dinstall.variables 1013 B

  1. # -*- mode:sh -*-
  2. # usually we are not using debug logs. Set to 1 if you want them.
  3. DEBUG=0
  4. # How many logfiles to keep
  6. # Not really a lockfile, but convenient dir
  7. # Marker for dinstall start
  8. DINSTALLSTART="${lockdir}/dinstallstart"
  9. # Marker for dinstall end
  10. DINSTALLEND="${lockdir}/dinstallend"
  11. # Timestamp for start
  12. DINSTALLBEGIN="$(date -u +"%a %b %d %T %Z %Y (%s)")"
  13. # Statefile for the users
  14. DINSTALLSTATE="${webdir}/dinstall.status"
  15. # dists for which we import external data (i18n, dep11)
  16. # as thats usually testing and unstable, but we need codenames,
  17. # get em out of the db.
  18. extimportdists=""
  19. if [ "${functionname}" = ftp-master.debian.org ]; then
  20. for suite in testing unstable experimental; do
  21. codename=$(dak admin suite-config get-value ${suite} codename)
  22. extimportdists="${extimportdists} ${codename}"
  23. done
  24. fi
  25. # Common wget options
  26. wgetopts="-t2 -T20 -q -N --ca-directory=/etc/ssl/ca-debian"
  27. # dinstall wants timestamps added to stage logs
  28. TIMESTAMP=true