intro.txt 695 B

  1. (supertux-text
  2. (background "retro/intro.jpg")
  3. (music "music/retro/")
  4. (text "-A Blast From The Past!
  5. Or was it a dream?
  6. Tux and Gown were having a nice picnic,
  7. when suddenly, Gown is beamed away!!!
  8. Wait a second... Gown?
  9. Who is this penguin that looks
  10. an awful lot like his friend Penny?
  11. Also, a helicopter?
  12. Since when do helicopters casually fly
  13. over Antarctica and abduct penguins?
  14. Even though Tux was visibly confused
  15. about the events that just transpired,
  16. he could not just stand there
  17. doing nothing. Therefore, he
  18. gave chase to rescue this
  19. poor penguin girl!
  20. *This looks like a job for ---
  21. -Super Tux") )