layout: post
title: "SuperTux 0.3.5a Changelog"
date: 2015-05-20 00:00:00
Whewph, what alot of changes, but here you go. We spent the last few days re-doing the website and updating its info.
The latest release (0.3.5a) Brought the following improvements over earlier versions:
- move to SDL2 for graphics rendering
- glow effects
- new badguys: iceflame, ghostflame, livefire, goldbomb, smartblock
- new bonuses: coinrain, coinexplode
- statistics improved
- icy island levels tweaked
- new sounds
- massive improvements to localization
- efficiency tweaks
- menus reworked
- addon manager improved
- new tilemap: halloween
- new powerups: air- and earth-flower
- support for horizontal gradients in levels (add
(direction "vertical|horizontal")
to your level)
- A 64 bit Windows installer
Here is a link to video footage of SuperTux 0.3.5a courtesy of o11c.