123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337 |
- # This file is distributed under the same license as the SuperTux package.
- #
- # Translators:
- # IAN RODRÍGUEZ Lorenzo, 2022-2023
- # IAN RODRÍGUEZ Lorenzo, 2022
- msgid ""
- msgstr ""
- "Project-Id-Version: SuperTux\n"
- "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/SuperTux/supertux/issues\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-10-17 07:49+0000\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-08-10 22:58+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: IAN RODRÍGUEZ Lorenzo, 2022-2023\n"
- "Language-Team: Uzbek (http://app.transifex.com/arctic-games/supertux/language/uz/)\n"
- "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
- "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
- "Language: uz\n"
- "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
- #: data/levels/world1/23rd_airborne.stl:3
- msgid "23rd Airborne"
- msgstr "23-havo desant"
- #: data/levels/world1/23rd_airborne.stl:598
- #: data/levels/world1/between_glaciers.stl:855
- #: data/levels/world1/between_glaciers.stl:863
- #: data/levels/world1/crystal_mine.stl:1535
- #: data/levels/world1/crystal_mine.stl:1543
- #: data/levels/world1/frosted_fields.stl:188
- #: data/levels/world1/path_in_the_clouds.stl:348
- #: data/levels/world1/path_in_the_clouds.stl:1126
- #: data/levels/world1/shattered_bridge.stl:628
- #: data/levels/world1/stone_cold.stl:397 data/levels/world1/worldmap.stwm:229
- msgid "You found a secret area!"
- msgstr "Siz yashirin joy topdingiz!"
- #: data/levels/world1/above_arctic_skies.stl:3
- msgid "Above the Arctic Skies"
- msgstr "Arktika osmoni ustida"
- #: data/levels/world1/above_arctic_skies.stl:162
- msgid ""
- "-Air Flower\n"
- "!images/powerups/airflower/air_flower-0.png\n"
- "#The Air Flower gives Tux the ability to glide in the air for a few seconds, while holding the JUMP Key."
- msgstr "- Havo guli\n!images/powerups/airflower/air_flower-0.png\n#Havo guli Tuxga JUMP tugmachasini ushlab turganda bir necha soniya havoda sirpanish imkoniyatini beradi."
- #: data/levels/world1/between_glaciers.stl:3
- msgid "Between Two Glaciers"
- msgstr "Ikki muzlik orasi"
- #: data/levels/world1/between_glaciers.stl:108
- msgid ""
- "-Crystals\n"
- "#This level contains four coloured crystals. Can you find them?\n"
- "#\n"
- "#Note: These crystals do not serve any purpose at the moment but they might will in a future release of the game."
- msgstr "-Kristallar\n#Bu daraja to'rtta rangli kristallni o'z ichiga oladi. Ularni topa olasizmi?\n#\n#Eslatma: Bu kristallar hozircha hech qanday maqsadga xizmat qilmaydi, lekin ular oʻyinning kelajakdagi versiyasida paydo boʻlishi mumkin."
- #: data/levels/world1/castle_of_nolok.stl:3
- msgid "The Castle of Nolok"
- msgstr "Nolok qal'asi"
- #: data/levels/world1/crystal_mine.stl:3
- msgid "The Crystal Mine"
- msgstr "Kristal koni"
- #: data/levels/world1/crystal_mine.stl:686
- msgid "#You have to activate two switches to open this door."
- msgstr "#Bu eshikni ochish uchun ikkita kalitni yoqishingiz kerak."
- #: data/levels/world1/end_of_tunnel.stl:3
- msgid "End of the Tunnel"
- msgstr "Tunnelning oxiri"
- #: data/levels/world1/entrance_cave.stl:3
- msgid "Entrance to the Cave"
- msgstr "G'orga kirish"
- #: data/levels/world1/fork_in_the_road.stl:3
- msgid "A Fork in the Road"
- msgstr "Yo'lda vilka"
- #: data/levels/world1/fork_in_the_road.stl:84
- msgid ""
- "-Switches\n"
- "!images/objects/switch/switch-0.png\n"
- "!images/objects/pushbutton/pushbutton-0.png\n"
- "#Switches can be used to do all manner of things. Press the UP key to use a switch.\n"
- "#There are also buttons that you can press by jumping on them."
- msgstr "- Kalitlar\n!images/objects/switch/switch-0.png\n!images/objects/pushbutton/pushbutton-0.png\n#Switchlar har xil ishlarni bajarish uchun ishlatilishi mumkin. Kalitni ishlatish uchun UP tugmasini bosing.\n#Shuningdek, tugmalar ham borki, ularni ustiga sakrab bosishingiz mumkin."
- #: data/levels/world1/fork_in_the_road.stl:93
- msgid ""
- "-Trampolines\n"
- "!images/objects/trampoline/trampoline2-0.png\n"
- "#Trampolines allow Tux to jump to new heights. Hold down the JUMP key while bouncing on the trampoline to launch extra high."
- msgstr "- Trambolinlar\n!images/objects/trambolin/trambolin2-0.png\n#Trampolines Tuxga yangi cho'qqilarga sakrash imkonini beradi. Batutda sakrab chiqayotganda JUMP tugmachasini bosib turing."
- #: data/levels/world1/fork_in_the_road.stl:100
- msgid ""
- "-Climbing\n"
- "#Tux can climb! Press the UP key to start climbing. Press the ACTION key or jump to let go."
- msgstr "- Toqqa chiqish\n#Tux ko'tarila oladi! Ko'tarilishni boshlash uchun UP tugmasini bosing. Qo‘yib yuborish uchun ACTION tugmasini bosing yoki sakrab o‘ting."
- #: data/levels/world1/fork_in_the_road.stl:106
- msgid ""
- "-Secret Exits\n"
- "#Some level can have multiple exits. They are mostly hidden, so keep an eye out for them.\n"
- "#Maybe they lead you to something special."
- msgstr "-Yashirin chiqishlar\n#Ba'zi darajadagi bir nechta chiqish bo'lishi mumkin. Ular asosan yashirin, shuning uchun ularga e'tibor bering.\n#Balki ular sizni alohida narsaga yetaklaydi."
- #: data/levels/world1/frosted_fields.stl:3
- msgid "The Frosted Fields"
- msgstr "Muzli dalalar"
- #: data/levels/world1/frozen_bridge.stl:3
- msgid "Over the Frozen Bridge"
- msgstr "Muzlatilgan ko'prik ustida"
- #: data/levels/world1/ice_in_the_hole.stl:3
- msgid "Ice in the Hole"
- msgstr "Teshikdagi muz"
- #: data/levels/world1/icy_valley.stl:3
- msgid "Icy Valley"
- msgstr "Muzli vodiy"
- #: data/levels/world1/into_stars.stl:3
- msgid "Into the Stars"
- msgstr "Yulduzlarga"
- #: data/levels/world1/intro.stl:3
- msgid "Picnic With Penny"
- msgstr "Penny bilan piknik"
- #: data/levels/world1/journey_begins.stl:3
- msgid "The Journey Begins"
- msgstr "Sayohat boshlanadi"
- #: data/levels/world1/living_inside_fridge.stl:3
- msgid "Living in a Fridge"
- msgstr "Muzlatgichda yashash"
- #: data/levels/world1/miyamoto_monument.stl:3
- msgid "Miyamoto Monument"
- msgstr "Miyamoto yodgorligi"
- #: data/levels/world1/more_snowballs.stl:3
- msgid "Oh No! More Snowballs!"
- msgstr "Oh yo'q! Ko'proq qor to'plari!"
- #: data/levels/world1/night_chill.stl:3
- msgid "Night Chill"
- msgstr "Tungi sovuq"
- #: data/levels/world1/or_just_me.stl:3
- msgid "...Or Is It Just Me?"
- msgstr "...Yoki bu faqat menmi?"
- #: data/levels/world1/path_in_the_clouds.stl:3
- msgid "A Path in the Clouds"
- msgstr "Bulutlardagi yo'l"
- #: data/levels/world1/scripts_castle_cutscene.txt:2
- msgid "Tux had reached the end of the castle."
- msgstr "Tux qal'aning oxiriga yetib borgan edi."
- #: data/levels/world1/scripts_castle_cutscene.txt:3
- msgid "But to his surprise all he could find was a letter."
- msgstr "Lekin u hayratda qoldirgan narsasi xat edi."
- #: data/levels/world1/scripts_castle_cutscene.txt:4
- msgid ""
- "A letter from Penny telling Tux that Nolok has taken her to a far forest."
- msgstr "Pennidan Tuxga Nolok uni uzoq o'rmonga olib ketgani haqida maktub."
- #: data/levels/world1/scripts_castle_cutscene.txt:5
- msgid ""
- "Unsure about what Nolok was doing to her, Tux became worried about his "
- "beloved Penny."
- msgstr "Nolok unga nima qilayotganiga ishonchi komil boʻlmagan Tux oʻzining sevimli Penni haqida qaygʻurdi."
- #: data/levels/world1/scripts_castle_cutscene.txt:6
- msgid "Until suddenly..."
- msgstr "To'satdan ..."
- #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:2
- msgid "Somewhere at the shores of Antarctica..."
- msgstr "Antarktida qirg'og'ida bir joyda ..."
- #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:3
- msgid "Tux the penguin was going to meet his friend, Penny, for a picnic."
- msgstr "Pingvin Tux o'zining do'sti Penni bilan piknik uchun uchrashmoqchi edi."
- #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:4
- msgid "Tux woke up, dizzy, to find that Penny was missing!"
- msgstr "Tux uyg'onib, boshi aylanib, Penni yo'qolganini ko'rdi!"
- #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:5
- msgid "Tux was starting to become worried. He then saw a letter, and it read:"
- msgstr "Tux xavotirlana boshladi. Keyin u xatni ko'rdi va unda shunday yozilgan edi:"
- #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:6
- msgid ""
- "\"Tux, I have kidnapped your beloved Penny and have taken her to my "
- "fortress.\""
- msgstr "\"Tux, men sening sevgan Pennini o‘g‘irlab, qal’amga olib ketdim.\""
- #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:7
- msgid "\"The path to my fortress is littered with my minions.\""
- msgstr "\"Mening qal'amga olib boradigan yo'l mening yordamchilarim bilan to'lib-toshgan.\""
- #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:8
- msgid "\"You don't have a chance of saving her! Signed, Nolok.\""
- msgstr "\"Uni qutqarishning imkoni yo‘q! Imzolangan, Nolok.\""
- #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:9
- msgid ""
- "Realizing the trouble Penny could be in, Tux became determined to save her."
- msgstr "Penni qanday muammoga duch kelishi mumkinligini tushunib, Tux uni qutqarishga qaror qildi."
- #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:10
- msgid ""
- "Then, Tux saw Nolok's castle in the distance and set off to rescue Penny!"
- msgstr "Keyin Tux uzoqdan Nolok qasrini ko'rdi va Penni qutqarish uchun yo'lga chiqdi!"
- #: data/levels/world1/scripts_yeti_cutscene.txt:2
- msgid "Exhausted from his long walk, Tux decided to take a little break."
- msgstr "Uzoq yurishdan charchagan Tux biroz dam olishga qaror qildi."
- #: data/levels/world1/scripts_yeti_cutscene.txt:3
- msgid "But then, all of a sudden he heard a loud roar from a distance."
- msgstr "Ammo to‘satdan u uzoqdan baland ovozni eshitdi."
- #: data/levels/world1/scripts_yeti_cutscene.txt:4
- msgid "A yeti seems to have observed him from afar."
- msgstr "Yeti uni uzoqdan kuzatganga o'xshaydi."
- #: data/levels/world1/scripts_yeti_cutscene.txt:5
- msgid ""
- "Concerned by the yeti's sudden retreat, Tux decided to continue his journey,"
- " ..."
- msgstr "Yetining to'satdan chekinishidan xavotirlangan Tux o'z sayohatini davom ettirishga qaror qildi ..."
- #: data/levels/world1/scripts_yeti_cutscene.txt:6
- msgid "...while secretly hoping not to run into the yeti again, by any means."
- msgstr "...yashirincha, hech qanday yo‘l bilan yana yetisiga duch kelmaslik umidida."
- #: data/levels/world1/shattered_bridge.stl:3
- msgid "The Shattered Bridge"
- msgstr "Buzilgan ko'prik"
- #: data/levels/world1/somewhat_smaller_bath.stl:3
- msgid "The Somewhat Smaller Bath"
- msgstr "Biroz kichikroq hammom"
- #: data/levels/world1/stone_cold.stl:3
- msgid "Stone Cold"
- msgstr "Tosh sovuq"
- #: data/levels/world1/under_the_ice.stl:3
- msgid "Under the Ice"
- msgstr "Muz ostida"
- #: data/levels/world1/via_nostalgica.stl:3
- msgid "Via Nostalgica"
- msgstr "Nostalgica orqali"
- #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:3
- msgid "Welcome to Antarctica"
- msgstr "Antarktidaga xush kelibsiz"
- #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:74
- msgid ""
- "-Bonus Blocks\n"
- "!images/objects/bonus_block/full-0.png\n"
- "#Bonus blocks can contain coins, power-ups or special items to help you in your quest.\n"
- "#\n"
- "#Hit them from below to get at their contents."
- msgstr "- Bonus bloklari\n!images/objects/bonus_block/full-0.png\n#Bonus bloklari sizning qidiruvingizda sizga yordam beradigan tangalar, kuchaytirgichlar yoki maxsus narsalarni o'z ichiga olishi mumkin.\n#\n#Ularning mazmuni bilan tanishish uchun ularni pastdan bosing."
- #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:83
- msgid ""
- "-Eggs\n"
- "!images/powerups/egg/egg-shade.png\n"
- "#The egg makes Tux grow larger. Tux can then smash wooden blocks with his head."
- msgstr "-Tuxum\n!images/powerups/egg/egg-shade.png\n#Tuxum Tuxni kattalashtiradi. Tux keyin boshi bilan yog'och bloklarni sindirishi mumkin."
- #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:90
- msgid ""
- "-Checkpoints\n"
- "!images/objects/resetpoints/bell-m.png\n"
- "#Activate the checkpoint. If you die, you can retry the level from here. Every time you retry from a checkpoint, you will lose 10 percent of your coins (at least 25 coins)."
- msgstr "-Tekshirish punktlari\n!images/objects/resetpoints/bell-m.png\n#Nazorat punktini faollashtiring. Agar siz o'lsangiz, darajani shu yerdan qaytadan sinab ko'rishingiz mumkin. Har safar nazorat punktidan qayta urinib ko'rganingizda, tangalaringizning 10 foizini yo'qotasiz (kamida 25 tanga)."
- #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:97
- msgid ""
- "-Running\n"
- "!images/tiles/signs/run.png\n"
- "#The path in front of you is blocked. Gain some speed before jumping to pass over the blocks."
- msgstr "-Yugurish\n!images/tiles/signs/run.png\n#Oldingdagi yo'l to'silgan. Bloklardan o'tish uchun sakrashdan oldin biroz tezlikni oshiring."
- #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:104
- msgid ""
- "-Fire Flower\n"
- "!images/powerups/fireflower/fire_flower-0.png\n"
- "#The fire flower gives Tux the ability to shoot fireballs."
- msgstr "-Olovli gul\n!images/powerups/fireflower/fire_flower-0.png\n#Olovli gul Tuxga olov sharlarini otish qobiliyatini beradi."
- #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:111
- msgid ""
- "-Tux Doll\n"
- "!images/powerups/1up/1up.png\n"
- "#The Tux doll gives Tux 100 coins."
- msgstr "-Tux qo'g'irchoq\n!images/powerups/1up/1up.png\n#Tux qo'g'irchog'i Tuxga 100 tanga beradi."
- #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:118
- msgid ""
- "-Secret Areas\n"
- "#Many levels contain secret areas behind what seems to be plain walls. Look for clues to find them."
- msgstr "-Maxfiy hududlar\n#Ko'p darajalarda oddiy devorlar orqasida yashirin joylar mavjud. Ularni topish uchun maslahatlarni qidiring."
- #: data/levels/world1/worldmap.stwm:3
- msgid "Icy Island"
- msgstr "Muzli orol"
- #: data/levels/world1/yeti_boss.stl:3
- msgid "No More Mr. Ice Guy"
- msgstr "Endi janob Muz yigiti yo'q"
- #: data/levels/world1/yeti_cutscene.stl:3
- msgid "A Yeti in the Distance"
- msgstr "Masofadagi Yeti"