gl.po 7.0 KB

  3. # This file is distributed under the same license as the SuperTux package.
  4. #
  5. # Translators:
  6. # xanvieiro <>, 2019-2020
  7. msgid ""
  8. msgstr ""
  9. "Project-Id-Version: SuperTux\n"
  10. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
  11. "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-12-12 20:05+0100\n"
  12. "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-12-12 21:21+0000\n"
  13. "Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>\n"
  14. "Language-Team: Galician (\n"
  15. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  16. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  17. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
  18. "Language: gl\n"
  19. "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
  20. #: data/levels/world2/ancient_ruins.stl:3
  21. msgid "Ancient Ruins"
  22. msgstr "Ruínas Antigas"
  23. #: data/levels/world2/ancient_ruins.stl:1463
  24. #: data/levels/world2/ancient_ruins.stl:1471
  25. #: data/levels/world2/bouncy_coils.stl:380
  26. #: data/levels/world2/bouncy_coils.stl:388
  27. #: data/levels/world2/bye_bye_forest.stl:1607
  28. #: data/levels/world2/crumbling_path.stl:278
  29. #: data/levels/world2/crumbling_path.stl:1651
  30. #: data/levels/world2/going_underground.stl:246
  31. #: data/levels/world2/going_underground.stl:1249
  32. #: data/levels/world2/mouldy_grotto.stl:559
  33. #: data/levels/world2/penguin_grow_trees.stl:459
  34. #: data/levels/world2/penguin_grow_trees.stl:467
  35. #: data/levels/world2/through_dark.stl:361
  36. #: data/levels/world2/tux_builder.stl:384
  37. #: data/levels/world2/wooden_roots.stl:279
  38. #: data/levels/world2/worldmap.stwm:186
  39. msgid "You found a secret area!"
  40. msgstr "Atopaches unha área secreta!"
  41. #: data/levels/world2/beside_bushes.stl:3
  42. msgid "Beside the Bushes"
  43. msgstr "Detrás dos Arbustos"
  44. #: data/levels/world2/bouncy_coils.stl:3
  45. msgid "Bouncy Coils"
  46. msgstr "Espirais Chouteiras"
  47. #: data/levels/world2/bye_bye_forest.stl:3
  48. msgid "Bye Bye Forest"
  49. msgstr "Adeus Bosque Adeus"
  50. #: data/levels/world2/crumbling_path.stl:3
  51. msgid "Crumbling Path"
  52. msgstr "O Camiño Esnaquizado"
  53. #: data/levels/world2/darkness_awaits.stl:3
  54. msgid "Darkness Awaits"
  55. msgstr "A Escuridade Agarda"
  56. #: data/levels/world2/find_big_fish.stl:3
  57. msgid "Find the Bigger Fish!"
  58. msgstr "Atopa o Peixe máis Grande!"
  59. #: data/levels/world2/find_big_fish.stl:1058
  60. msgid "-A big fish... for you."
  61. msgstr "-Un gran peixe... para ti."
  62. #: data/levels/world2/forest_intro.stl:3
  63. msgid "A New Location"
  64. msgstr "Unha Nova Localización"
  65. #: data/levels/world2/ghost_cutscene.stl:3
  66. msgid "What is Happening?"
  67. msgstr "Que está Pasando?"
  68. #: data/levels/world2/ghostly_misery.stl:3
  69. msgid "Ghostly Misery"
  70. msgstr "Miseria Pantasmal"
  71. #: data/levels/world2/ghosttrees_challenges.stl:3
  72. msgid "Ghosttree's Challenges"
  73. msgstr "Os Desafíos da Árbore Pantasma"
  74. #: data/levels/world2/ghouls_lair.stl:3
  75. msgid "Ghouls' Lair"
  76. msgstr "O Agocho do Demo"
  77. #: data/levels/world2/ghouls_lair.stl:849
  78. msgid ""
  79. "#Lanterns are used to make magic blocks solid, so you're able to walk atop "
  80. "of them."
  81. msgstr "#As lanternas utilízanse para solidificar os bloques máxicos, así poderás camiñar enriba deles."
  82. #: data/levels/world2/going_underground.stl:3
  83. msgid "Going Underground"
  84. msgstr "Baixo Terra"
  85. #: data/levels/world2/i_spy_with_my_little_eye.stl:3
  86. msgid "I Spy With My Little Eye"
  87. msgstr "Vexo, vexo.."
  88. #: data/levels/world2/i_spy_with_my_little_eye.stl:221
  89. msgid ""
  90. "-Ispy\n"
  91. "#Ispys will activate things like platforms whenever Tux is in their sight."
  92. msgstr "-Semáforos\n#Os semáforos activarán cousas coma plataformas cando Tux as teña á vista."
  93. #: data/levels/world2/i_spy_with_my_little_eye.stl:595
  94. msgid "Hint: Use snails to break blocks!"
  95. msgstr "Consello: Utiliza os caracois para romper os bloques!"
  96. #: data/levels/world2/leaf_wind.stl:3
  97. msgid "Like a leaf in the Wind"
  98. msgstr "Coma unha folla no Vento"
  99. #: data/levels/world2/lost_village.stl:3
  100. msgid "Lost Village"
  101. msgstr "Aldea Perdida"
  102. #: data/levels/world2/lost_village.stl:187
  103. msgid "#Don't forget to hit the switch!"
  104. msgstr "#Non esquezas darlle ó interruptor!"
  105. #: data/levels/world2/mouldy_grotto.stl:3
  106. msgid "A Mouldy Grotto"
  107. msgstr "A Gruta Balorenta"
  108. #: data/levels/world2/owls_again.stl:3
  109. msgid "The Owls again..."
  110. msgstr "Os Mouchos outra vez..."
  111. #: data/levels/world2/owls_skydive_commando.stl:3
  112. msgid "Owls' Skydive Commando"
  113. msgstr "O Comando Paracaidista dos Mouchos"
  114. #: data/levels/world2/penguin_grow_trees.stl:3
  115. msgid "Penguins don't grow on Trees"
  116. msgstr "Os pingüíns non medran nas Árbores"
  117. #: data/levels/world2/shocking.stl:3
  118. msgid "Shocking"
  119. msgstr "Impactante"
  120. #: data/levels/world2/the_forest_is_rotting.stl:3
  121. msgid "The Forest Is Rotting"
  122. msgstr "O Bosque Apodrece"
  123. #: data/levels/world2/through_dark.stl:3
  124. msgid "Through the Dark"
  125. msgstr "A Través da Escuridade"
  126. #: data/levels/world2/through_dark.stl:96
  127. msgid ""
  128. "-Earth Flower\n"
  129. "!images/powerups/earthflower/earth_flower-1.png\n"
  130. "#The earth flower gives Tux the ability to turn into stone by pressing the ACTION Key and the DOWN Key at the same time.\n"
  131. "#This does not work while jumping or falling!"
  132. msgstr "-Flor de Terra\n!images/powerups/earthflower/earth_flower-1.png\n#A flor de terra dálle a Tux a capacidade de converterse nunha pedra premendo a Tecla de ACCIÓN e a tecla ABAIXO ó mesmo tempo.\n#Isto non funciona nin ó saltar nin ó caer!"
  133. #: data/levels/world2/tower_cutscene.stl:3
  134. msgid "Tower Cutscene"
  135. msgstr "Secuencia da Torre"
  136. #: data/levels/world2/tower_of_ghosts.stl:3
  137. msgid "Tower Of Ghosts"
  138. msgstr "A Torre Das Pantasmas"
  139. #: data/levels/world2/tux_builder.stl:3
  140. msgid "Tux the Builder"
  141. msgstr "Tux o Construtor"
  142. #: data/levels/world2/tux_builder.stl:77
  143. msgid ""
  144. "-Portable Objects:\n"
  145. "!images/objects/rock/rock.png\n"
  146. "#Tux can pick up certain objects and carry them around.\n"
  147. "#Press the ACTION key to grab an object and hold it pressed as long as you want to carry the object. Release the ACTION key to drop the object."
  148. msgstr "-Obxectos Portátiles:\n!images/objects/rock/rock.png\n#Tux pode coller certos obxectos e levalos consigo.\n#Preme na tecla de ACCIÓN para apañar un obxecto e mantelo agarrado tanto tempo como queiras levar o obxecto. Solta a tecla de ACCIÓN para deixar caer o obxecto."
  149. #: data/levels/world2/tux_own_horror_show.stl:3
  150. msgid "Tux' Own Horror Show"
  151. msgstr "O Arrepiante Propio Show de Tux"
  152. #: data/levels/world2/tux_own_horror_show.stl:790
  153. msgid ""
  154. "#Will o' Wisps are small, annoying ghosts, which transport you to different,"
  155. " often dangerous places."
  156. msgstr ""
  157. #: data/levels/world2/walking_leaves.stl:3
  158. msgid "Walking Leaves"
  159. msgstr "Follas Viventes"
  160. #: data/levels/world2/welcome_forest.stl:3
  161. msgid "Welcome to the Forest"
  162. msgstr "Benvida ó Bosque"
  163. #: data/levels/world2/welcome_forest.stl:50
  164. msgid ""
  165. "-Doors\n"
  166. "!images/objects/door/door-0.png\n"
  167. "#Tux can go through a door by pressing the UP key."
  168. msgstr "-Portas\n!images/objects/door/door-0.png\n#Tux pode atravesar unha porta premendo a tecla ARRIBA."
  169. #: data/levels/world2/wooden_roots.stl:3
  170. msgid "Wooden Roots"
  171. msgstr "Raíces de Madeira"
  172. #: data/levels/world2/worldmap.stwm:3
  173. msgid "Rooted Forest"
  174. msgstr ""
  175. #: data/levels/world2/worldmap.stwm:200
  176. msgid "To be continued..."
  177. msgstr "Continuará..."