123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120 |
- " Vim syntax file
- " Language: Yacc
- " Maintainer: Charles E. Campbell <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
- " Last Change: Aug 31, 2016
- " Version: 15
- " URL: http://www.drchip.org/astronaut/vim/index.html#SYNTAX_YACC
- "
- " Options: {{{1
- " g:yacc_uses_cpp : if this variable exists, then C++ is loaded rather than C
- " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- " this version of syntax/yacc.vim requires 6.0 or later
- if exists("b:current_syntax")
- syntax clear
- endif
- " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- " Folding Support {{{1
- if has("folding")
- com! -nargs=+ SynFold <args> fold
- else
- com! -nargs=+ SynFold <args>
- endif
- " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- " Read the C syntax to start with {{{1
- " Read the C/C++ syntax to start with
- let s:Cpath= fnameescape(expand("<sfile>:p:h").(exists("g:yacc_uses_cpp")? "/cpp.vim" : "/c.vim"))
- if !filereadable(s:Cpath)
- for s:Cpath in split(globpath(&rtp,(exists("g:yacc_uses_cpp")? "syntax/cpp.vim" : "syntax/c.vim")),"\n")
- if filereadable(fnameescape(s:Cpath))
- let s:Cpath= fnameescape(s:Cpath)
- break
- endif
- endfor
- endif
- exe "syn include @yaccCode ".s:Cpath
- " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- " Yacc Clusters: {{{1
- syn cluster yaccInitCluster contains=yaccKey,yaccKeyActn,yaccBrkt,yaccType,yaccString,yaccUnionStart,yaccHeader2,yaccComment,yaccDefines,yaccParseParam,yaccParseOption
- syn cluster yaccRulesCluster contains=yaccNonterminal,yaccString
- " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- " Yacc Sections: {{{1
- SynFold syn region yaccInit start='.'ms=s-1,rs=s-1 matchgroup=yaccSectionSep end='^%%$'me=e-2,re=e-2 contains=@yaccInitCluster nextgroup=yaccRules skipwhite skipempty contained
- SynFold syn region yaccInit2 start='\%^.'ms=s-1,rs=s-1 matchgroup=yaccSectionSep end='^%%$'me=e-2,re=e-2 contains=@yaccInitCluster nextgroup=yaccRules skipwhite skipempty
- SynFold syn region yaccHeader2 matchgroup=yaccSep start="^\s*\zs%{" end="^\s*%}" contains=@yaccCode nextgroup=yaccInit skipwhite skipempty contained
- SynFold syn region yaccHeader matchgroup=yaccSep start="^\s*\zs%{" end="^\s*%}" contains=@yaccCode nextgroup=yaccInit skipwhite skipempty
- SynFold syn region yaccRules matchgroup=yaccSectionSep start='^%%$' end='^%%$'me=e-2,re=e-2 contains=@yaccRulesCluster nextgroup=yaccEndCode skipwhite skipempty contained
- SynFold syn region yaccEndCode matchgroup=yaccSectionSep start='^%%$' end='\%$' contains=@yaccCode contained
- " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- " Yacc Commands: {{{1
- syn match yaccDefines '^%define\s\+.*$'
- syn match yaccParseParam '%\(parse\|lex\)-param\>' skipwhite nextgroup=yaccParseParamStr
- syn match yaccParseOption '%\%(api\.pure\|pure-parser\|locations\|error-verbose\)\>'
- syn region yaccParseParamStr contained matchgroup=Delimiter start='{' end='}' contains=cStructure
- syn match yaccDelim "[:|]" contained
- syn match yaccOper "@\d\+" contained
- syn match yaccKey "^\s*%\(token\|type\|left\|right\|start\|ident\|nonassoc\)\>" contained
- syn match yaccKey "\s%\(prec\|expect\)\>" contained
- syn match yaccKey "\$\(<[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*>\)\=[\$0-9]\+" contained
- syn keyword yaccKeyActn yyerrok yyclearin contained
- syn match yaccUnionStart "^%union" skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=yaccUnion contained
- SynFold syn region yaccUnion matchgroup=yaccCurly start="{" matchgroup=yaccCurly end="}" contains=@yaccCode contained
- syn match yaccBrkt "[<>]" contained
- syn match yaccType "<[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*>" contains=yaccBrkt contained
- SynFold syn region yaccNonterminal start="^\s*\a\w*\ze\_s*\(/\*\_.\{-}\*/\)\=\_s*:" matchgroup=yaccDelim end=";" matchgroup=yaccSectionSep end='^%%$'me=e-2,re=e-2 contains=yaccAction,yaccDelim,yaccString,yaccComment contained
- syn region yaccComment start="/\*" end="\*/"
- syn match yaccString "'[^']*'" contained
- " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- " I'd really like to highlight just the outer {}. Any suggestions??? {{{1
- syn match yaccCurlyError "[{}]"
- SynFold syn region yaccAction matchgroup=yaccCurly start="{" end="}" contains=@yaccCode,yaccVar contained
- syn match yaccVar '\$\d\+\|\$\$\|\$<\I\i*>\$\|\$<\I\i*>\d\+' containedin=cParen,cPreProc,cMulti contained
- " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- " Yacc synchronization: {{{1
- syn sync fromstart
- " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- " Define the default highlighting. {{{1
- if !exists("skip_yacc_syn_inits")
- hi def link yaccBrkt yaccStmt
- hi def link yaccComment Comment
- hi def link yaccCurly Delimiter
- hi def link yaccCurlyError Error
- hi def link yaccDefines cDefine
- hi def link yaccDelim Delimiter
- hi def link yaccKeyActn Special
- hi def link yaccKey yaccStmt
- hi def link yaccNonterminal Function
- hi def link yaccOper yaccStmt
- hi def link yaccParseOption cDefine
- hi def link yaccParseParam yaccParseOption
- hi def link yaccSectionSep Todo
- hi def link yaccSep Delimiter
- hi def link yaccStmt Statement
- hi def link yaccString String
- hi def link yaccType Type
- hi def link yaccUnionStart yaccKey
- hi def link yaccVar Special
- endif
- " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- " Cleanup: {{{1
- delcommand SynFold
- let b:current_syntax = "yacc"
- " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- " Modelines: {{{1
- " vim: ts=15 fdm=marker