Last update: September 2, 2016
We try to provide precompiled binaries of SuperTux for a number of platforms. You should check for the packages and instructions on how to install them. If there are no prebuilt binaries for your platform, then you might still be able to compile the source code yourself. In this case read the next sections.
To build SuperTux from source, you need to have a number of tools and libraries installed. Note that most of these things should already be available prepackaged and optimized for your distribution, it is recommended that you check your distribution first before downloading from the websites. You can also check h for up-to-date build instructions for a variety of different platforms and distributions.
on Debian-based distros,
on Arch-based distros and the Xcode Command Line tools on OS X.cmake
Note I: for any of the above listed libraries (OpenGL, SDL2, SDL2_image,
OpenAL, GLEW/glbinding, Boost, cURL, libogg and libvorbis), you should
also have development headers installed. Debian-based distributions have -devel
packages containing the mentioned headers, on Arch Linux these should be included
in the library package.
Note II: We tried to write our code clean, portable and platform neutral, so it should be possible to compile it on a wide range of platforms and also with other compilers than gcc or clang. We use Travis CI to test commits and pull requests in our repository, but unfortunately it's not always possible to test the code in very exotic setups. However, feel free to report issues to our bug tracker on GitHub or to
Note III (regarding glbinding): To use glbinding instead of GLEW, call cmake
SuperTux uses CMake to generate a set of Makefiles for the build process. To generate these Makefiles and build SuperTux, perform the following steps:
to the directory where you unpacked the SuperTux source
archive, i.e. to the directory containing src
and data
If you cloned this Supertux repo using git run git submodule
update --init --recursive
to fetch/update squirrel, tinygettext,
physfs, and some other modules.
(If you got this version of Supertux from a tarball (.tar), squirrel
and tinygettext are already in the tarball.)
Create and change to a new, empty build directory by running mkdir
, cd build
Run cmake ..
to create the Makefiles needed to build SuperTux
with standard options. If you are missing any libraries needed to
build SuperTux, install those first, then try running CMake again.
See below for instructions on how to change to standard options.
Type make
to start the build process.
Type make install
to install the programs and any data files and
documentation. (You should be a root user on Linux systems. You can
become a root user with the su
command or by using sudo make
) Note that there is no uninstall target, so you might wish
to create a package or other system-specific installation instead.
The game should work now and you can remove the source directory.
You can customize the build process by setting additional options for
CMake. The easiest way to do this is to use run ccmake ..
instead of
cmake ..
to bring up the curses-based user interface of CMake.
Select an option using the arrow keys, change the selected option by
pressing the Enter key, then hit the c
(repeatedly, if necessary) to
apply your changes and bring up new options resulting from your newly
set ones. When you are done, press the g
key to generate a new set
of Makefiles and exit.
Alternatively, you can pass options to cmake ..
via the command
line. Some common command line switches are:
: Generates Makefiles that print all commands prior to executing them.
-Dxxx_LIBRARY=/path/to/ -Dxxx_INCLUDE_DIR=/path/to/headerfiles
: Manually specify the installation directory of a library.
: Enables debug mode and compiles extra debug symbols into the SuperTux
executable. This is useful when sending in bug reports to the
: Enables release mode and compiles some sanity checks out of the build.
Note for GIT users: SuperTux does not need to be installed on the system, you can run it from its own directory.
To build SuperTux on Windows with Visual Studio you need to have CMake and a recent version of Visual Studio installed. Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition is known to work fine.
Because it's difficult to build and download all the dependencies per hand on windows, SuperTux provides a dependency package that should contain all headers and libraries needed to build SuperTux on Windows.
Unpack the SuperTux source pack or get the source with git (git clone --recursive
Extract the dependency package
into the source directory, so the dependencies
folder is besides the src
Create a new, empty build
Open a console window and navigate to the build
Run cmake ..
to create the VS solution that builds SuperTux with standard options.
For more CMake options, look at end of the Linux/UNIX build section.
Open the new Visual Studio solution SUPERTUX.sln
in the build
Build the project.
Now you can run SuperTux using the run_supertux.bat file