% Glossary
A transgender person is someone whose gender identity and/or expression does not match their assigned gender at birth. It replaces the much older terminology, transsexual, a term which is no longer used in most transgender communities.
Shorthand for transgender
The concept that there are only 2 genders, namely male and female. The gender binary does not exist, but it is enforced in most cultures. In some Asian cultures, 'third gender' was and is accepted, as well as in the Americas before it become occupied by Europeans, later forming Canada and the United States. Though it doesn't exist, it is used as a point of reference and many people, trans or cis, identify within it. At the same time, there really are cis people. The gender binary is explored in depth in some movies, e.g. The Matrix trilogy
Someone who identifies within the gender binary, as either male or female. The concept that there are only 2 genders, namely male and female. The gender binary does not exist, but it is enforced in most cultures. In some Asian cultures, 'third gender' was and is accepted, as well as in the Americas before it become occupied by Europeans, later forming Canada and the United States. Though it doesn't exist, it is used as a point of reference and many people, trans or cis, identify within it. At the same time, there really are cis people. The gender binary is explored in depth in some movies, e.g. The Matrix trilogy.
A person who does not identify within the gender binary. Also see: genderfluid, bigender, agender, genderqueer, etc
A type of non-binary person
A type of non-binary person
A type of non-binary person
A type of non-binary person
A type of non-binary person
A cisgender person is someone whose gender identity and/or expression matches that which was assigned to them at birth. Basically, someone who isn't trans.
Shorthand for cisgender.
Sexuality is who you are attracted to, whether romantically and/or sexually. E.g. heterosexual means a binary person attracted to people of the opposite binary gender, gay means binary people attracted to members of the same binary gender, bisexual means someone attracted to either gender. Sexuality is separate from gender identity.
Binary person sexually and/or romantically attracted to a member of their opposite binary gender.
Binary person sexually and/or romantically attracted to people who share the same gender identity as them.
Gay woman
Binary or non-binary person who is attracted to men and women
Binary or non-binary person who is attracted to everyone, regardless of gender identity, including binary and non-binary trans people. A pansexual person will be unconcerned with someone's gender, and more than likely to be attracted to personalities.
Non-binary person who is attracted to women.
Gynephilic person.
Non-binary person who is attracted to men.
Androphilic person.
An individual who believes that they could be trans, but they are currently unsure and so they are trying to figure out whether they are transgender.
Anything that is hostile towards transgender people, with no other motivation other than the fact that they are trans. It often manifests itself in discrimination against transgender people. It is a type of fear based on ignorance, much like racism, sexism, etc.
Anything that exhibits transphobia.
A person who is transphobic.
The hatred, contempt for or prejudice against women and girls. Usually practised by men, but also commonly practised by women against other women (due to internalized misogyny burned into them from a young age). This often results in discrimination against women, but also many non-binary people.
Anything that exhibits misogyny.
A person who is misogynistic.
The combination of misogyny and transphobia. It is the hatred of trans people, particularly trans women and non-binary people. This can include violence. It often manifests in the transmisogynist claiming that the trans person isn't trans, and that they should live in the gender that they were assigned at birth, that they aren't real women, etc. Transmisogyny often results in the worst kinds of transgender discrimination, particularly towards trans women and non-binary people.
Anything that exhibits transmisogyny.
A person who is transmisogynist. Trans and cis people can both be transmisogynistic, due to internalized transmisogyny burned into them when they grew up as children.
The hatred for or prejudice against non-heterosexual people.
Anything that exhibits homophobia.
A person who is homophobic.
When someone's identity is erased by a statement or action of another person or group of people, as if to deny their existence and/or validity. Bisexual, pansexual, polyamorous and non-binary people are often victims of this. Transmisogyny is also a type of erasure.
When someone, usually a medical or mental health professional, who is in a position of power to provide services to a trans* person, denies them said services, or makes them excessively hard to obtain (I.E. Restricting access to HRT unless the trans* person is heterosexual, or meets a typical definition of "trans").
Having or wanting multiple romantic and/or sexual partners, with the consent and knowledge between all partners involved. The polyamorous individual also agrees to allow their other partners to practise polyamory. Polyamory exists regardless of sexuality or gender identity, but is more common and openly practised within the LGBTQIA community.
A person that practises polyamory.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender
A truscum person is one who doesn't accept variance in gender identity, who thinks that only the binary exists, and who usually denies (erases) the existence of non-binary people. Truscum people usually deny (erase) a persons' trans identity if that person does not experience gender dysphoria.
A person who is evil or horrible in some way. E.g. truscum people.
Respectability politics or the politics of respectability refers to attempts by marginalized groups to police their own members and show their social values as being continuous, and compatible, with mainstream values rather than challenging the mainstream for what they see as its failure to accept difference.
Cisnormativity is the assumption that all, or almost all, individuals are cisgender. Although transgender-identified people comprise a fairly small percentage of the human population, many trans people and allies consider it to be offensive to presume that everyone is cisgender unless otherwise specified. Cisnormativity is often enforced as part of respectability politics in some sections of the transgender community, often in transphobic and transmisogynistic cultures.
Anything that exhibits cisnormativity.
Anything that exhibits cisnormativity.
Someone who is a past victim of sexual abuse and/or other severe traumatic experience, who is deeply traumatised by the experience and in recovery.
Something that brings back memories of a persons traumas, making them panic as though it was happening again, where they are experiencing it vividly in their mind.
A type of hair removal technique, for destroying hair follicles.
A type of hair removal technique, for destroying hair follicles.
A type of hair removal technique, for destroying hair follicles.
Hormone replacement therapy. Some transgender people use this form of medication so that they can have the hormonal balance typical of the gender that they identity with, in order to bring about physical transformations within their body, so that it starts looking more like the one they want, again typical of their internal gender.
A type of device that trans men use to reduce the appearance of their breasts. It is usually worn underneath clothing.
A type of surgery that some non-binary people have, to remove all primary sex organs and make them have neither female nor male appearance.
Stand to pee device, used by trans men so that they can pee while standing, without making a mess everywhere.
Feeling of distress or discomfort about ones gender assigned at birth.
Feeling of happiness and comfort from identifying and living as ones own self-identified gender.
The opposite of dysphoria.
When someone suppresses their gender identity, to the point where even they may not be fully aware of or in touch with it.