13 KB

  1. """module to handle command files
  2. @contact: Debian FTP Master <>
  3. @copyright: 2012, Ansgar Burchardt <>
  4. @license: GPL-2+
  5. """
  6. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  7. # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  8. # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  9. # (at your option) any later version.
  10. #
  11. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  12. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  14. # GNU General Public License for more details.
  15. #
  16. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
  17. # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
  18. # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  19. import apt_pkg
  20. import os
  21. import tempfile
  22. from daklib.config import Config
  23. from daklib.dak_exceptions import *
  24. from daklib.dbconn import *
  25. from daklib.gpg import SignedFile
  26. from daklib.regexes import re_field_package
  27. from daklib.textutils import fix_maintainer
  28. from daklib.utils import gpg_get_key_addresses, send_mail, TemplateSubst
  29. class CommandError(Exception):
  30. pass
  31. class CommandFile:
  32. def __init__(self, filename: str, data: bytes, log=None):
  33. if log is None:
  34. from daklib.daklog import Logger
  35. log = Logger()
  36. = []
  37. self.result = []
  38. self.log = log
  39. self.filename = filename
  40. = data
  41. def _check_replay(self, signed_file, session):
  42. """check for replays
  43. @note: Will commit changes to the database.
  44. @type signed_file: L{daklib.gpg.SignedFile}
  45. @param session: database session
  46. """
  47. # Mark commands file as seen to prevent replays.
  48. signature_history = SignatureHistory.from_signed_file(signed_file)
  49. session.add(signature_history)
  50. session.commit()
  51. def _quote_section(self, section):
  52. lines = []
  53. for l in str(section).splitlines():
  54. lines.append("> {0}".format(l))
  55. return "\n".join(lines)
  56. def _evaluate_sections(self, sections, session):
  57. session.rollback()
  58. try:
  59. while True:
  60. next(sections)
  61. section = sections.section
  62. self.result.append(self._quote_section(section))
  63. action = section.get('Action', None)
  64. if action is None:
  65. raise CommandError('Encountered section without Action field')
  66. if action == 'dm':
  67. self.action_dm(self.fingerprint, section, session)
  68. elif action == 'dm-remove':
  69. self.action_dm_remove(self.fingerprint, section, session)
  70. elif action == 'dm-migrate':
  71. self.action_dm_migrate(self.fingerprint, section, session)
  72. elif action == 'break-the-archive':
  73. self.action_break_the_archive(self.fingerprint, section, session)
  74. else:
  75. raise CommandError('Unknown action: {0}'.format(action))
  76. self.result.append('')
  77. except StopIteration:
  78. pass
  79. finally:
  80. session.rollback()
  81. def _notify_uploader(self):
  82. cnf = Config()
  83. bcc = 'X-DAK: dak process-command'
  84. if 'Dinstall::Bcc' in cnf:
  85. bcc = '{0}\nBcc: {1}'.format(bcc, cnf['Dinstall::Bcc'])
  86. maint_to = None
  87. addresses = gpg_get_key_addresses(self.fingerprint.fingerprint)
  88. if len(addresses) > 0:
  89. maint_to = addresses[0]
  90. if self.uploader:
  91. try:
  92. maint_to = fix_maintainer(self.uploader)[1]
  93. except ParseMaintError:
  94. self.log.log('ignoring malformed uploader', self.filename)
  95. cc = set()
  96. for address in
  97. try:
  98. cc.add(fix_maintainer(address)[1])
  99. except ParseMaintError:
  100. self.log.log('ignoring malformed cc', self.filename)
  101. subst = {
  102. '__DAK_ADDRESS__': cnf['Dinstall::MyEmailAddress'],
  103. '__MAINTAINER_TO__': maint_to,
  104. '__CC__': ", ".join(cc),
  105. '__BCC__': bcc,
  106. '__RESULTS__': "\n".join(self.result),
  107. '__FILENAME__': self.filename,
  108. }
  109. message = TemplateSubst(subst, os.path.join(cnf['Dir::Templates'], 'process-command.processed'))
  110. send_mail(message)
  111. def evaluate(self):
  112. """evaluate commands file
  113. @rtype: bool
  114. @returns: C{True} if the file was processed sucessfully,
  115. C{False} otherwise
  116. """
  117. result = True
  118. session = DBConn().session()
  119. keyrings = session.query(Keyring).filter_by(active=True).order_by(Keyring.priority)
  120. keyring_files = [k.keyring_name for k in keyrings]
  121. signed_file = SignedFile(, keyring_files)
  122. if not signed_file.valid:
  123. self.log.log(['invalid signature', self.filename])
  124. return False
  125. self.fingerprint = session.query(Fingerprint).filter_by(fingerprint=signed_file.primary_fingerprint).one()
  126. if self.fingerprint.keyring is None:
  127. self.log.log(['singed by key in unknown keyring', self.filename])
  128. return False
  129. assert
  130. self.log.log(['processing', self.filename, 'signed-by={0}'.format(self.fingerprint.fingerprint)])
  131. with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as fh:
  132. fh.write(signed_file.contents)
  134. sections = apt_pkg.TagFile(fh)
  135. try:
  136. next(sections)
  137. section = sections.section
  138. if 'Uploader' in section:
  139. self.uploader = section['Uploader']
  140. if 'Cc' in section:
  142. # TODO: Verify first section has valid Archive field
  143. if 'Archive' not in section:
  144. raise CommandError('No Archive field in first section.')
  145. # TODO: send mail when we detected a replay.
  146. self._check_replay(signed_file, session)
  147. self._evaluate_sections(sections, session)
  148. self.result.append('')
  149. except Exception as e:
  150. self.log.log(['ERROR', e])
  151. self.result.append("There was an error processing this section. No changes were committed.\nDetails:\n{0}".format(e))
  152. result = False
  153. self._notify_uploader()
  154. session.close()
  155. return result
  156. def _split_packages(self, value):
  157. names = value.split()
  158. for name in names:
  159. if not re_field_package.match(name):
  160. raise CommandError('Invalid package name "{0}"'.format(name))
  161. return names
  162. def action_dm(self, fingerprint, section, session):
  163. cnf = Config()
  164. if 'Command::DM::AdminKeyrings' not in cnf \
  165. or 'Command::DM::ACL' not in cnf \
  166. or 'Command::DM::Keyrings' not in cnf:
  167. raise CommandError('DM command is not configured for this archive.')
  168. allowed_keyrings = cnf.value_list('Command::DM::AdminKeyrings')
  169. if fingerprint.keyring.keyring_name not in allowed_keyrings:
  170. raise CommandError('Key {0} is not allowed to set DM'.format(fingerprint.fingerprint))
  171. acl_name = cnf.get('Command::DM::ACL', 'dm')
  172. acl = session.query(ACL).filter_by(name=acl_name).one()
  173. fpr_hash = section['Fingerprint'].replace(' ', '')
  174. fpr = session.query(Fingerprint).filter_by(fingerprint=fpr_hash).first()
  175. if fpr is None:
  176. raise CommandError('Unknown fingerprint {0}'.format(fpr_hash))
  177. if fpr.keyring is None or fpr.keyring.keyring_name not in cnf.value_list('Command::DM::Keyrings'):
  178. raise CommandError('Key {0} is not in DM keyring.'.format(fpr.fingerprint))
  179. addresses = gpg_get_key_addresses(fpr.fingerprint)
  180. if len(addresses) > 0:
  182. self.log.log(['dm', 'fingerprint', fpr.fingerprint])
  183. self.result.append('Fingerprint: {0}'.format(fpr.fingerprint))
  184. if len(addresses) > 0:
  185. self.log.log(['dm', 'uid', addresses[0]])
  186. self.result.append('Uid: {0}'.format(addresses[0]))
  187. for source in self._split_packages(section.get('Allow', '')):
  188. # Check for existance of source package to catch typos
  189. if session.query(DBSource).filter_by(source=source).first() is None:
  190. raise CommandError('Tried to grant permissions for unknown source package: {0}'.format(source))
  191. if session.query(ACLPerSource).filter_by(acl=acl, fingerprint=fpr, source=source).first() is None:
  192. aps = ACLPerSource()
  193. aps.acl = acl
  194. aps.fingerprint = fpr
  195. aps.source = source
  196. aps.created_by = fingerprint
  197. aps.reason = section.get('Reason')
  198. session.add(aps)
  199. self.log.log(['dm', 'allow', fpr.fingerprint, source])
  200. self.result.append('Allowed: {0}'.format(source))
  201. else:
  202. self.result.append('Already-Allowed: {0}'.format(source))
  203. session.flush()
  204. for source in self._split_packages(section.get('Deny', '')):
  205. count = session.query(ACLPerSource).filter_by(acl=acl, fingerprint=fpr, source=source).delete()
  206. if count == 0:
  207. raise CommandError('Tried to remove upload permissions for package {0}, '
  208. 'but no upload permissions were granted before.'.format(source))
  209. self.log.log(['dm', 'deny', fpr.fingerprint, source])
  210. self.result.append('Denied: {0}'.format(source))
  211. session.commit()
  212. def _action_dm_admin_common(self, fingerprint, section, session):
  213. cnf = Config()
  214. if 'Command::DM-Admin::AdminFingerprints' not in cnf \
  215. or 'Command::DM::ACL' not in cnf:
  216. raise CommandError('DM admin command is not configured for this archive.')
  217. allowed_fingerprints = cnf.value_list('Command::DM-Admin::AdminFingerprints')
  218. if fingerprint.fingerprint not in allowed_fingerprints:
  219. raise CommandError('Key {0} is not allowed to admin DM'.format(fingerprint.fingerprint))
  220. def action_dm_remove(self, fingerprint, section, session):
  221. self._action_dm_admin_common(fingerprint, section, session)
  222. cnf = Config()
  223. acl_name = cnf.get('Command::DM::ACL', 'dm')
  224. acl = session.query(ACL).filter_by(name=acl_name).one()
  225. fpr_hash = section['Fingerprint'].replace(' ', '')
  226. fpr = session.query(Fingerprint).filter_by(fingerprint=fpr_hash).first()
  227. if fpr is None:
  228. self.result.append('Unknown fingerprint: {0}\nNo action taken.'.format(fpr_hash))
  229. return
  230. self.log.log(['dm-remove', fpr.fingerprint])
  231. count = 0
  232. for entry in session.query(ACLPerSource).filter_by(acl=acl, fingerprint=fpr):
  233. self.log.log(['dm-remove', fpr.fingerprint, 'source={0}'.format(entry.source)])
  234. count += 1
  235. session.delete(entry)
  236. self.result.append('Removed: {0}.\n{1} acl entries removed.'.format(fpr.fingerprint, count))
  237. session.commit()
  238. def action_dm_migrate(self, fingerprint, section, session):
  239. self._action_dm_admin_common(fingerprint, section, session)
  240. cnf = Config()
  241. acl_name = cnf.get('Command::DM::ACL', 'dm')
  242. acl = session.query(ACL).filter_by(name=acl_name).one()
  243. fpr_hash_from = section['From'].replace(' ', '')
  244. fpr_from = session.query(Fingerprint).filter_by(fingerprint=fpr_hash_from).first()
  245. if fpr_from is None:
  246. self.result.append('Unknown fingerprint (From): {0}\nNo action taken.'.format(fpr_hash_from))
  247. return
  248. fpr_hash_to = section['To'].replace(' ', '')
  249. fpr_to = session.query(Fingerprint).filter_by(fingerprint=fpr_hash_to).first()
  250. if fpr_to is None:
  251. self.result.append('Unknown fingerprint (To): {0}\nNo action taken.'.format(fpr_hash_to))
  252. return
  253. if fpr_to.keyring is None or fpr_to.keyring.keyring_name not in cnf.value_list('Command::DM::Keyrings'):
  254. self.result.append('Key (To) {0} is not in DM keyring.\nNo action taken.'.format(fpr_to.fingerprint))
  255. return
  256. self.log.log(['dm-migrate', 'from={0}'.format(fpr_hash_from), 'to={0}'.format(fpr_hash_to)])
  257. sources = []
  258. for entry in session.query(ACLPerSource).filter_by(acl=acl, fingerprint=fpr_from):
  259. self.log.log(['dm-migrate', 'from={0}'.format(fpr_hash_from), 'to={0}'.format(fpr_hash_to), 'source={0}'.format(entry.source)])
  260. entry.fingerprint = fpr_to
  261. sources.append(entry.source)
  262. self.result.append('Migrated {0} to {1}.\n{2} acl entries changed: {3}'.format(fpr_hash_from, fpr_hash_to, len(sources), ", ".join(sources)))
  263. session.commit()
  264. def action_break_the_archive(self, fingerprint, section, session):
  265. name = 'Dave'
  266. uid = fingerprint.uid
  267. if uid is not None and is not None:
  268. name =[0]
  269. self.result.append("DAK9000: I'm sorry, {0}. I'm afraid I can't do that.".format(name))