1. - Level editing for SuperTux -
  2. http://super-tux.sf.net/
  3. Last update: April 26, 2004
  4. This document describes both the level format and
  5. the level editor.
  7. The level format used to be pretty easy to understand, but it
  8. is now more complex. Anyway, should be pretty useful to know
  9. a bit of it, when you want to do stuff just as to just change
  10. the author's name or something small.
  11. It uses the Lisp syntax and is pretty intuitive. Here have a
  12. look at a quotation:
  13. (Comments can be made using ';')
  14. ; This is a comment!
  15. (supertux-level
  16. ; some level info: version, author and the level's name
  17. (version 1)
  18. (author "Ingo Ruhnke")
  19. (name "Night Chill")
  20. ; number of tiles used (currently the height has to be 15)
  21. (width 515)
  22. (height 15)
  23. ; Tux's start position
  24. (start_pos_x 100)
  25. (start_pos_y 170)
  26. ; Background image; if none is specified, the color below will be used
  27. (background "")
  28. ; Music file
  29. (music "Mortimers_chipdisko.mod")
  30. ; Colors, as you can see you can have different colors in the top
  31. ; and in the bottom, thus creating a gradient
  32. (bkgd_red_top 0)
  33. (bkgd_green_top 0)
  34. (bkgd_blue_top 0)
  35. (bkgd_red_bottom 120)
  36. (bkgd_green_bottom 120)
  37. (bkgd_blue_bottom 0)
  38. ; Time (it is not in seconds!)
  39. (time 300)
  40. ; Gravity to be used (you should let it stay in 10 for ordinary levels)
  41. (gravity 10)
  42. ; The particle system draws images that simulate weather effects
  43. ; As of the writing of this text, both "snow" and "clouds" are supported
  44. (particle_system "snow")
  45. ; Theme is the tileset that is used
  46. (theme "antarctica")
  47. (interactive-tm
  48. ; here goes a lot of numbers that are the tiles places
  49. )
  50. ; Reset points; there can be more than one
  51. ; Reset points are positions where the player passes through and
  52. ; if he dies, he will be back to there. They are invisible
  53. (reset-points
  54. (point (x 6988) (y 222))
  55. )
  56. ; Objects include enemies, may include more stuff in the future
  57. ; just as moving plataforms...
  58. (objects
  59. (mriceblock (x 13919) (y 384))
  60. (mriceblock (x 14258) (y 366))
  61. (mriceblock (x 12996) (y 248))
  62. (mriceblock (x 13058) (y 250))
  63. (mriceblock (x 12933) (y 245))
  64. )
  65. )
  68. --------------------------------
  69. When opening the leveleditor, a menu will appear. This menu
  70. can be used to select or add level subsets. A level subset is
  71. a collection of levels. Subsets can be chose during gameplay
  72. when starting a game.
  73. After selecting the subset, have a look at the level editor.
  74. The button bar in the right is the place where you can control
  75. the actions related with editing. You can select levels and add
  76. throught there.
  77. To select tiles (foreground or background) and enemies, the button
  78. bar is the right place. There you can also save, test and setup
  79. the level. It is also possible between two selection cursors! Give
  80. a try to both. A right click in a button bar button will give you
  81. a description and a shortcut for it.
  82. To change a tile, just press the tile you want to change with a
  83. left mouse click. The current tile will be used. Depending
  84. on the selection behavior, you can or not select more
  85. than one tiles.
  86. To scroll, you just have to point over the two arrow buttons, or
  87. use the right button click.
  88. There is a small help that can be reached by pressing F1.
  89. To go back to the menu, just press Esc.
  90. The levels are saved under a .supertux/levels directory in
  91. your home directory.
  93. --------------
  94. FlexLay is an external project (it even uses different libraries)
  95. that is developed by Ingo Ruhnke and supports a lot of different
  96. games, including SuperTux (or else we wouldn't mention it :) ).
  97. Anyway, it is pretty easy to use and is a lot more advanced than
  98. the internal one. So, if you are considering doing a few levels
  99. for us, it would be a good idea to check this out.
  100. Its webpage is located at:
  101. http://pingus.seul.org/~grumbel/flexlay/
  102. It needs ClanLib and a few odd libraries... Anyway, it's worth
  103. it ;)
  104. The only cons it has is that you have to have an accelerated
  105. videocard (with the drivers working, obviously). For linux,
  106. we advise nvidia videocards with the use of nvidia's closed
  107. drivers. ATI drivers should be enough to run this game though.
  108. = CONCLUSION =
  109. To sum up, go build lots of levels and HAVE FUN!!
  110. Please, send your levels or any art, including sketches, you
  111. have created to the SuperTux mailing list.
  112. - SuperTux developers