if he can be jumped up on. Maybe make it bigger and actually eat Tux.
The flame rotates
around in a circle, hurting Tux when he gets too close. It is
indestructible. Do we want it to come in a line of fire?
Flames are badguys found in both worlds in SuperTux. They move in fixed circles, hurting Tux and other badguys on contact (unless, of course, Tux is in invincibility mode.) Flames are immune to fire. However, ice balls can kill them permanently as of version 0.3.4.
A Snowball with a propeller underneath and a pilot hat and goggles. Flies up and down constantly.
[[Grumbel|User#grumbel]]: The flight pattern is erratic and unpredictable, it has no rythm. Suggested change: Have the propeller go into overdrive while at the bottom of the flightpath, shut it down before the top and than glide slowly back to the bottom. Rinse and repeat.
A purple walking bomb.
When the fuse isn't burning Haywire looks similar to a normal Bomb except color and face. When the fuse of Haywire gets activated he starts to run around, maybe chasing Tux. He can't be carried around. Jumping on him when the fuse is burning will cause Tux to bounce and Haywire to be stunned for a short moment (fraction of a second).
Haywire is a badguy from the Milestone 2 Design Document. It is very similar to Mr. Bomb: When jumped upon, the explosion sequence is triggered. In contrast to Mr. Bomb, Haywire will not lie still but ran around madly. Tux can stun Haywire for a short while by jumping on it again, but should try to get out of its reach. When it explodes, hurts Tux and other badguys nearby.
Behaviour=Walks around. When jumped on, it's stunned for a little while and its explosion sequence is triggered.
When shot with a Fireflower, explodes immediately.
[[Grumbel|User#grumbel]]: Visually not distinct enough. Sound effects terrible. Behaviour change when jumped uppon not dangerous enough. See Concept Art.
Jumpy jumps up and down and stays stationary on the same position. His viewing direction might follow Tux. The spring should react when hitting the ground.
Jumpy is a badguy found in many levels. He is stationary, bouncing up and down on the spot. Unless Tux has a fireflower or an iceflower, the only way to get past Jumpy is to run below him or jump over him at the right time.
[[Grumbel|User#grumbel]]: We have way too many variations of snowballs, making things look a little boring. I tend to prefer the Milestone 1 Jumpy for it's visual distinctiveness.
Krush and Krosh are enemies that are hanging on the ceiling. When Tux gets within one tile they will fall down and try to smash Tux. When hanging on the ceiling, Krush and Krosh'es eyes shall follow Tux. The face expression shall become angry when he is falling down.
Krush and Krosh are badguys found in Icy Island. They are usually found on ceilings. If Tux comes underneath one, it suddenly drops without warning. If Tux does not get out of the way fast, he is hurt. After they hit the ground, they slowly drift back up. On this “return trip,” Tux may safely climb on top of them and hitch a ride.
Both “icecrushers” are available in SVN, but only Krush is implemented in levels.
This concept art is for a big version that could serve as a miniboss.
Status: Needs a cool-down time after an attack, so it doesn't go up instantly. Needs particle effects when it hits the ground. Eyes should follow Tux. Should be larger, maybe 3x3 tiles or 4x4. Should accelerate while falling down, currently looks to much like constant velocity. -- Grumbel 09:54, 23 February 2010 (UTC)
Acceleration has been fixed in 6403. —octo 19:38, 26 February 2010 (UTC)
A cooldown timer has been added in 6405. —octo 19:49, 26 February 2010 (UTC)
This badguy has been removed from the Milestone 2 branch in 6282.
Kugelblitz is a badguy not widely used in SuperTux yet. The Kugelblitz moves down to the ground and then randomly left and right within a limited range. After a couple of seconds it vanishes. Like the Flame it cannot be hurt but Tux has to avoid it if possible. “Kugelblitz” is German for “ball lightning”.
The Kugelblitz (German for “ball lightning”) falls from the sky without warning; as soon as it hits the ground, it starts moving back and forth randomly for about two or three seconds in a fixed range, then vanishes with a pop in a cloud of smoke. Explodes on contact which hurts Tux. Alternatively, instead of moving at a random pattern, it could also move between coins or badguys.
The Kugelblitz cannot be hurt, the player has to avoid its radius until it's gone. With the alternative version, Tux can collect all coins/destroy all badguys before the Kugelblitz lands to make it disappear at once. It looks like a yellowish glowing wheel with animations for falling (with glowing trail), rolling, exploding and vanishing in smoke. It can be used in Ghost Forest and Forest Castle settings.
If the Kugelblitz hits water it vanishes and all water tiles get electrified for a short period of time. During that time, contact with water causes Tux and badguys to get hurt.
(I chose the German name because it's one of the few words that actually sound cooler in German than in English, IMHO.)
The path of the kugelblitz could be led by looking at surrounding things. For example the kugelblitz could always go the nearest coin or enemy in a range of 3 tiles give that it would not need to change it's direction more than 45 degree or so. This would allow the following 2 situations:
The kugelblitz would go down and then go upwards along the 2 coins and finally killing the 2 spikies and disappearing as there is no object anymore it could move to.
The kugelblitz would come down and start moving in circles from coin to coin. You could stop this behaviour by collecting 1 of the coins at the right time.
The base behavior of Mr. Bomb is similar to the normal Snowball, except that when hit he doesn't get squished, but knocked out and his fuse starts burning.
After ~5 seconds he then explodes. While the fuse is burning he doesn't move, but instead can be carried around like an iceblock. Throwing MrBombs is more like a normal throw, not like MrIceblock getting kicked.
Walks around. When jumped on once, it is activated and explodes after a short time, killing nearby badguys.
When Tux or another badguy hits him, he stops and begins ticking. After a few seconds, he explodes, hurting all creatures within range. The presence of other Mr. Bombs during explosion may cause a chain reaction of explosions. He also explodes if he is hit by one of Tux's fireballs, but if hit by an iceball, he freezes without exploding.
[[Grumbel|User#grumbel]]: Time to explosion is too short, blinking doesn't signal time to explosion well enough, making it almost impossible to carry it around to do anything. Fuse doesn't actually burn when activated.
Like Snowball, Mr. IceBlock is a simple straight forward enemy. He will not stay on platforms. When jumped upon he will get knocked out and become a portable item that one can use to throw at other enemies.
Mr. IceBlock is a badguy in Icy Island with moderately complex behavior. In his ordinary form, he works like an ordinary walking badguy, turning around upon reaching walls and falling off cliffs. In version 0.3 and above, he only walks off a cliff if there is something safe on which he can land.
When stomped on for the first time, Mr. IceBlock suddenly stops short. If he is not stomped again for the next few seconds, he returns back to normal. However, if he is stomped once more while squished, he suddenly skids rapidly in one direction, hurting all creatures that he hits. When skidding, he bounces off walls and falls off cliffs. If another creature (including Tux) can stomp on him while he is skidding, he stops short once more (and if he is stomped again, he begins skidding again, and so on.)
While squished, Mr. IceBlock can also be “kicked,” if Tux runs up right against him, and “carried” with the Action button. If Tux carries him and lets go of Mr. IceBlock, he suddenly begins skidding in the direction Tux is facing.
Continually squishing Mr. IceBlock will eventually kill him.
If Mr.
IceBlock is eliminated, Tux is awarded 100 points. If destroyed via
repeated squishes, Tux can get up to 550 points.
When carrying Mr. IceBlock, Tux is granted a “get out of jail free” card: if he hits another, non-invincible badguy, both Mr. IceBlock and the other badguy are killed, leaving Tux unharmed. A minor glitch occurs: Mr. IceBlock is scored as 0 points.
'''Mrs. IceBlock''' is a [[badguy]] in [[Icy Island]] with moderately complex behavior. In his ordinary form, he works like an ordinary walking badguy, turning around upon reaching walls or cliffs.
When stomped on for the first time, Mrs. IceBlock suddenly stops short. If he is not stomped again for the next few seconds, he returns back to normal. However, if he is stomped once more while squished, he suddenly skids rapidly in one direction, hurting all creatures that he hits. When skidding, he bounces off walls and falls off cliffs. If another creature (including Tux) can stomp on him while he is skidding, he stops short once more (and if he is stomped again, he begins skidding again, and so on.)
While squished, Mrs. IceBlock can also be "kicked," if Tux runs up right against him, and "carried" with the Action button. If Tux carries him and lets go of Mr. IceBlock, he suddenly begins skidding in the direction Tux is facing.
Continually squishing Mrs. IceBlock will eventually kill him.
Mrs. Snowball behaves like a normal Snowball, but instead of walking off a platform she will turn around when reaching the edge.
Mrs. Snowball is a badguy found in Icy Island. In contrast to (Mr.) Snowball she will stay on platforms rather than falling down. Tux can easily handle these “badgals” by jumping on them, squishing them in the process.
This badguy is planned for Milestone 2. It is in SVN since 5321.
A flying enemy that can carry things around and let them drop on Tux. One thing it is throwing might be SkyDive.
Some initial code is available from the SVN repository since 6558. Graphics are still pretty much a to-do. —octo 17:25, 6 March 2010 (UTC)
The Owl is a badguy from the Milestone 2 Design Document. It flies high up in the air and carries badguys around. When Tux is below it, it will drop whatever it is carrying.
This badguy is in the SVN repository since 6558. The graphics for this badguy still need to be improved. The graphics currently in SVN are colorized versions of the concept graphics, basically.
The Mini-Bomb is an
small version of the normal bomb, it approaches in groups most of the
time and is aggressive, it however is non-lethal to Tux and only works
to either distract him and throw him back.
A first version of this badguy has been added to SVN in 6511.
Should “pop” like it was filled with air pressure air, not explode in fire, to make it clear that its not deadly.
His behavior is intended to be similar to that of Mr. Bomb, but the explosions do not harm Tux -- they only throw him back.
Skullyhops jump around and chase Tux.
An enemy that is let go by Owl and then falls down to the ground and explodes.
An initial version of this badguy has been committed to SVN in 6564.
SkyDive is a badguy usually carried around and dropped by Owl.
An initial version of this badguy has been committed to SVN in 6564.
Sleeping Spiky sleeps, when Tux comes near he activates and behaves like a normal Spiky. (Grumbel: Not sure that guy is a good idea)
Sleeping Spiky is a variation of the well-known Spiky. This badguy just sits around sleeping. Only when he spots the player he slowly rises to his feet and starts walking around.
Snowball is a straight forward walking enemy, when reaching an edge he will fall down and continue walking on the platform below. Jumping on him will squish him and thus kill him.
Status: Basic behavior is implemented, could however be improved with additional animations when turning around or when falling from a cliff. -- Grumbel 09:41, 23 February 2010 (UTC)
Snowball is a simple walking badguy found in Icy Island. It will fall off platforms but will turn around when reaching a wall. Tux can easily handle these badguys by jumping on them, squishing them in the process.
A snowman enemy shall be added, a snowman is build out of a base body combined with a snowball head, if the body is destroyed, the snowman turns into a snowball. Alternative: Let the head get destroyed and the body turn into a snowball that can be rolled around.
Status: A very basic Snowman prototype is in SVN, but lacks death animation and the whole separation behavior. Could use fists instead of balls as hands. -- Grumbel 09:39, 23 February 2010 (UTC)
Basic separation behavior has been implemented in 6418. We're missing a graphic for the Snowman's body though. —octo 19:07, 27 February 2010 (UTC)
The snowman's body is now falling down when he's squished. grumbel wants to make a proper death graphic though. --octo 22:20, 2 March 2010 (UTC)
Snowman is a badguy found in Icy Island.
This badguy is planned for Milestone 2. It is in SVN since 6392.
The Snowshot comes out of a Cannon. He is very angry, or very “wise”, and so can levitate through the force of his will. He is so concentrated on this, however, that he cannot turn or adjust his velocity.
Status: There is MrRocket in SVN which should be recycled and turned into a Snowshot. There is also a cannon that can be reused after its graphics have been replaced. -- Grumbel 11:55, 23 February 2010 (UTC)
There's a Kamikaze Snowball in SVN, too. “Mr. Rocket” has been removed in 6408. —octo 21:03, 26 February 2010 (UTC)
Snowshot is a badguy planned to debut in Milestone 2. He is a version of Snowball which is shot from a Cannon and flies a straight line until crashing into something.
Spider is a badguy available in SVN. It flies up and down vertically, hurting Tux on contact, although Tux can squish him like a Snowball. It is themed to appear in the Forest world but is not (widely) used yet.
The spike isn't really an enemy, so
much as an obstacle, but for some strange reason, it's in the
creatures' image directory, but implemented as a tile. Currently the
spike only hurts Tux, instead of insta-killing him as might be wanted,
for example at the bottom of deep pits. Alternately, we could simply
have shallow pits that are easy to jump out of. (but that still hurt
IDs: 296, 297, 295, 298\
All spikes are hurting.
Spiky behaves like Mrs. Snowball, i.e. he stays on platforms, but he carries a helmet which makes him invulnerable against jump attacks.
Spiky is a badguy commonly found in his homeland, the Icy Island, but sometimes in the Forest, too. He is wearing a spiky helmet protecting him from being squished by jumping on him, hurting Tux instead.
stalactite stays stuck to the ceiling until Tux walks near it, then
begins shaking. After a bit of shaking, it falls down in an attempt to
hurt Tux, while also harming badguys that get in the way.
Stalactites are basic enemies, usually found hanging on ceilings. They start shaking when Tux approaches, falling down after a short time. They hurt Tux and kill non-invincible enemies on touch.
The spitter acts as walking dispenser, the enemy type that he can spit out might be limited to mini-bombs and similarly small enemies.
The Eater is a very small
enemy, half the size of a snowball, he can however expand a lot. If
Tux gets to close to him the Eater will open his mouth wide enough
that he can devour Tux or even other badguys. He is not defeatable by
jumping onto him, since he will then just eat Tux. Throwing stuff at
him won't work either, since again he will just eat them.
So how can you defeat Gulpy? As-is, he just seems to be a moving hurting platform. --Mathnerd314 23:28, 7 March 2010 (UTC)
Maybe with starman-- 16:35, 23 December 2010 (UTC)
Stumpy is a badguy in Forest Island. He is beahaviour as Snowball, but it is added in version 0.3.0.
Tikitchokwe is a proposed badguy for world 3 Tropical_Island. Graphism would be influenced by Hawaiian Tiki and Tchokwe mask design. Behavior has to be think about, limited torch or not, squish without torch but not with. There are real badguys' names:
nickname | real name |
angrystone | |
bouncing snowball | bouncingsnowball |
crystallo | crystallo |
cannon, dispenser, dropper | dispenser |
ice fish | fish |
flame | flame |
flying snowball | flyingsnowball |
haywire | haywire |
Krush and Krosh | icecrusher |
igel | igel |
snow jumpy | jumpy |
kugelblitz | kugelblitz |
mole | mole |
Mr. bomb | mrbomb |
Mr. iceblock | mriceblock |
Walking tree | mrtree |
owl | owl |
plant | |
poison ivy | poison_ivy |
short fuse | short_fuse |
skullyhop | |
sky dive | skydive |
snail | snail |
snowball | snowball |
Mrs. snowball | smartball |
snowshot | kamikazesnowball |
captain snowball | captainsnowball |
snowman | snowman |
spider | spidermite |
spiky | spiky |
stalactite | stalactite |
toad | toad |
walking totem | totem |
walking leaf | walkingleaf |
will-o-wisp | willowisp |
yeti | yeti |
wingling | zeekling |
The Yeti is the boss that awaits Tux in the first castle. After entering the throne room Tux will find a letter in which Nolok tells Tux of the other castles in other worlds (see Milestone1 extro.txt). In the background there is a window. While reading the note one will see a shadow approaching the window and soon after the Yeti jumping through the window. The normal boss battle starts instantly after the jump.
Alternative: Sequence at end of castle: Tux find Yeti, Yeti jumps out of the window and flees
The Yeti is the boss for Icyisland
As the first world is an Icyisland, a yeti as boss would match the thematics perfectly.
Here are some random links to get inspired for Yetis:
The Yeti stands on the hill on the right or left and does 1 of the following things
After 3-5 hits the yeti should give up and the screen fade away. Maybe in a short sequence the Yeti could show tux a slide down his hill with a ramp at the end that would bring tux to the next world (animated in the worldmap screen).
A badguy in SuperTux is a foe of Tux. They may not be “bad” in the way that a hedgehog isn't really bad, but they can certainly hurt Tux. Most of the badguys are creatures, like Snowballs with varying characteristics, but some are more like objects (Stalactite for example) or phenomena like Flame.
Tux will try to avoid approaching badguys if possible. If he runs into one or one drops on his head, he is hurt. When hurt Tux will lose a powerup or, if Tux has no powerups left, will be pushed off the screen.
Many of the badguys Tux can knock out by jumping on them and squishing them. Others are only stunned by this for a short while or are insusceptible to this and hurt Tux instead. As a rule of thumb, badguys with a spiky head or helmet can usually not be jumped on. For a list of badguys that can be squished take a look at the squishable badguys category.
The following badguys are available in the stable 0.1 release.
Milestone 2 Design Document/Enemies
Category:For Users Category:Design Category:Badguy