debian-specific 867 B

  1. DEBIAN-SPECIFIC NOTES -*- mode: Org -*-
  2. * security archive
  3. ** NEW processing
  4. - cronoff
  5. - dak process-new, accept
  6. - cd /srv/
  7. - Change first line to NOTOK, add comment "Moving back to unchecked."
  8. - Rename ACCEPT.* to REJECT.*
  9. - dak process-policy new; dak clean-suites
  10. - cd /srv/
  11. - dak admin forget-signature bla.changes
  12. - dcmd mv -n bla.changes ../unchecked
  13. - /srv/
  14. - cronon
  15. ** Built-Using
  16. Source packages referred to via Built-Using need to be included in the
  17. security archive:
  18. - Obtain & verify .dsc
  19. - dak import built-using updates/<component> <.dsc...>
  20. If the .dsc is signed by an old key no longer in the keyring, use
  21. --ignore-signature. Make extra sure the .dsc is correct.