usw2kagtlog.vim 2.6 KB

  1. " Vim syntax file
  2. " Language: Innovation Data Processing USW2KAgt.log file
  3. " Maintainer: Rob Owens <>
  4. " Latest Revision: 2014-04-01
  5. " Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
  6. if exists("b:current_syntax")
  7. finish
  8. endif
  9. " Date:
  10. syn match usw2kagtlog_Date /\u\l\l \u\l\l\s\{1,2}\d\{1,2} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d \d\d\d\d/
  11. " Msg Types:
  12. syn match usw2kagtlog_MsgD /Msg #\(Agt\|PC\|Srv\)\d\{4,5}D/ nextgroup=usw2kagtlog_Process skipwhite
  13. syn match usw2kagtlog_MsgE /Msg #\(Agt\|PC\|Srv\)\d\{4,5}E/ nextgroup=usw2kagtlog_Process skipwhite
  14. syn match usw2kagtlog_MsgI /Msg #\(Agt\|PC\|Srv\)\d\{4,5}I/ nextgroup=usw2kagtlog_Process skipwhite
  15. syn match usw2kagtlog_MsgW /Msg #\(Agt\|PC\|Srv\)\d\{4,5}W/ nextgroup=usw2kagtlog_Process skipwhite
  16. " Processes:
  17. syn region usw2kagtlog_Process start="(" end=")" contained
  18. "syn region usw2kagtlog_Process start="Starting the processing for a \zs\"" end="\ze client request"
  19. "syn region usw2kagtlog_Process start="Ending the processing for a \zs\"" end="\ze client request"
  20. "syn region usw2kagtlog_Process start="Starting the processing for a \zs\"" end="\ze client\s\{0,1}\r\{0,1}\s\{1,9}request"
  21. "syn region usw2kagtlog_Process start="Ending the processing for a \zs\"" end="\ze client\s\{0,1}\r\{0,1}\s\{1,9}request"
  22. syn region usw2kagtlog_Process start="Starting the processing for a \zs\"" end="\ze client"
  23. syn region usw2kagtlog_Process start="Ending the processing for a \zs\"" end="\ze client"
  24. " IP Address:
  25. syn match usw2kagtlog_IPaddr / \d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}/
  26. " Profile:
  27. syn match usw2kagtlog_Profile /Profile name \zs\"\S\{1,8}\"/
  28. syn match usw2kagtlog_Profile / Profile: \zs\S\{1,8}/
  29. syn match usw2kagtlog_Profile / Profile: \zs\S\{1,8}\ze, /
  30. syn match upstreamlog_Profile /Backup Profile: \zs\S\{1,8}\ze Version date/
  31. syn match upstreamlog_Profile /Backup profile: \zs\S\{1,8}\ze Version date/
  32. syn match usw2kagtlog_Profile /Full of \zs\S\{1,8}\ze$/
  33. syn match usw2kagtlog_Profile /Incr. of \zs\S\{1,8}\ze$/
  34. syn match usw2kagtlog_Profile /profile name "\zs\S\{1,8}\ze"/
  35. " Target:
  36. syn region usw2kagtlog_Target start="Computer: \zs" end="\ze[\]\)]"
  37. syn region usw2kagtlog_Target start="Computer name \zs\"" end="\"\ze"
  38. " Agent Keywords:
  39. syn keyword usw2kagtlog_Agentword opened closed
  40. hi def link usw2kagtlog_Date Underlined
  41. hi def link usw2kagtlog_MsgD Type
  42. hi def link usw2kagtlog_MsgE Error
  43. hi def link usw2kagtlog_MsgW Constant
  44. hi def link usw2kagtlog_Process Statement
  45. hi def link usw2kagtlog_IPaddr Identifier
  46. hi def link usw2kagtlog_Profile Identifier
  47. hi def link usw2kagtlog_Target Identifier
  48. hi def link usw2kagtlog_Agentword Special
  49. let b:current_syntax = "usw2kagentlog"