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- Section: devel
- Priority: optional
- Standards-Version: 3.8.1
- Package: ftpmaster-lenny
- Version: 1.0
- Maintainer: Debian FTP Master <ftpmaster@debian.org>
- Depends: ftpmaster-common, bicyclerepair, binutils-multiarch, build-essential, cron, curl, cvs, debian-el, dpkg-dev-el, easypg, devscripts, emacs-goodies-el, emacs22-nox, graphviz, ikiwiki, irb, libdbd-pg-ruby, mc, mutt, pychecker, pylint, pymacs, python-epydoc, python-mode, python-numpy, python-soappy, r-base, rsync, ruby, ruby-elisp, subversion, git-core, symlinks, procmail, python-magic, unp
- Architecture: all
- Copyright: copyright
- Changelog: changelog
- Readme: README.Debian
- Description: Meta package for DSA listing ftpmaster needs
- This is a small meta package for the Debian System Administrators
- so DSA easily knows (and can keep installed) all packages
- Ftpmaster needs.
- .
- If, for whatever reason, you need a package added to this ones
- Dependencies, ask ftpmaster, not the Debian admins.
- .
- This is not only "What DAK needs", but a general "FTPMaster needs this
- to do the work"