prescribe.vim 2.3 KB

  1. " Vim syntax file
  2. " Language: Kyocera PreScribe2e
  3. " Maintainer: Klaus Muth <>
  4. " URL:
  5. " Last Change: 2005 Mar 04
  6. " quit when a syntax file was already loaded
  7. if exists("b:current_syntax")
  8. finish
  9. endif
  10. syn match prescribeSpecial "!R!"
  11. " all prescribe commands
  12. syn keyword prescribeStatement ALTF AMCR ARC ASFN ASTK BARC BLK BOX CALL
  13. syn keyword prescribeStatement CASS CIR CLIP CLPR CLSP COPY CPTH CSET CSTK
  14. syn keyword prescribeStatement CTXT DAF DAM DAP DELF DELM DPAT DRP DRPA DUPX
  15. syn keyword prescribeStatement DXPG DXSD DZP ENDD ENDM ENDR EPL EPRM EXIT
  16. syn keyword prescribeStatement FDIR FILL FLAT FLST FONT FPAT FRPO FSET FTMD
  17. syn keyword prescribeStatement GPAT ICCD INTL JOG LDFC MAP MCRO MDAT MID
  18. syn keyword prescribeStatement MLST MRP MRPA MSTK MTYP MZP NEWP PAGE PARC PAT
  19. syn keyword prescribeStatement PCRP PCZP PDIR RDRP PDZP PELP PIE PMRA PMRP PMZP
  20. syn keyword prescribeStatement PRBX PRRC PSRC PXPL RDMP RES RSL RGST RPCS RPF
  21. syn keyword prescribeStatement RPG RPP RPU RTTX RTXT RVCD RVRD SBM SCAP SCCS
  22. syn keyword prescribeStatement SCF SCG SCP SCPI SCRC SCS SCU SDP SEM SETF SFA
  23. syn keyword prescribeStatement SFNT SIMG SIR SLJN SLM SLPI SLPP SLS SMLT SPD
  24. syn keyword prescribeStatement SPL SPLT SPO SPSZ SPW SRM SRO SROP SSTK STAT STRK
  25. syn keyword prescribeStatement SULP SVCP TATR TEXT TPRS UNIT UOM WIDE WRED XPAT
  26. syn match prescribeStatement "\<ALTB\s\+[ACDEGRST]\>"
  27. syn match prescribeStatement "\<CPPY\s\+[DE]\>"
  28. syn match prescribeStatement "\<EMCR\s\+[DE]\>"
  29. syn match prescribeStatement "\<FRPO\s\+INIT\>"
  30. syn match prescribeStatement "\<JOB[DLOPST]\>"
  31. syn match prescribeStatement "\<LDFC\s\+[CFS]\>"
  32. syn match prescribeStatement "\<RWER\s\+[DFILRSTW]\>"
  33. syn match prescribeCSETArg "[0-9]\{1,3}[A-Z]"
  34. syn match prescribeFRPOArg "[A-Z][0-9]\{1,2}"
  35. syn match prescribeNumber "[0-9]\+"
  36. syn region prescribeString start=+'+ end=+'+ skip=+\\'+
  37. syn region prescribeComment start=+CMNT+ end=+;+
  38. " Define the default highlighting.
  39. " Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
  40. hi def link prescribeSpecial PreProc
  41. hi def link prescribeStatement Statement
  42. hi def link prescribeNumber Number
  43. hi def link prescribeCSETArg String
  44. hi def link prescribeFRPOArg String
  45. hi def link prescribeComment Comment
  46. let b:current_syntax = "prescribe"
  47. " vim: ts=8