dak.conf 9.2 KB

  1. Dinstall
  2. {
  3. SigningHomedir "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/s3kr1t/dot-gnupg";
  4. SigningPassphraseFile "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/s3kr1t/yubikey/pin";
  5. SigningKeyring "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/s3kr1t/dot-gnupg/secring.gpg";
  6. SigningPubKeyring "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/s3kr1t/dot-gnupg/pubring.gpg";
  7. // SendmailCommand "/usr/sbin/sendmail -odq -oi -t -f envelope@ftp-master.debian.org";
  8. SendmailCommand "/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t -f envelope@ftp-master.debian.org";
  9. MyEmailAddress "Debian FTP Masters <ftpmaster@ftp-master.debian.org>";
  10. MyAdminAddress "ftpmaster@ftp-master.debian.org";
  11. MyHost "debian.org"; // used for generating user@my_host addresses in e.g. manual_reject()
  12. MyDistribution "Debian"; // Used in emails
  13. BugServer "bugs.debian.org";
  14. PackagesServer "packages.debian.org";
  15. TrackingServer "tracker.debian.org";
  16. Bcc "archive@ftp-master.debian.org";
  17. SkipTime 300;
  18. BXANotify "true";
  19. CloseBugs "true";
  20. OverrideDisparityCheck "true";
  21. DefaultSuite "unstable";
  22. LintianTags "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/dak/config/debian/lintian.tags";
  23. ReleaseTransitions "/srv/ftp.debian.org/web/transitions.yaml";
  24. AllowSourceOnlyUploads true;
  25. // if you setup an own dak repository and want to upload Debian packages you most possibly want
  26. // to set the following option to a real path/filename and then enter those mail addresses that
  27. // you want to be able to receive mails generated by your dak installation. This avoids spamming
  28. // the real maintainers of a package you upload with mail.
  29. // format of entries: one entry per line. Either an email address directly, or a regular expression,
  30. // prefixed by "RE:". Examples: "jane.doe@domain.com" or "RE:jane[^@]@domain.com", where the first will
  31. // only allow to mail jane.doe@domain.com while the second will mail all of jane*@domain.com
  32. // MailWhiteList "/some/path/to/a/file";
  33. };
  34. Transitions
  35. {
  36. Notifications "debian-devel@lists.debian.org";
  37. };
  38. Generate-Index-Diffs
  39. {
  40. Options
  41. {
  42. Archive "ftp-master,debian-debug";
  43. TempDir "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/tiffani";
  44. MaxDiffs { Default 56; };
  45. };
  46. };
  47. Show-New
  48. {
  49. HTMLPath "/srv/ftp.debian.org/web/new/";
  50. Options::Queue "new,backports-new";
  51. }
  52. Show-Deferred
  53. {
  54. LinkPath "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/deferred/";
  55. DeferredQueue "/srv/upload.debian.org/DEFERRED/";
  56. }
  57. Import-Users-From-Passwd
  58. {
  59. ValidGID "Debian";
  60. // Comma separated list of users who are in Postgres but not the passwd file
  61. KnownPostgres "postgres,dak,dak-unpriv,katie,release,qa,www-data,guest,repuser,debian-backup,dak-code,codesign";
  62. };
  63. Clean-Queues
  64. {
  65. Options
  66. {
  67. Days 14;
  68. };
  69. MorgueSubDir "queues";
  70. };
  71. Control-Overrides
  72. {
  73. Options
  74. {
  75. Component "main";
  76. Suite "unstable";
  77. Type "deb";
  78. };
  79. };
  80. Rm
  81. {
  82. Options
  83. {
  84. Suite "unstable";
  85. };
  86. LogFile "/srv/ftp.debian.org/web/removals.txt";
  87. LogFile822 "/srv/ftp.debian.org/web/removals.822";
  88. Bcc "removed-packages@qa.debian.org";
  89. };
  90. Import-LDAP-Fingerprints
  91. {
  92. LDAPDn "ou=users,dc=debian,dc=org";
  93. LDAPServer "ldap://db.debian.org";
  94. CACertFile "/etc/ssl/ca-debian/ca-certificates.crt";
  95. };
  96. Clean-Suites
  97. {
  98. MorgueSubDir "pool";
  99. };
  100. Process-New
  101. {
  102. LockDir "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/lock/new/";
  103. };
  104. SuiteMappings
  105. {
  106. "silent-map jessie-security oldoldoldstable-security";
  107. "silent-map stretch-security oldoldstable-security";
  108. "silent-map buster-security oldstable-security";
  109. "silent-map bullseye-security stable-security";
  110. "silent-map bookworm-security testing-security";
  111. "propup-version stable-security testing testing-proposed-updates unstable";
  112. "propup-version testing-security unstable";
  113. "propup-version testing unstable";
  114. "map jessie oldoldoldstable";
  115. "map jessie-proposed-updates oldoldoldstable-proposed-updates";
  116. "map jessie-updates oldoldoldstable-proposed-updates";
  117. "map stretch oldoldstable";
  118. "map stretch-proposed-updates oldoldstable-proposed-updates";
  119. "map stretch-updates oldoldstable-proposed-updates";
  120. "map buster oldstable";
  121. "map buster-proposed-updates oldstable-proposed-updates";
  122. "map buster-updates oldstable-proposed-updates";
  123. "map buster-backports-sloppy oldstable-backports-sloppy";
  124. "map bullseye stable";
  125. "map bullseye-proposed-updates proposed-updates";
  126. "map bullseye-updates proposed-updates";
  127. "map bullseye-backports-sloppy stable-backports-sloppy";
  128. "map bookworm testing";
  129. "map bookworm-proposed-updates testing-proposed-updates";
  130. "map bookworm-updates testing-proposed-updates";
  131. "map bookworm-backports testing-backports";
  132. "map bookworm-backports-sloppy testing-backports-sloppy";
  133. "map sid unstable";
  134. "map rc-buggy experimental";
  135. "map oldoldstable oldoldstable-proposed-updates";
  136. "map oldoldstable-security oldoldstable-proposed-updates";
  137. "map oldoldstable-updates oldoldstable-proposed-updates";
  138. "map oldstable oldstable-proposed-updates";
  139. "map oldstable-security oldstable-proposed-updates";
  140. "map oldstable-updates oldstable-proposed-updates";
  141. "map stable proposed-updates";
  142. "map stable-security proposed-updates";
  143. "map stable-proposed-updates proposed-updates";
  144. "map stable-updates proposed-updates";
  145. "map testing-updates testing-proposed-updates";
  146. "map-unreleased stable unstable";
  147. "map-unreleased proposed-updates unstable";
  148. "map testing testing-proposed-updates";
  149. "map testing-security testing-proposed-updates";
  150. "map-unreleased testing unstable";
  151. "map-unreleased testing-proposed-updates unstable";
  152. };
  153. AutomaticByHandPackages {
  154. "debian-faq" {
  155. Source "debian-faq";
  156. Section "byhand";
  157. Extension "gz";
  158. Script "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/dak/scripts/debian/byhand-debian-faq";
  159. };
  160. "ftpsync" {
  161. Source "archvsync";
  162. Section "byhand";
  163. Extension "tar.gz";
  164. Script "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/dak/scripts/debian/byhand-ftpsync";
  165. };
  166. "debian-installer-images" {
  167. Source "debian-installer";
  168. Section "raw-installer";
  169. Extension "tar.gz";
  170. Script "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/dak/scripts/debian/byhand-di";
  171. };
  172. "tag-overrides" {
  173. Source "tag-overrides";
  174. Section "byhand";
  175. Extension "tar.gz";
  176. Script "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/dak/scripts/debian/byhand-tag";
  177. };
  178. "task-overrides" {
  179. Source "tasksel";
  180. Section "byhand";
  181. Extension "tar.gz";
  182. Script "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/dak/scripts/debian/byhand-task";
  183. };
  184. "win32-loader" {
  185. Source "win32-loader";
  186. Section "byhand";
  187. Script "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/dak/scripts/debian/byhand-win32-loader";
  188. };
  189. };
  190. Dir
  191. {
  192. Base "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/";
  193. Root "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/ftp/";
  194. Pool "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/ftp/pool/";
  195. Templates "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/dak/templates/";
  196. Lists "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/database/dists/";
  197. Cache "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/database/";
  198. Log "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/log/";
  199. Lock "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/lock";
  200. Morgue "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/morgue/";
  201. Override "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/scripts/override/";
  202. UrgencyLog "/srv/ftp.debian.org/web/britney/urgencies/";
  203. TempPath "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/tmp/";
  204. BTSVersionTrack "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/queue/bts_version_track/";
  205. Done "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/queue/done/";
  206. Reject "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/queue/reject/";
  207. BuildinfoArchive "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/buildinfo/";
  208. };
  209. Queue-Report
  210. {
  211. ReportLocations
  212. {
  213. 822Location "/srv/ftp.debian.org/web/new.822";
  214. };
  215. };
  216. DB
  217. {
  218. Service "projectb";
  219. // PoolSize should be at least ThreadCount + 1
  220. PoolSize 5;
  221. // MaxOverflow shouldn't exceed postgresql.conf's max_connections - PoolSize
  222. MaxOverflow 13;
  223. // should be false for encoding == SQL_ASCII
  224. Unicode "false"
  225. };
  226. Urgency
  227. {
  228. Default "low";
  229. Valid
  230. {
  231. low;
  232. medium;
  233. high;
  234. emergency;
  235. critical;
  236. };
  237. };
  238. Common
  239. {
  240. // The default number of threads for multithreading parts of dak:
  241. ThreadCount 16;
  242. }
  243. ByGroup {
  244. dak-unpriv "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/dak/config/debian/dak.conf-dak";
  245. ftpteam "";
  246. backports "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/dak/config/debian/dak.conf-backports";
  247. };
  248. Command::DM {
  249. ACL "dm";
  250. AdminKeyrings {
  251. "/srv/keyring.debian.org/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg";
  252. };
  253. Keyrings {
  254. "/srv/keyring.debian.org/keyrings/debian-maintainers.gpg";
  255. "/srv/keyring.debian.org/keyrings/debian-nonupload.gpg";
  256. };
  257. };
  258. Command::DM-Admin {
  259. AdminFingerprints {
  260. "4D14050653A402D73687049D2404C9546E145360"; // gwolf
  261. "A4626CBAFF376039D2D7554497BA9CE761A0963B"; // johns
  262. "0E3A94C3E83002DAB88CCA1694FA372B2DA8B985"; // noodles
  263. "80E976F14A508A48E9CA3FE9BC372252CA1CF964"; // ansgar
  264. "FBFABDB541B5DC955BD9BA6EDB16CF5BB12525C4"; // joerg
  265. "309911BEA966D0613053045711B4E5FF15B0FD82"; // mhy
  266. };
  267. };
  268. Include {
  269. "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/dak/config/debian/common.conf";
  270. "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/dak/config/debian/external-signatures.conf";
  271. };
  272. External-Signature-Requests {
  273. Default-Suites {
  274. "experimental";
  275. "unstable";
  276. "testing-proposed-updates";
  277. "proposed-updates";
  278. "oldstable-proposed-updates";
  279. "bookworm-backports";
  280. "bullseye-backports-sloppy";
  281. "bullseye-backports";
  282. "buster-backports-sloppy";
  283. "buster-backports";
  284. "stretch-backports-sloppy";
  285. "stretch-backports";
  286. };
  287. Export "/srv/ftp-master.debian.org/public/incoming.debian.org/web/debian-buildd/project/external-signatures/requests.json";
  288. ExportSigningKeys { "8B46F1B8C09D0EC19E9C458C6DF948E711DF2F06"; };
  289. };