float_spec.lua 271 KB

  1. local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each)
  2. local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen')
  3. local os = require('os')
  4. local clear, feed = helpers.clear, helpers.feed
  5. local assert_alive = helpers.assert_alive
  6. local command, feed_command = helpers.command, helpers.feed_command
  7. local eval = helpers.eval
  8. local eq = helpers.eq
  9. local exec_lua = helpers.exec_lua
  10. local insert = helpers.insert
  11. local meths = helpers.meths
  12. local curbufmeths = helpers.curbufmeths
  13. local funcs = helpers.funcs
  14. local run = helpers.run
  15. local pcall_err = helpers.pcall_err
  16. describe('float window', function()
  17. before_each(function()
  18. clear()
  19. end)
  20. local attrs = {
  21. [0] = {bold=true, foreground=Screen.colors.Blue},
  22. [1] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta},
  23. [2] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta, bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1},
  24. [3] = {bold = true},
  25. [4] = {bold = true, reverse = true},
  26. [5] = {reverse = true},
  27. [6] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta, bold = true, reverse = true},
  28. [7] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Grey100, background = Screen.colors.Red},
  29. [8] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.SeaGreen4},
  30. [9] = {background = Screen.colors.LightGrey, underline = true},
  31. [10] = {background = Screen.colors.LightGrey, underline = true, bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Magenta},
  32. [11] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Magenta},
  33. [12] = {background = Screen.colors.Red, bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1},
  34. [13] = {background = Screen.colors.WebGray},
  35. [14] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Brown},
  36. [15] = {background = Screen.colors.Grey20},
  37. [16] = {background = Screen.colors.Grey20, bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1},
  38. [17] = {background = Screen.colors.Yellow},
  39. [18] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Brown, background = Screen.colors.Grey20},
  40. [19] = {foreground = Screen.colors.DarkBlue, background = Screen.colors.WebGray},
  41. [20] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Brown},
  42. [21] = {background = Screen.colors.Gray90},
  43. [22] = {background = Screen.colors.LightRed},
  44. [23] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Black, background = Screen.colors.White};
  45. [24] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Black, background = Screen.colors.Grey80};
  46. [25] = {blend = 100, background = Screen.colors.Gray0};
  47. [26] = {blend = 80, background = Screen.colors.Gray0};
  48. }
  49. it('behavior', function()
  50. -- Create three windows and test that ":wincmd <direction>" changes to the
  51. -- first window, if the previous window is invalid.
  52. command('split')
  53. meths.open_win(0, true, {width=10, height=10, relative='editor', row=0, col=0})
  54. eq(1002, funcs.win_getid())
  55. eq('editor', meths.win_get_config(1002).relative)
  56. command([[
  57. call nvim_win_close(1001, v:false)
  58. wincmd j
  59. ]])
  60. eq(1000, funcs.win_getid())
  61. end)
  62. it('win_execute() should work' , function()
  63. local buf = meths.create_buf(false, false)
  64. meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {'the floatwin', 'abc', 'def'})
  65. local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='win', width=16, height=1, row=0, col=10})
  66. local line = funcs.win_execute(win, 'echo getline(1)')
  67. eq('\nthe floatwin', line)
  68. eq('\n1', funcs.win_execute(win, 'echo line(".",'..win.id..')'))
  69. eq('\n3', funcs.win_execute(win, 'echo line("$",'..win.id..')'))
  70. eq('\n0', funcs.win_execute(win, 'echo line("$", 123456)'))
  71. funcs.win_execute(win, 'bwipe!')
  72. end)
  73. it('win_execute() call commands that not allowed' , function()
  74. local buf = meths.create_buf(false, false)
  75. meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {'the floatwin'})
  76. local win = meths.open_win(buf, true, {relative='win', width=16, height=1, row=0, col=10})
  77. eq(pcall_err(funcs.win_execute, win, 'close'), 'Vim(close):E37: No write since last change (add ! to override)')
  78. eq(pcall_err(funcs.win_execute, win, 'bdelete'), 'Vim(bdelete):E89: No write since last change for buffer 2 (add ! to override)')
  79. funcs.win_execute(win, 'bwipe!')
  80. end)
  81. it('closed immediately by autocmd #11383', function()
  82. eq('Error executing lua: [string "<nvim>"]:0: Window was closed immediately',
  83. pcall_err(exec_lua, [[
  84. local a = vim.api
  85. local function crashes(contents)
  86. local buf = a.nvim_create_buf(false, true)
  87. local floatwin = a.nvim_open_win(buf, true, {
  88. relative = 'cursor';
  89. style = 'minimal';
  90. row = 0; col = 0;
  91. height = #contents;
  92. width = 10;
  93. })
  94. a.nvim_buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, contents)
  95. local winnr = vim.fn.win_id2win(floatwin)
  96. a.nvim_command('wincmd p')
  97. a.nvim_command('autocmd CursorMoved * ++once '..winnr..'wincmd c')
  98. return buf, floatwin
  99. end
  100. crashes{'foo'}
  101. crashes{'bar'}
  102. ]]))
  103. assert_alive()
  104. end)
  105. it('opened with correct height', function()
  106. local height = exec_lua([[
  107. vim.api.nvim_set_option("winheight", 20)
  108. local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true)
  109. local opts = {
  110. height = 10,
  111. col = 5,
  112. row = 1,
  113. relative = 'editor',
  114. style = 'minimal',
  115. width = 15
  116. }
  117. local win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, true, opts)
  118. return vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(win_id)
  119. ]])
  120. eq(10, height)
  121. end)
  122. it('opened with correct width', function()
  123. local width = exec_lua([[
  124. vim.api.nvim_set_option("winwidth", 20)
  125. local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true)
  126. local opts = {
  127. height = 10,
  128. col = 5,
  129. row = 1,
  130. relative = 'editor',
  131. style = 'minimal',
  132. width = 10
  133. }
  134. local win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, true, opts)
  135. return vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(win_id)
  136. ]])
  137. eq(10, width)
  138. end)
  139. it('opened with correct position', function()
  140. local pos = exec_lua([[
  141. local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true)
  142. local opts = {
  143. width = 10,
  144. height = 10,
  145. col = 7,
  146. row = 9,
  147. relative = 'editor',
  148. style = 'minimal'
  149. }
  150. local win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, opts)
  151. return vim.api.nvim_win_get_position(win_id)
  152. ]])
  153. eq(9, pos[1])
  154. eq(7, pos[2])
  155. end)
  156. it('opened with correct position relative to the cursor', function()
  157. local pos = exec_lua([[
  158. local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true)
  159. local opts = {
  160. width = 10,
  161. height = 10,
  162. col = 7,
  163. row = 9,
  164. relative = 'cursor',
  165. style = 'minimal'
  166. }
  167. local win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, opts)
  168. return vim.api.nvim_win_get_position(win_id)
  169. ]])
  170. eq(9, pos[1])
  171. eq(7, pos[2])
  172. end)
  173. it('opened with correct position relative to another window', function()
  174. local pos = exec_lua([[
  175. local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true)
  176. local par_opts = {
  177. width = 50,
  178. height = 50,
  179. col = 7,
  180. row = 9,
  181. relative = 'editor',
  182. style = 'minimal'
  183. }
  184. local par_win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, par_opts)
  185. local opts = {
  186. width = 10,
  187. height = 10,
  188. col = 7,
  189. row = 9,
  190. relative = 'win',
  191. style = 'minimal',
  192. win = par_win_id
  193. }
  194. local win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, opts)
  195. return vim.api.nvim_win_get_position(win_id)
  196. ]])
  197. eq(18, pos[1])
  198. eq(14, pos[2])
  199. end)
  200. it('opened with correct position relative to another relative window', function()
  201. local pos = exec_lua([[
  202. local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true)
  203. local root_opts = {
  204. width = 50,
  205. height = 50,
  206. col = 7,
  207. row = 9,
  208. relative = 'editor',
  209. style = 'minimal'
  210. }
  211. local root_win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, root_opts)
  212. local par_opts = {
  213. width = 20,
  214. height = 20,
  215. col = 2,
  216. row = 3,
  217. relative = 'win',
  218. win = root_win_id,
  219. style = 'minimal'
  220. }
  221. local par_win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, par_opts)
  222. local opts = {
  223. width = 10,
  224. height = 10,
  225. col = 3,
  226. row = 2,
  227. relative = 'win',
  228. win = par_win_id,
  229. style = 'minimal'
  230. }
  231. local win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, opts)
  232. return vim.api.nvim_win_get_position(win_id)
  233. ]])
  234. eq(14, pos[1])
  235. eq(12, pos[2])
  236. end)
  237. local function with_ext_multigrid(multigrid)
  238. local screen
  239. before_each(function()
  240. screen = Screen.new(40,7)
  241. screen:attach {ext_multigrid=multigrid}
  242. screen:set_default_attr_ids(attrs)
  243. end)
  244. it('can be created and reconfigured', function()
  245. local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false)
  246. local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=2, row=2, col=5})
  247. local expected_pos = {
  248. [4]={{id=1001}, 'NW', 1, 2, 5, true},
  249. }
  250. if multigrid then
  251. screen:expect{grid=[[
  252. ## grid 1
  253. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  254. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  255. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  256. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  257. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  258. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  259. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  260. ## grid 2
  261. ^ |
  262. {0:~ }|
  263. {0:~ }|
  264. {0:~ }|
  265. {0:~ }|
  266. {0:~ }|
  267. ## grid 3
  268. |
  269. ## grid 4
  270. {1: }|
  271. {2:~ }|
  272. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  273. else
  274. screen:expect([[
  275. ^ |
  276. {0:~ }|
  277. {0:~ }{1: }{0: }|
  278. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  279. {0:~ }|
  280. {0:~ }|
  281. |
  282. ]])
  283. end
  284. meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='editor', row=0, col=10})
  285. expected_pos[4][4] = 0
  286. expected_pos[4][5] = 10
  287. if multigrid then
  288. screen:expect{grid=[[
  289. ## grid 1
  290. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  291. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  292. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  293. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  294. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  295. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  296. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  297. ## grid 2
  298. ^ |
  299. {0:~ }|
  300. {0:~ }|
  301. {0:~ }|
  302. {0:~ }|
  303. {0:~ }|
  304. ## grid 3
  305. |
  306. ## grid 4
  307. {1: }|
  308. {2:~ }|
  309. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  310. else
  311. screen:expect([[
  312. ^ {1: } |
  313. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  314. {0:~ }|
  315. {0:~ }|
  316. {0:~ }|
  317. {0:~ }|
  318. |
  319. ]])
  320. end
  321. meths.win_close(win, false)
  322. if multigrid then
  323. screen:expect([[
  324. ## grid 1
  325. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  326. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  327. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  328. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  329. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  330. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  331. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  332. ## grid 2
  333. ^ |
  334. {0:~ }|
  335. {0:~ }|
  336. {0:~ }|
  337. {0:~ }|
  338. {0:~ }|
  339. ## grid 3
  340. |
  341. ]])
  342. else
  343. screen:expect([[
  344. ^ |
  345. {0:~ }|
  346. {0:~ }|
  347. {0:~ }|
  348. {0:~ }|
  349. {0:~ }|
  350. |
  351. ]])
  352. end
  353. end)
  354. it('draws correctly with redrawdebug=compositor', function()
  355. -- NB: we do not test that it produces the "correct" debug info
  356. -- (as it is intermediate only, and is allowed to change by internal
  357. -- refactors). Only check that it doesn't cause permanent glitches,
  358. -- or something.
  359. command("set redrawdebug=compositor")
  360. command("set wd=1")
  361. local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false)
  362. local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=2, row=2, col=5})
  363. local expected_pos = {
  364. [4]={{id=1001}, 'NW', 1, 2, 5, true},
  365. }
  366. if multigrid then
  367. screen:expect{grid=[[
  368. ## grid 1
  369. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  370. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  371. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  372. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  373. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  374. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  375. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  376. ## grid 2
  377. ^ |
  378. {0:~ }|
  379. {0:~ }|
  380. {0:~ }|
  381. {0:~ }|
  382. {0:~ }|
  383. ## grid 3
  384. |
  385. ## grid 4
  386. {1: }|
  387. {2:~ }|
  388. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  389. else
  390. screen:expect([[
  391. ^ |
  392. {0:~ }|
  393. {0:~ }{1: }{0: }|
  394. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  395. {0:~ }|
  396. {0:~ }|
  397. |
  398. ]])
  399. end
  400. meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='editor', row=0, col=10})
  401. expected_pos[4][4] = 0
  402. expected_pos[4][5] = 10
  403. if multigrid then
  404. screen:expect{grid=[[
  405. ## grid 1
  406. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  407. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  408. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  409. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  410. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  411. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  412. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  413. ## grid 2
  414. ^ |
  415. {0:~ }|
  416. {0:~ }|
  417. {0:~ }|
  418. {0:~ }|
  419. {0:~ }|
  420. ## grid 3
  421. |
  422. ## grid 4
  423. {1: }|
  424. {2:~ }|
  425. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  426. else
  427. screen:expect([[
  428. ^ {1: } |
  429. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  430. {0:~ }|
  431. {0:~ }|
  432. {0:~ }|
  433. {0:~ }|
  434. |
  435. ]])
  436. end
  437. meths.win_close(win, false)
  438. if multigrid then
  439. screen:expect([[
  440. ## grid 1
  441. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  442. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  443. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  444. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  445. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  446. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  447. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  448. ## grid 2
  449. ^ |
  450. {0:~ }|
  451. {0:~ }|
  452. {0:~ }|
  453. {0:~ }|
  454. {0:~ }|
  455. ## grid 3
  456. |
  457. ]])
  458. else
  459. screen:expect([[
  460. ^ |
  461. {0:~ }|
  462. {0:~ }|
  463. {0:~ }|
  464. {0:~ }|
  465. {0:~ }|
  466. |
  467. ]])
  468. end
  469. end)
  470. it('return their configuration', function()
  471. local buf = meths.create_buf(false, false)
  472. local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=2, row=3, col=5, zindex=60})
  473. local expected = {anchor='NW', col=5, external=false, focusable=true, height=2, relative='editor', row=3, width=20, zindex=60}
  474. eq(expected, meths.win_get_config(win))
  475. eq({relative='', external=false, focusable=true}, meths.win_get_config(0))
  476. if multigrid then
  477. meths.win_set_config(win, {external=true, width=10, height=1})
  478. eq({external=true,focusable=true,width=10,height=1,relative=''}, meths.win_get_config(win))
  479. end
  480. end)
  481. it('defaults to NormalFloat highlight and inherited options', function()
  482. command('set number')
  483. command('hi NormalFloat guibg=#333333')
  484. feed('ix<cr>y<cr><esc>gg')
  485. local win = meths.open_win(0, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=4, row=4, col=10})
  486. if multigrid then
  487. screen:expect{grid=[[
  488. ## grid 1
  489. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  490. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  491. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  492. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  493. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  494. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  495. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  496. ## grid 2
  497. {14: 1 }^x |
  498. {14: 2 }y |
  499. {14: 3 } |
  500. {0:~ }|
  501. {0:~ }|
  502. {0:~ }|
  503. ## grid 3
  504. |
  505. ## grid 4
  506. {18: 1 }{15:x }|
  507. {18: 2 }{15:y }|
  508. {18: 3 }{15: }|
  509. {16:~ }|
  510. ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 4, 10, true}}}
  511. else
  512. screen:expect([[
  513. {14: 1 }^x |
  514. {14: 2 }y |
  515. {14: 3 } {18: 1 }{15:x } |
  516. {0:~ }{18: 2 }{15:y }{0: }|
  517. {0:~ }{18: 3 }{15: }{0: }|
  518. {0:~ }{16:~ }{0: }|
  519. |
  520. ]])
  521. end
  522. local buf = meths.create_buf(false, true)
  523. meths.win_set_buf(win, buf)
  524. if multigrid then
  525. screen:expect{grid=[[
  526. ## grid 1
  527. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  528. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  529. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  530. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  531. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  532. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  533. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  534. ## grid 2
  535. {14: 1 }^x |
  536. {14: 2 }y |
  537. {14: 3 } |
  538. {0:~ }|
  539. {0:~ }|
  540. {0:~ }|
  541. ## grid 3
  542. |
  543. ## grid 4
  544. {18: 1 }{15: }|
  545. {16:~ }|
  546. {16:~ }|
  547. {16:~ }|
  548. ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 4, 10, true}}}
  549. else
  550. screen:expect([[
  551. {14: 1 }^x |
  552. {14: 2 }y |
  553. {14: 3 } {18: 1 }{15: } |
  554. {0:~ }{16:~ }{0: }|
  555. {0:~ }{16:~ }{0: }|
  556. {0:~ }{16:~ }{0: }|
  557. |
  558. ]])
  559. end
  560. end)
  561. it("can use 'minimal' style", function()
  562. command('set number')
  563. command('set signcolumn=yes')
  564. command('set colorcolumn=1')
  565. command('set cursorline')
  566. command('set foldcolumn=1')
  567. command('hi NormalFloat guibg=#333333')
  568. feed('ix<cr>y<cr><esc>gg')
  569. local win = meths.open_win(0, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=4, row=4, col=10, style='minimal'})
  570. if multigrid then
  571. screen:expect{grid=[[
  572. ## grid 1
  573. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  574. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  575. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  576. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  577. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  578. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  579. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  580. ## grid 2
  581. {19: }{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }|
  582. {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} |
  583. {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } |
  584. {0:~ }|
  585. {0:~ }|
  586. {0:~ }|
  587. ## grid 3
  588. |
  589. ## grid 4
  590. {15:x }|
  591. {15:y }|
  592. {15: }|
  593. {15: }|
  594. ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 4, 10, true}}}
  595. else
  596. screen:expect{grid=[[
  597. {19: }{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }|
  598. {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} |
  599. {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } {15:x } |
  600. {0:~ }{15:y }{0: }|
  601. {0:~ }{15: }{0: }|
  602. {0:~ }{15: }{0: }|
  603. |
  604. ]]}
  605. end
  606. -- signcolumn=yes still works if there actually are signs
  607. command('sign define piet1 text=𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄ texthl=Search')
  608. command('sign place 1 line=1 name=piet1 buffer=1')
  609. if multigrid then
  610. screen:expect{grid=[[
  611. ## grid 1
  612. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  613. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  614. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  615. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  616. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  617. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  618. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  619. ## grid 2
  620. {19: }{17:𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄}{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }|
  621. {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} |
  622. {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } |
  623. {0:~ }|
  624. {0:~ }|
  625. {0:~ }|
  626. ## grid 3
  627. |
  628. ## grid 4
  629. {17:𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄}{15:x }|
  630. {19: }{15:y }|
  631. {19: }{15: }|
  632. {15: }|
  633. ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 4, 10, true}}}
  634. else
  635. screen:expect([[
  636. {19: }{17:𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄}{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }|
  637. {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} |
  638. {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } {17:𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄}{15:x } |
  639. {0:~ }{19: }{15:y }{0: }|
  640. {0:~ }{19: }{15: }{0: }|
  641. {0:~ }{15: }{0: }|
  642. |
  643. ]])
  644. end
  645. command('sign unplace 1 buffer=1')
  646. local buf = meths.create_buf(false, true)
  647. meths.win_set_buf(win, buf)
  648. if multigrid then
  649. screen:expect{grid=[[
  650. ## grid 1
  651. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  652. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  653. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  654. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  655. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  656. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  657. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  658. ## grid 2
  659. {19: }{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }|
  660. {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} |
  661. {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } |
  662. {0:~ }|
  663. {0:~ }|
  664. {0:~ }|
  665. ## grid 3
  666. |
  667. ## grid 4
  668. {15: }|
  669. {15: }|
  670. {15: }|
  671. {15: }|
  672. ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 4, 10, true}}}
  673. else
  674. screen:expect([[
  675. {19: }{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }|
  676. {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} |
  677. {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } {15: } |
  678. {0:~ }{15: }{0: }|
  679. {0:~ }{15: }{0: }|
  680. {0:~ }{15: }{0: }|
  681. |
  682. ]])
  683. end
  684. end)
  685. it("would not break 'minimal' style with signcolumn=auto:[min]-[max]", function()
  686. command('set number')
  687. command('set signcolumn=auto:1-3')
  688. command('set colorcolumn=1')
  689. command('set cursorline')
  690. command('set foldcolumn=1')
  691. command('hi NormalFloat guibg=#333333')
  692. feed('ix<cr>y<cr><esc>gg')
  693. local win = meths.open_win(0, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=4, row=4, col=10, style='minimal'})
  694. if multigrid then
  695. screen:expect{grid=[[
  696. ## grid 1
  697. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  698. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  699. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  700. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  701. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  702. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  703. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  704. ## grid 2
  705. {19: }{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }|
  706. {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} |
  707. {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } |
  708. {0:~ }|
  709. {0:~ }|
  710. {0:~ }|
  711. ## grid 3
  712. |
  713. ## grid 4
  714. {15:x }|
  715. {15:y }|
  716. {15: }|
  717. {15: }|
  718. ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 4, 10, true}}}
  719. else
  720. screen:expect{grid=[[
  721. {19: }{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }|
  722. {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} |
  723. {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } {15:x } |
  724. {0:~ }{15:y }{0: }|
  725. {0:~ }{15: }{0: }|
  726. {0:~ }{15: }{0: }|
  727. |
  728. ]]}
  729. end
  730. command('sign define piet1 text=𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄ texthl=Search')
  731. command('sign place 1 line=1 name=piet1 buffer=1')
  732. -- signcolumn=auto:1-3 still works if there actually are signs
  733. if multigrid then
  734. screen:expect{grid=[[
  735. ## grid 1
  736. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  737. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  738. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  739. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  740. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  741. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  742. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  743. ## grid 2
  744. {19: }{17:𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄}{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }|
  745. {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} |
  746. {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } |
  747. {0:~ }|
  748. {0:~ }|
  749. {0:~ }|
  750. ## grid 3
  751. |
  752. ## grid 4
  753. {17:𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄}{15:x }|
  754. {19: }{15:y }|
  755. {19: }{15: }|
  756. {15: }|
  757. ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 4, 10, true}}}
  758. else
  759. screen:expect([[
  760. {19: }{17:𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄}{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }|
  761. {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} |
  762. {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } {17:𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄𐌢̀́̂̃̅̄}{15:x } |
  763. {0:~ }{19: }{15:y }{0: }|
  764. {0:~ }{19: }{15: }{0: }|
  765. {0:~ }{15: }{0: }|
  766. |
  767. ]])
  768. end
  769. command('sign unplace 1 buffer=1')
  770. local buf = meths.create_buf(false, true)
  771. meths.win_set_buf(win, buf)
  772. if multigrid then
  773. screen:expect{grid=[[
  774. ## grid 1
  775. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  776. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  777. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  778. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  779. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  780. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  781. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  782. ## grid 2
  783. {19: }{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }|
  784. {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} |
  785. {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } |
  786. {0:~ }|
  787. {0:~ }|
  788. {0:~ }|
  789. ## grid 3
  790. |
  791. ## grid 4
  792. {15: }|
  793. {15: }|
  794. {15: }|
  795. {15: }|
  796. ]], float_pos={[4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 4, 10, true}}}
  797. else
  798. screen:expect([[
  799. {19: }{20: 1 }{22:^x}{21: }|
  800. {19: }{14: 2 }{22:y} |
  801. {19: }{14: 3 }{22: } {15: } |
  802. {0:~ }{15: }{0: }|
  803. {0:~ }{15: }{0: }|
  804. {0:~ }{15: }{0: }|
  805. |
  806. ]])
  807. end
  808. end)
  809. it('can have border', function()
  810. local buf = meths.create_buf(false, false)
  811. meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {' halloj! ',
  812. ' BORDAA '})
  813. local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=9, height=2, row=2, col=5, border="double"})
  814. if multigrid then
  815. screen:expect{grid=[[
  816. ## grid 1
  817. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  818. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  819. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  820. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  821. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  822. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  823. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  824. ## grid 2
  825. ^ |
  826. {0:~ }|
  827. {0:~ }|
  828. {0:~ }|
  829. {0:~ }|
  830. {0:~ }|
  831. ## grid 3
  832. |
  833. ## grid 5
  834. {5:╔═════════╗}|
  835. {5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}|
  836. {5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}|
  837. {5:╚═════════╝}|
  838. ]], float_pos={
  839. [5] = { { id = 1002 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true }
  840. }, win_viewport={
  841. [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  842. [5] = {win = {id = 1002}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  843. }}
  844. else
  845. screen:expect{grid=[[
  846. ^ |
  847. {0:~ }|
  848. {0:~ }{5:╔═════════╗}{0: }|
  849. {0:~ }{5:║}{1: halloj! }{5:║}{0: }|
  850. {0:~ }{5:║}{1: BORDAA }{5:║}{0: }|
  851. {0:~ }{5:╚═════════╝}{0: }|
  852. |
  853. ]]}
  854. end
  855. meths.win_set_config(win, {border="single"})
  856. if multigrid then
  857. screen:expect{grid=[[
  858. ## grid 1
  859. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  860. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  861. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  862. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  863. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  864. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  865. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  866. ## grid 2
  867. ^ |
  868. {0:~ }|
  869. {0:~ }|
  870. {0:~ }|
  871. {0:~ }|
  872. {0:~ }|
  873. ## grid 3
  874. |
  875. ## grid 5
  876. {5:┌─────────┐}|
  877. {5:│}{1: halloj! }{5:│}|
  878. {5:│}{1: BORDAA }{5:│}|
  879. {5:└─────────┘}|
  880. ]], float_pos={
  881. [5] = { { id = 1002 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true }
  882. }, win_viewport={
  883. [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  884. [5] = {win = {id = 1002}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  885. }}
  886. else
  887. screen:expect{grid=[[
  888. ^ |
  889. {0:~ }|
  890. {0:~ }{5:┌─────────┐}{0: }|
  891. {0:~ }{5:│}{1: halloj! }{5:│}{0: }|
  892. {0:~ }{5:│}{1: BORDAA }{5:│}{0: }|
  893. {0:~ }{5:└─────────┘}{0: }|
  894. |
  895. ]]}
  896. end
  897. meths.win_set_config(win, {border="rounded"})
  898. if multigrid then
  899. screen:expect{grid=[[
  900. ## grid 1
  901. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  902. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  903. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  904. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  905. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  906. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  907. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  908. ## grid 2
  909. ^ |
  910. {0:~ }|
  911. {0:~ }|
  912. {0:~ }|
  913. {0:~ }|
  914. {0:~ }|
  915. ## grid 3
  916. |
  917. ## grid 5
  918. {5:╭─────────╮}|
  919. {5:│}{1: halloj! }{5:│}|
  920. {5:│}{1: BORDAA }{5:│}|
  921. {5:╰─────────╯}|
  922. ]], float_pos={
  923. [5] = { { id = 1002 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true }
  924. }, win_viewport={
  925. [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  926. [5] = {win = {id = 1002}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  927. }}
  928. else
  929. screen:expect{grid=[[
  930. ^ |
  931. {0:~ }|
  932. {0:~ }{5:╭─────────╮}{0: }|
  933. {0:~ }{5:│}{1: halloj! }{5:│}{0: }|
  934. {0:~ }{5:│}{1: BORDAA }{5:│}{0: }|
  935. {0:~ }{5:╰─────────╯}{0: }|
  936. |
  937. ]]}
  938. end
  939. meths.win_set_config(win, {border="solid"})
  940. if multigrid then
  941. screen:expect{grid=[[
  942. ## grid 1
  943. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  944. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  945. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  946. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  947. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  948. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  949. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  950. ## grid 2
  951. ^ |
  952. {0:~ }|
  953. {0:~ }|
  954. {0:~ }|
  955. {0:~ }|
  956. {0:~ }|
  957. ## grid 3
  958. |
  959. ## grid 5
  960. {5: }|
  961. {5: }{1: halloj! }{5: }|
  962. {5: }{1: BORDAA }{5: }|
  963. {5: }|
  964. ]], float_pos={
  965. [5] = { { id = 1002 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true }
  966. }, win_viewport={
  967. [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  968. [5] = {win = {id = 1002}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  969. }}
  970. else
  971. screen:expect{grid=[[
  972. ^ |
  973. {0:~ }|
  974. {0:~ }{5: }{0: }|
  975. {0:~ }{5: }{1: halloj! }{5: }{0: }|
  976. {0:~ }{5: }{1: BORDAA }{5: }{0: }|
  977. {0:~ }{5: }{0: }|
  978. |
  979. ]]}
  980. end
  981. -- support: ascii char, UTF-8 char, composed char, highlight per char
  982. meths.win_set_config(win, {border={"x", {"å", "ErrorMsg"}, {"\\"}, {"n̈̊", "Search"}}})
  983. if multigrid then
  984. screen:expect{grid=[[
  985. ## grid 1
  986. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  987. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  988. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  989. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  990. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  991. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  992. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  993. ## grid 2
  994. ^ |
  995. {0:~ }|
  996. {0:~ }|
  997. {0:~ }|
  998. {0:~ }|
  999. {0:~ }|
  1000. ## grid 3
  1001. |
  1002. ## grid 5
  1003. {5:x}{7:ååååååååå}{5:\}|
  1004. {17:n̈̊}{1: halloj! }{17:n̈̊}|
  1005. {17:n̈̊}{1: BORDAA }{17:n̈̊}|
  1006. {5:\}{7:ååååååååå}{5:x}|
  1007. ]], float_pos={
  1008. [5] = { { id = 1002 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true }
  1009. }, win_viewport={
  1010. [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  1011. [5] = {win = {id = 1002}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  1012. }}
  1013. else
  1014. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1015. ^ |
  1016. {0:~ }|
  1017. {0:~ }{5:x}{7:ååååååååå}{5:\}{0: }|
  1018. {0:~ }{17:n̈̊}{1: halloj! }{17:n̈̊}{0: }|
  1019. {0:~ }{17:n̈̊}{1: BORDAA }{17:n̈̊}{0: }|
  1020. {0:~ }{5:\}{7:ååååååååå}{5:x}{0: }|
  1021. |
  1022. ]]}
  1023. end
  1024. meths.win_set_config(win, {border="none"})
  1025. if multigrid then
  1026. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1027. ## grid 1
  1028. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1029. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1030. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1031. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1032. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1033. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1034. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  1035. ## grid 2
  1036. ^ |
  1037. {0:~ }|
  1038. {0:~ }|
  1039. {0:~ }|
  1040. {0:~ }|
  1041. {0:~ }|
  1042. ## grid 3
  1043. |
  1044. ## grid 5
  1045. {1: halloj! }|
  1046. {1: BORDAA }|
  1047. ]], float_pos={
  1048. [5] = { { id = 1002 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true }
  1049. }, win_viewport={
  1050. [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  1051. [5] = {win = {id = 1002}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  1052. }}
  1053. else
  1054. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1055. ^ |
  1056. {0:~ }|
  1057. {0:~ }{1: halloj! }{0: }|
  1058. {0:~ }{1: BORDAA }{0: }|
  1059. {0:~ }|
  1060. {0:~ }|
  1061. |
  1062. ]]}
  1063. end
  1064. meths.win_set_config(win, {border={"", "", "", ">", "", "", "", "<"}})
  1065. if multigrid then
  1066. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1067. ## grid 1
  1068. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1069. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1070. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1071. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1072. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1073. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1074. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  1075. ## grid 2
  1076. ^ |
  1077. {0:~ }|
  1078. {0:~ }|
  1079. {0:~ }|
  1080. {0:~ }|
  1081. {0:~ }|
  1082. ## grid 3
  1083. |
  1084. ## grid 5
  1085. {5:<}{1: halloj! }{5:>}|
  1086. {5:<}{1: BORDAA }{5:>}|
  1087. ]], float_pos={
  1088. [5] = { { id = 1002 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true }
  1089. }, win_viewport={
  1090. [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  1091. [5] = {win = {id = 1002}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  1092. }}
  1093. else
  1094. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1095. ^ |
  1096. {0:~ }|
  1097. {0:~ }{5:<}{1: halloj! }{5:>}{0: }|
  1098. {0:~ }{5:<}{1: BORDAA }{5:>}{0: }|
  1099. {0:~ }|
  1100. {0:~ }|
  1101. |
  1102. ]]}
  1103. end
  1104. insert [[
  1105. neeed some dummy
  1106. background text
  1107. to show the effect
  1108. of color blending
  1109. of border shadow
  1110. ]]
  1111. meths.win_set_config(win, {border="shadow"})
  1112. if multigrid then
  1113. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1114. ## grid 1
  1115. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1116. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1117. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1118. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1119. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1120. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1121. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  1122. ## grid 2
  1123. neeed some dummy |
  1124. background text |
  1125. to show the effect |
  1126. of color blending |
  1127. of border shadow |
  1128. ^ |
  1129. ## grid 3
  1130. |
  1131. ## grid 5
  1132. {1: halloj! }{25: }|
  1133. {1: BORDAA }{26: }|
  1134. {25: }{26: }|
  1135. ]], float_pos={
  1136. [5] = { { id = 1002 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true }
  1137. }, win_viewport={
  1138. [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 6, curline = 5, curcol = 0};
  1139. [5] = {win = {id = 1002}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  1140. }}
  1141. else
  1142. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1143. neeed some dummy |
  1144. background text |
  1145. to {1: halloj! }{23:e}ffect |
  1146. of {1: BORDAA }{24:n}ding |
  1147. of {23:b}{24:order sha}dow |
  1148. ^ |
  1149. |
  1150. ]]}
  1151. end
  1152. end)
  1153. it('terminates border on edge of viewport when window extends past viewport', function()
  1154. local buf = meths.create_buf(false, false)
  1155. meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=40, height=7, row=0, col=0, border="single"})
  1156. if multigrid then
  1157. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1158. ## grid 1
  1159. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1160. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1161. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1162. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1163. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1164. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1165. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  1166. ## grid 2
  1167. ^ |
  1168. {0:~ }|
  1169. {0:~ }|
  1170. {0:~ }|
  1171. {0:~ }|
  1172. {0:~ }|
  1173. ## grid 3
  1174. |
  1175. ## grid 4
  1176. {5:┌────────────────────────────────────────┐}|
  1177. {5:│}{1: }{5:│}|
  1178. {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}|
  1179. {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}|
  1180. {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}|
  1181. {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}|
  1182. {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}|
  1183. {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}|
  1184. {5:└────────────────────────────────────────┘}|
  1185. ]], float_pos={
  1186. [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 0, 0, true }
  1187. }, win_viewport={
  1188. [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  1189. [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  1190. }}
  1191. else
  1192. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1193. {5:^┌──────────────────────────────────────┐}|
  1194. {5:│}{1: }{5:│}|
  1195. {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}|
  1196. {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}|
  1197. {5:│}{2:~ }{5:│}|
  1198. {5:└──────────────────────────────────────┘}|
  1199. |
  1200. ]]}
  1201. end
  1202. end)
  1203. it('with border show popupmenu', function()
  1204. screen:try_resize(40,10)
  1205. local buf = meths.create_buf(false, false)
  1206. meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {'aaa aab ',
  1207. 'abb acc ', ''})
  1208. meths.open_win(buf, true, {relative='editor', width=9, height=3, row=0, col=5, border="double"})
  1209. feed 'G'
  1210. if multigrid then
  1211. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1212. ## grid 1
  1213. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1214. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1215. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1216. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1217. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1218. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1219. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1220. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1221. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1222. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  1223. ## grid 2
  1224. |
  1225. {0:~ }|
  1226. {0:~ }|
  1227. {0:~ }|
  1228. {0:~ }|
  1229. {0:~ }|
  1230. {0:~ }|
  1231. {0:~ }|
  1232. {0:~ }|
  1233. ## grid 3
  1234. |
  1235. ## grid 5
  1236. {5:╔═════════╗}|
  1237. {5:║}{1:aaa aab }{5:║}|
  1238. {5:║}{1:abb acc }{5:║}|
  1239. {5:║}{1:^ }{5:║}|
  1240. {5:╚═════════╝}|
  1241. ]], float_pos={
  1242. [5] = { { id = 1002 }, "NW", 1, 0, 5, true }
  1243. }, win_viewport={
  1244. [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  1245. [5] = {win = {id = 1002}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 2, curcol = 0};
  1246. }}
  1247. else
  1248. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1249. {5:╔═════════╗} |
  1250. {0:~ }{5:║}{1:aaa aab }{5:║}{0: }|
  1251. {0:~ }{5:║}{1:abb acc }{5:║}{0: }|
  1252. {0:~ }{5:║}{1:^ }{5:║}{0: }|
  1253. {0:~ }{5:╚═════════╝}{0: }|
  1254. {0:~ }|
  1255. {0:~ }|
  1256. {0:~ }|
  1257. {0:~ }|
  1258. |
  1259. ]]}
  1260. end
  1261. feed 'i<c-x><c-p>'
  1262. if multigrid then
  1263. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1264. ## grid 1
  1265. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1266. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1267. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1268. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1269. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1270. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1271. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1272. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1273. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1274. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  1275. ## grid 2
  1276. |
  1277. {0:~ }|
  1278. {0:~ }|
  1279. {0:~ }|
  1280. {0:~ }|
  1281. {0:~ }|
  1282. {0:~ }|
  1283. {0:~ }|
  1284. {0:~ }|
  1285. ## grid 3
  1286. {3:-- }{8:match 1 of 4} |
  1287. ## grid 5
  1288. {5:╔═════════╗}|
  1289. {5:║}{1:aaa aab }{5:║}|
  1290. {5:║}{1:abb acc }{5:║}|
  1291. {5:║}{1:acc^ }{5:║}|
  1292. {5:╚═════════╝}|
  1293. ## grid 6
  1294. {1: aaa }|
  1295. {1: aab }|
  1296. {1: abb }|
  1297. {13: acc }|
  1298. ]], float_pos={
  1299. [5] = { { id = 1002 }, "NW", 1, 0, 5, true, 50 },
  1300. [6] = { { id = -1 }, "NW", 5, 4, 0, false, 100 }
  1301. }, win_viewport={
  1302. [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  1303. [5] = {win = {id = 1002}, topline = 0, botline = 3, curline = 2, curcol = 3};
  1304. }}
  1305. else
  1306. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1307. {5:╔═════════╗} |
  1308. {0:~ }{5:║}{1:aaa aab }{5:║}{0: }|
  1309. {0:~ }{5:║}{1:abb acc }{5:║}{0: }|
  1310. {0:~ }{5:║}{1:acc^ }{5:║}{0: }|
  1311. {0:~ }{1: aaa }{0: }|
  1312. {0:~ }{1: aab }{0: }|
  1313. {0:~ }{1: abb }{0: }|
  1314. {0:~ }{13: acc }{0: }|
  1315. {0:~ }|
  1316. {3:-- }{8:match 1 of 4} |
  1317. ]]}
  1318. end
  1319. end)
  1320. it('can have minimum size', function()
  1321. insert("the background text")
  1322. local buf = meths.create_buf(false, true)
  1323. meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {'x'})
  1324. local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='win', width=1, height=1, row=0, col=4, focusable=false})
  1325. if multigrid then
  1326. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1327. ## grid 1
  1328. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1329. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1330. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1331. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1332. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1333. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1334. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  1335. ## grid 2
  1336. the background tex^t |
  1337. {0:~ }|
  1338. {0:~ }|
  1339. {0:~ }|
  1340. {0:~ }|
  1341. {0:~ }|
  1342. ## grid 3
  1343. |
  1344. ## grid 5
  1345. {1:x}|
  1346. ]], float_pos={
  1347. [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 2, 0, 4, false}
  1348. }}
  1349. else
  1350. screen:expect([[
  1351. the {1:x}ackground tex^t |
  1352. {0:~ }|
  1353. {0:~ }|
  1354. {0:~ }|
  1355. {0:~ }|
  1356. {0:~ }|
  1357. |
  1358. ]])
  1359. end
  1360. meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='win', row=0, col=15})
  1361. if multigrid then
  1362. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1363. ## grid 1
  1364. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1365. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1366. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1367. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1368. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1369. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1370. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  1371. ## grid 2
  1372. the background tex^t |
  1373. {0:~ }|
  1374. {0:~ }|
  1375. {0:~ }|
  1376. {0:~ }|
  1377. {0:~ }|
  1378. ## grid 3
  1379. |
  1380. ## grid 5
  1381. {1:x}|
  1382. ]], float_pos={
  1383. [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 2, 0, 15, false}
  1384. }}
  1385. else
  1386. screen:expect([[
  1387. the background {1:x}ex^t |
  1388. {0:~ }|
  1389. {0:~ }|
  1390. {0:~ }|
  1391. {0:~ }|
  1392. {0:~ }|
  1393. |
  1394. ]])
  1395. end
  1396. meths.win_close(win,false)
  1397. if multigrid then
  1398. screen:expect([[
  1399. ## grid 1
  1400. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1401. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1402. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1403. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1404. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1405. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1406. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  1407. ## grid 2
  1408. the background tex^t |
  1409. {0:~ }|
  1410. {0:~ }|
  1411. {0:~ }|
  1412. {0:~ }|
  1413. {0:~ }|
  1414. ## grid 3
  1415. |
  1416. ]])
  1417. else
  1418. screen:expect([[
  1419. the background tex^t |
  1420. {0:~ }|
  1421. {0:~ }|
  1422. {0:~ }|
  1423. {0:~ }|
  1424. {0:~ }|
  1425. |
  1426. ]])
  1427. end
  1428. end)
  1429. it('API has proper error messages', function()
  1430. local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false)
  1431. eq("Invalid key 'bork'",
  1432. pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, {width=20,height=2,bork=true}))
  1433. eq("'win' key is only valid with relative='win'",
  1434. pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, {width=20,height=2,relative='editor',row=0,col=0,win=0}))
  1435. eq("Only one of 'relative' and 'external' must be used",
  1436. pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, {width=20,height=2,relative='editor',row=0,col=0,external=true}))
  1437. eq("Invalid value of 'relative' key",
  1438. pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, {width=20,height=2,relative='shell',row=0,col=0}))
  1439. eq("Invalid value of 'anchor' key",
  1440. pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, {width=20,height=2,relative='editor',row=0,col=0,anchor='bottom'}))
  1441. eq("'relative' requires 'row'/'col' or 'bufpos'",
  1442. pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, {width=20,height=2,relative='editor'}))
  1443. eq("'width' key must be a positive Integer",
  1444. pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, {width=-1,height=2,relative='editor'}))
  1445. eq("'height' key must be a positive Integer",
  1446. pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, {width=20,height=-1,relative='editor'}))
  1447. eq("'height' key must be a positive Integer",
  1448. pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, {width=20,height=0,relative='editor'}))
  1449. eq("Must specify 'width' and 'height'",
  1450. pcall_err(meths.open_win,buf, false, {relative='editor'}))
  1451. end)
  1452. it('can be placed relative window or cursor', function()
  1453. screen:try_resize(40,9)
  1454. meths.buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, true, {'just some', 'example text'})
  1455. feed('gge')
  1456. local oldwin = meths.get_current_win()
  1457. command('below split')
  1458. if multigrid then
  1459. screen:expect([[
  1460. ## grid 1
  1461. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1462. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1463. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1464. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  1465. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  1466. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  1467. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  1468. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  1469. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  1470. ## grid 2
  1471. just some |
  1472. example text |
  1473. {0:~ }|
  1474. ## grid 3
  1475. |
  1476. ## grid 4
  1477. jus^t some |
  1478. example text |
  1479. {0:~ }|
  1480. ]])
  1481. else
  1482. screen:expect([[
  1483. just some |
  1484. example text |
  1485. {0:~ }|
  1486. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  1487. jus^t some |
  1488. example text |
  1489. {0:~ }|
  1490. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  1491. |
  1492. ]])
  1493. end
  1494. local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false)
  1495. -- no 'win' arg, relative default window
  1496. local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='win', width=20, height=2, row=0, col=10})
  1497. if multigrid then
  1498. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1499. ## grid 1
  1500. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1501. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1502. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1503. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  1504. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  1505. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  1506. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  1507. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  1508. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  1509. ## grid 2
  1510. just some |
  1511. example text |
  1512. {0:~ }|
  1513. ## grid 3
  1514. |
  1515. ## grid 4
  1516. jus^t some |
  1517. example text |
  1518. {0:~ }|
  1519. ## grid 5
  1520. {1: }|
  1521. {2:~ }|
  1522. ]], float_pos={
  1523. [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 4, 0, 10, true}
  1524. }}
  1525. else
  1526. screen:expect([[
  1527. just some |
  1528. example text |
  1529. {0:~ }|
  1530. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  1531. jus^t some {1: } |
  1532. example te{2:~ } |
  1533. {0:~ }|
  1534. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  1535. |
  1536. ]])
  1537. end
  1538. meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='cursor', row=1, col=-2})
  1539. if multigrid then
  1540. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1541. ## grid 1
  1542. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1543. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1544. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1545. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  1546. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  1547. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  1548. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  1549. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  1550. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  1551. ## grid 2
  1552. just some |
  1553. example text |
  1554. {0:~ }|
  1555. ## grid 3
  1556. |
  1557. ## grid 4
  1558. jus^t some |
  1559. example text |
  1560. {0:~ }|
  1561. ## grid 5
  1562. {1: }|
  1563. {2:~ }|
  1564. ]], float_pos={
  1565. [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 4, 1, 1, true}
  1566. }}
  1567. else
  1568. screen:expect([[
  1569. just some |
  1570. example text |
  1571. {0:~ }|
  1572. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  1573. jus^t some |
  1574. e{1: } |
  1575. {0:~}{2:~ }{0: }|
  1576. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  1577. |
  1578. ]])
  1579. end
  1580. meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='cursor', row=0, col=0, anchor='SW'})
  1581. if multigrid then
  1582. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1583. ## grid 1
  1584. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1585. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1586. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1587. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  1588. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  1589. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  1590. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  1591. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  1592. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  1593. ## grid 2
  1594. just some |
  1595. example text |
  1596. {0:~ }|
  1597. ## grid 3
  1598. |
  1599. ## grid 4
  1600. jus^t some |
  1601. example text |
  1602. {0:~ }|
  1603. ## grid 5
  1604. {1: }|
  1605. {2:~ }|
  1606. ]], float_pos={
  1607. [5] = {{id = 1002}, "SW", 4, 0, 3, true}
  1608. }}
  1609. else
  1610. screen:expect([[
  1611. just some |
  1612. example text |
  1613. {0:~ }{1: }{0: }|
  1614. {5:[No}{2:~ }{5: }|
  1615. jus^t some |
  1616. example text |
  1617. {0:~ }|
  1618. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  1619. |
  1620. ]])
  1621. end
  1622. meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='win', win=oldwin, row=1, col=10, anchor='NW'})
  1623. if multigrid then
  1624. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1625. ## grid 1
  1626. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1627. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1628. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1629. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  1630. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  1631. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  1632. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  1633. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  1634. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  1635. ## grid 2
  1636. just some |
  1637. example text |
  1638. {0:~ }|
  1639. ## grid 3
  1640. |
  1641. ## grid 4
  1642. jus^t some |
  1643. example text |
  1644. {0:~ }|
  1645. ## grid 5
  1646. {1: }|
  1647. {2:~ }|
  1648. ]], float_pos={
  1649. [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 2, 1, 10, true}
  1650. }}
  1651. else
  1652. screen:expect([[
  1653. just some |
  1654. example te{1: } |
  1655. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  1656. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  1657. jus^t some |
  1658. example text |
  1659. {0:~ }|
  1660. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  1661. |
  1662. ]])
  1663. end
  1664. meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='win', win=oldwin, row=3, col=39, anchor='SE'})
  1665. if multigrid then
  1666. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1667. ## grid 1
  1668. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1669. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1670. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1671. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  1672. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  1673. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  1674. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  1675. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  1676. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  1677. ## grid 2
  1678. just some |
  1679. example text |
  1680. {0:~ }|
  1681. ## grid 3
  1682. |
  1683. ## grid 4
  1684. jus^t some |
  1685. example text |
  1686. {0:~ }|
  1687. ## grid 5
  1688. {1: }|
  1689. {2:~ }|
  1690. ]], float_pos={
  1691. [5] = {{id = 1002}, "SE", 2, 3, 39, true}
  1692. }}
  1693. else
  1694. screen:expect([[
  1695. just some |
  1696. example text {1: } |
  1697. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  1698. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  1699. jus^t some |
  1700. example text |
  1701. {0:~ }|
  1702. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  1703. |
  1704. ]])
  1705. end
  1706. meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='win', win=0, row=0, col=50, anchor='NE'})
  1707. if multigrid then
  1708. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1709. ## grid 1
  1710. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1711. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1712. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  1713. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  1714. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  1715. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  1716. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  1717. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  1718. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  1719. ## grid 2
  1720. just some |
  1721. example text |
  1722. {0:~ }|
  1723. ## grid 3
  1724. |
  1725. ## grid 4
  1726. jus^t some |
  1727. example text |
  1728. {0:~ }|
  1729. ## grid 5
  1730. {1: }|
  1731. {2:~ }|
  1732. ]], float_pos={
  1733. [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NE", 4, 0, 50, true}
  1734. }, win_viewport = {
  1735. [2] = {
  1736. topline = 0,
  1737. botline = 3,
  1738. curline = 0,
  1739. curcol = 3,
  1740. win = { id = 1000 }
  1741. },
  1742. [4] = {
  1743. topline = 0,
  1744. botline = 3,
  1745. curline = 0,
  1746. curcol = 3,
  1747. win = { id = 1001 }
  1748. },
  1749. [5] = {
  1750. topline = 0,
  1751. botline = 2,
  1752. curline = 0,
  1753. curcol = 0,
  1754. win = { id = 1002 }
  1755. }
  1756. }}
  1757. else
  1758. screen:expect([[
  1759. just some |
  1760. example text |
  1761. {0:~ }|
  1762. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  1763. jus^t some {1: }|
  1764. example text {2:~ }|
  1765. {0:~ }|
  1766. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  1767. |
  1768. ]])
  1769. end
  1770. end)
  1771. it('can be placed relative text in a window', function()
  1772. screen:try_resize(30,5)
  1773. local firstwin = meths.get_current_win().id
  1774. meths.buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, true, {'just some', 'example text that is wider than the window', '', '', 'more text'})
  1775. if multigrid then
  1776. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1777. ## grid 1
  1778. [2:------------------------------]|
  1779. [2:------------------------------]|
  1780. [2:------------------------------]|
  1781. [2:------------------------------]|
  1782. [3:------------------------------]|
  1783. ## grid 2
  1784. ^just some |
  1785. example text that is wider tha|
  1786. n the window |
  1787. |
  1788. ## grid 3
  1789. |
  1790. ]]}
  1791. else
  1792. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1793. ^just some |
  1794. example text that is wider tha|
  1795. n the window |
  1796. |
  1797. |
  1798. ]]}
  1799. end
  1800. local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false)
  1801. meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {'some info!'})
  1802. local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='win', width=12, height=1, bufpos={1,32}})
  1803. if multigrid then
  1804. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1805. ## grid 1
  1806. [2:------------------------------]|
  1807. [2:------------------------------]|
  1808. [2:------------------------------]|
  1809. [2:------------------------------]|
  1810. [3:------------------------------]|
  1811. ## grid 2
  1812. ^just some |
  1813. example text that is wider tha|
  1814. n the window |
  1815. |
  1816. ## grid 3
  1817. |
  1818. ## grid 5
  1819. {1:some info! }|
  1820. ]], float_pos={
  1821. [5] = { {
  1822. id = 1002
  1823. }, "NW", 2, 3, 2, true }
  1824. }}
  1825. else
  1826. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1827. ^just some |
  1828. example text that is wider tha|
  1829. n the window |
  1830. {1:some info! } |
  1831. |
  1832. ]]}
  1833. end
  1834. eq({relative='win', width=12, height=1, bufpos={1,32}, anchor='NW',
  1835. external=false, col=0, row=1, win=firstwin, focusable=true, zindex=50}, meths.win_get_config(win))
  1836. feed('<c-e>')
  1837. if multigrid then
  1838. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1839. ## grid 1
  1840. [2:------------------------------]|
  1841. [2:------------------------------]|
  1842. [2:------------------------------]|
  1843. [2:------------------------------]|
  1844. [3:------------------------------]|
  1845. ## grid 2
  1846. ^example text that is wider tha|
  1847. n the window |
  1848. |
  1849. |
  1850. ## grid 3
  1851. |
  1852. ## grid 5
  1853. {1:some info! }|
  1854. ]], float_pos={
  1855. [5] = { {
  1856. id = 1002
  1857. }, "NW", 2, 2, 2, true }
  1858. }}
  1859. else
  1860. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1861. ^example text that is wider tha|
  1862. n the window |
  1863. {1:some info! } |
  1864. |
  1865. |
  1866. ]]}
  1867. end
  1868. screen:try_resize(45,5)
  1869. if multigrid then
  1870. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1871. ## grid 1
  1872. [2:---------------------------------------------]|
  1873. [2:---------------------------------------------]|
  1874. [2:---------------------------------------------]|
  1875. [2:---------------------------------------------]|
  1876. [3:---------------------------------------------]|
  1877. ## grid 2
  1878. ^example text that is wider than the window |
  1879. |
  1880. |
  1881. more text |
  1882. ## grid 3
  1883. |
  1884. ## grid 5
  1885. {1:some info! }|
  1886. ]], float_pos={
  1887. [5] = { {
  1888. id = 1002
  1889. }, "NW", 2, 1, 32, true }
  1890. }}
  1891. else
  1892. -- note: appears misalinged due to cursor
  1893. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1894. ^example text that is wider than the window |
  1895. {1:some info! } |
  1896. |
  1897. more text |
  1898. |
  1899. ]]}
  1900. end
  1901. screen:try_resize(25,10)
  1902. if multigrid then
  1903. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1904. ## grid 1
  1905. [2:-------------------------]|
  1906. [2:-------------------------]|
  1907. [2:-------------------------]|
  1908. [2:-------------------------]|
  1909. [2:-------------------------]|
  1910. [2:-------------------------]|
  1911. [2:-------------------------]|
  1912. [2:-------------------------]|
  1913. [2:-------------------------]|
  1914. [3:-------------------------]|
  1915. ## grid 2
  1916. ^example text that is wide|
  1917. r than the window |
  1918. |
  1919. |
  1920. more text |
  1921. {0:~ }|
  1922. {0:~ }|
  1923. {0:~ }|
  1924. {0:~ }|
  1925. ## grid 3
  1926. |
  1927. ## grid 5
  1928. {1:some info! }|
  1929. ]], float_pos={
  1930. [5] = { {
  1931. id = 1002
  1932. }, "NW", 2, 2, 7, true }
  1933. }}
  1934. else
  1935. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1936. ^example text that is wide|
  1937. r than the window |
  1938. {1:some info! } |
  1939. |
  1940. more text |
  1941. {0:~ }|
  1942. {0:~ }|
  1943. {0:~ }|
  1944. {0:~ }|
  1945. |
  1946. ]]}
  1947. end
  1948. meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='win', bufpos={1,32}, anchor='SW'})
  1949. if multigrid then
  1950. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1951. ## grid 1
  1952. [2:-------------------------]|
  1953. [2:-------------------------]|
  1954. [2:-------------------------]|
  1955. [2:-------------------------]|
  1956. [2:-------------------------]|
  1957. [2:-------------------------]|
  1958. [2:-------------------------]|
  1959. [2:-------------------------]|
  1960. [2:-------------------------]|
  1961. [3:-------------------------]|
  1962. ## grid 2
  1963. ^example text that is wide|
  1964. r than the window |
  1965. |
  1966. |
  1967. more text |
  1968. {0:~ }|
  1969. {0:~ }|
  1970. {0:~ }|
  1971. {0:~ }|
  1972. ## grid 3
  1973. |
  1974. ## grid 5
  1975. {1:some info! }|
  1976. ]], float_pos={
  1977. [5] = { {
  1978. id = 1002
  1979. }, "SW", 2, 1, 7, true }
  1980. }}
  1981. else
  1982. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1983. ^example{1:some info! }s wide|
  1984. r than the window |
  1985. |
  1986. |
  1987. more text |
  1988. {0:~ }|
  1989. {0:~ }|
  1990. {0:~ }|
  1991. {0:~ }|
  1992. |
  1993. ]]}
  1994. end
  1995. meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='win', bufpos={1,32}, anchor='NW', col=-2})
  1996. if multigrid then
  1997. screen:expect{grid=[[
  1998. ## grid 1
  1999. [2:-------------------------]|
  2000. [2:-------------------------]|
  2001. [2:-------------------------]|
  2002. [2:-------------------------]|
  2003. [2:-------------------------]|
  2004. [2:-------------------------]|
  2005. [2:-------------------------]|
  2006. [2:-------------------------]|
  2007. [2:-------------------------]|
  2008. [3:-------------------------]|
  2009. ## grid 2
  2010. ^example text that is wide|
  2011. r than the window |
  2012. |
  2013. |
  2014. more text |
  2015. {0:~ }|
  2016. {0:~ }|
  2017. {0:~ }|
  2018. {0:~ }|
  2019. ## grid 3
  2020. |
  2021. ## grid 5
  2022. {1:some info! }|
  2023. ]], float_pos={
  2024. [5] = { {
  2025. id = 1002
  2026. }, "NW", 2, 2, 5, true }
  2027. }}
  2028. else
  2029. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2030. ^example text that is wide|
  2031. r than the window |
  2032. {1:some info! } |
  2033. |
  2034. more text |
  2035. {0:~ }|
  2036. {0:~ }|
  2037. {0:~ }|
  2038. {0:~ }|
  2039. |
  2040. ]]}
  2041. end
  2042. meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='win', bufpos={1,32}, row=2})
  2043. if multigrid then
  2044. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2045. ## grid 1
  2046. [2:-------------------------]|
  2047. [2:-------------------------]|
  2048. [2:-------------------------]|
  2049. [2:-------------------------]|
  2050. [2:-------------------------]|
  2051. [2:-------------------------]|
  2052. [2:-------------------------]|
  2053. [2:-------------------------]|
  2054. [2:-------------------------]|
  2055. [3:-------------------------]|
  2056. ## grid 2
  2057. ^example text that is wide|
  2058. r than the window |
  2059. |
  2060. |
  2061. more text |
  2062. {0:~ }|
  2063. {0:~ }|
  2064. {0:~ }|
  2065. {0:~ }|
  2066. ## grid 3
  2067. |
  2068. ## grid 5
  2069. {1:some info! }|
  2070. ]], float_pos={
  2071. [5] = { {
  2072. id = 1002
  2073. }, "NW", 2, 3, 7, true }
  2074. }}
  2075. else
  2076. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2077. ^example text that is wide|
  2078. r than the window |
  2079. |
  2080. {1:some info! } |
  2081. more text |
  2082. {0:~ }|
  2083. {0:~ }|
  2084. {0:~ }|
  2085. {0:~ }|
  2086. |
  2087. ]]}
  2088. end
  2089. end)
  2090. it('validates cursor even when window is not entered', function()
  2091. screen:try_resize(30,5)
  2092. command("set nowrap")
  2093. insert([[some text that is wider than the window]])
  2094. if multigrid then
  2095. screen:expect([[
  2096. ## grid 1
  2097. [2:------------------------------]|
  2098. [2:------------------------------]|
  2099. [2:------------------------------]|
  2100. [2:------------------------------]|
  2101. [3:------------------------------]|
  2102. ## grid 2
  2103. that is wider than the windo^w |
  2104. {0:~ }|
  2105. {0:~ }|
  2106. {0:~ }|
  2107. ## grid 3
  2108. |
  2109. ]])
  2110. else
  2111. screen:expect([[
  2112. that is wider than the windo^w |
  2113. {0:~ }|
  2114. {0:~ }|
  2115. {0:~ }|
  2116. |
  2117. ]])
  2118. end
  2119. local buf = meths.create_buf(false,true)
  2120. meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {'some floaty text'})
  2121. meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=1, row=3, col=1})
  2122. if multigrid then
  2123. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2124. ## grid 1
  2125. [2:------------------------------]|
  2126. [2:------------------------------]|
  2127. [2:------------------------------]|
  2128. [2:------------------------------]|
  2129. [3:------------------------------]|
  2130. ## grid 2
  2131. that is wider than the windo^w |
  2132. {0:~ }|
  2133. {0:~ }|
  2134. {0:~ }|
  2135. ## grid 3
  2136. |
  2137. ## grid 5
  2138. {1:some floaty text }|
  2139. ]], float_pos={
  2140. [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 1, 3, 1, true}
  2141. }}
  2142. else
  2143. screen:expect([[
  2144. that is wider than the windo^w |
  2145. {0:~ }|
  2146. {0:~ }|
  2147. {0:~}{1:some floaty text }{0: }|
  2148. |
  2149. ]])
  2150. end
  2151. end)
  2152. if multigrid then
  2153. pending("supports second UI without multigrid", function()
  2154. local session2 = helpers.connect(eval('v:servername'))
  2155. print(session2:request("nvim_eval", "2+2"))
  2156. local screen2 = Screen.new(40,7)
  2157. screen2:attach(nil, session2)
  2158. screen2:set_default_attr_ids(attrs)
  2159. local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false)
  2160. meths.open_win(buf, true, {relative='editor', width=20, height=2, row=2, col=5})
  2161. local expected_pos = {
  2162. [2]={{id=1001}, 'NW', 1, 2, 5}
  2163. }
  2164. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2165. ## grid 1
  2166. |
  2167. {0:~ }|
  2168. {0:~ }|
  2169. {0:~ }|
  2170. {0:~ }|
  2171. {0:~ }|
  2172. |
  2173. ## grid 2
  2174. {1:^ }|
  2175. {2:~ }|
  2176. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  2177. screen2:expect([[
  2178. |
  2179. {0:~ }|
  2180. {0:~ }{1:^ }{0: }|
  2181. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  2182. {0:~ }|
  2183. {0:~ }|
  2184. |
  2185. ]])
  2186. end)
  2187. end
  2188. it('handles resized screen', function()
  2189. local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false)
  2190. meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {'such', 'very', 'float'})
  2191. local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=15, height=4, row=2, col=10})
  2192. local expected_pos = {
  2193. [5]={{id=1002}, 'NW', 1, 2, 10, true},
  2194. }
  2195. if multigrid then
  2196. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2197. ## grid 1
  2198. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2199. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2200. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2201. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2202. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2203. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2204. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  2205. ## grid 2
  2206. ^ |
  2207. {0:~ }|
  2208. {0:~ }|
  2209. {0:~ }|
  2210. {0:~ }|
  2211. {0:~ }|
  2212. ## grid 3
  2213. |
  2214. ## grid 5
  2215. {1:such }|
  2216. {1:very }|
  2217. {1:float }|
  2218. {2:~ }|
  2219. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  2220. else
  2221. screen:expect([[
  2222. ^ |
  2223. {0:~ }|
  2224. {0:~ }{1:such }{0: }|
  2225. {0:~ }{1:very }{0: }|
  2226. {0:~ }{1:float }{0: }|
  2227. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  2228. |
  2229. ]])
  2230. end
  2231. screen:try_resize(40,5)
  2232. if multigrid then
  2233. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2234. ## grid 1
  2235. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2236. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2237. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2238. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2239. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  2240. ## grid 2
  2241. ^ |
  2242. {0:~ }|
  2243. {0:~ }|
  2244. {0:~ }|
  2245. ## grid 3
  2246. |
  2247. ## grid 5
  2248. {1:such }|
  2249. {1:very }|
  2250. {1:float }|
  2251. {2:~ }|
  2252. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  2253. else
  2254. screen:expect([[
  2255. ^ {1:such } |
  2256. {0:~ }{1:very }{0: }|
  2257. {0:~ }{1:float }{0: }|
  2258. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  2259. |
  2260. ]])
  2261. end
  2262. screen:try_resize(40,4)
  2263. if multigrid then
  2264. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2265. ## grid 1
  2266. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2267. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2268. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2269. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  2270. ## grid 2
  2271. ^ |
  2272. {0:~ }|
  2273. {0:~ }|
  2274. ## grid 3
  2275. |
  2276. ## grid 5
  2277. {1:such }|
  2278. {1:very }|
  2279. {1:float }|
  2280. {2:~ }|
  2281. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  2282. else
  2283. screen:expect([[
  2284. ^ {1:such } |
  2285. {0:~ }{1:very }{0: }|
  2286. {0:~ }{1:float }{0: }|
  2287. |
  2288. ]])
  2289. end
  2290. screen:try_resize(40,3)
  2291. if multigrid then
  2292. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2293. ## grid 1
  2294. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2295. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2296. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  2297. ## grid 2
  2298. ^ |
  2299. {0:~ }|
  2300. ## grid 3
  2301. |
  2302. ## grid 5
  2303. {1:such }|
  2304. {1:very }|
  2305. {1:float }|
  2306. {2:~ }|
  2307. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  2308. else
  2309. screen:expect([[
  2310. ^ {1:such } |
  2311. {0:~ }{1:very }{0: }|
  2312. |
  2313. ]])
  2314. end
  2315. feed('<c-w>wjj')
  2316. if multigrid then
  2317. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2318. ## grid 1
  2319. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2320. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2321. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  2322. ## grid 2
  2323. |
  2324. {0:~ }|
  2325. ## grid 3
  2326. |
  2327. ## grid 5
  2328. {1:such }|
  2329. {1:very }|
  2330. {1:^float }|
  2331. {2:~ }|
  2332. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  2333. else
  2334. screen:expect([[
  2335. {1:very } |
  2336. {0:~ }{1:^float }{0: }|
  2337. |
  2338. ]])
  2339. end
  2340. screen:try_resize(40,7)
  2341. if multigrid then
  2342. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2343. ## grid 1
  2344. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2345. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2346. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2347. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2348. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2349. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2350. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  2351. ## grid 2
  2352. |
  2353. {0:~ }|
  2354. {0:~ }|
  2355. {0:~ }|
  2356. {0:~ }|
  2357. {0:~ }|
  2358. ## grid 3
  2359. |
  2360. ## grid 5
  2361. {1:such }|
  2362. {1:very }|
  2363. {1:^float }|
  2364. {2:~ }|
  2365. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  2366. else
  2367. screen:expect([[
  2368. |
  2369. {0:~ }|
  2370. {0:~ }{1:such }{0: }|
  2371. {0:~ }{1:very }{0: }|
  2372. {0:~ }{1:^float }{0: }|
  2373. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  2374. |
  2375. ]])
  2376. end
  2377. meths.win_set_config(win, {height=3})
  2378. feed('gg')
  2379. if multigrid then
  2380. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2381. ## grid 1
  2382. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2383. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2384. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2385. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2386. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2387. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2388. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  2389. ## grid 2
  2390. |
  2391. {0:~ }|
  2392. {0:~ }|
  2393. {0:~ }|
  2394. {0:~ }|
  2395. {0:~ }|
  2396. ## grid 3
  2397. |
  2398. ## grid 5
  2399. {1:^such }|
  2400. {1:very }|
  2401. {1:float }|
  2402. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  2403. else
  2404. screen:expect([[
  2405. |
  2406. {0:~ }|
  2407. {0:~ }{1:^such }{0: }|
  2408. {0:~ }{1:very }{0: }|
  2409. {0:~ }{1:float }{0: }|
  2410. {0:~ }|
  2411. |
  2412. ]])
  2413. end
  2414. screen:try_resize(26,7)
  2415. if multigrid then
  2416. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2417. ## grid 1
  2418. [2:--------------------------]|
  2419. [2:--------------------------]|
  2420. [2:--------------------------]|
  2421. [2:--------------------------]|
  2422. [2:--------------------------]|
  2423. [2:--------------------------]|
  2424. [3:--------------------------]|
  2425. ## grid 2
  2426. |
  2427. {0:~ }|
  2428. {0:~ }|
  2429. {0:~ }|
  2430. {0:~ }|
  2431. {0:~ }|
  2432. ## grid 3
  2433. |
  2434. ## grid 5
  2435. {1:^such }|
  2436. {1:very }|
  2437. {1:float }|
  2438. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  2439. else
  2440. screen:expect([[
  2441. |
  2442. {0:~ }|
  2443. {0:~ }{1:^such }{0: }|
  2444. {0:~ }{1:very }{0: }|
  2445. {0:~ }{1:float }{0: }|
  2446. {0:~ }|
  2447. |
  2448. ]])
  2449. end
  2450. screen:try_resize(25,7)
  2451. if multigrid then
  2452. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2453. ## grid 1
  2454. [2:-------------------------]|
  2455. [2:-------------------------]|
  2456. [2:-------------------------]|
  2457. [2:-------------------------]|
  2458. [2:-------------------------]|
  2459. [2:-------------------------]|
  2460. [3:-------------------------]|
  2461. ## grid 2
  2462. |
  2463. {0:~ }|
  2464. {0:~ }|
  2465. {0:~ }|
  2466. {0:~ }|
  2467. {0:~ }|
  2468. ## grid 3
  2469. |
  2470. ## grid 5
  2471. {1:^such }|
  2472. {1:very }|
  2473. {1:float }|
  2474. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  2475. else
  2476. screen:expect([[
  2477. |
  2478. {0:~ }|
  2479. {0:~ }{1:^such }|
  2480. {0:~ }{1:very }|
  2481. {0:~ }{1:float }|
  2482. {0:~ }|
  2483. |
  2484. ]])
  2485. end
  2486. screen:try_resize(24,7)
  2487. if multigrid then
  2488. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2489. ## grid 1
  2490. [2:------------------------]|
  2491. [2:------------------------]|
  2492. [2:------------------------]|
  2493. [2:------------------------]|
  2494. [2:------------------------]|
  2495. [2:------------------------]|
  2496. [3:------------------------]|
  2497. ## grid 2
  2498. |
  2499. {0:~ }|
  2500. {0:~ }|
  2501. {0:~ }|
  2502. {0:~ }|
  2503. {0:~ }|
  2504. ## grid 3
  2505. |
  2506. ## grid 5
  2507. {1:^such }|
  2508. {1:very }|
  2509. {1:float }|
  2510. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  2511. else
  2512. screen:expect([[
  2513. |
  2514. {0:~ }|
  2515. {0:~ }{1:^such }|
  2516. {0:~ }{1:very }|
  2517. {0:~ }{1:float }|
  2518. {0:~ }|
  2519. |
  2520. ]])
  2521. end
  2522. screen:try_resize(16,7)
  2523. if multigrid then
  2524. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2525. ## grid 1
  2526. [2:----------------]|
  2527. [2:----------------]|
  2528. [2:----------------]|
  2529. [2:----------------]|
  2530. [2:----------------]|
  2531. [2:----------------]|
  2532. [3:----------------]|
  2533. ## grid 2
  2534. |
  2535. {0:~ }|
  2536. {0:~ }|
  2537. {0:~ }|
  2538. {0:~ }|
  2539. {0:~ }|
  2540. ## grid 3
  2541. |
  2542. ## grid 5
  2543. {1:^such }|
  2544. {1:very }|
  2545. {1:float }|
  2546. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  2547. else
  2548. screen:expect([[
  2549. |
  2550. {0:~ }|
  2551. {0:~}{1:^such }|
  2552. {0:~}{1:very }|
  2553. {0:~}{1:float }|
  2554. {0:~ }|
  2555. |
  2556. ]])
  2557. end
  2558. screen:try_resize(15,7)
  2559. if multigrid then
  2560. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2561. ## grid 1
  2562. [2:---------------]|
  2563. [2:---------------]|
  2564. [2:---------------]|
  2565. [2:---------------]|
  2566. [2:---------------]|
  2567. [2:---------------]|
  2568. [3:---------------]|
  2569. ## grid 2
  2570. |
  2571. {0:~ }|
  2572. {0:~ }|
  2573. {0:~ }|
  2574. {0:~ }|
  2575. {0:~ }|
  2576. ## grid 3
  2577. |
  2578. ## grid 5
  2579. {1:^such }|
  2580. {1:very }|
  2581. {1:float }|
  2582. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  2583. else
  2584. screen:expect([[
  2585. |
  2586. {0:~ }|
  2587. {1:^such }|
  2588. {1:very }|
  2589. {1:float }|
  2590. {0:~ }|
  2591. |
  2592. ]])
  2593. end
  2594. screen:try_resize(14,7)
  2595. if multigrid then
  2596. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2597. ## grid 1
  2598. [2:--------------]|
  2599. [2:--------------]|
  2600. [2:--------------]|
  2601. [2:--------------]|
  2602. [2:--------------]|
  2603. [2:--------------]|
  2604. [3:--------------]|
  2605. ## grid 2
  2606. |
  2607. {0:~ }|
  2608. {0:~ }|
  2609. {0:~ }|
  2610. {0:~ }|
  2611. {0:~ }|
  2612. ## grid 3
  2613. |
  2614. ## grid 5
  2615. {1:^such }|
  2616. {1:very }|
  2617. {1:float }|
  2618. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  2619. else
  2620. screen:expect([[
  2621. |
  2622. {0:~ }|
  2623. {1:^such }|
  2624. {1:very }|
  2625. {1:float }|
  2626. {0:~ }|
  2627. |
  2628. ]])
  2629. end
  2630. screen:try_resize(12,7)
  2631. if multigrid then
  2632. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2633. ## grid 1
  2634. [2:------------]|
  2635. [2:------------]|
  2636. [2:------------]|
  2637. [2:------------]|
  2638. [2:------------]|
  2639. [2:------------]|
  2640. [3:------------]|
  2641. ## grid 2
  2642. |
  2643. {0:~ }|
  2644. {0:~ }|
  2645. {0:~ }|
  2646. {0:~ }|
  2647. {0:~ }|
  2648. ## grid 3
  2649. |
  2650. ## grid 5
  2651. {1:^such }|
  2652. {1:very }|
  2653. {1:float }|
  2654. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  2655. else
  2656. screen:expect([[
  2657. |
  2658. {0:~ }|
  2659. {1:^such }|
  2660. {1:very }|
  2661. {1:float }|
  2662. {0:~ }|
  2663. |
  2664. ]])
  2665. end
  2666. -- Doesn't make much sense, but check nvim doesn't crash
  2667. screen:try_resize(1,1)
  2668. if multigrid then
  2669. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2670. ## grid 1
  2671. [2:------------]|
  2672. [3:------------]|
  2673. ## grid 2
  2674. |
  2675. ## grid 3
  2676. |
  2677. ## grid 5
  2678. {1:^such }|
  2679. {1:very }|
  2680. {1:float }|
  2681. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  2682. else
  2683. screen:expect([[
  2684. {1:^such }|
  2685. |
  2686. ]])
  2687. end
  2688. screen:try_resize(40,7)
  2689. if multigrid then
  2690. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2691. ## grid 1
  2692. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2693. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2694. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2695. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2696. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2697. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2698. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  2699. ## grid 2
  2700. |
  2701. {0:~ }|
  2702. {0:~ }|
  2703. {0:~ }|
  2704. {0:~ }|
  2705. {0:~ }|
  2706. ## grid 3
  2707. |
  2708. ## grid 5
  2709. {1:^such }|
  2710. {1:very }|
  2711. {1:float }|
  2712. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  2713. else
  2714. screen:expect([[
  2715. |
  2716. {0:~ }|
  2717. {0:~ }{1:^such }{0: }|
  2718. {0:~ }{1:very }{0: }|
  2719. {0:~ }{1:float }{0: }|
  2720. {0:~ }|
  2721. |
  2722. ]])
  2723. end
  2724. end)
  2725. it('does not crash with inccommand #9379', function()
  2726. local expected_pos = {
  2727. [4]={{id=1001}, 'NW', 1, 2, 0, true},
  2728. }
  2729. command("set inccommand=split")
  2730. command("set laststatus=2")
  2731. local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false)
  2732. meths.open_win(buf, true, {relative='editor', width=30, height=3, row=2, col=0})
  2733. insert([[
  2734. foo
  2735. bar
  2736. ]])
  2737. if multigrid then
  2738. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2739. ## grid 1
  2740. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2741. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2742. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2743. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2744. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2745. {5:[No Name] }|
  2746. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  2747. ## grid 2
  2748. |
  2749. {0:~ }|
  2750. {0:~ }|
  2751. {0:~ }|
  2752. {0:~ }|
  2753. ## grid 3
  2754. |
  2755. ## grid 4
  2756. {1:foo }|
  2757. {1:bar }|
  2758. {1:^ }|
  2759. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  2760. else
  2761. screen:expect([[
  2762. |
  2763. {0:~ }|
  2764. {1:foo }{0: }|
  2765. {1:bar }{0: }|
  2766. {1:^ }{0: }|
  2767. {5:[No Name] }|
  2768. |
  2769. ]])
  2770. end
  2771. feed(':%s/.')
  2772. if multigrid then
  2773. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2774. ## grid 1
  2775. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2776. {5:[No Name] }|
  2777. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  2778. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  2779. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  2780. {5:[Preview] }|
  2781. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  2782. ## grid 2
  2783. |
  2784. ## grid 3
  2785. :%s/.^ |
  2786. ## grid 4
  2787. {17:f}{1:oo }|
  2788. {17:b}{1:ar }|
  2789. {1: }|
  2790. ## grid 5
  2791. |1| {17:f}oo |
  2792. |2| {17:b}ar |
  2793. {0:~ }|
  2794. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  2795. else
  2796. screen:expect([[
  2797. |
  2798. {5:[No Name] }|
  2799. {17:f}{1:oo } |
  2800. {17:b}{1:ar } |
  2801. {1: }{0: }|
  2802. {5:[Preview] }|
  2803. :%s/.^ |
  2804. ]])
  2805. end
  2806. feed('<Esc>')
  2807. if multigrid then
  2808. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2809. ## grid 1
  2810. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2811. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2812. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2813. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2814. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2815. {5:[No Name] }|
  2816. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  2817. ## grid 2
  2818. |
  2819. {0:~ }|
  2820. {0:~ }|
  2821. {0:~ }|
  2822. {0:~ }|
  2823. ## grid 3
  2824. |
  2825. ## grid 4
  2826. {1:foo }|
  2827. {1:bar }|
  2828. {1:^ }|
  2829. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  2830. else
  2831. screen:expect([[
  2832. |
  2833. {0:~ }|
  2834. {1:foo }{0: }|
  2835. {1:bar }{0: }|
  2836. {1:^ }{0: }|
  2837. {5:[No Name] }|
  2838. |
  2839. ]])
  2840. end
  2841. end)
  2842. it('does not crash when set cmdheight #9680', function()
  2843. local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false)
  2844. meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=2, row=2, col=5})
  2845. command("set cmdheight=2")
  2846. eq(1, meths.eval('1'))
  2847. end)
  2848. describe('and completion', function()
  2849. before_each(function()
  2850. local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false)
  2851. local win = meths.open_win(buf, true, {relative='editor', width=12, height=4, row=2, col=5})
  2852. meths.win_set_option(win , 'winhl', 'Normal:ErrorMsg')
  2853. if multigrid then
  2854. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2855. ## grid 1
  2856. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2857. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2858. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2859. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2860. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2861. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2862. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  2863. ## grid 2
  2864. |
  2865. {0:~ }|
  2866. {0:~ }|
  2867. {0:~ }|
  2868. {0:~ }|
  2869. {0:~ }|
  2870. ## grid 3
  2871. |
  2872. ## grid 4
  2873. {7:^ }|
  2874. {12:~ }|
  2875. {12:~ }|
  2876. {12:~ }|
  2877. ]], float_pos={
  2878. [4] = {{ id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true},
  2879. }}
  2880. else
  2881. screen:expect([[
  2882. |
  2883. {0:~ }|
  2884. {0:~ }{7:^ }{0: }|
  2885. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  2886. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  2887. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  2888. |
  2889. ]])
  2890. end
  2891. end)
  2892. it('with builtin popupmenu', function()
  2893. feed('ix ')
  2894. funcs.complete(3, {'aa', 'word', 'longtext'})
  2895. if multigrid then
  2896. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2897. ## grid 1
  2898. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2899. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2900. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2901. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2902. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2903. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2904. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  2905. ## grid 2
  2906. |
  2907. {0:~ }|
  2908. {0:~ }|
  2909. {0:~ }|
  2910. {0:~ }|
  2911. {0:~ }|
  2912. ## grid 3
  2913. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  2914. ## grid 4
  2915. {7:x aa^ }|
  2916. {12:~ }|
  2917. {12:~ }|
  2918. {12:~ }|
  2919. ## grid 5
  2920. {13: aa }|
  2921. {1: word }|
  2922. {1: longtext }|
  2923. ]], float_pos={
  2924. [4] = {{ id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true, 50},
  2925. [5] = {{ id = -1 }, "NW", 4, 1, 1, false, 100}
  2926. }}
  2927. else
  2928. screen:expect([[
  2929. |
  2930. {0:~ }|
  2931. {0:~ }{7:x aa^ }{0: }|
  2932. {0:~ }{12:~}{13: aa }{0: }|
  2933. {0:~ }{12:~}{1: word }{0: }|
  2934. {0:~ }{12:~}{1: longtext }{0: }|
  2935. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  2936. ]])
  2937. end
  2938. feed('<esc>')
  2939. if multigrid then
  2940. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2941. ## grid 1
  2942. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2943. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2944. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2945. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2946. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2947. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2948. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  2949. ## grid 2
  2950. |
  2951. {0:~ }|
  2952. {0:~ }|
  2953. {0:~ }|
  2954. {0:~ }|
  2955. {0:~ }|
  2956. ## grid 3
  2957. |
  2958. ## grid 4
  2959. {7:x a^a }|
  2960. {12:~ }|
  2961. {12:~ }|
  2962. {12:~ }|
  2963. ]], float_pos={
  2964. [4] = {{ id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true},
  2965. }}
  2966. else
  2967. screen:expect([[
  2968. |
  2969. {0:~ }|
  2970. {0:~ }{7:x a^a }{0: }|
  2971. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  2972. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  2973. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  2974. |
  2975. ]])
  2976. end
  2977. feed('<c-w>wi')
  2978. funcs.complete(1, {'xx', 'yy', 'zz'})
  2979. if multigrid then
  2980. screen:expect{grid=[[
  2981. ## grid 1
  2982. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2983. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2984. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2985. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2986. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2987. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  2988. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  2989. ## grid 2
  2990. xx^ |
  2991. {0:~ }|
  2992. {0:~ }|
  2993. {0:~ }|
  2994. {0:~ }|
  2995. {0:~ }|
  2996. ## grid 3
  2997. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  2998. ## grid 4
  2999. {7:x aa }|
  3000. {12:~ }|
  3001. {12:~ }|
  3002. {12:~ }|
  3003. ## grid 5
  3004. {13:xx }|
  3005. {1:yy }|
  3006. {1:zz }|
  3007. ]], float_pos={
  3008. [4] = {{ id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true, 50},
  3009. [5] = {{ id = -1 }, "NW", 2, 1, 0, false, 100}
  3010. }}
  3011. else
  3012. screen:expect([[
  3013. xx^ |
  3014. {13:xx }{0: }|
  3015. {1:yy }{7: }{0: }|
  3016. {1:zz }{12: }{0: }|
  3017. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  3018. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  3019. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3020. ]])
  3021. end
  3022. feed('<c-y>')
  3023. if multigrid then
  3024. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3025. ## grid 1
  3026. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3027. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3028. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3029. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3030. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3031. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3032. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3033. ## grid 2
  3034. xx^ |
  3035. {0:~ }|
  3036. {0:~ }|
  3037. {0:~ }|
  3038. {0:~ }|
  3039. {0:~ }|
  3040. ## grid 3
  3041. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3042. ## grid 4
  3043. {7:x aa }|
  3044. {12:~ }|
  3045. {12:~ }|
  3046. {12:~ }|
  3047. ]], float_pos={
  3048. [4] = {{ id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true},
  3049. }}
  3050. else
  3051. screen:expect([[
  3052. xx^ |
  3053. {0:~ }|
  3054. {0:~ }{7:x aa }{0: }|
  3055. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  3056. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  3057. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  3058. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3059. ]])
  3060. end
  3061. end)
  3062. it('command menu rendered above cursor (pum_above)', function()
  3063. command('set wildmenu wildmode=longest:full wildoptions=pum')
  3064. feed(':sign u<tab>')
  3065. if multigrid then
  3066. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3067. ## grid 1
  3068. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3069. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3070. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3071. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3072. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3073. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3074. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3075. ## grid 2
  3076. |
  3077. {0:~ }|
  3078. {0:~ }|
  3079. {0:~ }|
  3080. {0:~ }|
  3081. {0:~ }|
  3082. ## grid 3
  3083. :sign un^ |
  3084. ## grid 4
  3085. {7: }|
  3086. {12:~ }|
  3087. {12:~ }|
  3088. {12:~ }|
  3089. ## grid 5
  3090. {1: undefine }|
  3091. {1: unplace }|
  3092. ]], float_pos={
  3093. [5] = {{id = -1}, "SW", 1, 6, 5, false, 250};
  3094. [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true, 50};
  3095. }}
  3096. else
  3097. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3098. |
  3099. {0:~ }|
  3100. {0:~ }{7: }{0: }|
  3101. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  3102. {0:~ }{1: undefine }{0: }|
  3103. {0:~ }{1: unplace }{0: }|
  3104. :sign un^ |
  3105. ]]}
  3106. end
  3107. end)
  3108. it('with ext_popupmenu', function()
  3109. screen:set_option('ext_popupmenu', true)
  3110. feed('ix ')
  3111. funcs.complete(3, {'aa', 'word', 'longtext'})
  3112. local items = {{"aa", "", "", ""}, {"word", "", "", ""}, {"longtext", "", "", ""}}
  3113. if multigrid then
  3114. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3115. ## grid 1
  3116. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3117. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3118. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3119. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3120. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3121. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3122. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3123. ## grid 2
  3124. |
  3125. {0:~ }|
  3126. {0:~ }|
  3127. {0:~ }|
  3128. {0:~ }|
  3129. {0:~ }|
  3130. ## grid 3
  3131. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3132. ## grid 4
  3133. {7:x aa^ }|
  3134. {12:~ }|
  3135. {12:~ }|
  3136. {12:~ }|
  3137. ]], float_pos={
  3138. [4] = {{ id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true},
  3139. }, popupmenu={
  3140. anchor = {4, 0, 2}, items = items, pos = 0
  3141. }}
  3142. else
  3143. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3144. |
  3145. {0:~ }|
  3146. {0:~ }{7:x aa^ }{0: }|
  3147. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  3148. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  3149. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  3150. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3151. ]], popupmenu={
  3152. anchor = {1, 2, 7}, items = items, pos = 0
  3153. }}
  3154. end
  3155. feed('<esc>')
  3156. if multigrid then
  3157. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3158. ## grid 1
  3159. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3160. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3161. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3162. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3163. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3164. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3165. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3166. ## grid 2
  3167. |
  3168. {0:~ }|
  3169. {0:~ }|
  3170. {0:~ }|
  3171. {0:~ }|
  3172. {0:~ }|
  3173. ## grid 3
  3174. |
  3175. ## grid 4
  3176. {7:x a^a }|
  3177. {12:~ }|
  3178. {12:~ }|
  3179. {12:~ }|
  3180. ]], float_pos={
  3181. [4] = {{ id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true},
  3182. }}
  3183. else
  3184. screen:expect([[
  3185. |
  3186. {0:~ }|
  3187. {0:~ }{7:x a^a }{0: }|
  3188. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  3189. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  3190. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  3191. |
  3192. ]])
  3193. end
  3194. feed('<c-w>wi')
  3195. funcs.complete(1, {'xx', 'yy', 'zz'})
  3196. items = {{"xx", "", "", ""}, {"yy", "", "", ""}, {"zz", "", "", ""}}
  3197. if multigrid then
  3198. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3199. ## grid 1
  3200. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3201. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3202. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3203. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3204. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3205. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3206. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3207. ## grid 2
  3208. xx^ |
  3209. {0:~ }|
  3210. {0:~ }|
  3211. {0:~ }|
  3212. {0:~ }|
  3213. {0:~ }|
  3214. ## grid 3
  3215. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3216. ## grid 4
  3217. {7:x aa }|
  3218. {12:~ }|
  3219. {12:~ }|
  3220. {12:~ }|
  3221. ]], float_pos={
  3222. [4] = {{ id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true},
  3223. }, popupmenu={
  3224. anchor = {2, 0, 0}, items = items, pos = 0
  3225. }}
  3226. else
  3227. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3228. xx^ |
  3229. {0:~ }|
  3230. {0:~ }{7:x aa }{0: }|
  3231. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  3232. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  3233. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  3234. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3235. ]], popupmenu={
  3236. anchor = {1, 0, 0}, items = items, pos = 0
  3237. }}
  3238. end
  3239. feed('<c-y>')
  3240. if multigrid then
  3241. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3242. ## grid 1
  3243. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3244. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3245. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3246. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3247. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3248. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3249. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3250. ## grid 2
  3251. xx^ |
  3252. {0:~ }|
  3253. {0:~ }|
  3254. {0:~ }|
  3255. {0:~ }|
  3256. {0:~ }|
  3257. ## grid 3
  3258. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3259. ## grid 4
  3260. {7:x aa }|
  3261. {12:~ }|
  3262. {12:~ }|
  3263. {12:~ }|
  3264. ]], float_pos={
  3265. [4] = {{ id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true},
  3266. }}
  3267. else
  3268. screen:expect([[
  3269. xx^ |
  3270. {0:~ }|
  3271. {0:~ }{7:x aa }{0: }|
  3272. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  3273. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  3274. {0:~ }{12:~ }{0: }|
  3275. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3276. ]])
  3277. end
  3278. end)
  3279. end)
  3280. describe('float shown after pum', function()
  3281. local win
  3282. before_each(function()
  3283. command('hi NormalFloat guibg=#333333')
  3284. feed('i')
  3285. funcs.complete(1, {'aa', 'word', 'longtext'})
  3286. if multigrid then
  3287. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3288. ## grid 1
  3289. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3290. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3291. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3292. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3293. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3294. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3295. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3296. ## grid 2
  3297. aa^ |
  3298. {0:~ }|
  3299. {0:~ }|
  3300. {0:~ }|
  3301. {0:~ }|
  3302. {0:~ }|
  3303. ## grid 3
  3304. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3305. ## grid 4
  3306. {13:aa }|
  3307. {1:word }|
  3308. {1:longtext }|
  3309. ]], float_pos={
  3310. [4] = {{id = -1}, "NW", 2, 1, 0, false, 100}}
  3311. }
  3312. else
  3313. screen:expect([[
  3314. aa^ |
  3315. {13:aa }{0: }|
  3316. {1:word }{0: }|
  3317. {1:longtext }{0: }|
  3318. {0:~ }|
  3319. {0:~ }|
  3320. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3321. ]])
  3322. end
  3323. local buf = meths.create_buf(false,true)
  3324. meths.buf_set_lines(buf,0,-1,true,{"some info", "about item"})
  3325. win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='cursor', width=12, height=2, row=1, col=10})
  3326. if multigrid then
  3327. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3328. ## grid 1
  3329. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3330. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3331. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3332. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3333. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3334. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3335. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3336. ## grid 2
  3337. aa^ |
  3338. {0:~ }|
  3339. {0:~ }|
  3340. {0:~ }|
  3341. {0:~ }|
  3342. {0:~ }|
  3343. ## grid 3
  3344. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3345. ## grid 4
  3346. {13:aa }|
  3347. {1:word }|
  3348. {1:longtext }|
  3349. ## grid 6
  3350. {15:some info }|
  3351. {15:about item }|
  3352. ]], float_pos={
  3353. [4] = {{id = -1}, "NW", 2, 1, 0, false, 100},
  3354. [6] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 2, 1, 12, true, 50},
  3355. }}
  3356. else
  3357. screen:expect([[
  3358. aa^ |
  3359. {13:aa }{15:e info }{0: }|
  3360. {1:word }{15:ut item }{0: }|
  3361. {1:longtext }{0: }|
  3362. {0:~ }|
  3363. {0:~ }|
  3364. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3365. ]])
  3366. end
  3367. end)
  3368. it('and close pum first', function()
  3369. feed('<c-y>')
  3370. if multigrid then
  3371. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3372. ## grid 1
  3373. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3374. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3375. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3376. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3377. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3378. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3379. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3380. ## grid 2
  3381. aa^ |
  3382. {0:~ }|
  3383. {0:~ }|
  3384. {0:~ }|
  3385. {0:~ }|
  3386. {0:~ }|
  3387. ## grid 3
  3388. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3389. ## grid 6
  3390. {15:some info }|
  3391. {15:about item }|
  3392. ]], float_pos={
  3393. [6] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 2, 1, 12, true},
  3394. }}
  3395. else
  3396. screen:expect([[
  3397. aa^ |
  3398. {0:~ }{15:some info }{0: }|
  3399. {0:~ }{15:about item }{0: }|
  3400. {0:~ }|
  3401. {0:~ }|
  3402. {0:~ }|
  3403. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3404. ]])
  3405. end
  3406. meths.win_close(win, false)
  3407. if multigrid then
  3408. screen:expect([[
  3409. ## grid 1
  3410. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3411. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3412. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3413. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3414. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3415. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3416. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3417. ## grid 2
  3418. aa^ |
  3419. {0:~ }|
  3420. {0:~ }|
  3421. {0:~ }|
  3422. {0:~ }|
  3423. {0:~ }|
  3424. ## grid 3
  3425. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3426. ]])
  3427. else
  3428. screen:expect([[
  3429. aa^ |
  3430. {0:~ }|
  3431. {0:~ }|
  3432. {0:~ }|
  3433. {0:~ }|
  3434. {0:~ }|
  3435. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3436. ]])
  3437. end
  3438. end)
  3439. it('and close float first', function()
  3440. meths.win_close(win, false)
  3441. if multigrid then
  3442. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3443. ## grid 1
  3444. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3445. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3446. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3447. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3448. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3449. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3450. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3451. ## grid 2
  3452. aa^ |
  3453. {0:~ }|
  3454. {0:~ }|
  3455. {0:~ }|
  3456. {0:~ }|
  3457. {0:~ }|
  3458. ## grid 3
  3459. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3460. ## grid 4
  3461. {13:aa }|
  3462. {1:word }|
  3463. {1:longtext }|
  3464. ]], float_pos={
  3465. [4] = {{id = -1}, "NW", 2, 1, 0, false, 100},
  3466. }}
  3467. else
  3468. screen:expect([[
  3469. aa^ |
  3470. {13:aa }{0: }|
  3471. {1:word }{0: }|
  3472. {1:longtext }{0: }|
  3473. {0:~ }|
  3474. {0:~ }|
  3475. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3476. ]])
  3477. end
  3478. feed('<c-y>')
  3479. if multigrid then
  3480. screen:expect([[
  3481. ## grid 1
  3482. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3483. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3484. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3485. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3486. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3487. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3488. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3489. ## grid 2
  3490. aa^ |
  3491. {0:~ }|
  3492. {0:~ }|
  3493. {0:~ }|
  3494. {0:~ }|
  3495. {0:~ }|
  3496. ## grid 3
  3497. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3498. ]])
  3499. else
  3500. screen:expect([[
  3501. aa^ |
  3502. {0:~ }|
  3503. {0:~ }|
  3504. {0:~ }|
  3505. {0:~ }|
  3506. {0:~ }|
  3507. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3508. ]])
  3509. end
  3510. end)
  3511. end)
  3512. describe("handles :wincmd", function()
  3513. local win
  3514. local expected_pos
  3515. before_each(function()
  3516. -- the default, but be explicit:
  3517. command("set laststatus=1")
  3518. command("set hidden")
  3519. meths.buf_set_lines(0,0,-1,true,{"x"})
  3520. local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false)
  3521. win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=2, row=2, col=5})
  3522. meths.buf_set_lines(buf,0,-1,true,{"y"})
  3523. expected_pos = {
  3524. [4]={{id=1001}, 'NW', 1, 2, 5, true}
  3525. }
  3526. if multigrid then
  3527. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3528. ## grid 1
  3529. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3530. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3531. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3532. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3533. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3534. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3535. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3536. ## grid 2
  3537. ^x |
  3538. {0:~ }|
  3539. {0:~ }|
  3540. {0:~ }|
  3541. {0:~ }|
  3542. {0:~ }|
  3543. ## grid 3
  3544. |
  3545. ## grid 4
  3546. {1:y }|
  3547. {2:~ }|
  3548. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  3549. else
  3550. screen:expect([[
  3551. ^x |
  3552. {0:~ }|
  3553. {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }|
  3554. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  3555. {0:~ }|
  3556. {0:~ }|
  3557. |
  3558. ]])
  3559. end
  3560. end)
  3561. it("w", function()
  3562. feed("<c-w>w")
  3563. if multigrid then
  3564. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3565. ## grid 1
  3566. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3567. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3568. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3569. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3570. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3571. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3572. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3573. ## grid 2
  3574. x |
  3575. {0:~ }|
  3576. {0:~ }|
  3577. {0:~ }|
  3578. {0:~ }|
  3579. {0:~ }|
  3580. ## grid 3
  3581. |
  3582. ## grid 4
  3583. {1:^y }|
  3584. {2:~ }|
  3585. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  3586. else
  3587. screen:expect([[
  3588. x |
  3589. {0:~ }|
  3590. {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }|
  3591. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  3592. {0:~ }|
  3593. {0:~ }|
  3594. |
  3595. ]])
  3596. end
  3597. feed("<c-w>w")
  3598. if multigrid then
  3599. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3600. ## grid 1
  3601. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3602. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3603. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3604. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3605. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3606. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3607. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3608. ## grid 2
  3609. ^x |
  3610. {0:~ }|
  3611. {0:~ }|
  3612. {0:~ }|
  3613. {0:~ }|
  3614. {0:~ }|
  3615. ## grid 3
  3616. |
  3617. ## grid 4
  3618. {1:y }|
  3619. {2:~ }|
  3620. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  3621. else
  3622. screen:expect([[
  3623. ^x |
  3624. {0:~ }|
  3625. {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }|
  3626. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  3627. {0:~ }|
  3628. {0:~ }|
  3629. |
  3630. ]])
  3631. end
  3632. end)
  3633. it("w with focusable=false", function()
  3634. meths.win_set_config(win, {focusable=false})
  3635. expected_pos[4][6] = false
  3636. feed("<c-w>wi") -- i to provoke redraw
  3637. if multigrid then
  3638. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3639. ## grid 1
  3640. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3641. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3642. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3643. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3644. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3645. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3646. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3647. ## grid 2
  3648. ^x |
  3649. {0:~ }|
  3650. {0:~ }|
  3651. {0:~ }|
  3652. {0:~ }|
  3653. {0:~ }|
  3654. ## grid 3
  3655. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3656. ## grid 4
  3657. {1:y }|
  3658. {2:~ }|
  3659. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  3660. else
  3661. screen:expect([[
  3662. ^x |
  3663. {0:~ }|
  3664. {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }|
  3665. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  3666. {0:~ }|
  3667. {0:~ }|
  3668. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3669. ]])
  3670. end
  3671. feed("<esc><c-w>w")
  3672. if multigrid then
  3673. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3674. ## grid 1
  3675. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3676. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3677. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3678. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3679. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3680. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3681. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3682. ## grid 2
  3683. ^x |
  3684. {0:~ }|
  3685. {0:~ }|
  3686. {0:~ }|
  3687. {0:~ }|
  3688. {0:~ }|
  3689. ## grid 3
  3690. |
  3691. ## grid 4
  3692. {1:y }|
  3693. {2:~ }|
  3694. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  3695. else
  3696. screen:expect([[
  3697. ^x |
  3698. {0:~ }|
  3699. {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }|
  3700. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  3701. {0:~ }|
  3702. {0:~ }|
  3703. |
  3704. ]])
  3705. end
  3706. end)
  3707. it("W", function()
  3708. feed("<c-w>W")
  3709. if multigrid then
  3710. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3711. ## grid 1
  3712. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3713. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3714. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3715. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3716. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3717. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3718. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3719. ## grid 2
  3720. x |
  3721. {0:~ }|
  3722. {0:~ }|
  3723. {0:~ }|
  3724. {0:~ }|
  3725. {0:~ }|
  3726. ## grid 3
  3727. |
  3728. ## grid 4
  3729. {1:^y }|
  3730. {2:~ }|
  3731. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  3732. else
  3733. screen:expect([[
  3734. x |
  3735. {0:~ }|
  3736. {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }|
  3737. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  3738. {0:~ }|
  3739. {0:~ }|
  3740. |
  3741. ]])
  3742. end
  3743. feed("<c-w>W")
  3744. if multigrid then
  3745. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3746. ## grid 1
  3747. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3748. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3749. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3750. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3751. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3752. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3753. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3754. ## grid 2
  3755. ^x |
  3756. {0:~ }|
  3757. {0:~ }|
  3758. {0:~ }|
  3759. {0:~ }|
  3760. {0:~ }|
  3761. ## grid 3
  3762. |
  3763. ## grid 4
  3764. {1:y }|
  3765. {2:~ }|
  3766. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  3767. else
  3768. screen:expect([[
  3769. ^x |
  3770. {0:~ }|
  3771. {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }|
  3772. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  3773. {0:~ }|
  3774. {0:~ }|
  3775. |
  3776. ]])
  3777. end
  3778. end)
  3779. it("focus by mouse", function()
  3780. if multigrid then
  3781. meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 4, 0, 0)
  3782. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3783. ## grid 1
  3784. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3785. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3786. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3787. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3788. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3789. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3790. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3791. ## grid 2
  3792. x |
  3793. {0:~ }|
  3794. {0:~ }|
  3795. {0:~ }|
  3796. {0:~ }|
  3797. {0:~ }|
  3798. ## grid 3
  3799. |
  3800. ## grid 4
  3801. {1:^y }|
  3802. {2:~ }|
  3803. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  3804. else
  3805. meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 2, 5)
  3806. screen:expect([[
  3807. x |
  3808. {0:~ }|
  3809. {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }|
  3810. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  3811. {0:~ }|
  3812. {0:~ }|
  3813. |
  3814. ]])
  3815. end
  3816. if multigrid then
  3817. meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 1, 0, 0)
  3818. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3819. ## grid 1
  3820. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3821. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3822. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3823. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3824. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3825. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3826. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3827. ## grid 2
  3828. ^x |
  3829. {0:~ }|
  3830. {0:~ }|
  3831. {0:~ }|
  3832. {0:~ }|
  3833. {0:~ }|
  3834. ## grid 3
  3835. |
  3836. ## grid 4
  3837. {1:y }|
  3838. {2:~ }|
  3839. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  3840. else
  3841. meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 0, 0)
  3842. screen:expect([[
  3843. ^x |
  3844. {0:~ }|
  3845. {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }|
  3846. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  3847. {0:~ }|
  3848. {0:~ }|
  3849. |
  3850. ]])
  3851. end
  3852. end)
  3853. it("focus by mouse (focusable=false)", function()
  3854. meths.win_set_config(win, {focusable=false})
  3855. meths.buf_set_lines(0, -1, -1, true, {"a"})
  3856. expected_pos[4][6] = false
  3857. if multigrid then
  3858. meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 4, 0, 0)
  3859. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3860. ## grid 1
  3861. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3862. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3863. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3864. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3865. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3866. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3867. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3868. ## grid 2
  3869. ^x |
  3870. a |
  3871. {0:~ }|
  3872. {0:~ }|
  3873. {0:~ }|
  3874. {0:~ }|
  3875. ## grid 3
  3876. |
  3877. ## grid 4
  3878. {1:y }|
  3879. {2:~ }|
  3880. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  3881. else
  3882. meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 2, 5)
  3883. screen:expect([[
  3884. x |
  3885. ^a |
  3886. {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }|
  3887. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  3888. {0:~ }|
  3889. {0:~ }|
  3890. |
  3891. ]])
  3892. end
  3893. if multigrid then
  3894. meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 1, 0, 0)
  3895. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3896. ## grid 1
  3897. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3898. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3899. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3900. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3901. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3902. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3903. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3904. ## grid 2
  3905. ^x |
  3906. a |
  3907. {0:~ }|
  3908. {0:~ }|
  3909. {0:~ }|
  3910. {0:~ }|
  3911. ## grid 3
  3912. |
  3913. ## grid 4
  3914. {1:y }|
  3915. {2:~ }|
  3916. ]], float_pos=expected_pos, unchanged=true}
  3917. else
  3918. meths.input_mouse('left', 'press', '', 0, 0, 0)
  3919. screen:expect([[
  3920. ^x |
  3921. a |
  3922. {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }|
  3923. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  3924. {0:~ }|
  3925. {0:~ }|
  3926. |
  3927. ]])
  3928. end
  3929. end)
  3930. it("j", function()
  3931. feed("<c-w>ji") -- INSERT to trigger screen change
  3932. if multigrid then
  3933. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3934. ## grid 1
  3935. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3936. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3937. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3938. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3939. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3940. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3941. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3942. ## grid 2
  3943. ^x |
  3944. {0:~ }|
  3945. {0:~ }|
  3946. {0:~ }|
  3947. {0:~ }|
  3948. {0:~ }|
  3949. ## grid 3
  3950. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3951. ## grid 4
  3952. {1:y }|
  3953. {2:~ }|
  3954. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  3955. else
  3956. screen:expect([[
  3957. ^x |
  3958. {0:~ }|
  3959. {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }|
  3960. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  3961. {0:~ }|
  3962. {0:~ }|
  3963. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  3964. ]])
  3965. end
  3966. feed("<esc><c-w>w")
  3967. if multigrid then
  3968. screen:expect{grid=[[
  3969. ## grid 1
  3970. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3971. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3972. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3973. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3974. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3975. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  3976. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  3977. ## grid 2
  3978. x |
  3979. {0:~ }|
  3980. {0:~ }|
  3981. {0:~ }|
  3982. {0:~ }|
  3983. {0:~ }|
  3984. ## grid 3
  3985. |
  3986. ## grid 4
  3987. {1:^y }|
  3988. {2:~ }|
  3989. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  3990. else
  3991. screen:expect([[
  3992. x |
  3993. {0:~ }|
  3994. {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }|
  3995. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  3996. {0:~ }|
  3997. {0:~ }|
  3998. |
  3999. ]])
  4000. end
  4001. feed("<c-w>j")
  4002. if multigrid then
  4003. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4004. ## grid 1
  4005. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4006. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4007. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4008. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4009. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4010. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4011. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4012. ## grid 2
  4013. ^x |
  4014. {0:~ }|
  4015. {0:~ }|
  4016. {0:~ }|
  4017. {0:~ }|
  4018. {0:~ }|
  4019. ## grid 3
  4020. |
  4021. ## grid 4
  4022. {1:y }|
  4023. {2:~ }|
  4024. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4025. else
  4026. screen:expect([[
  4027. ^x |
  4028. {0:~ }|
  4029. {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }|
  4030. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4031. {0:~ }|
  4032. {0:~ }|
  4033. |
  4034. ]])
  4035. end
  4036. end)
  4037. it("vertical resize + - _", function()
  4038. feed('<c-w>w')
  4039. if multigrid then
  4040. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4041. ## grid 1
  4042. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4043. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4044. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4045. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4046. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4047. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4048. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4049. ## grid 2
  4050. x |
  4051. {0:~ }|
  4052. {0:~ }|
  4053. {0:~ }|
  4054. {0:~ }|
  4055. {0:~ }|
  4056. ## grid 3
  4057. |
  4058. ## grid 4
  4059. {1:^y }|
  4060. {2:~ }|
  4061. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4062. else
  4063. screen:expect([[
  4064. x |
  4065. {0:~ }|
  4066. {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }|
  4067. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4068. {0:~ }|
  4069. {0:~ }|
  4070. |
  4071. ]])
  4072. end
  4073. feed('<c-w>+')
  4074. if multigrid then
  4075. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4076. ## grid 1
  4077. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4078. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4079. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4080. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4081. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4082. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4083. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4084. ## grid 2
  4085. x |
  4086. {0:~ }|
  4087. {0:~ }|
  4088. {0:~ }|
  4089. {0:~ }|
  4090. {0:~ }|
  4091. ## grid 3
  4092. |
  4093. ## grid 4
  4094. {1:^y }|
  4095. {2:~ }|
  4096. {2:~ }|
  4097. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4098. else
  4099. screen:expect([[
  4100. x |
  4101. {0:~ }|
  4102. {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }|
  4103. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4104. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4105. {0:~ }|
  4106. |
  4107. ]])
  4108. end
  4109. feed('<c-w>2-')
  4110. if multigrid then
  4111. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4112. ## grid 1
  4113. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4114. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4115. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4116. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4117. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4118. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4119. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4120. ## grid 2
  4121. x |
  4122. {0:~ }|
  4123. {0:~ }|
  4124. {0:~ }|
  4125. {0:~ }|
  4126. {0:~ }|
  4127. ## grid 3
  4128. |
  4129. ## grid 4
  4130. {1:^y }|
  4131. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4132. else
  4133. screen:expect([[
  4134. x |
  4135. {0:~ }|
  4136. {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }|
  4137. {0:~ }|
  4138. {0:~ }|
  4139. {0:~ }|
  4140. |
  4141. ]])
  4142. end
  4143. feed('<c-w>4_')
  4144. if multigrid then
  4145. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4146. ## grid 1
  4147. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4148. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4149. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4150. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4151. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4152. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4153. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4154. ## grid 2
  4155. x |
  4156. {0:~ }|
  4157. {0:~ }|
  4158. {0:~ }|
  4159. {0:~ }|
  4160. {0:~ }|
  4161. ## grid 3
  4162. |
  4163. ## grid 4
  4164. {1:^y }|
  4165. {2:~ }|
  4166. {2:~ }|
  4167. {2:~ }|
  4168. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4169. else
  4170. screen:expect([[
  4171. x |
  4172. {0:~ }|
  4173. {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }|
  4174. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4175. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4176. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4177. |
  4178. ]])
  4179. end
  4180. feed('<c-w>_')
  4181. if multigrid then
  4182. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4183. ## grid 1
  4184. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4185. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4186. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4187. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4188. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4189. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4190. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4191. ## grid 2
  4192. x |
  4193. {0:~ }|
  4194. {0:~ }|
  4195. {0:~ }|
  4196. {0:~ }|
  4197. {0:~ }|
  4198. ## grid 3
  4199. |
  4200. ## grid 4
  4201. {1:^y }|
  4202. {2:~ }|
  4203. {2:~ }|
  4204. {2:~ }|
  4205. {2:~ }|
  4206. {2:~ }|
  4207. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4208. else
  4209. screen:expect([[
  4210. x {1:^y } |
  4211. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4212. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4213. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4214. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4215. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4216. |
  4217. ]])
  4218. end
  4219. end)
  4220. it("horizontal resize > < |", function()
  4221. feed('<c-w>w')
  4222. if multigrid then
  4223. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4224. ## grid 1
  4225. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4226. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4227. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4228. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4229. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4230. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4231. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4232. ## grid 2
  4233. x |
  4234. {0:~ }|
  4235. {0:~ }|
  4236. {0:~ }|
  4237. {0:~ }|
  4238. {0:~ }|
  4239. ## grid 3
  4240. |
  4241. ## grid 4
  4242. {1:^y }|
  4243. {2:~ }|
  4244. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4245. else
  4246. screen:expect([[
  4247. x |
  4248. {0:~ }|
  4249. {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }|
  4250. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4251. {0:~ }|
  4252. {0:~ }|
  4253. |
  4254. ]])
  4255. end
  4256. feed('<c-w>>')
  4257. if multigrid then
  4258. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4259. ## grid 1
  4260. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4261. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4262. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4263. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4264. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4265. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4266. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4267. ## grid 2
  4268. x |
  4269. {0:~ }|
  4270. {0:~ }|
  4271. {0:~ }|
  4272. {0:~ }|
  4273. {0:~ }|
  4274. ## grid 3
  4275. |
  4276. ## grid 4
  4277. {1:^y }|
  4278. {2:~ }|
  4279. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4280. else
  4281. screen:expect([[
  4282. x |
  4283. {0:~ }|
  4284. {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }|
  4285. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4286. {0:~ }|
  4287. {0:~ }|
  4288. |
  4289. ]])
  4290. end
  4291. feed('<c-w>10<lt>')
  4292. if multigrid then
  4293. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4294. ## grid 1
  4295. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4296. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4297. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4298. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4299. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4300. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4301. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4302. ## grid 2
  4303. x |
  4304. {0:~ }|
  4305. {0:~ }|
  4306. {0:~ }|
  4307. {0:~ }|
  4308. {0:~ }|
  4309. ## grid 3
  4310. |
  4311. ## grid 4
  4312. {1:^y }|
  4313. {2:~ }|
  4314. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4315. else
  4316. screen:expect([[
  4317. x |
  4318. {0:~ }|
  4319. {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }|
  4320. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4321. {0:~ }|
  4322. {0:~ }|
  4323. |
  4324. ]])
  4325. end
  4326. feed('<c-w>15|')
  4327. if multigrid then
  4328. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4329. ## grid 1
  4330. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4331. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4332. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4333. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4334. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4335. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4336. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4337. ## grid 2
  4338. x |
  4339. {0:~ }|
  4340. {0:~ }|
  4341. {0:~ }|
  4342. {0:~ }|
  4343. {0:~ }|
  4344. ## grid 3
  4345. |
  4346. ## grid 4
  4347. {1:^y }|
  4348. {2:~ }|
  4349. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4350. else
  4351. screen:expect([[
  4352. x |
  4353. {0:~ }|
  4354. {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }|
  4355. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4356. {0:~ }|
  4357. {0:~ }|
  4358. |
  4359. ]])
  4360. end
  4361. feed('<c-w>|')
  4362. if multigrid then
  4363. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4364. ## grid 1
  4365. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4366. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4367. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4368. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4369. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4370. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4371. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4372. ## grid 2
  4373. x |
  4374. {0:~ }|
  4375. {0:~ }|
  4376. {0:~ }|
  4377. {0:~ }|
  4378. {0:~ }|
  4379. ## grid 3
  4380. |
  4381. ## grid 4
  4382. {1:^y }|
  4383. {2:~ }|
  4384. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4385. else
  4386. screen:expect([[
  4387. x |
  4388. {0:~ }|
  4389. {1:^y }|
  4390. {2:~ }|
  4391. {0:~ }|
  4392. {0:~ }|
  4393. |
  4394. ]])
  4395. end
  4396. end)
  4397. it("s :split (non-float)", function()
  4398. feed("<c-w>s")
  4399. if multigrid then
  4400. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4401. ## grid 1
  4402. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  4403. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  4404. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  4405. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4406. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4407. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4408. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4409. ## grid 2
  4410. x |
  4411. {0:~ }|
  4412. ## grid 3
  4413. |
  4414. ## grid 4
  4415. {1:y }|
  4416. {2:~ }|
  4417. ## grid 5
  4418. ^x |
  4419. {0:~ }|
  4420. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4421. else
  4422. screen:expect([[
  4423. ^x |
  4424. {0:~ }|
  4425. {4:[No N}{1:y }{4: }|
  4426. x {2:~ } |
  4427. {0:~ }|
  4428. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4429. |
  4430. ]])
  4431. end
  4432. feed("<c-w>w")
  4433. if multigrid then
  4434. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4435. ## grid 1
  4436. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  4437. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  4438. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4439. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4440. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4441. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  4442. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4443. ## grid 2
  4444. ^x |
  4445. {0:~ }|
  4446. ## grid 3
  4447. |
  4448. ## grid 4
  4449. {1:y }|
  4450. {2:~ }|
  4451. ## grid 5
  4452. x |
  4453. {0:~ }|
  4454. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4455. else
  4456. screen:expect([[
  4457. x |
  4458. {0:~ }|
  4459. {5:[No N}{1:y }{5: }|
  4460. ^x {2:~ } |
  4461. {0:~ }|
  4462. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  4463. |
  4464. ]])
  4465. end
  4466. feed("<c-w>w")
  4467. if multigrid then
  4468. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4469. ## grid 1
  4470. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  4471. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  4472. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4473. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4474. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4475. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4476. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4477. ## grid 2
  4478. x |
  4479. {0:~ }|
  4480. ## grid 3
  4481. |
  4482. ## grid 4
  4483. {1:^y }|
  4484. {2:~ }|
  4485. ## grid 5
  4486. x |
  4487. {0:~ }|
  4488. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4489. else
  4490. screen:expect([[
  4491. x |
  4492. {0:~ }|
  4493. {5:[No N}{1:^y }{5: }|
  4494. x {2:~ } |
  4495. {0:~ }|
  4496. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4497. |
  4498. ]])
  4499. end
  4500. feed("<c-w>w")
  4501. if multigrid then
  4502. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4503. ## grid 1
  4504. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  4505. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  4506. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  4507. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4508. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4509. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4510. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4511. ## grid 2
  4512. x |
  4513. {0:~ }|
  4514. ## grid 3
  4515. |
  4516. ## grid 4
  4517. {1:y }|
  4518. {2:~ }|
  4519. ## grid 5
  4520. ^x |
  4521. {0:~ }|
  4522. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4523. else
  4524. screen:expect([[
  4525. ^x |
  4526. {0:~ }|
  4527. {4:[No N}{1:y }{4: }|
  4528. x {2:~ } |
  4529. {0:~ }|
  4530. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4531. |
  4532. ]])
  4533. end
  4534. end)
  4535. it("s :split (float)", function()
  4536. feed("<c-w>w<c-w>s")
  4537. if multigrid then
  4538. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4539. ## grid 1
  4540. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  4541. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  4542. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  4543. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4544. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4545. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4546. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4547. ## grid 2
  4548. x |
  4549. {0:~ }|
  4550. ## grid 3
  4551. |
  4552. ## grid 4
  4553. {1:y }|
  4554. {2:~ }|
  4555. ## grid 5
  4556. ^y |
  4557. {0:~ }|
  4558. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4559. else
  4560. screen:expect([[
  4561. ^y |
  4562. {0:~ }|
  4563. {4:[No N}{1:y }{4: }|
  4564. x {2:~ } |
  4565. {0:~ }|
  4566. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4567. |
  4568. ]])
  4569. end
  4570. feed("<c-w>j")
  4571. if multigrid then
  4572. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4573. ## grid 1
  4574. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  4575. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  4576. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4577. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4578. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4579. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  4580. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4581. ## grid 2
  4582. ^x |
  4583. {0:~ }|
  4584. ## grid 3
  4585. |
  4586. ## grid 4
  4587. {1:y }|
  4588. {2:~ }|
  4589. ## grid 5
  4590. y |
  4591. {0:~ }|
  4592. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4593. else
  4594. screen:expect([[
  4595. y |
  4596. {0:~ }|
  4597. {5:[No N}{1:y }{5: }|
  4598. ^x {2:~ } |
  4599. {0:~ }|
  4600. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  4601. |
  4602. ]])
  4603. end
  4604. feed("<c-w>ji")
  4605. if multigrid then
  4606. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4607. ## grid 1
  4608. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  4609. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  4610. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4611. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4612. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4613. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  4614. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4615. ## grid 2
  4616. ^x |
  4617. {0:~ }|
  4618. ## grid 3
  4619. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  4620. ## grid 4
  4621. {1:y }|
  4622. {2:~ }|
  4623. ## grid 5
  4624. y |
  4625. {0:~ }|
  4626. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4627. else
  4628. screen:expect([[
  4629. y |
  4630. {0:~ }|
  4631. {5:[No N}{1:y }{5: }|
  4632. ^x {2:~ } |
  4633. {0:~ }|
  4634. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  4635. {3:-- INSERT --} |
  4636. ]])
  4637. end
  4638. end)
  4639. it(":new (non-float)", function()
  4640. feed(":new<cr>")
  4641. if multigrid then
  4642. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4643. ## grid 1
  4644. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  4645. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  4646. {4:[No Name] }|
  4647. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4648. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4649. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4650. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4651. ## grid 2
  4652. x |
  4653. {0:~ }|
  4654. ## grid 3
  4655. :new |
  4656. ## grid 4
  4657. {1:y }|
  4658. {2:~ }|
  4659. ## grid 5
  4660. ^ |
  4661. {0:~ }|
  4662. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4663. else
  4664. screen:expect([[
  4665. ^ |
  4666. {0:~ }|
  4667. {4:[No N}{1:y }{4: }|
  4668. x {2:~ } |
  4669. {0:~ }|
  4670. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4671. :new |
  4672. ]])
  4673. end
  4674. end)
  4675. it(":new (float)", function()
  4676. feed("<c-w>w:new<cr>")
  4677. if multigrid then
  4678. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4679. ## grid 1
  4680. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  4681. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  4682. {4:[No Name] }|
  4683. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4684. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4685. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4686. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4687. ## grid 2
  4688. x |
  4689. {0:~ }|
  4690. ## grid 3
  4691. :new |
  4692. ## grid 4
  4693. {1:y }|
  4694. {2:~ }|
  4695. ## grid 5
  4696. ^ |
  4697. {0:~ }|
  4698. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4699. else
  4700. screen:expect([[
  4701. ^ |
  4702. {0:~ }|
  4703. {4:[No N}{1:y }{4: }|
  4704. x {2:~ } |
  4705. {0:~ }|
  4706. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4707. :new |
  4708. ]])
  4709. end
  4710. end)
  4711. it("v :vsplit (non-float)", function()
  4712. feed("<c-w>v")
  4713. if multigrid then
  4714. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4715. ## grid 1
  4716. [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]|
  4717. [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]|
  4718. [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]|
  4719. [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]|
  4720. [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]|
  4721. {4:[No Name] [+] }{5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4722. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4723. ## grid 2
  4724. x |
  4725. {0:~ }|
  4726. {0:~ }|
  4727. {0:~ }|
  4728. {0:~ }|
  4729. ## grid 3
  4730. |
  4731. ## grid 4
  4732. {1:y }|
  4733. {2:~ }|
  4734. ## grid 5
  4735. ^x |
  4736. {0:~ }|
  4737. {0:~ }|
  4738. {0:~ }|
  4739. {0:~ }|
  4740. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4741. else
  4742. screen:expect([[
  4743. ^x {5:│}x |
  4744. {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }|
  4745. {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }|
  4746. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4747. {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }|
  4748. {4:[No Name] [+] }{5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4749. |
  4750. ]])
  4751. end
  4752. end)
  4753. it(":vnew (non-float)", function()
  4754. feed(":vnew<cr>")
  4755. if multigrid then
  4756. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4757. ## grid 1
  4758. [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]|
  4759. [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]|
  4760. [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]|
  4761. [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]|
  4762. [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]|
  4763. {4:[No Name] }{5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4764. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4765. ## grid 2
  4766. x |
  4767. {0:~ }|
  4768. {0:~ }|
  4769. {0:~ }|
  4770. {0:~ }|
  4771. ## grid 3
  4772. :vnew |
  4773. ## grid 4
  4774. {1:y }|
  4775. {2:~ }|
  4776. ## grid 5
  4777. ^ |
  4778. {0:~ }|
  4779. {0:~ }|
  4780. {0:~ }|
  4781. {0:~ }|
  4782. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4783. else
  4784. screen:expect([[
  4785. ^ {5:│}x |
  4786. {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }|
  4787. {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }|
  4788. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4789. {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }|
  4790. {4:[No Name] }{5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4791. :vnew |
  4792. ]])
  4793. end
  4794. end)
  4795. it(":vnew (float)", function()
  4796. feed("<c-w>w:vnew<cr>")
  4797. if multigrid then
  4798. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4799. ## grid 1
  4800. [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]|
  4801. [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]|
  4802. [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]|
  4803. [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]|
  4804. [5:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]|
  4805. {4:[No Name] }{5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4806. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4807. ## grid 2
  4808. x |
  4809. {0:~ }|
  4810. {0:~ }|
  4811. {0:~ }|
  4812. {0:~ }|
  4813. ## grid 3
  4814. :vnew |
  4815. ## grid 4
  4816. {1:y }|
  4817. {2:~ }|
  4818. ## grid 5
  4819. ^ |
  4820. {0:~ }|
  4821. {0:~ }|
  4822. {0:~ }|
  4823. {0:~ }|
  4824. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  4825. else
  4826. screen:expect([[
  4827. ^ {5:│}x |
  4828. {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }|
  4829. {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }|
  4830. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4831. {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }|
  4832. {4:[No Name] }{5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4833. :vnew |
  4834. ]])
  4835. end
  4836. end)
  4837. it("q (:quit) last non-float exits nvim", function()
  4838. command('autocmd VimLeave * call rpcrequest(1, "exit")')
  4839. -- avoid unsaved change in other buffer
  4840. feed("<c-w><c-w>:w Xtest_written2<cr><c-w><c-w>")
  4841. -- quit in last non-float
  4842. feed(":wq Xtest_written<cr>")
  4843. local exited = false
  4844. local function on_request(name, args)
  4845. eq("exit", name)
  4846. eq({}, args)
  4847. exited = true
  4848. return 0
  4849. end
  4850. local function on_setup()
  4851. feed(":wq Xtest_written<cr>")
  4852. end
  4853. run(on_request, nil, on_setup)
  4854. os.remove('Xtest_written')
  4855. os.remove('Xtest_written2')
  4856. eq(exited, true)
  4857. end)
  4858. it(':quit two floats in a row', function()
  4859. -- enter first float
  4860. feed('<c-w><c-w>')
  4861. -- enter second float
  4862. meths.open_win(0, true, {relative='editor', width=20, height=2, row=4, col=8})
  4863. if multigrid then
  4864. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4865. ## grid 1
  4866. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4867. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4868. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4869. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4870. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4871. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4872. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4873. ## grid 2
  4874. x |
  4875. {0:~ }|
  4876. {0:~ }|
  4877. {0:~ }|
  4878. {0:~ }|
  4879. {0:~ }|
  4880. ## grid 3
  4881. |
  4882. ## grid 4
  4883. {1:y }|
  4884. {2:~ }|
  4885. ## grid 5
  4886. {1:^y }|
  4887. {2:~ }|
  4888. ]], float_pos={
  4889. [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true},
  4890. [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 1, 4, 8, true}
  4891. }}
  4892. else
  4893. screen:expect([[
  4894. x |
  4895. {0:~ }|
  4896. {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }|
  4897. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4898. {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }|
  4899. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4900. |
  4901. ]])
  4902. end
  4903. feed(':quit<cr>')
  4904. if multigrid then
  4905. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4906. ## grid 1
  4907. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4908. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4909. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4910. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4911. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4912. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4913. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4914. ## grid 2
  4915. x |
  4916. {0:~ }|
  4917. {0:~ }|
  4918. {0:~ }|
  4919. {0:~ }|
  4920. ## grid 3
  4921. :quit |
  4922. ## grid 4
  4923. {1:^y }|
  4924. {2:~ }|
  4925. ]], float_pos={
  4926. [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true},
  4927. }}
  4928. else
  4929. screen:expect([[
  4930. x |
  4931. {0:~ }|
  4932. {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }|
  4933. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  4934. {0:~ }|
  4935. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  4936. :quit |
  4937. ]])
  4938. end
  4939. feed(':quit<cr>')
  4940. if multigrid then
  4941. screen:expect([[
  4942. ## grid 1
  4943. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4944. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4945. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4946. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4947. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4948. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4949. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4950. ## grid 2
  4951. ^x |
  4952. {0:~ }|
  4953. {0:~ }|
  4954. {0:~ }|
  4955. {0:~ }|
  4956. {0:~ }|
  4957. ## grid 3
  4958. :quit |
  4959. ]])
  4960. else
  4961. screen:expect([[
  4962. ^x |
  4963. {0:~ }|
  4964. {0:~ }|
  4965. {0:~ }|
  4966. {0:~ }|
  4967. {0:~ }|
  4968. :quit |
  4969. ]])
  4970. end
  4971. eq(2, eval('1+1'))
  4972. end)
  4973. it("o (:only) non-float", function()
  4974. feed("<c-w>o")
  4975. if multigrid then
  4976. screen:expect{grid=[[
  4977. ## grid 1
  4978. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4979. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4980. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4981. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4982. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4983. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  4984. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  4985. ## grid 2
  4986. ^x |
  4987. {0:~ }|
  4988. {0:~ }|
  4989. {0:~ }|
  4990. {0:~ }|
  4991. {0:~ }|
  4992. ## grid 3
  4993. |
  4994. ]]}
  4995. else
  4996. screen:expect([[
  4997. ^x |
  4998. {0:~ }|
  4999. {0:~ }|
  5000. {0:~ }|
  5001. {0:~ }|
  5002. {0:~ }|
  5003. |
  5004. ]])
  5005. end
  5006. end)
  5007. it("o (:only) float fails", function()
  5008. feed("<c-w>w<c-w>o")
  5009. if multigrid then
  5010. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5011. ## grid 1
  5012. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5013. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5014. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5015. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5016. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5017. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5018. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5019. ## grid 2
  5020. x |
  5021. {0:~ }|
  5022. {0:~ }|
  5023. {0:~ }|
  5024. {0:~ }|
  5025. {0:~ }|
  5026. ## grid 3
  5027. {7:E5601: Cannot close window, only floatin}|
  5028. {7:g window would remain} |
  5029. {8:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ |
  5030. ## grid 4
  5031. {1:y }|
  5032. {2:~ }|
  5033. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  5034. else
  5035. screen:expect([[
  5036. x |
  5037. {0:~ }|
  5038. {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }|
  5039. {4: }|
  5040. {7:E5601: Cannot close window, only floatin}|
  5041. {7:g window would remain} |
  5042. {8:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ |
  5043. ]])
  5044. end
  5045. -- test message clear
  5046. feed('<cr>')
  5047. if multigrid then
  5048. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5049. ## grid 1
  5050. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5051. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5052. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5053. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5054. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5055. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5056. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5057. ## grid 2
  5058. x |
  5059. {0:~ }|
  5060. {0:~ }|
  5061. {0:~ }|
  5062. {0:~ }|
  5063. {0:~ }|
  5064. ## grid 3
  5065. |
  5066. ## grid 4
  5067. {1:^y }|
  5068. {2:~ }|
  5069. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  5070. else
  5071. screen:expect([[
  5072. x |
  5073. {0:~ }|
  5074. {0:~ }{1:^y }{0: }|
  5075. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  5076. {0:~ }|
  5077. {0:~ }|
  5078. |
  5079. ]])
  5080. end
  5081. end)
  5082. it("o (:only) non-float with split", function()
  5083. feed("<c-w>s")
  5084. if multigrid then
  5085. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5086. ## grid 1
  5087. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5088. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5089. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  5090. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5091. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5092. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  5093. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5094. ## grid 2
  5095. x |
  5096. {0:~ }|
  5097. ## grid 3
  5098. |
  5099. ## grid 4
  5100. {1:y }|
  5101. {2:~ }|
  5102. ## grid 5
  5103. ^x |
  5104. {0:~ }|
  5105. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  5106. else
  5107. screen:expect([[
  5108. ^x |
  5109. {0:~ }|
  5110. {4:[No N}{1:y }{4: }|
  5111. x {2:~ } |
  5112. {0:~ }|
  5113. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  5114. |
  5115. ]])
  5116. end
  5117. feed("<c-w>o")
  5118. if multigrid then
  5119. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5120. ## grid 1
  5121. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5122. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5123. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5124. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5125. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5126. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5127. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5128. ## grid 3
  5129. |
  5130. ## grid 5
  5131. ^x |
  5132. {0:~ }|
  5133. {0:~ }|
  5134. {0:~ }|
  5135. {0:~ }|
  5136. {0:~ }|
  5137. ]]}
  5138. else
  5139. screen:expect([[
  5140. ^x |
  5141. {0:~ }|
  5142. {0:~ }|
  5143. {0:~ }|
  5144. {0:~ }|
  5145. {0:~ }|
  5146. |
  5147. ]])
  5148. end
  5149. end)
  5150. it("o (:only) float with split", function()
  5151. feed("<c-w>s<c-w>W")
  5152. if multigrid then
  5153. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5154. ## grid 1
  5155. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5156. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5157. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  5158. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5159. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5160. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  5161. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5162. ## grid 2
  5163. x |
  5164. {0:~ }|
  5165. ## grid 3
  5166. |
  5167. ## grid 4
  5168. {1:^y }|
  5169. {2:~ }|
  5170. ## grid 5
  5171. x |
  5172. {0:~ }|
  5173. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  5174. else
  5175. screen:expect([[
  5176. x |
  5177. {0:~ }|
  5178. {5:[No N}{1:^y }{5: }|
  5179. x {2:~ } |
  5180. {0:~ }|
  5181. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  5182. |
  5183. ]])
  5184. end
  5185. feed("<c-w>o")
  5186. if multigrid then
  5187. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5188. ## grid 1
  5189. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5190. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5191. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  5192. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5193. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5194. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5195. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5196. ## grid 2
  5197. x |
  5198. {0:~ }|
  5199. ## grid 3
  5200. {7:E5601: Cannot close window, only floatin}|
  5201. {7:g window would remain} |
  5202. {8:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ |
  5203. ## grid 4
  5204. {1:y }|
  5205. {2:~ }|
  5206. ## grid 5
  5207. x |
  5208. {0:~ }|
  5209. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  5210. else
  5211. screen:expect([[
  5212. x |
  5213. {0:~ }|
  5214. {5:[No N}{1:y }{5: }|
  5215. {4: }|
  5216. {7:E5601: Cannot close window, only floatin}|
  5217. {7:g window would remain} |
  5218. {8:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ |
  5219. ]])
  5220. end
  5221. end)
  5222. it("J (float)", function()
  5223. feed("<c-w>w<c-w>J")
  5224. if multigrid then
  5225. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5226. ## grid 1
  5227. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5228. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5229. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  5230. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  5231. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  5232. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  5233. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5234. ## grid 2
  5235. x |
  5236. {0:~ }|
  5237. ## grid 3
  5238. |
  5239. ## grid 4
  5240. ^y |
  5241. {0:~ }|
  5242. ]]}
  5243. else
  5244. screen:expect([[
  5245. x |
  5246. {0:~ }|
  5247. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  5248. ^y |
  5249. {0:~ }|
  5250. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  5251. |
  5252. ]])
  5253. end
  5254. if multigrid then
  5255. meths.win_set_config(0, {external=true, width=30, height=2})
  5256. expected_pos = {[4]={external=true}}
  5257. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5258. ## grid 1
  5259. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5260. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5261. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5262. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5263. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5264. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  5265. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5266. ## grid 2
  5267. x |
  5268. {0:~ }|
  5269. {0:~ }|
  5270. {0:~ }|
  5271. {0:~ }|
  5272. ## grid 3
  5273. |
  5274. ## grid 4
  5275. ^y |
  5276. {0:~ }|
  5277. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  5278. else
  5279. eq("UI doesn't support external windows",
  5280. pcall_err(meths.win_set_config, 0, {external=true, width=30, height=2}))
  5281. return
  5282. end
  5283. feed("<c-w>J")
  5284. if multigrid then
  5285. screen:expect([[
  5286. ## grid 1
  5287. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5288. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5289. {5:[No Name] [+] }|
  5290. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  5291. [4:----------------------------------------]|
  5292. {4:[No Name] [+] }|
  5293. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5294. ## grid 2
  5295. x |
  5296. {0:~ }|
  5297. ## grid 3
  5298. |
  5299. ## grid 4
  5300. ^y |
  5301. {0:~ }|
  5302. ]])
  5303. end
  5304. end)
  5305. it('movements with nested split layout', function()
  5306. command("set hidden")
  5307. feed("<c-w>s<c-w>v<c-w>b<c-w>v")
  5308. if multigrid then
  5309. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5310. ## grid 1
  5311. [6:--------------------]{5:│}[5:-------------------]|
  5312. [6:--------------------]{5:│}[5:-------------------]|
  5313. {5:[No Name] [+] [No Name] [+] }|
  5314. [7:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]|
  5315. [7:--------------------]{5:│}[2:-------------------]|
  5316. {4:[No Name] [+] }{5:[No Name] [+] }|
  5317. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5318. ## grid 2
  5319. x |
  5320. {0:~ }|
  5321. ## grid 3
  5322. |
  5323. ## grid 4
  5324. {1:y }|
  5325. {2:~ }|
  5326. ## grid 5
  5327. x |
  5328. {0:~ }|
  5329. ## grid 6
  5330. x |
  5331. {0:~ }|
  5332. ## grid 7
  5333. ^x |
  5334. {0:~ }|
  5335. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  5336. else
  5337. screen:expect([[
  5338. x {5:│}x |
  5339. {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }|
  5340. {5:[No N}{1:y }{5:Name] [+] }|
  5341. ^x {2:~ } |
  5342. {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }|
  5343. {4:[No Name] [+] }{5:[No Name] [+] }|
  5344. |
  5345. ]])
  5346. end
  5347. -- verify that N<c-w>w works
  5348. for i = 1,5 do
  5349. feed(i.."<c-w>w")
  5350. feed_command("enew")
  5351. curbufmeths.set_lines(0,-1,true,{tostring(i)})
  5352. end
  5353. if multigrid then
  5354. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5355. ## grid 1
  5356. [6:-------------------]{5:│}[5:--------------------]|
  5357. [6:-------------------]{5:│}[5:--------------------]|
  5358. {5:[No Name] [+] [No Name] [+] }|
  5359. [7:-------------------]{5:│}[2:--------------------]|
  5360. [7:-------------------]{5:│}[2:--------------------]|
  5361. {5:[No Name] [+] [No Name] [+] }|
  5362. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5363. ## grid 2
  5364. 4 |
  5365. {0:~ }|
  5366. ## grid 3
  5367. :enew |
  5368. ## grid 4
  5369. {1:^5 }|
  5370. {2:~ }|
  5371. ## grid 5
  5372. 2 |
  5373. {0:~ }|
  5374. ## grid 6
  5375. 1 |
  5376. {0:~ }|
  5377. ## grid 7
  5378. 3 |
  5379. {0:~ }|
  5380. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  5381. else
  5382. screen:expect([[
  5383. 1 {5:│}2 |
  5384. {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }|
  5385. {5:[No N}{1:^5 }{5:ame] [+] }|
  5386. 3 {2:~ } |
  5387. {0:~ }{5:│}{0:~ }|
  5388. {5:[No Name] [+] [No Name] [+] }|
  5389. :enew |
  5390. ]])
  5391. end
  5392. local movements = {
  5393. w={2,3,4,5,1},
  5394. W={5,1,2,3,4},
  5395. h={1,1,3,3,3},
  5396. j={3,3,3,4,4},
  5397. k={1,2,1,1,1},
  5398. l={2,2,4,4,4},
  5399. t={1,1,1,1,1},
  5400. b={4,4,4,4,4},
  5401. }
  5402. for k,v in pairs(movements) do
  5403. for i = 1,5 do
  5404. feed(i.."<c-w>w")
  5405. feed('<c-w>'..k)
  5406. local nr = funcs.winnr()
  5407. eq(v[i],nr, "when using <c-w>"..k.." from window "..i)
  5408. end
  5409. end
  5410. for i = 1,5 do
  5411. feed(i.."<c-w>w")
  5412. for j = 1,5 do
  5413. if j ~= i then
  5414. feed(j.."<c-w>w")
  5415. feed('<c-w>p')
  5416. local nr = funcs.winnr()
  5417. eq(i,nr, "when using <c-w>p to window "..i.." from window "..j)
  5418. end
  5419. end
  5420. end
  5421. end)
  5422. it(":tabnew and :tabnext", function()
  5423. feed(":tabnew<cr>")
  5424. if multigrid then
  5425. -- grid is not freed, but float is marked as closed (should it rather be "invisible"?)
  5426. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5427. ## grid 1
  5428. {9: }{10:2}{9:+ [No Name] }{3: [No Name] }{5: }{9:X}|
  5429. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5430. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5431. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5432. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5433. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5434. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5435. ## grid 2 (hidden)
  5436. x |
  5437. {0:~ }|
  5438. {0:~ }|
  5439. {0:~ }|
  5440. {0:~ }|
  5441. {0:~ }|
  5442. ## grid 3
  5443. :tabnew |
  5444. ## grid 4 (hidden)
  5445. {1:y }|
  5446. {2:~ }|
  5447. ## grid 5
  5448. ^ |
  5449. {0:~ }|
  5450. {0:~ }|
  5451. {0:~ }|
  5452. {0:~ }|
  5453. ]]}
  5454. else
  5455. screen:expect([[
  5456. {9: }{10:2}{9:+ [No Name] }{3: [No Name] }{5: }{9:X}|
  5457. ^ |
  5458. {0:~ }|
  5459. {0:~ }|
  5460. {0:~ }|
  5461. {0:~ }|
  5462. :tabnew |
  5463. ]])
  5464. end
  5465. feed(":tabnext<cr>")
  5466. if multigrid then
  5467. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5468. ## grid 1
  5469. {3: }{11:2}{3:+ [No Name] }{9: [No Name] }{5: }{9:X}|
  5470. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5471. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5472. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5473. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5474. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5475. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5476. ## grid 2
  5477. ^x |
  5478. {0:~ }|
  5479. {0:~ }|
  5480. {0:~ }|
  5481. {0:~ }|
  5482. ## grid 3
  5483. :tabnext |
  5484. ## grid 4
  5485. {1:y }|
  5486. {2:~ }|
  5487. ## grid 5 (hidden)
  5488. |
  5489. {0:~ }|
  5490. {0:~ }|
  5491. {0:~ }|
  5492. {0:~ }|
  5493. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  5494. else
  5495. screen:expect([[
  5496. {3: }{11:2}{3:+ [No Name] }{9: [No Name] }{5: }{9:X}|
  5497. ^x |
  5498. {0:~ }{1:y }{0: }|
  5499. {0:~ }{2:~ }{0: }|
  5500. {0:~ }|
  5501. {0:~ }|
  5502. :tabnext |
  5503. ]])
  5504. end
  5505. feed(":tabnext<cr>")
  5506. if multigrid then
  5507. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5508. ## grid 1
  5509. {9: }{10:2}{9:+ [No Name] }{3: [No Name] }{5: }{9:X}|
  5510. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5511. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5512. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5513. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5514. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5515. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5516. ## grid 2 (hidden)
  5517. x |
  5518. {0:~ }|
  5519. {0:~ }|
  5520. {0:~ }|
  5521. {0:~ }|
  5522. ## grid 3
  5523. :tabnext |
  5524. ## grid 4 (hidden)
  5525. {1:y }|
  5526. {2:~ }|
  5527. ## grid 5
  5528. ^ |
  5529. {0:~ }|
  5530. {0:~ }|
  5531. {0:~ }|
  5532. {0:~ }|
  5533. ]]}
  5534. else
  5535. screen:expect([[
  5536. {9: }{10:2}{9:+ [No Name] }{3: [No Name] }{5: }{9:X}|
  5537. ^ |
  5538. {0:~ }|
  5539. {0:~ }|
  5540. {0:~ }|
  5541. {0:~ }|
  5542. :tabnext |
  5543. ]])
  5544. end
  5545. end)
  5546. it(":tabnew and :tabnext (external)", function()
  5547. if multigrid then
  5548. -- also test external window wider than main screen
  5549. meths.win_set_config(win, {external=true, width=65, height=4})
  5550. expected_pos = {[4]={external=true}}
  5551. feed(":tabnew<cr>")
  5552. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5553. ## grid 1
  5554. {9: + [No Name] }{3: }{11:2}{3:+ [No Name] }{5: }{9:X}|
  5555. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5556. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5557. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5558. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5559. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5560. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5561. ## grid 2 (hidden)
  5562. x |
  5563. {0:~ }|
  5564. {0:~ }|
  5565. {0:~ }|
  5566. {0:~ }|
  5567. {0:~ }|
  5568. ## grid 3
  5569. :tabnew |
  5570. ## grid 4
  5571. y |
  5572. {0:~ }|
  5573. {0:~ }|
  5574. {0:~ }|
  5575. ## grid 5
  5576. ^ |
  5577. {0:~ }|
  5578. {0:~ }|
  5579. {0:~ }|
  5580. {0:~ }|
  5581. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  5582. else
  5583. eq("UI doesn't support external windows",
  5584. pcall_err(meths.win_set_config, 0, {external=true, width=65, height=4}))
  5585. end
  5586. feed(":tabnext<cr>")
  5587. if multigrid then
  5588. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5589. ## grid 1
  5590. {3: }{11:2}{3:+ [No Name] }{9: [No Name] }{5: }{9:X}|
  5591. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5592. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5593. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5594. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5595. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5596. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5597. ## grid 2
  5598. ^x |
  5599. {0:~ }|
  5600. {0:~ }|
  5601. {0:~ }|
  5602. {0:~ }|
  5603. ## grid 3
  5604. :tabnext |
  5605. ## grid 4
  5606. y |
  5607. {0:~ }|
  5608. {0:~ }|
  5609. {0:~ }|
  5610. ## grid 5 (hidden)
  5611. |
  5612. {0:~ }|
  5613. {0:~ }|
  5614. {0:~ }|
  5615. {0:~ }|
  5616. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  5617. end
  5618. feed(":tabnext<cr>")
  5619. if multigrid then
  5620. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5621. ## grid 1
  5622. {9: + [No Name] }{3: }{11:2}{3:+ [No Name] }{5: }{9:X}|
  5623. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5624. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5625. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5626. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5627. [5:----------------------------------------]|
  5628. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5629. ## grid 2 (hidden)
  5630. x |
  5631. {0:~ }|
  5632. {0:~ }|
  5633. {0:~ }|
  5634. {0:~ }|
  5635. ## grid 3
  5636. :tabnext |
  5637. ## grid 4
  5638. y |
  5639. {0:~ }|
  5640. {0:~ }|
  5641. {0:~ }|
  5642. ## grid 5
  5643. ^ |
  5644. {0:~ }|
  5645. {0:~ }|
  5646. {0:~ }|
  5647. {0:~ }|
  5648. ]], float_pos=expected_pos}
  5649. end
  5650. end)
  5651. end)
  5652. it("'winblend' option", function()
  5653. screen:try_resize(50,9)
  5654. screen:set_default_attr_ids({
  5655. [1] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta},
  5656. [2] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Grey0, background = tonumber('0xffcfff')},
  5657. [3] = {foreground = tonumber('0xb282b2'), background = tonumber('0xffcfff')},
  5658. [4] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Red, background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta},
  5659. [5] = {foreground = tonumber('0x990000'), background = tonumber('0xfff1ff')},
  5660. [6] = {foreground = tonumber('0x332533'), background = tonumber('0xfff1ff')},
  5661. [7] = {background = tonumber('0xffcfff'), bold = true, foreground = tonumber('0x0000d8')},
  5662. [8] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta, bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1},
  5663. [9] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta, blend=30},
  5664. [10] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Red, background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta, blend=0},
  5665. [11] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Red, background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta, blend=80},
  5666. [12] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta, bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1, blend=30},
  5667. })
  5668. insert([[
  5669. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
  5670. adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
  5671. incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
  5672. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
  5673. exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex
  5674. ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in
  5675. reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum
  5676. dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint
  5677. occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa
  5678. qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est
  5679. laborum.]])
  5680. local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false)
  5681. meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {"test", "", "popup text"})
  5682. local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=15, height=3, row=2, col=5})
  5683. if multigrid then
  5684. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5685. ## grid 1
  5686. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5687. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5688. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5689. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5690. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5691. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5692. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5693. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5694. [3:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5695. ## grid 2
  5696. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud |
  5697. exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex |
  5698. ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in |
  5699. reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum |
  5700. dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint |
  5701. occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa |
  5702. qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est |
  5703. laborum^. |
  5704. ## grid 3
  5705. |
  5706. ## grid 5
  5707. {1:test }|
  5708. {1: }|
  5709. {1:popup text }|
  5710. ]], float_pos={[5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true}}}
  5711. else
  5712. screen:expect([[
  5713. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud |
  5714. exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex |
  5715. ea co{1:test }. Duis aute irure dolor in |
  5716. repre{1: }uptate velit esse cillum |
  5717. dolor{1:popup text }la pariatur. Excepteur sint |
  5718. occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa |
  5719. qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est |
  5720. laborum^. |
  5721. |
  5722. ]])
  5723. end
  5724. meths.win_set_option(win, "winblend", 30)
  5725. if multigrid then
  5726. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5727. ## grid 1
  5728. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5729. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5730. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5731. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5732. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5733. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5734. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5735. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5736. [3:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5737. ## grid 2
  5738. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud |
  5739. exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex |
  5740. ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in |
  5741. reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum |
  5742. dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint |
  5743. occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa |
  5744. qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est |
  5745. laborum^. |
  5746. ## grid 3
  5747. |
  5748. ## grid 5
  5749. {9:test }|
  5750. {9: }|
  5751. {9:popup text }|
  5752. ]], float_pos={[5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true}}, unchanged=true}
  5753. else
  5754. screen:expect([[
  5755. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud |
  5756. exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex |
  5757. ea co{2:test}{3:o consequat}. Duis aute irure dolor in |
  5758. repre{3:henderit in vol}uptate velit esse cillum |
  5759. dolor{2:popup}{3:fugi}{2:text}{3:ul}la pariatur. Excepteur sint |
  5760. occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa |
  5761. qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est |
  5762. laborum^. |
  5763. |
  5764. ]])
  5765. end
  5766. command('hi SpecialRegion guifg=Red blend=0')
  5767. meths.buf_add_highlight(buf, -1, "SpecialRegion", 2, 0, -1)
  5768. if multigrid then
  5769. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5770. ## grid 1
  5771. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5772. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5773. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5774. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5775. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5776. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5777. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5778. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5779. [3:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5780. ## grid 2
  5781. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud |
  5782. exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex |
  5783. ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in |
  5784. reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum |
  5785. dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint |
  5786. occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa |
  5787. qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est |
  5788. laborum^. |
  5789. ## grid 3
  5790. |
  5791. ## grid 5
  5792. {9:test }|
  5793. {9: }|
  5794. {10:popup text}{9: }|
  5795. ]], float_pos={[5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true}}}
  5796. else
  5797. screen:expect([[
  5798. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud |
  5799. exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex |
  5800. ea co{2:test}{3:o consequat}. Duis aute irure dolor in |
  5801. repre{3:henderit in vol}uptate velit esse cillum |
  5802. dolor{10:popup text}{3:ul}la pariatur. Excepteur sint |
  5803. occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa |
  5804. qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est |
  5805. laborum^. |
  5806. |
  5807. ]])
  5808. end
  5809. command('hi SpecialRegion guifg=Red blend=80')
  5810. if multigrid then
  5811. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5812. ## grid 1
  5813. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5814. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5815. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5816. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5817. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5818. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5819. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5820. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5821. [3:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5822. ## grid 2
  5823. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud |
  5824. exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex |
  5825. ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in |
  5826. reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum |
  5827. dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint |
  5828. occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa |
  5829. qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est |
  5830. laborum^. |
  5831. ## grid 3
  5832. |
  5833. ## grid 5
  5834. {9:test }|
  5835. {9: }|
  5836. {11:popup text}{9: }|
  5837. ]], float_pos={[5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true}}, unchanged=true}
  5838. else
  5839. screen:expect([[
  5840. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud |
  5841. exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex |
  5842. ea co{2:test}{3:o consequat}. Duis aute irure dolor in |
  5843. repre{3:henderit in vol}uptate velit esse cillum |
  5844. dolor{5:popup}{6:fugi}{5:text}{3:ul}la pariatur. Excepteur sint |
  5845. occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa |
  5846. qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est |
  5847. laborum^. |
  5848. |
  5849. ]])
  5850. end
  5851. -- Test scrolling by mouse
  5852. if multigrid then
  5853. meths.input_mouse('wheel', 'down', '', 5, 2, 2)
  5854. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5855. ## grid 1
  5856. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5857. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5858. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5859. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5860. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5861. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5862. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5863. [2:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5864. [3:--------------------------------------------------]|
  5865. ## grid 2
  5866. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud |
  5867. exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex |
  5868. ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in |
  5869. reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum |
  5870. dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint |
  5871. occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa |
  5872. qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est |
  5873. laborum^. |
  5874. ## grid 3
  5875. |
  5876. ## grid 5
  5877. {11:popup text}{9: }|
  5878. {12:~ }|
  5879. {12:~ }|
  5880. ]], float_pos={[5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true}}}
  5881. else
  5882. meths.input_mouse('wheel', 'down', '', 0, 4, 7)
  5883. screen:expect([[
  5884. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud |
  5885. exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex |
  5886. ea co{5:popup}{6: con}{5:text}{3:at}. Duis aute irure dolor in |
  5887. repre{7:~}{3:enderit in vol}uptate velit esse cillum |
  5888. dolor{7:~}{3: eu fugiat nul}la pariatur. Excepteur sint |
  5889. occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa |
  5890. qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est |
  5891. laborum^. |
  5892. |
  5893. ]])
  5894. end
  5895. end)
  5896. it('can overlap doublewidth chars', function()
  5897. insert([[
  5898. # TODO: 测试字典信息的准确性
  5899. # FIXME: 测试字典信息的准确性]])
  5900. local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false)
  5901. local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=5, height=3, row=0, col=11, style='minimal'})
  5902. if multigrid then
  5903. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5904. ## grid 1
  5905. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5906. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5907. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5908. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5909. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5910. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5911. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5912. ## grid 2
  5913. # TODO: 测试字典信息的准确性 |
  5914. # FIXME: 测试字典信息的准确^性 |
  5915. {0:~ }|
  5916. {0:~ }|
  5917. {0:~ }|
  5918. {0:~ }|
  5919. ## grid 3
  5920. |
  5921. ## grid 4
  5922. {1: }|
  5923. {1: }|
  5924. {1: }|
  5925. ]], float_pos={ [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 0, 11, true } }}
  5926. else
  5927. screen:expect([[
  5928. # TODO: 测 {1: }信息的准确性 |
  5929. # FIXME: 测{1: } 信息的准确^性 |
  5930. {0:~ }{1: }{0: }|
  5931. {0:~ }|
  5932. {0:~ }|
  5933. {0:~ }|
  5934. |
  5935. ]])
  5936. end
  5937. meths.win_close(win, false)
  5938. if multigrid then
  5939. screen:expect([[
  5940. ## grid 1
  5941. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5942. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5943. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5944. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5945. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5946. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5947. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5948. ## grid 2
  5949. # TODO: 测试字典信息的准确性 |
  5950. # FIXME: 测试字典信息的准确^性 |
  5951. {0:~ }|
  5952. {0:~ }|
  5953. {0:~ }|
  5954. {0:~ }|
  5955. ## grid 3
  5956. |
  5957. ]])
  5958. else
  5959. screen:expect([[
  5960. # TODO: 测试字典信息的准确性 |
  5961. # FIXME: 测试字典信息的准确^性 |
  5962. {0:~ }|
  5963. {0:~ }|
  5964. {0:~ }|
  5965. {0:~ }|
  5966. |
  5967. ]])
  5968. end
  5969. -- The interaction between 'winblend' and doublewidth chars in the background
  5970. -- does not look very good. But check no chars get incorrectly placed
  5971. -- at least. Also check invisible EndOfBuffer region blends correctly.
  5972. meths.buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, {" x x x xx", " x x x x"})
  5973. win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=12, height=3, row=0, col=11, style='minimal'})
  5974. meths.win_set_option(win, 'winblend', 30)
  5975. screen:set_default_attr_ids({
  5976. [1] = {foreground = tonumber('0xb282b2'), background = tonumber('0xffcfff')},
  5977. [2] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Grey0, background = tonumber('0xffcfff')},
  5978. [3] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1},
  5979. [4] = {background = tonumber('0xffcfff'), bold = true, foreground = tonumber('0xb282ff')},
  5980. [5] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta, blend=30},
  5981. })
  5982. if multigrid then
  5983. screen:expect{grid=[[
  5984. ## grid 1
  5985. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5986. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5987. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5988. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5989. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5990. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  5991. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  5992. ## grid 2
  5993. # TODO: 测试字典信息的准确性 |
  5994. # FIXME: 测试字典信息的准确^性 |
  5995. {3:~ }|
  5996. {3:~ }|
  5997. {3:~ }|
  5998. {3:~ }|
  5999. ## grid 3
  6000. |
  6001. ## grid 6
  6002. {5: x x x xx}|
  6003. {5: x x x x}|
  6004. {5: }|
  6005. ]], float_pos={
  6006. [6] = { {
  6007. id = 1003
  6008. }, "NW", 1, 0, 11, true }
  6009. }}
  6010. else
  6011. screen:expect([[
  6012. # TODO: 测 {2: x x x}{1:息}{2: xx} 确性 |
  6013. # FIXME: 测{1:试}{2:x x x}{1:息}{2: x}准确^性 |
  6014. {3:~ }{4: }{3: }|
  6015. {3:~ }|
  6016. {3:~ }|
  6017. {3:~ }|
  6018. |
  6019. ]])
  6020. end
  6021. meths.win_set_config(win, {relative='editor', row=0, col=12})
  6022. if multigrid then
  6023. screen:expect{grid=[[
  6024. ## grid 1
  6025. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6026. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6027. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6028. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6029. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6030. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6031. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  6032. ## grid 2
  6033. # TODO: 测试字典信息的准确性 |
  6034. # FIXME: 测试字典信息的准确^性 |
  6035. {3:~ }|
  6036. {3:~ }|
  6037. {3:~ }|
  6038. {3:~ }|
  6039. ## grid 3
  6040. |
  6041. ## grid 6
  6042. {5: x x x xx}|
  6043. {5: x x x x}|
  6044. {5: }|
  6045. ]], float_pos={
  6046. [6] = { {
  6047. id = 1003
  6048. }, "NW", 1, 0, 12, true }
  6049. }}
  6050. else
  6051. screen:expect([[
  6052. # TODO: 测试{2: x x}{1:信}{2:x }{1:的}{2:xx}确性 |
  6053. # FIXME: 测 {2: x x}{1:信}{2:x }{1:的}{2:x} 确^性 |
  6054. {3:~ }{4: }{3: }|
  6055. {3:~ }|
  6056. {3:~ }|
  6057. {3:~ }|
  6058. |
  6059. ]])
  6060. end
  6061. end)
  6062. it("correctly redraws when overlaid windows are resized #13991", function()
  6063. helpers.source([[
  6064. let popup_config = {"relative" : "editor",
  6065. \ "width" : 7,
  6066. \ "height" : 3,
  6067. \ "row" : 1,
  6068. \ "col" : 1,
  6069. \ "style" : "minimal"}
  6070. let border_config = {"relative" : "editor",
  6071. \ "width" : 9,
  6072. \ "height" : 5,
  6073. \ "row" : 0,
  6074. \ "col" : 0,
  6075. \ "style" : "minimal"}
  6076. let popup_buffer = nvim_create_buf(v:false, v:true)
  6077. let border_buffer = nvim_create_buf(v:false, v:true)
  6078. let popup_win = nvim_open_win(popup_buffer, v:true, popup_config)
  6079. let border_win = nvim_open_win(border_buffer, v:false, border_config)
  6080. call nvim_buf_set_lines(popup_buffer, 0, -1, v:true,
  6081. \ ["long", "longer", "longest"])
  6082. call nvim_buf_set_lines(border_buffer, 0, -1, v:true,
  6083. \ ["---------", "- -", "- -"])
  6084. ]])
  6085. if multigrid then
  6086. screen:expect{grid=[[
  6087. ## grid 1
  6088. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6089. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6090. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6091. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6092. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6093. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6094. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  6095. ## grid 2
  6096. |
  6097. {1:~ }|
  6098. {1:~ }|
  6099. {1:~ }|
  6100. {1:~ }|
  6101. {1:~ }|
  6102. ## grid 3
  6103. |
  6104. ## grid 5
  6105. {2:^long }|
  6106. {2:longer }|
  6107. {2:longest}|
  6108. ## grid 6
  6109. {2:---------}|
  6110. {2:- -}|
  6111. {2:- -}|
  6112. {2: }|
  6113. {2: }|
  6114. ]], attr_ids={
  6115. [1] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1, bold = true};
  6116. [2] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta};
  6117. }, float_pos={
  6118. [5] = { {
  6119. id = 1002
  6120. }, "NW", 1, 1, 1, true },
  6121. [6] = { {
  6122. id = 1003
  6123. }, "NW", 1, 0, 0, true }
  6124. }}
  6125. else
  6126. screen:expect([[
  6127. {1:---------} |
  6128. {1:-^long -}{0: }|
  6129. {1:-longer -}{0: }|
  6130. {1: longest }{0: }|
  6131. {1: }{0: }|
  6132. {0:~ }|
  6133. |
  6134. ]])
  6135. end
  6136. helpers.source([[
  6137. let new_popup_config = {"width" : 1, "height" : 3}
  6138. let new_border_config = {"width" : 3, "height" : 5}
  6139. function! Resize()
  6140. call nvim_win_set_config(g:popup_win, g:new_popup_config)
  6141. call nvim_win_set_config(g:border_win, g:new_border_config)
  6142. call nvim_buf_set_lines(g:border_buffer, 0, -1, v:true,
  6143. \ ["---", "- -", "- -"])
  6144. endfunction
  6145. nnoremap zz <cmd>call Resize()<cr>
  6146. ]])
  6147. helpers.feed("zz")
  6148. if multigrid then
  6149. screen:expect{grid=[[
  6150. ## grid 1
  6151. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6152. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6153. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6154. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6155. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6156. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6157. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  6158. ## grid 2
  6159. |
  6160. {1:~ }|
  6161. {1:~ }|
  6162. {1:~ }|
  6163. {1:~ }|
  6164. {1:~ }|
  6165. ## grid 3
  6166. |
  6167. ## grid 5
  6168. {2:^l}|
  6169. {2:o}|
  6170. {2:n}|
  6171. ## grid 6
  6172. {2:---}|
  6173. {2:- -}|
  6174. {2:- -}|
  6175. {2: }|
  6176. {2: }|
  6177. ]], attr_ids={
  6178. [1] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1, bold = true};
  6179. [2] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta};
  6180. }, float_pos={
  6181. [5] = { {
  6182. id = 1002
  6183. }, "NW", 1, 1, 1, true },
  6184. [6] = { {
  6185. id = 1003
  6186. }, "NW", 1, 0, 0, true }
  6187. }}
  6188. else
  6189. screen:expect([[
  6190. {1:---} |
  6191. {1:-^l-}{0: }|
  6192. {1:-o-}{0: }|
  6193. {1: n }{0: }|
  6194. {1: }{0: }|
  6195. {0:~ }|
  6196. |
  6197. ]])
  6198. end
  6199. end)
  6200. it("correctly orders multiple opened floats (current last)", function()
  6201. local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false)
  6202. local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=2, row=2, col=5})
  6203. meths.win_set_option(win, "winhl", "Normal:ErrorMsg,EndOfBuffer:ErrorMsg")
  6204. if multigrid then
  6205. screen:expect{grid=[[
  6206. ## grid 1
  6207. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6208. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6209. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6210. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6211. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6212. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6213. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  6214. ## grid 2
  6215. ^ |
  6216. {0:~ }|
  6217. {0:~ }|
  6218. {0:~ }|
  6219. {0:~ }|
  6220. {0:~ }|
  6221. ## grid 3
  6222. |
  6223. ## grid 4
  6224. {7: }|
  6225. {7:~ }|
  6226. ]], float_pos={
  6227. [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true };
  6228. }, win_viewport={
  6229. [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  6230. [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  6231. }}
  6232. else
  6233. screen:expect{grid=[[
  6234. ^ |
  6235. {0:~ }|
  6236. {0:~ }{7: }{0: }|
  6237. {0:~ }{7:~ }{0: }|
  6238. {0:~ }|
  6239. {0:~ }|
  6240. |
  6241. ]]}
  6242. end
  6243. exec_lua [[
  6244. local buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false,false)
  6245. local win = vim.api.nvim_open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=16, height=2, row=3, col=8})
  6246. vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(win, "winhl", "EndOfBuffer:Normal")
  6247. buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false,false)
  6248. win = vim.api.nvim_open_win(buf, true, {relative='editor', width=12, height=2, row=4, col=10})
  6249. vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(win, "winhl", "Normal:Search,EndOfBuffer:Search")
  6250. ]]
  6251. if multigrid then
  6252. screen:expect{grid=[[
  6253. ## grid 1
  6254. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6255. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6256. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6257. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6258. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6259. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6260. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  6261. ## grid 2
  6262. |
  6263. {0:~ }|
  6264. {0:~ }|
  6265. {0:~ }|
  6266. {0:~ }|
  6267. {0:~ }|
  6268. ## grid 3
  6269. |
  6270. ## grid 4
  6271. {7: }|
  6272. {7:~ }|
  6273. ## grid 5
  6274. {1: }|
  6275. {1:~ }|
  6276. ## grid 6
  6277. {17:^ }|
  6278. {17:~ }|
  6279. ]], float_pos={
  6280. [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true };
  6281. [5] = { { id = 1002 }, "NW", 1, 3, 8, true };
  6282. [6] = { { id = 1003 }, "NW", 1, 4, 10, true };
  6283. }, win_viewport={
  6284. [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  6285. [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  6286. [5] = {win = {id = 1002}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  6287. [6] = {win = {id = 1003}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  6288. }}
  6289. else
  6290. screen:expect{grid=[[
  6291. |
  6292. {0:~ }|
  6293. {0:~ }{7: }{0: }|
  6294. {0:~ }{7:~ }{1: }{7: }{0: }|
  6295. {0:~ }{1:~ }{17:^ }{1: }{0: }|
  6296. {0:~ }{17:~ }{0: }|
  6297. |
  6298. ]]}
  6299. end
  6300. end)
  6301. it("correctly orders multiple opened floats (non-current last)", function()
  6302. local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false)
  6303. local win = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=2, row=2, col=5})
  6304. meths.win_set_option(win, "winhl", "Normal:ErrorMsg,EndOfBuffer:ErrorMsg")
  6305. if multigrid then
  6306. screen:expect{grid=[[
  6307. ## grid 1
  6308. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6309. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6310. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6311. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6312. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6313. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6314. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  6315. ## grid 2
  6316. ^ |
  6317. {0:~ }|
  6318. {0:~ }|
  6319. {0:~ }|
  6320. {0:~ }|
  6321. {0:~ }|
  6322. ## grid 3
  6323. |
  6324. ## grid 4
  6325. {7: }|
  6326. {7:~ }|
  6327. ]], float_pos={
  6328. [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true };
  6329. }, win_viewport={
  6330. [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  6331. [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  6332. }}
  6333. else
  6334. screen:expect{grid=[[
  6335. ^ |
  6336. {0:~ }|
  6337. {0:~ }{7: }{0: }|
  6338. {0:~ }{7:~ }{0: }|
  6339. {0:~ }|
  6340. {0:~ }|
  6341. |
  6342. ]]}
  6343. end
  6344. exec_lua [[
  6345. local buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false,false)
  6346. local win = vim.api.nvim_open_win(buf, true, {relative='editor', width=12, height=2, row=4, col=10})
  6347. vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(win, "winhl", "Normal:Search,EndOfBuffer:Search")
  6348. buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false,false)
  6349. win = vim.api.nvim_open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=16, height=2, row=3, col=8})
  6350. vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(win, "winhl", "EndOfBuffer:Normal")
  6351. ]]
  6352. if multigrid then
  6353. screen:expect{grid=[[
  6354. ## grid 1
  6355. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6356. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6357. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6358. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6359. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6360. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6361. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  6362. ## grid 2
  6363. |
  6364. {0:~ }|
  6365. {0:~ }|
  6366. {0:~ }|
  6367. {0:~ }|
  6368. {0:~ }|
  6369. ## grid 3
  6370. |
  6371. ## grid 4
  6372. {7: }|
  6373. {7:~ }|
  6374. ## grid 5
  6375. {17:^ }|
  6376. {17:~ }|
  6377. ## grid 6
  6378. {1: }|
  6379. {1:~ }|
  6380. ]], float_pos={
  6381. [4] = { { id = 1001 }, "NW", 1, 2, 5, true };
  6382. [5] = { { id = 1002 }, "NW", 1, 4, 10, true };
  6383. [6] = { { id = 1003 }, "NW", 1, 3, 8, true };
  6384. }, win_viewport={
  6385. [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  6386. [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  6387. [5] = {win = {id = 1002}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  6388. [6] = {win = {id = 1003}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  6389. }}
  6390. else
  6391. screen:expect{grid=[[
  6392. |
  6393. {0:~ }|
  6394. {0:~ }{7: }{0: }|
  6395. {0:~ }{7:~ }{1: }{7: }{0: }|
  6396. {0:~ }{1:~ }{17:^ }{1: }{0: }|
  6397. {0:~ }{17:~ }{0: }|
  6398. |
  6399. ]]}
  6400. end
  6401. end)
  6402. it('can use z-index', function()
  6403. local buf = meths.create_buf(false,false)
  6404. local win1 = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=3, row=1, col=5, zindex=30})
  6405. meths.win_set_option(win1, "winhl", "Normal:ErrorMsg,EndOfBuffer:ErrorMsg")
  6406. local win2 = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=3, row=2, col=6, zindex=50})
  6407. meths.win_set_option(win2, "winhl", "Normal:Search,EndOfBuffer:Search")
  6408. local win3 = meths.open_win(buf, false, {relative='editor', width=20, height=3, row=3, col=7, zindex=40})
  6409. meths.win_set_option(win3, "winhl", "Normal:Question,EndOfBuffer:Question")
  6410. if multigrid then
  6411. screen:expect{grid=[[
  6412. ## grid 1
  6413. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6414. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6415. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6416. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6417. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6418. [2:----------------------------------------]|
  6419. [3:----------------------------------------]|
  6420. ## grid 2
  6421. ^ |
  6422. {0:~ }|
  6423. {0:~ }|
  6424. {0:~ }|
  6425. {0:~ }|
  6426. {0:~ }|
  6427. ## grid 3
  6428. |
  6429. ## grid 4
  6430. {7: }|
  6431. {7:~ }|
  6432. {7:~ }|
  6433. ## grid 5
  6434. {17: }|
  6435. {17:~ }|
  6436. {17:~ }|
  6437. ## grid 6
  6438. {8: }|
  6439. {8:~ }|
  6440. {8:~ }|
  6441. ]], float_pos={
  6442. [4] = {{id = 1001}, "NW", 1, 1, 5, true, 30};
  6443. [5] = {{id = 1002}, "NW", 1, 2, 6, true, 50};
  6444. [6] = {{id = 1003}, "NW", 1, 3, 7, true, 40};
  6445. }, win_viewport={
  6446. [2] = {win = {id = 1000}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  6447. [4] = {win = {id = 1001}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  6448. [5] = {win = {id = 1002}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  6449. [6] = {win = {id = 1003}, topline = 0, botline = 2, curline = 0, curcol = 0};
  6450. }}
  6451. else
  6452. screen:expect{grid=[[
  6453. ^ |
  6454. {0:~ }{7: }{0: }|
  6455. {0:~ }{7:~}{17: }{0: }|
  6456. {0:~ }{7:~}{17:~ }{8: }{0: }|
  6457. {0:~ }{17:~ }{8: }{0: }|
  6458. {0:~ }{8:~ }{0: }|
  6459. |
  6460. ]]}
  6461. end
  6462. end)
  6463. end
  6464. describe('with ext_multigrid', function()
  6465. with_ext_multigrid(true)
  6466. end)
  6467. describe('without ext_multigrid', function()
  6468. with_ext_multigrid(false)
  6469. end)
  6470. end)