data.stcd 629 B

  1. (supertux-converter-data
  2. (nightly_all_tiles.sttc
  3. (title (_ "Nightly Tiles"))
  4. (author "SuperTux Team")
  5. (description (_ "For levels, created in previous Nightly builds."))
  6. )
  7. (pre-0.6.3_crystal_tiles.sttc
  8. (title (_ "Pre-0.6.3 Crystal Tiles"))
  9. (author "tylerandari12")
  10. (description (_ "For levels, created in pre-0.6.3 versions, which use crystal tiles."))
  11. )
  12. (rock_tiles_addon_to_vanilla.sttc
  13. (title (_ "Jagged Rock Tiles from Addon"))
  14. (author "Eauix")
  15. (description (_ "For levels, created with the rock tiles addon, converts their IDs to vanilla rock tile IDs"))
  16. )
  17. )