cs.po 7.1 KB

  3. # This file is distributed under the same license as the SuperTux package.
  4. #
  5. # Translators:
  6. # Hume2 <teratux.mail@gmail.com>, 2016
  7. # Narre <narre@protonmail.com>, 2013,2015
  8. # Narre <narre@protonmail.com>, 2018,2020
  9. # fri, 2013
  10. # Hume2 <teratux.mail@gmail.com>, 2013-2015
  11. msgid ""
  12. msgstr ""
  13. "Project-Id-Version: SuperTux\n"
  14. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/SuperTux/supertux/issues\n"
  15. "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-13 17:25+0200\n"
  16. "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-13 22:50+0000\n"
  17. "Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>\n"
  18. "Language-Team: Czech (http://www.transifex.com/arctic-games/supertux/language/cs/)\n"
  19. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  20. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  21. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
  22. "Language: cs\n"
  23. "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;\n"
  24. #: data/levels/world2/ancient_ruins.stl:3
  25. msgid "Ancient Ruins"
  26. msgstr "Dávné ruiny"
  27. #: data/levels/world2/ancient_ruins.stl:1416
  28. #: data/levels/world2/ancient_ruins.stl:1424
  29. #: data/levels/world2/bouncy_coils.stl:237
  30. #: data/levels/world2/bouncy_coils.stl:245
  31. #: data/levels/world2/bye_bye_forest.stl:977
  32. #: data/levels/world2/crumbling_path.stl:278
  33. #: data/levels/world2/crumbling_path.stl:1651
  34. #: data/levels/world2/going_underground.stl:199
  35. #: data/levels/world2/going_underground.stl:1199
  36. #: data/levels/world2/mouldy_grotto.stl:559
  37. #: data/levels/world2/penguin_grow_trees.stl:459
  38. #: data/levels/world2/penguin_grow_trees.stl:467
  39. #: data/levels/world2/through_dark.stl:309
  40. #: data/levels/world2/tux_builder.stl:283
  41. #: data/levels/world2/wooden_roots.stl:279
  42. #: data/levels/world2/worldmap.stwm:185
  43. msgid "You found a secret area!"
  44. msgstr "Našel jsi tajnou skrýš!"
  45. #: data/levels/world2/besides_bushes.stl:3
  46. msgid "Beside the Bushes"
  47. msgstr "Mezi křovinami"
  48. #: data/levels/world2/bouncy_coils.stl:3
  49. msgid "Bouncy Coils"
  50. msgstr "Trampolíny"
  51. #: data/levels/world2/bye_bye_forest.stl:3
  52. msgid "Bye Bye Forest"
  53. msgstr "Sbohem lese"
  54. #: data/levels/world2/crumbling_path.stl:3
  55. msgid "Crumbling Path"
  56. msgstr "Drolící se pěšina"
  57. #: data/levels/world2/darkness_awaits.stl:3
  58. msgid "Darkness Awaits"
  59. msgstr "Temnota čeká"
  60. #: data/levels/world2/find_big_fish.stl:3
  61. msgid "Find the Bigger Fish!"
  62. msgstr "Najdi větší rybu!"
  63. #: data/levels/world2/find_big_fish.stl:800
  64. msgid "-A big fish... for you."
  65. msgstr "-Velká ryba... pro tebe."
  66. #: data/levels/world2/forest_intro.stl:3
  67. msgid "A New Location"
  68. msgstr "Nové místo"
  69. #: data/levels/world2/ghost_cutscene.stl:3
  70. msgid "What is Happening?"
  71. msgstr "Co se děje?"
  72. #: data/levels/world2/ghostly_misery.stl:3
  73. msgid "Ghostly Misery"
  74. msgstr "Bída duchů"
  75. #: data/levels/world2/ghosttrees_challenges.stl:3
  76. msgid "Ghosttree's Challenges"
  77. msgstr "Výzvy stromu duchů"
  78. #: data/levels/world2/ghouls_lair.stl:3
  79. msgid "Ghouls' Lair"
  80. msgstr "Doupě démonů"
  81. #: data/levels/world2/ghouls_lair.stl:847
  82. msgid ""
  83. "#Lanterns are used to make magic blocks solid, so you're able to walk atop "
  84. "of them."
  85. msgstr "#Lucerny dokáží zpevnit kouzelné bloky, takže se po nich dá jít."
  86. #: data/levels/world2/going_underground.stl:3
  87. msgid "Going Underground"
  88. msgstr "Jde se do podzemí"
  89. #: data/levels/world2/i_spy_with_my_little_eye.stl:3
  90. msgid "I Spy With My Little Eye"
  91. msgstr "Koukám a vidím"
  92. #: data/levels/world2/i_spy_with_my_little_eye.stl:221
  93. msgid ""
  94. "-Ispy\n"
  95. "#Ispys will activate things like platforms whenever Tux is in their sight."
  96. msgstr "-Čidlo\n#Čidla aktivují věci (jako třeba platformy), kdykoliv spatří Tuxe."
  97. #: data/levels/world2/i_spy_with_my_little_eye.stl:595
  98. msgid "Hint: Use snails to break blocks!"
  99. msgstr "Tip: Použij šneky pro rozbití bloků!"
  100. #: data/levels/world2/leaf_wind.stl:3
  101. msgid "Like a leaf in the Wind"
  102. msgstr "Jako list ve větru"
  103. #: data/levels/world2/lost_village.stl:3
  104. msgid "Lost Village"
  105. msgstr "Ztracená vesnice"
  106. #: data/levels/world2/lost_village.stl:184
  107. msgid "#Don't forget to hit the switch!"
  108. msgstr "#Nezapomeň zmáčknout páčku!"
  109. #: data/levels/world2/mouldy_grotto.stl:3
  110. msgid "A Mouldy Grotto"
  111. msgstr "Prohnilá slůj"
  112. #: data/levels/world2/owls_again.stl:3
  113. msgid "The Owls again..."
  114. msgstr "Znovu sovy..."
  115. #: data/levels/world2/owls_skydive_commando.stl:3
  116. msgid "Owls' Skydive Commando"
  117. msgstr "Komando sov"
  118. #: data/levels/world2/penguin_grow_trees.stl:3
  119. msgid "Penguins don't grow on Trees"
  120. msgstr "Tučňáci nerostou na stromech"
  121. #: data/levels/world2/shocking.stl:3
  122. msgid "Shocking"
  123. msgstr "Šokování"
  124. #: data/levels/world2/the_forest_is_rotting.stl:3
  125. msgid "The Forest Is Rotting"
  126. msgstr "Hnijící les"
  127. #: data/levels/world2/through_dark.stl:3
  128. msgid "Through the Dark"
  129. msgstr "Temnotou"
  130. #: data/levels/world2/through_dark.stl:96
  131. msgid ""
  132. "-Earth Flower\n"
  133. "!images/powerups/earthflower/earth_flower-1.png\n"
  134. "#The earth flower gives Tux the ability to turn into stone by pressing the ACTION Key and the DOWN Key at the same time.\n"
  135. "#This does not work while jumping or falling!"
  136. msgstr "-Zemní květina\n!images/powerups/earthflower/earth_flower-1.png\n#Zemní květina umožní Tuxovi zkamenět stisknutím kláves AKCE a DOLŮ současně.\n#To nefunguje při skoku nebo pádu!"
  137. #: data/levels/world2/tower_cutscene.stl:3
  138. msgid "Tower Cutscene"
  139. msgstr "Věžní přechodová scéna"
  140. #: data/levels/world2/tower_of_ghosts.stl:3
  141. msgid "Tower Of Ghosts"
  142. msgstr "Věž duchů"
  143. #: data/levels/world2/tux_builder.stl:3
  144. msgid "Tux the Builder"
  145. msgstr "Tux stavitel"
  146. #: data/levels/world2/tux_builder.stl:80
  147. msgid ""
  148. "-Portable Objects:\n"
  149. "!images/objects/rock/rock.png\n"
  150. "#Tux can pick up certain objects and carry them around.\n"
  151. "#Press the ACTION key to grab an object and hold it pressed as long as you want to carry the object. Release the ACTION key to drop the object."
  152. msgstr "-Přenosné objekty:\n!images/objects/rock/rock.png\n#Tux umí zvednout některé objekty a nosit je.\n#Stiskni klávesu AKCE pro zvednutí objektu a drž jí, dokud ho nechceš pustit. Pusť klávesu AKCE pro upuštění objektu."
  153. #: data/levels/world2/tux_own_horror_show.stl:3
  154. msgid "Tux' Own Horror Show"
  155. msgstr "Tuxova vlastní hororová show"
  156. #: data/levels/world2/tux_own_horror_show.stl:790
  157. msgid ""
  158. "#Willow-wisps are small, annoying ghosts, which transport you to different, "
  159. "often dangerous places."
  160. msgstr "#Bludičky jsou malí, otravní duchové, kteří vás přenesou na jiné, často nebezpečné, místo."
  161. #: data/levels/world2/walking_leaves.stl:3
  162. msgid "Walking Leaves"
  163. msgstr "Chodící listy"
  164. #: data/levels/world2/welcome_forest.stl:3
  165. msgid "Welcome to the Forest"
  166. msgstr "Vítejte v lese"
  167. #: data/levels/world2/welcome_forest.stl:50
  168. msgid ""
  169. "-Doors\n"
  170. "!images/objects/door/door-0.png\n"
  171. "#Tux can go through a door by pressing the UP key."
  172. msgstr "-Dveře\n!images/objects/door/door-0.png\n#Tux může projít dveřmi stisknutím klávesy NAHORU."
  173. #: data/levels/world2/wooden_roots.stl:3
  174. msgid "Wooden Roots"
  175. msgstr "Dřevěné kořeny"
  176. #: data/levels/world2/worldmap.stwm:3
  177. msgid "Forest Island"
  178. msgstr "Lesní ostrov"
  179. #: data/levels/world2/worldmap.stwm:199
  180. msgid "To be continued..."
  181. msgstr "Pokračování příště..."