fr.po 9.2 KB

  3. # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
  4. #
  5. # Translators:
  6. # Benjamin Leduc <>, 2013-2015
  7. # MCMic, 2015
  8. # mol1 <>, 2013,2015
  9. # Nathanael Ready <>, 2015
  10. msgid ""
  11. msgstr ""
  12. "Project-Id-Version: SuperTux\n"
  13. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
  14. "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-22 13:03+0100\n"
  15. "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-24 10:35+0000\n"
  16. "Last-Translator: MCMic\n"
  17. "Language-Team: French (\n"
  18. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  19. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  20. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
  21. "Language: fr\n"
  22. "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
  23. #: data/levels/world1/01 - Welcome to Antarctica.stl:3
  24. msgid "Welcome to Antarctica"
  25. msgstr "Bienvenue en Antarctique"
  26. #: data/levels/world1/01 - Welcome to Antarctica.stl:63
  27. msgid ""
  28. "-Bonus Blocks\r\n"
  29. "!images/objects/bonus_block/full-0.png\r\n"
  30. "#Bonus blocks can contain coins, power-ups or special items to help you in your quest.\r\n"
  31. "#\r\n"
  32. "#Hit them from below to get at their contents."
  33. msgstr "-Boîtes Bonus\n!images/objects/bonus_block/full-0.png\n#Les boîtes bonus contiennent des pièces, des améliorations et des objets spéciaux pour vous aider dans votre quête. \n#\n#Frappez les boîtes pour les obtenir"
  34. #: data/levels/world1/01 - Welcome to Antarctica.stl:72
  35. msgid ""
  36. "-Eggs\r\n"
  37. "!images/powerups/egg/egg.png\r\n"
  38. "#The egg makes Tux grow larger. Tux can then smash wooden blocks with his head."
  39. msgstr "-Œufs\n!images/powerups/egg/egg.png\n#Les œufs permettent à Tux de grandir. Tux peut alors casser les boites de bois avec sa tête."
  40. #: data/levels/world1/01 - Welcome to Antarctica.stl:79
  41. msgid ""
  42. "-Checkpoints\r\n"
  43. "!images/objects/resetpoints/bell-m.png\r\n"
  44. "#Activate the checkpoint. If you die, you can retry the level from here. Every time you retry from a checkpoint, you will lose 10 percent of your coins (at least 25 coins)."
  45. msgstr "-Checkpoints\n!images/objects/resetpoints/bell-m.png\n#Active le checkpoint. Si Tux meurt, vous recommencez le niveau à cet endroit. L'utilisation du checkpoint vous coûtera 10 pour cent de vos pièces (au moins 25 pièces).\n "
  46. #: data/levels/world1/01 - Welcome to Antarctica.stl:86
  47. msgid ""
  48. "-Running\r\n"
  49. "!images/tiles/signs/run.png\r\n"
  50. "#The path in front of you is blocked. Gain some speed before jumping to pass over the blocks."
  51. msgstr "-Running\n!images/tiles/signs/run.png\n#Votre route est barrée ! Accélérez avant de sauter pour pouvoir franchir le mur."
  52. #: data/levels/world1/01 - Welcome to Antarctica.stl:93
  53. msgid ""
  54. "-Fire Flower\r\n"
  55. "!images/powerups/fireflower/fire_flower-0.png\r\n"
  56. "#The fire flower gives Tux the ability to shoot fireballs."
  57. msgstr "-Fleurs de feu\n!images/powerups/fireflower/fire_flower-0.png\n#La fleur de feu donne à Tux le pouvoir de cracher des boules de feu."
  58. #: data/levels/world1/01 - Welcome to Antarctica.stl:100
  59. msgid ""
  60. "-Tux Doll\r\n"
  61. "!images/powerups/1up/1up.png\r\n"
  62. "#The Tux doll gives Tux 100 coins."
  63. msgstr "-MiniTux\n!images/powerups/1up/1up.png\n#Attrapper un miniTux rapporte 100 pièces."
  64. #: data/levels/world1/01 - Welcome to Antarctica.stl:107
  65. msgid ""
  66. "-Secret Areas\r\n"
  67. "#Many levels contain secret areas behind what seems to be plain walls. Look for clues to find them."
  68. msgstr "-Passages secrets \n#De nombreux niveaux contiennent des passages secrets. Cherchez-les"
  69. #: data/levels/world1/02 - The Journey Begins.stl:3
  70. msgid "The Journey Begins"
  71. msgstr "En route pour l'Aventure..."
  72. #: data/levels/world1/03 - Via Nostalgica.stl:3
  73. msgid "Via Nostalgica"
  74. msgstr "Via Nostalgica"
  75. #: data/levels/world1/04 - Tobgle Road.stl:3
  76. msgid "Tobgle Road"
  77. msgstr "La Route de Tobgle"
  78. #: data/levels/world1/05 - The Somewhat Smaller Bath.stl:3
  79. msgid "The Somewhat Smaller Bath"
  80. msgstr "Dans le Petit Bain"
  81. #: data/levels/world1/06 - The Frosted Fields.stl:3
  82. msgid "The Frosted Fields"
  83. msgstr "Les Champs de Glace"
  84. #: data/levels/world1/07 - Oh No More Snowballs.stl:3
  85. msgid "Oh no! More Snowballs!"
  86. msgstr "Oh non ! Encore plus de Boules de Neige !"
  87. #: data/levels/world1/08 - Stone Cold.stl:3
  88. msgid "Stone Cold"
  89. msgstr "La Pierre Froide"
  90. #: data/levels/world1/09 - Grumbels Sense of Snow.stl:3
  91. msgid "Grumbel's Sense of Snow"
  92. msgstr "Le Sens de la Neige, Recette Grumble"
  93. #: data/levels/world1/10 - 23rd Airborne.stl:3
  94. msgid "23rd Airborne"
  95. msgstr "23ème division aérienne"
  96. #: data/levels/world1/11 - Night Chill.stl:3
  97. msgid "Night Chill"
  98. msgstr "La Fraîcheur d'un Soir"
  99. #: data/levels/world1/12 - Into the Stars.stl:3
  100. msgid "Into the Stars"
  101. msgstr "Dans les Étoiles"
  102. #: data/levels/world1/13 - Above the Arctic Skies.stl:3
  103. msgid "Above the Arctic Skies"
  104. msgstr "Au-delà des Cieux Arctiques"
  105. #: data/levels/world1/14 - Entrance to the Cave.stl:3
  106. msgid "Entrance to the Cave"
  107. msgstr "Ľentrée de la Caverne"
  108. #: data/levels/world1/15 - Under the Ice.stl:3
  109. msgid "Under the Ice"
  110. msgstr "Sous la Glace"
  111. #: data/levels/world1/16 - Living in a Fridge.stl:3
  112. msgid "Living in a Fridge"
  113. msgstr "La Vie au Frigo"
  114. #: data/levels/world1/17 - Or is it just me.stl:3
  115. msgid "'...or is it just me?'"
  116. msgstr "« …ou c'est juste moi qui… ? »"
  117. #: data/levels/world1/18 - Ice in the Hole.stl:3
  118. msgid "Ice in the Hole"
  119. msgstr "La Glace au fond du Trou"
  120. #: data/levels/world1/19 - Miyamoto Monument.stl:3
  121. msgid "Miyamoto Monument"
  122. msgstr "Le Monument de Miyamoto"
  123. #: data/levels/world1/20 - End of the Tunnel.stl:3
  124. msgid "End of the Tunnel"
  125. msgstr "Le Bout du Tunnel"
  126. #: data/levels/world1/21 - A Path in the Clouds.stl:3
  127. msgid "A Path in the Clouds"
  128. msgstr "Le Village dans les Nuages"
  129. #: data/levels/world1/22 - A Mysterious House of Ice.stl:3
  130. msgid "A Mysterious House of Ice"
  131. msgstr "La Mystérieuse Maison de Glace"
  132. #: data/levels/world1/23 - The Escape.stl:3
  133. msgid "The Escape"
  134. msgstr "L'Issue"
  135. #: data/levels/world1/24 - The Shattered Bridge.stl:3
  136. msgid "The Shattered Bridge"
  137. msgstr "Le Pont d'Avignon"
  138. #: data/levels/world1/25 - Arctic Ruins.stl:3
  139. msgid "Arctic Ruins"
  140. msgstr "Les Ruines d'Arctique"
  141. #: data/levels/world1/26 - The Castle of Nolok.stl:3
  142. msgid "The Castle of Nolok"
  143. msgstr "Le Château de Nolok"
  144. #: data/levels/world1/27 - No More Mr Ice Guy.stl:3
  145. msgid "No More Mr Ice Guy"
  146. msgstr "Oh non, pas l'Homme des Neiges"
  147. #: data/levels/world1/Fork_in_the_Road.stl:3
  148. msgid "A Fork in the Road"
  149. msgstr "Une bifurcation"
  150. #: data/levels/world1/Fork_in_the_Road.stl:353
  151. msgid ""
  152. "-Switches\r\n"
  153. "!images/objects/switch/left-0.png\r\n"
  154. "!images/objects/switch/switch-0.png\r\n"
  155. "!images/objects/switch/right-0.png\r\n"
  156. "#Switches can be used to do all manner of things. Press the UP key to use switchs. This one activates the lift to your right."
  157. msgstr "-Interrupteurs\n!images/objects/switch/left-0.png\n!images/objects/switch/switch-0.png\n!images/objects/switch/right-0.png\n#Les interrupteurs peuvent être utilisés pour pas mal de choses. Appuyez sur 'HAUT' pour l'utiliser. Celui-ci appelle l'ascenseur sur votre droite."
  158. #: data/levels/world1/Fork_in_the_Road.stl:362
  159. msgid ""
  160. "-Spring Boards\r\n"
  161. "!images/objects/trampoline/trampoline2-0.png\r\n"
  162. "#Spring boards allow Tux to jump to new heights. Hold down the jump key while bouncing on the spring board to launch extra high."
  163. msgstr "-Trampoline\n!images/objects/trampoline/trampoline2-0.png\n#Les trampolines permettent à Tux d'aller plus haut. Maintenez la touche de saut appuyée pendant les rebonds sur le trampoline pour sauter plus haut."
  164. #: data/levels/world1/Fork_in_the_Road.stl:369
  165. msgid ""
  166. "- Climbing\r\n"
  167. "# Tux can climb! Press the UP key to start climbing. Press the ACTION key or jump to let go."
  168. msgstr "- Grimper \n# Tux peut grimper ! Appuyez sur « HAUT » pour commencer à grimper. Sautez ou appuyez sur « TIRER » pour vous laisser tomber."
  169. #: data/levels/world1/bonus.stl:3
  170. msgid "Bonus Level"
  171. msgstr "Niveau Caché"
  172. #: data/levels/world1/intro.stl:3
  173. msgid "Picnic With Penny"
  174. msgstr "Pique-nique Avec Penny"
  175. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:2
  176. msgid ""
  177. "Somewhere at the shores\n"
  178. "of Antarctica..."
  179. msgstr "Quelque part sur les rives\nde l'Antarctique ..."
  180. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:4
  181. msgid "Tux: Hello Penny"
  182. msgstr "Tux : Salut Penny !"
  183. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:5
  184. msgid "Penny: Hey Tux"
  185. msgstr "Penny : Salut Tux !"
  186. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:6
  187. msgid "Tux: Check out my dance moves."
  188. msgstr "Tux : Mate mes pas de danse !"
  189. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:7
  190. msgid "Tux: Oww... my head..."
  191. msgstr "Aie... ma tête..."
  192. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:8
  193. msgid "Tux: Wait!"
  194. msgstr "Tux: Attends !"
  195. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:9
  196. msgid "Tux: Penny!"
  197. msgstr "Tux: Penny !"
  198. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:10
  199. msgid "Tux: Where are you, Penny?!"
  200. msgstr "Tux : Où es tu, Penny ?!"
  201. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:11
  202. msgid "Tux: Oh no..."
  203. msgstr "Tux: Oh non ..."
  204. #: data/levels/world1/scripts_intro.txt:12
  205. msgid "Tux: Don't worry, Penny, I'll rescue you!"
  206. msgstr "Tux : Ne t'inquiètes pas, Penny, je vais te sauver !"
  207. #: data/levels/world1/worldmap.stwm:3
  208. msgid "Icyisland"
  209. msgstr "Un monde de Glace"
  210. #: data/levels/world1/worldmap.stwm:37
  211. msgid "You Found a Secret Area!"
  212. msgstr "Vous avez trouvé un passage secret !"