ja.po 7.5 KB

  3. # This file is distributed under the same license as the SuperTux package.
  4. #
  5. # Translators:
  6. # IAN RODRÍGUEZ Lorenzo, 2023
  7. # 515ce455fbf38ec9585626e8d26b6324_7a9a6ef, 2017
  8. # Ryo Nakano, 2019-2021
  9. # b1e11c107ebf1f339ff7adfc86b9dbe0_2e3e89d, 2016
  10. # Sanshiro sumita, 2015-2016
  11. # Sanshiro sumita, 2015
  12. # Ubuntu Jackson <santenichiyonitchigo@gmail.com>, 2020
  13. msgid ""
  14. msgstr ""
  15. "Project-Id-Version: SuperTux\n"
  16. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/SuperTux/supertux/issues\n"
  17. "POT-Creation-Date: 2025-01-26 01:42+0000\n"
  18. "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-08-10 23:00+0000\n"
  19. "Last-Translator: IAN RODRÍGUEZ Lorenzo, 2023\n"
  20. "Language-Team: Japanese (http://app.transifex.com/arctic-games/supertux/language/ja/)\n"
  21. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  22. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  23. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
  24. "Language: ja\n"
  25. "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
  26. #: data/levels/world2/ancient_ruins.stl:3
  27. msgid "Ancient Ruins"
  28. msgstr "さびれた廃墟"
  29. #: data/levels/world2/ancient_ruins.stl:1463
  30. #: data/levels/world2/ancient_ruins.stl:1471
  31. #: data/levels/world2/bouncy_coils.stl:380
  32. #: data/levels/world2/bouncy_coils.stl:388
  33. #: data/levels/world2/bye_bye_forest.stl:1607
  34. #: data/levels/world2/crumbling_path.stl:278
  35. #: data/levels/world2/crumbling_path.stl:1651
  36. #: data/levels/world2/going_underground.stl:246
  37. #: data/levels/world2/going_underground.stl:1249
  38. #: data/levels/world2/mouldy_grotto.stl:559
  39. #: data/levels/world2/penguin_grow_trees.stl:459
  40. #: data/levels/world2/penguin_grow_trees.stl:467
  41. #: data/levels/world2/through_dark.stl:361
  42. #: data/levels/world2/tux_builder.stl:384
  43. #: data/levels/world2/wooden_roots.stl:285
  44. #: data/levels/world2/worldmap.stwm:223
  45. msgid "You found a secret area!"
  46. msgstr "秘密の場所を見つけました!"
  47. #: data/levels/world2/beside_bushes.stl:3
  48. msgid "Beside the Bushes"
  49. msgstr "茂みのそば"
  50. #: data/levels/world2/bouncy_coils.stl:3
  51. msgid "Bouncy Coils"
  52. msgstr "弾むコイル"
  53. #: data/levels/world2/bye_bye_forest.stl:3
  54. msgid "Bye Bye Forest"
  55. msgstr "さようなら、森"
  56. #: data/levels/world2/crumbling_path.stl:3
  57. msgid "Crumbling Path"
  58. msgstr "崩れ落ちる道"
  59. #: data/levels/world2/darkness_awaits.stl:3
  60. msgid "Darkness Awaits"
  61. msgstr "待ち受ける闇"
  62. #: data/levels/world2/find_big_fish.stl:3
  63. msgid "Find the Bigger Fish!"
  64. msgstr "もっとでかい魚を見つけて!"
  65. #: data/levels/world2/find_big_fish.stl:1058
  66. msgid "-A big fish... for you."
  67. msgstr "-大きい魚…あなたへのプレゼント。"
  68. #: data/levels/world2/forest_intro.stl:3
  69. msgid "A New Location"
  70. msgstr "新しい場所"
  71. #: data/levels/world2/ghost_cutscene.stl:3
  72. msgid "What is Happening?"
  73. msgstr "何が起きているのか?"
  74. #: data/levels/world2/ghostly_misery.stl:3
  75. msgid "Ghostly Misery"
  76. msgstr "幽霊の苦しみ"
  77. #: data/levels/world2/ghosttrees_challenges.stl:3
  78. msgid "Ghosttree's Challenges"
  79. msgstr "Ghosttreeの挑戦"
  80. #: data/levels/world2/ghouls_lair.stl:3
  81. msgid "Ghouls' Lair"
  82. msgstr "グールの巣窟"
  83. #: data/levels/world2/ghouls_lair.stl:859
  84. msgid ""
  85. "#Lanterns are used to make magic blocks solid, so you're able to walk atop "
  86. "of them."
  87. msgstr "#ランタンを使うと、マジックブロックを実体化でき、ブロックの上を歩けるようになります。"
  88. #: data/levels/world2/going_underground.stl:3
  89. msgid "Going Underground"
  90. msgstr "地下に向かって"
  91. #: data/levels/world2/i_spy_with_my_little_eye.stl:3
  92. msgid "I Spy With My Little Eye"
  93. msgstr "小さな目で探検する"
  94. #: data/levels/world2/i_spy_with_my_little_eye.stl:218
  95. msgid ""
  96. "-Ispy\n"
  97. "#Ispys will activate things like platforms whenever Tux is in their sight."
  98. msgstr "-Ispy\n#Ispyは、Tuxが範囲内に入るとプラットフォームなどの物体を有効化します。"
  99. #: data/levels/world2/i_spy_with_my_little_eye.stl:674
  100. msgid "Hint: Use snails to break blocks!"
  101. msgstr "ヒント:蝸牛を使ってブロックを壊す!"
  102. #: data/levels/world2/leaf_wind.stl:3
  103. msgid "Like a leaf in the Wind"
  104. msgstr "風の中の葉のように"
  105. #: data/levels/world2/lost_village.stl:3
  106. msgid "Lost Village"
  107. msgstr "失われた村"
  108. #: data/levels/world2/lost_village.stl:185
  109. msgid "#Don't forget to hit the switch!"
  110. msgstr "#スイッチを切り替えるのをお忘れなく!"
  111. #: data/levels/world2/mouldy_grotto.stl:3
  112. msgid "A Mouldy Grotto"
  113. msgstr "かび臭い洞窟"
  114. #: data/levels/world2/owls_again.stl:3
  115. msgid "The Owls again..."
  116. msgstr "フクロウ、再び…"
  117. #: data/levels/world2/owls_skydive_commando.stl:3
  118. msgid "Owls' Skydive Commando"
  119. msgstr "フクロウの空中特別奇襲隊"
  120. #: data/levels/world2/penguin_grow_trees.stl:3
  121. msgid "Penguins don't grow on Trees"
  122. msgstr "ペンギンは木の上で成長しません"
  123. #: data/levels/world2/shocking.stl:3
  124. msgid "Shocking"
  125. msgstr "ショック"
  126. #: data/levels/world2/the_forest_is_rotting.stl:3
  127. msgid "The Forest Is Rotting"
  128. msgstr "腐敗した森"
  129. #: data/levels/world2/through_dark.stl:3
  130. msgid "Through the Dark"
  131. msgstr "闇の中で"
  132. #: data/levels/world2/through_dark.stl:96
  133. msgid ""
  134. "-Earth Flower\n"
  135. "!images/powerups/earthflower/earth_flower-1.png\n"
  136. "#The earth flower gives Tux the ability to turn into stone by pressing the ACTION Key and the DOWN Key at the same time.\n"
  137. "#This does not work while jumping or falling!"
  138. msgstr "-アースフラワー\n!images/powerups/earthflower/earth_flower-1.png\n#アースフラワーをとると、アクションキーと下キーを同時に押した際に、Tuxが石に変身します。\n#ただし、ジャンプ中や落下中は使えません。"
  139. #: data/levels/world2/tower_of_ghosts.stl:3
  140. msgid "Tower Of Ghosts"
  141. msgstr "幽霊の城"
  142. #: data/levels/world2/tux_builder.stl:3
  143. msgid "Tux the Builder"
  144. msgstr "Tuxは大工さん"
  145. #: data/levels/world2/tux_builder.stl:77
  146. msgid ""
  147. "-Portable Objects:\n"
  148. "!images/objects/rock/rock.png\n"
  149. "#Tux can pick up certain objects and carry them around.\n"
  150. "#Press the ACTION key to grab an object and hold it pressed as long as you want to carry the object. Release the ACTION key to drop the object."
  151. msgstr "-運べる物体:\n!images/objects/rock/rock.png\n#Tuxはある特定の物体を持ち運べます。\n#物体を持つにはアクションキーを押してください。キーを押し続けている限り、Tuxは物体を持ち続けます。物体を離すにはアクションキーを離してください。"
  152. #: data/levels/world2/tux_own_horror_show.stl:3
  153. msgid "Tux' Own Horror Show"
  154. msgstr "Tuxのホラーショー"
  155. #: data/levels/world2/tux_own_horror_show.stl:947
  156. msgid ""
  157. "#Will o' Wisps are small, annoying ghosts, which transport you to different,"
  158. " often dangerous places."
  159. msgstr "#Will o' Wispsは、小さくてやっかいな幽霊です。Tuxを別の、多くの場合は危険な場所にワープさせます。"
  160. #: data/levels/world2/walking_leaves.stl:3
  161. msgid "Walking Leaves"
  162. msgstr "歩いている葉っぱ"
  163. #: data/levels/world2/welcome_forest.stl:3
  164. msgid "Welcome to the Forest"
  165. msgstr "森へようこそ"
  166. #: data/levels/world2/welcome_forest.stl:50
  167. msgid ""
  168. "-Doors\n"
  169. "!images/objects/door/door-0.png\n"
  170. "#Tux can go through a door by pressing the UP key."
  171. msgstr "-ドア\n!images/objects/door/door-0.png\n#上キーを押すと、Tuxはドアの中に入れます。"
  172. #: data/levels/world2/wooden_roots.stl:3
  173. msgid "Wooden Roots"
  174. msgstr "木の根っこ"
  175. #: data/levels/world2/worldmap.stwm:3
  176. msgid "Rooted Forest"
  177. msgstr "根づく森"
  178. #: data/levels/world2/worldmap.stwm:239
  179. msgid "To be continued..."
  180. msgstr "続く…"