appveyor.yml 1.2 KB

  1. version: '{build}'
  2. environment:
  3. APPVEYOR_CACHE_ENTRY_ZIP_ARGS: "-t7z -m0=lzma -mx=9"
  4. DEPS_BUILD_DIR: "C:/projects/nvim-deps"
  5. DEPS_PREFIX: "C:/projects/nvim-deps/usr"
  6. # Silence/redirect errors due to missing locking support (via libgcov).
  7. GCOV_ERROR_FILE: "$(TEMP)/libgcov-errors.log"
  8. image: Visual Studio 2017
  9. configuration:
  10. - MINGW_64-gcov
  11. - MINGW_32
  12. - MSVC_64
  13. - MSVC_32
  14. init:
  15. - ps: |
  16. # Pull requests: skip some build configurations to save time.
  17. if ($env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_HEAD_COMMIT -and $env:CONFIGURATION -match '^(MSVC_64|MINGW_32)$') {
  18. $env:APPVEYOR_CACHE_SKIP_SAVE = "true"
  19. Exit-AppVeyorBuild
  20. }
  21. # RDP
  22. #- ps: iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
  23. matrix:
  24. fast_finish: true
  25. install: []
  26. before_build:
  27. - ps: Install-Product node 8
  28. build_script:
  29. - powershell ci\build.ps1
  30. after_build:
  31. - ps: |
  32. if (Test-Path $env:GCOV_ERROR_FILE) {
  33. Get-Content $env:GCOV_ERROR_FILE -Head 10
  34. Get-Content $env:GCOV_ERROR_FILE -Tail 10
  35. } else {
  36. write-host "no GCOV_ERROR_FILE"
  37. }
  38. cache:
  39. - C:\projects\nvim-deps -> third-party\**
  40. artifacts:
  41. - path: build/
  42. - path: build/bin/nvim.exe