7.8 KB

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # shellcheck disable=SC2086
  3. while true; do
  4. case $1 in
  5. --build32=*)
  6. build32="${1#*=}"
  7. shift
  8. ;;
  9. --build64=*)
  10. build64="${1#*=}"
  11. shift
  12. ;;
  13. --update=*)
  14. update="${1#*=}"
  15. shift
  16. ;;
  17. --CC=*)
  18. CC="${1#*=}"
  19. shift
  20. ;;
  21. --)
  22. shift
  23. break
  24. ;;
  25. -*)
  26. echo "Error, unknown option: '$1'."
  27. exit 1
  28. ;;
  29. *) break ;;
  30. esac
  31. done
  32. [[ "$(uname)" == *6.1* ]] && nargs="-n 4"
  33. # start suite update
  34. if [[ -d "/trunk/build" ]]; then
  35. cd "/trunk/build" || exit 1
  36. else
  37. cd "$(cygpath -w /)../build" || exit 1
  38. fi
  39. [[ -f ]] && source
  40. [[ -f ]] && source
  41. # --------------------------------------------------
  42. # update suite
  43. # --------------------------------------------------
  44. if [[ $update == "yes" ]]; then
  45. echo
  46. echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  47. echo "checking if suite has been updated..."
  48. echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  49. echo
  50. if [[ ! -d ../.git ]] && command -v git > /dev/null; then
  51. if ! git clone "${SOURCE_REPO_MABS:-}" ab-git; then
  52. git -C ab-git fetch
  53. fi
  54. cp -fr ab-git/.git ..
  55. fi
  56. cd_safe ..
  57. if [[ -d .git ]]; then
  58. if [[ -n "$(git diff --name-only)" ]]; then
  59. diffname="$(date +%F-%H.%M.%S)"
  60. git diff --diff-filter=M >> "build/user-changes-${diffname}.diff"
  61. echo "Your changes have been exported to build/user-changes-${diffname}.diff."
  62. git reset --hard "@{upstream}"
  63. fi
  64. git fetch -t
  65. oldHead=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
  66. git reset --hard "@{upstream}"
  67. newHead=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
  68. if [[ $oldHead != "$newHead" ]]; then
  69. echo "Suite has been updated!"
  70. echo "If you had an issue try running the suite again before reporting."
  71. else
  72. echo "Suite up-to-date."
  73. echo "If you had an issue, please report it in GitHub."
  74. fi
  75. read -r -t 15 -p '<Enter> to close' ret
  76. fi
  77. fi # end suite update
  78. # --------------------------------------------------
  79. # packet update system
  80. # --------------------------------------------------
  81. # remove buggy crap
  82. grep -q abrepo /etc/pacman.conf && sed -i '/abrepo/d' /etc/pacman.conf
  83. rm -f /etc/pacman.d/abrepo.conf
  84. rm -rf /opt/cargo/bin
  85. echo
  86. echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  87. echo "Updating pacman database..."
  88. echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  89. echo
  90. pacman -Sy --ask=20 --noconfirm
  91. { pacman -Qqe | grep -q sed && pacman -Qqg base | pacman -D --asdeps - && pacman -D --asexplicit mintty flex; } > /dev/null
  92. do_unhide_all_sharedlibs
  93. # make sure that pacutils is always installed for pacsift
  94. { pacman -Qq pacutils || pacman -S --needed --noconfirm pacutils; } > /dev/null 2>&1
  95. extract_pkg_prefix() (
  96. case $1 in
  97. *32) [[ $build32 != "yes" ]] && return 1 ;;
  98. *64) [[ $build64 != "yes" ]] && return 1 ;;
  99. esac
  100. . shell "$1"
  101. echo "$MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX-"
  102. )
  103. if [[ -f /etc/ && -f /etc/ ]] && ! [[ $build32 == "yes" && $CC =~ clang ]]; then
  104. new=$(mktemp)
  105. old=$(mktemp)
  106. echo
  107. echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  108. echo "Checking pacman packages..."
  109. echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  110. echo
  111. dos2unix -O /etc/ 2> /dev/null | sort -u >> "$new"
  112. mapfile -t newmingw < <(dos2unix -O /etc/ /etc/ 2>/dev/null | sort -u)
  113. mapfile -t newmsys < <(dos2unix -O /etc/ 2> /dev/null | sort -u)
  114. prefix_32='' prefix_64=''
  115. case $CC in
  116. *clang) prefix_64=$(extract_pkg_prefix clang64) ;;
  117. *) prefix_32=$(extract_pkg_prefix mingw32) prefix_64=$(extract_pkg_prefix mingw64) ;;
  118. esac
  119. for pkg in "${newmingw[@]}"; do
  120. if [[ $build32 == "yes" ]] && [[ ! $CC =~ clang ]] &&
  121. pacman -Ss "$prefix_32$pkg" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
  122. printf %s\\n "$prefix_32$pkg" >> "$new"
  123. fi
  124. if [[ $build64 == "yes" ]] &&
  125. pacman -Ss "$prefix_64$pkg" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
  126. printf %s\\n "$prefix_64$pkg" >> "$new"
  127. fi
  128. done
  129. for pkg in "${newmsys[@]}"; do
  130. pacman -Ss "^${pkg}$" > /dev/null 2>&1 && printf %s\\n "$pkg" >> "$new"
  131. done
  132. pacman -Qqe | sort -u >> "$old"
  133. sort -uo "$new"{,}
  134. # mapfile -t new < <(printf %s\\n "${new[@]}" | sort -u)
  135. mapfile -t install < <(diff --changed-group-format='%>' --unchanged-group-format='' "$old" "$new")
  136. mapfile -t uninstall < <(diff --changed-group-format='%<' --unchanged-group-format='' "$old" "$new")
  137. if [[ ${#uninstall[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
  138. echo
  139. echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  140. echo "You have more packages than needed!"
  141. echo "Do you want to remove them?"
  142. echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  143. echo
  144. echo "Remove:"
  145. echo "${uninstall[*]}"
  146. while true; do
  147. read -r -p "remove packs [y/n]? " yn
  148. case $yn in
  149. [Yy]*)
  150. pacman -Rs --noconfirm "${uninstall[@]}" >&2 2> /dev/null
  151. for pkg in "${uninstall[@]}"; do
  152. pacman -Qs "^${pkg}$" && pacman -D --noconfirm --asdeps "$pkg" > /dev/null
  153. done
  154. break
  155. ;;
  156. [Nn]*)
  157. pacman --noconfirm -D --asdeps "${uninstall[@]}"
  158. break
  159. ;;
  160. *) echo "Please answer yes or no" ;;
  161. esac
  162. done
  163. fi
  164. if [[ ${#install[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
  165. echo "You're missing some packages!"
  166. echo "Proceeding with installation..."
  167. pacman -Sw --noconfirm --needed "${install[@]}"
  168. pacman -S --noconfirm --needed "${install[@]}"
  169. pacman -D --asexplicit "${install[@]}"
  170. fi
  171. rm -f /etc/pac-{base,mingw}.pk "$new" "$old"
  172. elif [[ $build32 == "yes" && $CC =~ clang ]]; then
  173. echo "The CLANG32 environment is no longer supported"
  174. exit 1
  175. fi
  176. if [[ -d "/trunk" ]]; then
  177. cd "/trunk" || exit 1
  178. else
  179. cd_safe "$(cygpath -w /).."
  180. fi
  181. # --------------------------------------------------
  182. # packet msys2 system
  183. # --------------------------------------------------
  184. have_updates="$(pacman -Qu | grep -v ignored]$ | cut -d' ' -f1)"
  185. if [[ -n $have_updates ]]; then
  186. echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  187. echo "Updating msys2 system and installed packages..."
  188. echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  189. grep -Eq '^(pacman|bash|msys2-runtime)$' <<< "$have_updates" &&
  190. touch /build/update_core &&
  191. have_updates="$(grep -Ev '^(pacman|bash|msys2-runtime)$' <<< "$have_updates")"
  192. xargs $nargs pacman -S --noconfirm --overwrite "/mingw64/*" \
  193. --overwrite "/mingw32/*" --overwrite "/clang64/*" --overwrite "/usr/*" <<< "$have_updates"
  194. fi
  195. [[ ! -s /usr/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt ]] &&
  196. pacman -S --noconfirm --asdeps ca-certificates
  197. # do a final overall installation for potential downgrades
  198. pacman -Syuu --noconfirm --overwrite "/mingw64/*" \
  199. --overwrite "/mingw32/*" --overwrite "/clang64/*" --overwrite "/usr/*"
  200. do_hide_all_sharedlibs
  201. echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  202. echo "Updates finished."
  203. echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  204. sleep 2
  205. exit