123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216 |
- # This file is distributed under the same license as the SuperTux package.
- #
- # Translators:
- # IAN RODRÍGUEZ Lorenzo, 2023
- msgid ""
- msgstr ""
- "Project-Id-Version: SuperTux\n"
- "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/SuperTux/supertux/issues\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-10-15 23:31+0000\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-08-10 23:00+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: IAN RODRÍGUEZ Lorenzo, 2023\n"
- "Language-Team: Uzbek (http://app.transifex.com/arctic-games/supertux/language/uz/)\n"
- "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
- "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
- "Language: uz\n"
- "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
- #: data/levels/world2/ancient_ruins.stl:3
- msgid "Ancient Ruins"
- msgstr "Qadimgi xarobalar"
- #: data/levels/world2/ancient_ruins.stl:1463
- #: data/levels/world2/ancient_ruins.stl:1471
- #: data/levels/world2/bouncy_coils.stl:380
- #: data/levels/world2/bouncy_coils.stl:388
- #: data/levels/world2/bye_bye_forest.stl:1607
- #: data/levels/world2/crumbling_path.stl:278
- #: data/levels/world2/crumbling_path.stl:1651
- #: data/levels/world2/going_underground.stl:246
- #: data/levels/world2/going_underground.stl:1249
- #: data/levels/world2/mouldy_grotto.stl:559
- #: data/levels/world2/penguin_grow_trees.stl:459
- #: data/levels/world2/penguin_grow_trees.stl:467
- #: data/levels/world2/through_dark.stl:361
- #: data/levels/world2/tux_builder.stl:384
- #: data/levels/world2/wooden_roots.stl:285
- #: data/levels/world2/worldmap.stwm:223
- msgid "You found a secret area!"
- msgstr "Siz yashirin joy topdingiz!"
- #: data/levels/world2/beside_bushes.stl:3
- msgid "Beside the Bushes"
- msgstr "Butalar yonida"
- #: data/levels/world2/bouncy_coils.stl:3
- msgid "Bouncy Coils"
- msgstr "Saqlanuvchi rulonlar"
- #: data/levels/world2/bye_bye_forest.stl:3
- msgid "Bye Bye Forest"
- msgstr "Alvido o'rmon"
- #: data/levels/world2/crumbling_path.stl:3
- msgid "Crumbling Path"
- msgstr "Buzilgan yo'l"
- #: data/levels/world2/darkness_awaits.stl:3
- msgid "Darkness Awaits"
- msgstr "Zulmat kutmoqda"
- #: data/levels/world2/find_big_fish.stl:3
- msgid "Find the Bigger Fish!"
- msgstr "Kattaroq baliqni toping!"
- #: data/levels/world2/find_big_fish.stl:1058
- msgid "-A big fish... for you."
- msgstr "-Katta baliq... siz uchun."
- #: data/levels/world2/forest_intro.stl:3
- msgid "A New Location"
- msgstr "Yangi joylashuv"
- #: data/levels/world2/ghost_cutscene.stl:3
- msgid "What is Happening?"
- msgstr "Nimalar bo'lyapti?"
- #: data/levels/world2/ghostly_misery.stl:3
- msgid "Ghostly Misery"
- msgstr "Ruhiy baxtsizlik"
- #: data/levels/world2/ghosttrees_challenges.stl:3
- msgid "Ghosttree's Challenges"
- msgstr "Arvoh daraxtining qiyinchiliklari"
- #: data/levels/world2/ghouls_lair.stl:3
- msgid "Ghouls' Lair"
- msgstr "Ghoullar uyi"
- #: data/levels/world2/ghouls_lair.stl:859
- msgid ""
- "#Lanterns are used to make magic blocks solid, so you're able to walk atop "
- "of them."
- msgstr "#Fonarlar sehrli bloklarni mustahkam qilish uchun ishlatiladi, shuning uchun siz ularning tepasida yurishingiz mumkin."
- #: data/levels/world2/going_underground.stl:3
- msgid "Going Underground"
- msgstr "Yer ostiga borish"
- #: data/levels/world2/i_spy_with_my_little_eye.stl:3
- msgid "I Spy With My Little Eye"
- msgstr "Kichkina ko'zim bilan josuslik qilaman"
- #: data/levels/world2/i_spy_with_my_little_eye.stl:218
- msgid ""
- "-Ispy\n"
- "#Ispys will activate things like platforms whenever Tux is in their sight."
- msgstr "-Ayg'oqchi\n#Ayg'oqchilar har doim Tux ularning ko'z o'ngida bo'lganda platformalar kabi narsalarni faollashtiradi."
- #: data/levels/world2/i_spy_with_my_little_eye.stl:674
- msgid "Hint: Use snails to break blocks!"
- msgstr "Maslahat: Bloklarni sindirish uchun salyangozlardan foydalaning!"
- #: data/levels/world2/leaf_wind.stl:3
- msgid "Like a leaf in the Wind"
- msgstr "Shamoldagi barg kabi"
- #: data/levels/world2/lost_village.stl:3
- msgid "Lost Village"
- msgstr "Yo'qolgan qishloq"
- #: data/levels/world2/lost_village.stl:185
- msgid "#Don't forget to hit the switch!"
- msgstr "#Kommutatorni bosishni unutmang!"
- #: data/levels/world2/mouldy_grotto.stl:3
- msgid "A Mouldy Grotto"
- msgstr "Mog'orlangan Grotto"
- #: data/levels/world2/owls_again.stl:3
- msgid "The Owls again..."
- msgstr "Boyqushlar yana..."
- #: data/levels/world2/owls_skydive_commando.stl:3
- msgid "Owls' Skydive Commando"
- msgstr "Boyqushlarning osmonga sho'ng'ish komandosi"
- #: data/levels/world2/penguin_grow_trees.stl:3
- msgid "Penguins don't grow on Trees"
- msgstr "Pingvinlar daraxtlarda o'smaydi"
- #: data/levels/world2/shocking.stl:3
- msgid "Shocking"
- msgstr "Dahshatli"
- #: data/levels/world2/the_forest_is_rotting.stl:3
- msgid "The Forest Is Rotting"
- msgstr "O'rmon chiriyapti"
- #: data/levels/world2/through_dark.stl:3
- msgid "Through the Dark"
- msgstr "Qorong'i orqali"
- #: data/levels/world2/through_dark.stl:96
- msgid ""
- "-Earth Flower\n"
- "!images/powerups/earthflower/earth_flower-1.png\n"
- "#The earth flower gives Tux the ability to turn into stone by pressing the ACTION Key and the DOWN Key at the same time.\n"
- "#This does not work while jumping or falling!"
- msgstr "- Yer guli\n!images/powerups/earthflower/earth_flower-1.png\n#Yer guli Tuxga ACTION tugmachasini va DOWN tugmachasini bir vaqtda bosib toshga aylanish qobiliyatini beradi.\n#Bu sakrash yoki yiqilishda ishlamaydi!"
- #: data/levels/world2/tower_of_ghosts.stl:3
- msgid "Tower Of Ghosts"
- msgstr "Arvohlar minorasi"
- #: data/levels/world2/tux_builder.stl:3
- msgid "Tux the Builder"
- msgstr "Quruvchi Tux"
- #: data/levels/world2/tux_builder.stl:77
- msgid ""
- "-Portable Objects:\n"
- "!images/objects/rock/rock.png\n"
- "#Tux can pick up certain objects and carry them around.\n"
- "#Press the ACTION key to grab an object and hold it pressed as long as you want to carry the object. Release the ACTION key to drop the object."
- msgstr "- Portativ ob'ektlar:\n!images/objects/rock/rock.png\n#Tux ba'zi narsalarni olib, ularni olib yurishi mumkin.\n#Ob'ektni ushlash uchun ACTION tugmasini bosing va ob'ektni olib yurishni xohlaganingizcha uni bosib turing. Ob'ektni tushirish uchun ACTION tugmachasini bo'shating."
- #: data/levels/world2/tux_own_horror_show.stl:3
- msgid "Tux' Own Horror Show"
- msgstr "Tuxning o'ziga xos dahshatli shousi"
- #: data/levels/world2/tux_own_horror_show.stl:947
- msgid ""
- "#Will o' Wisps are small, annoying ghosts, which transport you to different,"
- " often dangerous places."
- msgstr "#Poltergeists - sizni turli, ko'pincha xavfli joylarga olib boradigan kichik, bezovta qiluvchi arvohlar."
- #: data/levels/world2/walking_leaves.stl:3
- msgid "Walking Leaves"
- msgstr "Yurish barglari"
- #: data/levels/world2/welcome_forest.stl:3
- msgid "Welcome to the Forest"
- msgstr "O'rmonga xush kelibsiz"
- #: data/levels/world2/welcome_forest.stl:50
- msgid ""
- "-Doors\n"
- "!images/objects/door/door-0.png\n"
- "#Tux can go through a door by pressing the UP key."
- msgstr "-Eshiklar\n!images/objects/door/door-0.png\n#Tux UP tugmasini bosib eshikdan o'tishi mumkin."
- #: data/levels/world2/wooden_roots.stl:3
- msgid "Wooden Roots"
- msgstr "Yog'och ildizlar"
- #: data/levels/world2/worldmap.stwm:3
- msgid "Rooted Forest"
- msgstr "Ildizli o'rmon"
- #: data/levels/world2/worldmap.stwm:239
- msgid "To be continued..."
- msgstr "Davomi bor..."