compileandrun.cmd 526 B

  1. @echo off
  2. :# Open RSC: Striving for a replica RSC game and more
  3. :# Path variables:
  4. SET antpath="apache-ant-1.10.5\bin\"
  5. SET "PATH=zulu8.50.0.51-ca-jdk8.0.275-win_x64\bin\;%PATH%"
  6. cls
  7. echo: Starting up the server and then launching the client. Close this window when you are finished playing.
  8. call START /min "" %antpath%ant -f ../server\build.xml compile-and-run && PING localhost -n 20 >NUL && call START "" %antpath%ant -f ../Client_Base\build.xml compile-and-run
  9. pause
  10. taskkill /F /IM Java*
  11. taskkill /F /IM mysqld*
  12. exit