stdauxlib.rst 800 B

  1. .. _stdlib_stdauxlib:
  2. ===============
  3. The Aux library
  4. ===============
  5. The aux library implements default handlers for compiler and runtime errors and a stack dumping.
  6. +++++++++++
  7. C API
  8. +++++++++++
  9. .. _sqstd_seterrorhandlers:
  10. .. c:function:: void sqstd_seterrorhandlers(HSQUIRRELVM v)
  11. :param HSQUIRRELVM v: the target VM
  12. initialize compiler and runtime error handlers, the handlers
  13. use the print function set through(:ref:`sq_setprintfunc <sq_setprintfunc>`) to output
  14. the error.
  15. .. _sqstd_printcallstack:
  16. .. c:function:: void sqstd_printcallstack(HSQUIRRELVM v)
  17. :param HSQUIRRELVM v: the target VM
  18. prints the call stack and stack contents. the function
  19. uses the print function set through(:ref:`sq_setprintfunc <sq_setprintfunc>`) to output
  20. the stack dump.