gd.po 13 KB

  3. # This file is distributed under the same license as the SuperTux package.
  4. #
  5. # Translators:
  6. # GunChleoc, 2016,2019
  7. # GunChleoc, 2016,2019
  8. # GunChleoc, 2016
  9. msgid ""
  10. msgstr ""
  11. "Project-Id-Version: SuperTux\n"
  12. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
  13. "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-11-24 01:44+0100\n"
  14. "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-12-12 17:46+0000\n"
  15. "Last-Translator: GunChleoc\n"
  16. "Language-Team: Gaelic, Scottish (\n"
  17. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  18. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  19. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
  20. "Language: gd\n"
  21. "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;\n"
  22. #: data/levels/world1/23rd_airborne.stl:3
  23. msgid "23rd Airborne"
  24. msgstr "Feachd-adhair"
  25. #: data/levels/world1/23rd_airborne.stl:355
  26. #: data/levels/world1/between_glaciers.stl:615
  27. #: data/levels/world1/between_glaciers.stl:623
  28. #: data/levels/world1/crystal_mine.stl:1150
  29. #: data/levels/world1/crystal_mine.stl:1158
  30. #: data/levels/world1/frosted_fields.stl:188
  31. #: data/levels/world1/path_in_the_clouds.stl:348
  32. #: data/levels/world1/path_in_the_clouds.stl:1126
  33. #: data/levels/world1/shattered_bridge.stl:269
  34. #: data/levels/world1/stone_cold.stl:397 data/levels/world1/worldmap.stwm:200
  35. msgid "You found a secret area!"
  36. msgstr "Lorg thu raon dìomhair!"
  37. #: data/levels/world1/above_arctic_skies.stl:3
  38. msgid "Above the Arctic Skies"
  39. msgstr "Os cionn speuran na h-Artaig"
  40. #: data/levels/world1/above_arctic_skies.stl:152
  41. msgid ""
  42. "-Air Flower\n"
  43. "!images/powerups/airflower/air_flower-0.png\n"
  44. "#The Air Flower gives Tux the ability to glide in the air for a few seconds, while holding the JUMP Key."
  45. msgstr "-Dìthean adhair\n!images/powerups/airflower/air_flower-0.png\n#Bheir dìthean adhair comas dha Tux gun sgiathaich e corra diog san adhair fhad 's a bhios tu a' cumail an iuchair LEUMA sìos."
  46. #: data/levels/world1/between_glaciers.stl:3
  47. msgid "Between Two Glaciers"
  48. msgstr "Eadar dà eigh-shruth"
  49. #: data/levels/world1/between_glaciers.stl:104
  50. msgid ""
  51. "-Crystals\n"
  52. "#This level contains four coloured crystals. Can you find them?\n"
  53. "#\n"
  54. "#Note: These crystals do not serve any purpose at the moment but they might will in a future release of the game."
  55. msgstr "-Criostalan\n#Tha ceithir criostalan dathte san leibheil seo. AN lorg thu iad?\n#\n#An aire: Chan eil na criostalan gu feum dhut aig an àm seo ach 's dòcha gun dèan ann an tionndadh ri teachd dhen gheama."
  56. #: data/levels/world1/castle_cutscene.stl:3
  57. msgid "Empty Throne Room"
  58. msgstr "Seòmar cathrach falamh"
  59. #: data/levels/world1/castle_of_nolok.stl:3
  60. msgid "The Castle of Nolok"
  61. msgstr "Caisteal Nolok"
  62. #: data/levels/world1/crystal_mine.stl:3
  63. msgid "The Crystal Mine"
  64. msgstr "Mèinn nan criostal"
  65. #: data/levels/world1/crystal_mine.stl:608
  66. msgid "#You have to activate two switches to open this door."
  67. msgstr "#Feumaidh tu dà shuidse a ghnìomhachadh airson an doras seo fhosgladh."
  68. #: data/levels/world1/end_of_tunnel.stl:3
  69. msgid "End of the Tunnel"
  70. msgstr "Deireadh an tunail"
  71. #: data/levels/world1/entrance_cave.stl:3
  72. msgid "Entrance to the Cave"
  73. msgstr "A-steach dhan uamh"
  74. #: data/levels/world1/fork_in_the_road.stl:3
  75. msgid "A Fork in the Road"
  76. msgstr "Gobhal rathaid"
  77. #: data/levels/world1/fork_in_the_road.stl:84
  78. msgid ""
  79. "-Switches\n"
  80. "!images/objects/switch/switch-0.png\n"
  81. "!images/objects/pushbutton/pushbutton-0.png\n"
  82. "#Switches can be used to do all manner of things. Press the UP key to use a switch.\n"
  83. "#There are also buttons that you can press by jumping on them."
  84. msgstr "-Suidsean\n!images/objects/switch/switch-0.png\n!images/objects/pushbutton/pushbutton-0.png\n#Gabhaidh suidsean cleachdadh airson iomadh rud. Brùth air an iuchair SUAS gus suids a chleachdadh.\n#Tha putanan ann cuideachd as urrainn dhut brùthadh 's tu a' leum orra."
  85. #: data/levels/world1/fork_in_the_road.stl:93
  86. msgid ""
  87. "-Trampolines\n"
  88. "!images/objects/trampoline/trampoline2-0.png\n"
  89. "#Trampolines allow Tux to jump to new heights. Hold down the JUMP key while bouncing on the trampoline to launch extra high."
  90. msgstr "-Trampoilinichean\n!images/objects/trampoline/trampoline2-0.png\n#Leigidh trampoilinichean le Tux leum glè àrd. Cum sìos an iuchair LEUMA fhad 's a bhios tu a' bocadaich air an trampoilin gus dol nas àirde."
  91. #: data/levels/world1/fork_in_the_road.stl:100
  92. msgid ""
  93. "-Climbing\n"
  94. "#Tux can climb! Press the UP key to start climbing. Press the ACTION key or jump to let go."
  95. msgstr "- Sreap\n#Nì Tux sreap! Brùth air an iuchair SUAS gus tòiseachadh air sreap. Brùth air an iuchair GNÌOMHA no leum gus leigeil às."
  96. #: data/levels/world1/fork_in_the_road.stl:106
  97. msgid ""
  98. "-Secret Exits\n"
  99. "#Some level can have multiple exits. They are mostly hidden, so keep an eye out for them.\n"
  100. "#Maybe they lead you to something special."
  101. msgstr "-Dorsan dìomhair\n#Tha iomadh doras aig cuid a leibheilean. Tha a' mhòrchuid dhiubh falaichte, mar sin cùm sùil a-mach air an son.\n#'S dòcha gun lorg thu nithean sònraichte air an taobh eile."
  102. #: data/levels/world1/frosted_fields.stl:3
  103. msgid "The Frosted Fields"
  104. msgstr "Na h-achaidhean reòite"
  105. #: data/levels/world1/frozen_bridge.stl:3
  106. msgid "Over the Frozen Bridge"
  107. msgstr "Thar na drochaide reòthte"
  108. #: data/levels/world1/ice_in_the_hole.stl:3
  109. msgid "Ice in the Hole"
  110. msgstr "Deigh san toll"
  111. #: data/levels/world1/icy_valley.stl:3
  112. msgid "Icy Valley"
  113. msgstr "Gleann deighe"
  114. #: data/levels/world1/into_stars.stl:3
  115. msgid "Into the Stars"
  116. msgstr "Dha na rionnagan"
  117. #: data/levels/world1/intro.stl:3
  118. msgid "Picnic With Penny"
  119. msgstr "Cuirm-thràghad le Peinidh"
  120. #: data/levels/world1/journey_begins.stl:3
  121. msgid "The Journey Begins"
  122. msgstr "Tha an triall a' tòiseachadh"
  123. #: data/levels/world1/living_inside_fridge.stl:3
  124. msgid "Living in a Fridge"
  125. msgstr "A' fuireach san fhrids"
  126. #: data/levels/world1/miyamoto_monument.stl:3
  127. msgid "Miyamoto Monument"
  128. msgstr "A' charragh"
  129. #: data/levels/world1/more_snowballs.stl:3
  130. msgid "Oh No! More Snowballs!"
  131. msgstr "Na can ruim bu bheil barrachd bhall-sneachda ann!"
  132. #: data/levels/world1/night_chill.stl:3
  133. msgid "Night Chill"
  134. msgstr "Fuachd na h-oidhche"
  135. #: data/levels/world1/or_just_me.stl:3
  136. msgid "...Or Is It Just Me?"
  137. msgstr " 'eil mi 'nam aonar?"
  138. #: data/levels/world1/path_in_the_clouds.stl:3
  139. msgid "A Path in the Clouds"
  140. msgstr "Slighe sna neòil"
  141. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_castle_cutscene.txt:2
  142. msgid "Tux had reached the end of the castle."
  143. msgstr "Ràinig Tux deireadh a' chaisteil."
  144. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_castle_cutscene.txt:3
  145. msgid "But to his surprise all he could find was a letter."
  146. msgstr "Ach gu h-iongantach, cha do lorg e ach litir."
  147. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_castle_cutscene.txt:4
  148. msgid ""
  149. "A letter from Penny telling Tux that Nolok has taken her to a far forest."
  150. msgstr "Litir o Pheinidh ag innse dha gun dug Nolok gu coille fad air falbh i."
  151. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_castle_cutscene.txt:5
  152. msgid ""
  153. "Unsure about what Nolok was doing to her, Tux became worried about his "
  154. "beloved Penny."
  155. msgstr "Làn mì-chinnt mu dè rinneadh Nolok oirre, ghabh Tux dragh mòr dheth mu Pheinidh chòir."
  156. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_castle_cutscene.txt:6
  157. msgid "Until suddenly..."
  158. msgstr "Gus gu h-obann..."
  159. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:2
  160. msgid "Somewhere at the shores of Antarctica..."
  161. msgstr "Badeigin air oirthir na h-Antartaig..."
  162. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:3
  163. msgid "Tux the penguin was going to meet his friend, Penny, for a picnic."
  164. msgstr "Bha an ceann-fionn Tux airson coinneachadh ri a charaid Peinidh airson cuirm-chnuic."
  165. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:4
  166. msgid "Tux woke up, dizzy, to find that Penny was missing!"
  167. msgstr "Dhùisg Tux le tuaineal air agus bha Peinidh a dhìth!"
  168. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:5
  169. msgid "Tux was starting to become worried. He then saw a letter, and it read:"
  170. msgstr "Dh'fhàs Tux iomagaineach. Mhothaich e do litir an uairsin 's bha sgrìobhte oirre:"
  171. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:6
  172. msgid ""
  173. "\"Tux, I have kidnapped your beloved Penny and have taken her to my "
  174. "fortress.\""
  175. msgstr "\"A Tux, thug mi Peinidh chòir fo bhruid dhan dùn agam.\""
  176. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:7
  177. msgid "\"The path to my fortress is littered with my minions.\""
  178. msgstr "\"Tha an t-slighe dhan dùn agam làn an luchd-taic agam.\""
  179. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:8
  180. msgid "\"You don't have a chance of saving her! Signed, Nolok.\""
  181. msgstr "\"Chan eil teans agad gus a sàbhaladh! Le droch dhùrachd, Nolok.\""
  182. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:9
  183. msgid ""
  184. "Realizing the trouble Penny could be in, Tux became determined to save her."
  185. msgstr "Thuig Tux an cunnart san robh Peinidh is chuir e roimhe a sàbhaladh."
  186. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:10
  187. msgid ""
  188. "Then, Tux saw Nolok's castle in the distance and set off to rescue Penny!"
  189. msgstr "Chunnaic Tux caisteal Nolok aig astar agus thog e air airson Peinidh a shàbhaladh!"
  190. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_yeti_cutscene.txt:2
  191. msgid "Exhausted from his long walk, Tux decided to take a little break."
  192. msgstr "Claoidhte on t-slighe fhada, ghabh Tux beagan fois."
  193. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_yeti_cutscene.txt:3
  194. msgid "But then, all of a sudden he heard a loud roar from a distance."
  195. msgstr "Gu h-obann, chuala e fuaim mhòr ag astar."
  196. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_yeti_cutscene.txt:4
  197. msgid "A yeti seems to have observed him from afar."
  198. msgstr "Shaoil e gun robh duine-sneachda air sùil a chumail air ag astar."
  199. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_yeti_cutscene.txt:5
  200. msgid ""
  201. "Concerned by the yeti's sudden retreat, Tux decided to continue his journey,"
  202. " ..."
  203. msgstr "Teagmhach le cùlachadh obann an daoine-shneachda, chùm Tux air an triall aige..."
  204. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_yeti_cutscene.txt:6
  205. msgid "...while secretly hoping not to run into the yeti again, by any means."
  206. msgstr "...ged a bha e 'n dòchas fhathast nach tachradh e air an duine-sneachda a-rithist air dòigh sam bith."
  207. #: data/levels/world1/shattered_bridge.stl:3
  208. msgid "The Shattered Bridge"
  209. msgstr "Spealgadh na drochaide"
  210. #: data/levels/world1/somewhat_smaller_bath.stl:3
  211. msgid "The Somewhat Smaller Bath"
  212. msgstr "Na h-amaran beaga"
  213. #: data/levels/world1/stone_cold.stl:3
  214. msgid "Stone Cold"
  215. msgstr "Cho fuar ris a' phuinnsean"
  216. #: data/levels/world1/under_the_ice.stl:3
  217. msgid "Under the Ice"
  218. msgstr "Fon deigh"
  219. #: data/levels/world1/via_nostalgica.stl:3
  220. msgid "Via Nostalgica"
  221. msgstr "An uair a bha siud"
  222. #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:3
  223. msgid "Welcome to Antarctica"
  224. msgstr "Fàilte dhan Antartaig"
  225. #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:68
  226. msgid ""
  227. "-Bonus Blocks\n"
  228. "!images/objects/bonus_block/full-0.png\n"
  229. "#Bonus blocks can contain coins, power-ups or special items to help you in your quest.\n"
  230. "#\n"
  231. "#Hit them from below to get at their contents."
  232. msgstr "-Blocaichean duaise\n!images/objects/bonus_block/full-0.png\n#Faodaidh buinn, cumhachdan no nithean sònraichte a bhith ann am bloca gus do chuideachadh le d' obair.\n#\n#Buail ri am bonn gus na tha 'nam broinn fhaighinn."
  233. #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:77
  234. msgid ""
  235. "-Eggs\n"
  236. "!images/powerups/egg/egg-shade.png\n"
  237. "#The egg makes Tux grow larger. Tux can then smash wooden blocks with his head."
  238. msgstr "-Uighean\n!images/powerups/egg/egg-shade.png\n#Bheir an t-ugh fàs air Tux. 'S urrainn dha Tux blocaichean fiodha a phronnadh le a cheann an uairsin."
  239. #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:84
  240. msgid ""
  241. "-Checkpoints\n"
  242. "!images/objects/resetpoints/bell-m.png\n"
  243. "#Activate the checkpoint. If you die, you can retry the level from here. Every time you retry from a checkpoint, you will lose 10 percent of your coins (at least 25 coins)."
  244. msgstr "-Ionadan sàbhalaidh\n!images/objects/resetpoints/bell-m.png\n#Gnìomhaich an t-ionad sàbhalaidh. Ma gheibh thu bàs, 's urrainn dhut an leibheil fheuchainn a-rithist on a siud. Gach turas a dh'fheuchas tu a-rithist o ionad sàbhalaidh, caillidh tu 10 às a' cheud dhe na buinn agad (25 bonn air a' char as lugha)."
  245. #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:91
  246. msgid ""
  247. "-Running\n"
  248. "!images/tiles/signs/run.png\n"
  249. "#The path in front of you is blocked. Gain some speed before jumping to pass over the blocks."
  250. msgstr "-Ruith\n!images/tiles/signs/run.png\n#Tha an t-slighe romhad bacte. Luathaich mus leum thu gus faighinn thar nam blocaichean."
  251. #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:98
  252. msgid ""
  253. "-Fire Flower\n"
  254. "!images/powerups/fireflower/fire_flower-0.png\n"
  255. "#The fire flower gives Tux the ability to shoot fireballs."
  256. msgstr "-Dìthean teine\n!images/powerups/fireflower/fire_flower-0.png\n#'S urrainn dha Tux bàlaichean teine a losgadh nuair a bhios dìthean teine aige."
  257. #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:105
  258. msgid ""
  259. "-Tux Doll\n"
  260. "!images/powerups/1up/1up.png\n"
  261. "#The Tux doll gives Tux 100 coins."
  262. msgstr "-Doileag Tux\n!images/powerups/1up/1up.png\n#Bheir doileag Tux 100 bonn dha Tux."
  263. #: data/levels/world1/welcome_antarctica.stl:112
  264. msgid ""
  265. "-Secret Areas\n"
  266. "#Many levels contain secret areas behind what seems to be plain walls. Look for clues to find them."
  267. msgstr "-Raointean dìomhair\n#Tha raointean dìomhair aig iomadh leibheil air cùlaibh ballachan le coltas àbhaisteach orra. Cum do shùil a-mach air oidheaman gus an lorg."
  268. #: data/levels/world1/worldmap.stwm:3
  269. msgid "Icy Island"
  270. msgstr "Eilean deighe"
  271. #: data/levels/world1/yeti_boss.stl:3
  272. msgid "No More Mr. Ice Guy"
  273. msgstr "Foghnaidh na dh'fhoghnas"
  274. #: data/levels/world1/yeti_cutscene.stl:3
  275. msgid "A Yeti in the Distance"
  276. msgstr "Duine-sneachda aig astar"