crontab 1.4 KB

  2. PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
  3. SHELL=/bin/bash
  4. configdir=/srv/
  5. # m h dom mon dow command
  6. 2,17,32,47 * * * * $configdir/cronscript unchecked
  7. 0 * * * * $configdir/cronscript hourly
  8. 52 1,7,13,19 * * * $configdir/cronscript dinstall
  9. ###### And an alternate line, for the times the release team wants it half an hour late.
  10. ######22 2,9,14,20 * * * $configdir/cronscript dinstall
  11. # And for release time, turn off cron after final dinstall
  12. #45 9 * * * /home/dak/bin/cronoff
  13. 3 9 * * * $configdir/cronscript daily
  14. 0 12 * * 0 $configdir/cronscript weekly
  15. 6 0 1 * * $configdir/cronscript monthly
  16. 3 0 1 1 * $configdir/cronscript yearly
  17. ## Reboot cron doesn't use cronscript
  18. @reboot $configdir/cron.reboot
  19. 0 0 * * * crontab -l > ~/crontab.out
  20. # We do like our queued and make sure it will always be there.
  21. # Luckily it checks itself and doesn't start if it already runs
  22. @reboot sudo -u dak-unpriv /srv/
  23. */10 * * * * sudo -u dak-unpriv /srv/ 2>/dev/null