Initialising a dak database schema
The following packages are needed for the database:
* postgresql-9.6 postgresql-client-9.6 postgresql-9.6-debversion
and the following packages for dak itself:
* python-psycopg2 python-sqlalchemy python-apt gnupg dpkg-dev lintian
binutils-multiarch python-yaml less python-ldap python-pyrss2gen python-rrdtool
symlinks python-debian python-debianbts
(the schema assumes at least postgresql 9.1; ftpmaster in Debian currently uses
the postgresql 9.6 version from Debian 9)
The following roles are assumed to exist:
* dak: database superuser: needs to be an actual user
* ftpmaster: role which should be given to archive administrators
* ftpteam: people who can do NEW processing, overrides, removals, etc
* ftptrainee: people who can add notes to packages in NEW
For the purposes of this document, we'll be working in /srv/dak
Set up the dak user:
# sudo addgroup ftpmaster
# sudo adduser dak --disabled-login --ingroup ftpmaster --shell /bin/bash
Set up the dak directory:
# sudo mkdir /etc/dak
# sudo mkdir /srv/dak
Create a symlink to /srv/dak/etc/dak.conf in /etc/dak
(The actual file will be created by the setup script)
# sudo ln -s /srv/dak/etc/dak.conf /etc/dak/dak.conf
This script does the rest of the work. It uses the generic variables set in
init_vars, which can be customized if needed.
# setup/
The above script symlinks the script to /srv/dak/bin/dak, you should also
update your PATH variable to be able to execute dak:
# export PATH="/srv/dak/bin:${PATH}"
WARNING: Please check the templates in /srv/dak/templates over and customise
as necessary
Set up a private signing key: don't set a passphrase as dak will not
pass one through to gpg. Guard this key carefully!
The key only needs to be able to sign, it doesn't need to be able
to encrypt.
# gpg --homedir /srv/dak/keyrings/s3kr1t/dot-gnupg --gen-key
Remember the signing key id for when creating the suite below.
Here we'll pretend it is DDDDDDDD for convenience
Import some developer keys.
Either import from keyservers (here AAAAAAAA):
# gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /srv/dak/keyrings/upload-keyring.gpg --recv-key AAAAAAAA
or import from files:
# gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /srv/dak/keyrings/upload-keyring.gpg --import /path/to/keyfile
Import the developer keys into the database
The -U '%s' tells dak to add UIDs automatically
# dak import-keyring -U '%s' /srv/dak/keyrings/upload-keyring.gpg
Add some architectures you care about:
# dak admin architecture add i386 "Intel x86 port"
# dak admin architecture add amd64 "AMD64 port"
Add a suite (origin=, label= and codename= are optional)
signingkey= will ensure that Release files are signed
# dak admin suite add-all-arches unstable x.y.z origin=MyDistro label=Master codename=sid signingkey=DDDDDDDD
Add the components to the suite
# dak admin s-c add unstable main contrib non-free
Re-run dak init-dirs to add new suite directories to /srv/dak
# dak init-dirs
# Example package flow
For this example, we've grabbed and built the hello source package
for AMD64 and copied it into /srv/dak/queue/unchecked.
We start by performing initial package checks which will
result in the package being moved to NEW
# dak process-upload -d /srv/dak/queue/unchecked
hello (2.6-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
* Drop unused INSTALL_PROGRAM stuff.
* Switch to 3.0 (quilt) source format.
* Standards-Version: 3.9.1 (no special changes for this).
binary:hello is NEW.
source:hello is NEW.
[N]ew, Skip, Quit ? N
Installed 1 package set, 646 KB.
We can now look at the NEW queue-report
# dak queue-report
hello | 2.6-1 | source amd64 | 42 seconds old
1 new source package / 1 new package in total / 0 new package to be processed.
And we can then process the NEW queue:
# dak process-new
Target: unstable
Changed-By: Santiago Vila
hello optional devel
dsc:hello extra misc
Add overrides, Edit overrides, Check, Manual reject, Note edit, Prod, [S]kip, Quit ?A
At this stage, the package has been marked as ACCEPTed from NEW.
We now need to process the NEW policy queue:
# dak process-policy new
Processing changes file: hello_2.6-1_amd64.changes
We can now see that dak knows about the package:
# dak ls -S hello
hello | 2.6-1 | unstable | source, amd64
# dak control-suite -l unstable
hello 2.6-1 amd64
hello 2.6-1 source
Next, we can generate the packages and sources files:
# dak generate-packages-sources2
(zcat /srv/dak/ftp/dists/unstable/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz for instance)
And finally, we can generate the signed Release files:
# dak generate-release
Processing new
Processing byhand
Processing unstable
(Look at /srv/dak/ftp/dists/unstable/Release, Release.gpg and InRelease)
# Next steps
The debian archive automates most of these steps in jobs called
cron.unchecked, cron.hourly and cron.dinstall.
TODO: Write example (simplified) versions of these cronjobs which will
do for most installs.