123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507 |
- """
- Helper code for contents generation.
- @contact: Debian FTPMaster <ftpmaster@debian.org>
- @copyright: 2011 Torsten Werner <twerner@debian.org>
- @license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later
- """
- ################################################################################
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- ################################################################################
- from daklib.dbconn import *
- from daklib.config import Config
- from daklib.filewriter import BinaryContentsFileWriter, SourceContentsFileWriter
- from .dakmultiprocessing import DakProcessPool
- from shutil import rmtree
- from tempfile import mkdtemp
- import subprocess
- import os.path
- import sqlalchemy.sql as sql
- class BinaryContentsWriter:
- '''
- BinaryContentsWriter writes the Contents-$arch.gz files.
- '''
- def __init__(self, suite, architecture, overridetype, component):
- self.suite = suite
- self.architecture = architecture
- self.overridetype = overridetype
- self.component = component
- self.session = suite.session()
- def query(self):
- '''
- Returns a query object that is doing most of the work.
- '''
- overridesuite = self.suite
- if self.suite.overridesuite is not None:
- overridesuite = get_suite(self.suite.overridesuite, self.session)
- params = {
- 'suite': self.suite.suite_id,
- 'overridesuite': overridesuite.suite_id,
- 'component': self.component.component_id,
- 'arch': self.architecture.arch_id,
- 'type_id': self.overridetype.overridetype_id,
- 'type': self.overridetype.overridetype,
- }
- if self.suite.separate_contents_architecture_all:
- sql_arch_part = 'architecture = :arch'
- else:
- sql_arch_part = '(architecture = :arch_all or architecture = :arch)'
- params['arch_all'] = get_architecture('all', self.session).arch_id
- sql_create_temp = '''
- create temp table newest_binaries (
- id integer primary key,
- package text);
- create index newest_binaries_by_package on newest_binaries (package);
- insert into newest_binaries (id, package)
- select distinct on (package) id, package from binaries
- where type = :type and
- %s and
- id in (select bin from bin_associations where suite = :suite)
- order by package, version desc;''' % sql_arch_part
- self.session.execute(sql_create_temp, params=params)
- query = sql.text('''
- with
- unique_override as
- (select o.package, s.section
- from override o, section s
- where o.suite = :overridesuite and o.type = :type_id and o.section = s.id and
- o.component = :component)
- select bc.file, string_agg(o.section || '/' || b.package, ',' order by b.package) as pkglist
- from newest_binaries b, bin_contents bc, unique_override o
- where b.id = bc.binary_id and o.package = b.package
- group by bc.file''')
- return self.session.query(sql.column("file"), sql.column("pkglist")) \
- .from_statement(query).params(params)
- def formatline(self, filename, package_list):
- '''
- Returns a formatted string for the filename argument.
- '''
- return "%-55s %s\n" % (filename, package_list)
- def fetch(self):
- '''
- Yields a new line of the Contents-$arch.gz file in filename order.
- '''
- for filename, package_list in self.query().yield_per(100):
- yield self.formatline(filename, package_list)
- # end transaction to return connection to pool
- self.session.rollback()
- def get_list(self):
- '''
- Returns a list of lines for the Contents-$arch.gz file.
- '''
- return [item for item in self.fetch()]
- def writer(self):
- '''
- Returns a writer object.
- '''
- values = {
- 'archive': self.suite.archive.path,
- 'suite': self.suite.suite_name,
- 'component': self.component.component_name,
- 'debtype': self.overridetype.overridetype,
- 'architecture': self.architecture.arch_string,
- }
- return BinaryContentsFileWriter(**values)
- def write_file(self):
- '''
- Write the output file.
- '''
- writer = self.writer()
- file = writer.open()
- for item in self.fetch():
- file.write(item)
- writer.close()
- class SourceContentsWriter:
- '''
- SourceContentsWriter writes the Contents-source.gz files.
- '''
- def __init__(self, suite, component):
- self.suite = suite
- self.component = component
- self.session = suite.session()
- def query(self):
- '''
- Returns a query object that is doing most of the work.
- '''
- params = {
- 'suite_id': self.suite.suite_id,
- 'component_id': self.component.component_id,
- }
- sql_create_temp = '''
- create temp table newest_sources (
- id integer primary key,
- source text);
- create index sources_binaries_by_source on newest_sources (source);
- insert into newest_sources (id, source)
- select distinct on (source) s.id, s.source from source s
- join files_archive_map af on s.file = af.file_id
- where s.id in (select source from src_associations where suite = :suite_id)
- and af.component_id = :component_id
- order by source, version desc;'''
- self.session.execute(sql_create_temp, params=params)
- query = sql.text('''
- select sc.file, string_agg(s.source, ',' order by s.source) as pkglist
- from newest_sources s, src_contents sc
- where s.id = sc.source_id group by sc.file''')
- return self.session.query(sql.column("file"), sql.column("pkglist")) \
- .from_statement(query).params(params)
- def formatline(self, filename, package_list):
- '''
- Returns a formatted string for the filename argument.
- '''
- return "%s\t%s\n" % (filename, package_list)
- def fetch(self):
- '''
- Yields a new line of the Contents-source.gz file in filename order.
- '''
- for filename, package_list in self.query().yield_per(100):
- yield self.formatline(filename, package_list)
- # end transaction to return connection to pool
- self.session.rollback()
- def get_list(self):
- '''
- Returns a list of lines for the Contents-source.gz file.
- '''
- return [item for item in self.fetch()]
- def writer(self):
- '''
- Returns a writer object.
- '''
- values = {
- 'archive': self.suite.archive.path,
- 'suite': self.suite.suite_name,
- 'component': self.component.component_name
- }
- return SourceContentsFileWriter(**values)
- def write_file(self):
- '''
- Write the output file.
- '''
- writer = self.writer()
- file = writer.open()
- for item in self.fetch():
- file.write(item)
- writer.close()
- def binary_helper(suite_id, arch_id, overridetype_id, component_id):
- '''
- This function is called in a new subprocess and multiprocessing wants a top
- level function.
- '''
- session = DBConn().session(work_mem=1000)
- suite = Suite.get(suite_id, session)
- architecture = Architecture.get(arch_id, session)
- overridetype = OverrideType.get(overridetype_id, session)
- component = Component.get(component_id, session)
- log_message = [suite.suite_name, architecture.arch_string,
- overridetype.overridetype, component.component_name]
- contents_writer = BinaryContentsWriter(suite, architecture, overridetype, component)
- contents_writer.write_file()
- session.close()
- return log_message
- def source_helper(suite_id, component_id):
- '''
- This function is called in a new subprocess and multiprocessing wants a top
- level function.
- '''
- session = DBConn().session(work_mem=1000)
- suite = Suite.get(suite_id, session)
- component = Component.get(component_id, session)
- log_message = [suite.suite_name, 'source', component.component_name]
- contents_writer = SourceContentsWriter(suite, component)
- contents_writer.write_file()
- session.close()
- return log_message
- class ContentsWriter:
- '''
- Loop over all suites, architectures, overridetypes, and components to write
- all contents files.
- '''
- @classmethod
- def log_result(class_, result):
- '''
- Writes a result message to the logfile.
- '''
- class_.logger.log(list(result))
- @classmethod
- def write_all(class_, logger, archive_names=None, suite_names=None, component_names=None, force=False):
- '''
- Writes all Contents files for suites in list suite_names which defaults
- to all 'touchable' suites if not specified explicitely. Untouchable
- suites will be included if the force argument is set to True.
- '''
- pool = DakProcessPool()
- class_.logger = logger
- session = DBConn().session()
- suite_query = session.query(Suite)
- if archive_names:
- suite_query = suite_query.join(Suite.archive).filter(Archive.archive_name.in_(archive_names))
- if suite_names:
- suite_query = suite_query.filter(Suite.suite_name.in_(suite_names))
- component_query = session.query(Component)
- if component_names:
- component_query = component_query.filter(Component.component_name.in_(component_names))
- if not force:
- suite_query = suite_query.filter(Suite.untouchable == False) # noqa:E712
- deb_id = get_override_type('deb', session).overridetype_id
- udeb_id = get_override_type('udeb', session).overridetype_id
- # Lock tables so that nobody can change things underneath us
- session.execute("LOCK TABLE bin_contents IN SHARE MODE")
- session.execute("LOCK TABLE src_contents IN SHARE MODE")
- for suite in suite_query:
- suite_id = suite.suite_id
- skip_arch_all = True
- if suite.separate_contents_architecture_all:
- skip_arch_all = False
- for component in component_query:
- component_id = component.component_id
- # handle source packages
- pool.apply_async(source_helper, (suite_id, component_id),
- callback=class_.log_result)
- for architecture in suite.get_architectures(skipsrc=True, skipall=skip_arch_all):
- arch_id = architecture.arch_id
- # handle 'deb' packages
- pool.apply_async(binary_helper, (suite_id, arch_id, deb_id, component_id),
- callback=class_.log_result)
- # handle 'udeb' packages
- pool.apply_async(binary_helper, (suite_id, arch_id, udeb_id, component_id),
- callback=class_.log_result)
- pool.close()
- pool.join()
- session.close()
- class BinaryContentsScanner:
- '''
- BinaryContentsScanner provides a threadsafe method scan() to scan the
- contents of a DBBinary object.
- '''
- def __init__(self, binary_id):
- '''
- The argument binary_id is the id of the DBBinary object that
- should be scanned.
- '''
- self.binary_id = binary_id
- def scan(self):
- '''
- This method does the actual scan and fills in the associated BinContents
- property. It commits any changes to the database. The argument dummy_arg
- is ignored but needed by our threadpool implementation.
- '''
- session = DBConn().session()
- binary = session.query(DBBinary).get(self.binary_id)
- fileset = set(binary.scan_contents())
- if len(fileset) == 0:
- fileset.add('EMPTY_PACKAGE')
- for filename in fileset:
- binary.contents.append(BinContents(file=filename))
- session.commit()
- session.close()
- @classmethod
- def scan_all(class_, limit=None):
- '''
- The class method scan_all() scans all binaries using multiple threads.
- The number of binaries to be scanned can be limited with the limit
- argument. Returns the number of processed and remaining packages as a
- dict.
- '''
- pool = DakProcessPool()
- session = DBConn().session()
- query = session.query(DBBinary).filter(DBBinary.contents == None) # noqa:E711
- remaining = query.count
- if limit is not None:
- query = query.limit(limit)
- processed = query.count()
- for binary in query.yield_per(100):
- pool.apply_async(binary_scan_helper, (binary.binary_id, ))
- pool.close()
- pool.join()
- remaining = remaining()
- session.close()
- return {'processed': processed, 'remaining': remaining}
- def binary_scan_helper(binary_id):
- '''
- This function runs in a subprocess.
- '''
- try:
- scanner = BinaryContentsScanner(binary_id)
- scanner.scan()
- except Exception as e:
- print("binary_scan_helper raised an exception: %s" % (e))
- class UnpackedSource:
- '''
- UnpackedSource extracts a source package into a temporary location and
- gives you some convinient function for accessing it.
- '''
- def __init__(self, dscfilename, tmpbasedir=None):
- '''
- The dscfilename is a name of a DSC file that will be extracted.
- '''
- basedir = tmpbasedir if tmpbasedir else Config()['Dir::TempPath']
- temp_directory = mkdtemp(dir=basedir)
- self.root_directory = os.path.join(temp_directory, 'root')
- command = ('dpkg-source', '--no-copy', '--no-check', '-q', '-x',
- dscfilename, self.root_directory)
- subprocess.check_call(command)
- def get_root_directory(self):
- '''
- Returns the name of the package's root directory which is the directory
- where the debian subdirectory is located.
- '''
- return self.root_directory
- def get_all_filenames(self):
- '''
- Returns an iterator over all filenames. The filenames will be relative
- to the root directory.
- '''
- skip = len(self.root_directory) + 1
- for root, _, files in os.walk(self.root_directory):
- for name in files:
- yield os.path.join(root[skip:], name)
- def cleanup(self):
- '''
- Removes all temporary files.
- '''
- if self.root_directory is None:
- return
- parent_directory = os.path.dirname(self.root_directory)
- rmtree(parent_directory)
- self.root_directory = None
- def __del__(self):
- '''
- Enforce cleanup.
- '''
- self.cleanup()
- class SourceContentsScanner:
- '''
- SourceContentsScanner provides a method scan() to scan the contents of a
- DBSource object.
- '''
- def __init__(self, source_id):
- '''
- The argument source_id is the id of the DBSource object that
- should be scanned.
- '''
- self.source_id = source_id
- def scan(self):
- '''
- This method does the actual scan and fills in the associated SrcContents
- property. It commits any changes to the database.
- '''
- session = DBConn().session()
- source = session.query(DBSource).get(self.source_id)
- fileset = set(source.scan_contents())
- for filename in fileset:
- source.contents.append(SrcContents(file=filename))
- session.commit()
- session.close()
- @classmethod
- def scan_all(class_, limit=None):
- '''
- The class method scan_all() scans all source using multiple processes.
- The number of sources to be scanned can be limited with the limit
- argument. Returns the number of processed and remaining packages as a
- dict.
- '''
- pool = DakProcessPool()
- session = DBConn().session()
- query = session.query(DBSource).filter(DBSource.contents == None) # noqa:E711
- remaining = query.count
- if limit is not None:
- query = query.limit(limit)
- processed = query.count()
- for source in query.yield_per(100):
- pool.apply_async(source_scan_helper, (source.source_id, ))
- pool.close()
- pool.join()
- remaining = remaining()
- session.close()
- return {'processed': processed, 'remaining': remaining}
- def source_scan_helper(source_id):
- '''
- This function runs in a subprocess.
- '''
- try:
- scanner = SourceContentsScanner(source_id)
- scanner.scan()
- except Exception as e:
- print("source_scan_helper raised an exception: %s" % (e))