Bugs.md 1.2 KB

The current SuperTux bug tracker can be found at:

The old Mantis bug tracker can be viewed at:

Some even older bugs can be found at OldBugs.

How to create a Backtrace

A backtrace provides information on where exactly a program crashed and should be included in back reports if possible, the follow describes how to create one:

  1. First, ensure DEBUG is enabled so SuperTux is compiled with debugging symbols.
    1. Run ccmake . and make sure DEBUG is set to ON. Use to toggle the setting.
    2. Press C then G to generate the new configuration and exit.
  2. If you haven't previously run cmake ., do so now.
  3. Run make to compile SuperTux
  4. Start SuperTux with gdb ./supertux2
  5. Enter run to start SuperTux. Alternatively, you can enter run to start SuperTux with parameters.
  6. When SuperTux crashes, enter bt into GDB. This will provide you with the backtrace which you can included in a bug report.
  7. Breakpoints

    If you're asked to set a breakpoint, it can be done in GDB using break: before entering run