123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683 |
- " Vim syntax file
- " Language: NSIS script, for version of NSIS 3.03 and later
- " Maintainer: Ken Takata
- " URL: https://github.com/k-takata/vim-nsis
- " Previous Maintainer: Alex Jakushev <Alex.Jakushev@kemek.lt>
- " Last Change: 2018-10-02
- " quit when a syntax file was already loaded
- if exists("b:current_syntax")
- finish
- endif
- let s:cpo_save = &cpo
- set cpo&vim
- syn case ignore
- "Pseudo definitions
- syn match nsisLine nextgroup=@nsisPseudoStatement skipwhite "^"
- syn cluster nsisPseudoStatement contains=nsisFirstComment,nsisLocalLabel,nsisGlobalLabel
- syn cluster nsisPseudoStatement add=nsisDefine,nsisPreCondit,nsisMacro,nsisInclude,nsisSystem
- syn cluster nsisPseudoStatement add=nsisAttribute,nsisCompiler,nsisVersionInfo,nsisInstruction,nsisStatement
- "COMMENTS (4.1)
- syn keyword nsisTodo todo attention note fixme readme
- syn region nsisComment start="[;#]" end="$" contains=nsisTodo,nsisLineContinuation,@Spell oneline
- syn region nsisComment start=".\@1<=/\*" end="\*/" contains=nsisTodo,@Spell
- syn region nsisFirstComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contained contains=nsisTodo,@Spell skipwhite
- \ nextgroup=@nsisPseudoStatement
- syn match nsisLineContinuation "\\$"
- "STRINGS (4.1)
- syn region nsisString start=/"/ end=/"/ contains=@nsisStringItems,@Spell
- syn region nsisString start=/'/ end=/'/ contains=@nsisStringItems,@Spell
- syn region nsisString start=/`/ end=/`/ contains=@nsisStringItems,@Spell
- syn cluster nsisStringItems contains=nsisPreprocSubst,nsisPreprocLangStr,nsisPreprocEnvVar,nsisUserVar,nsisSysVar,nsisRegistry,nsisLineContinuation
- "NUMBERS (4.1)
- syn match nsisNumber "\<[1-9]\d*\>"
- syn match nsisNumber "\<0x\x\+\>"
- syn match nsisNumber "\<0\o*\>"
- "STRING REPLACEMENT (5.4,, 5.3.1)
- syn region nsisPreprocSubst start="\${" end="}" contains=nsisPreprocSubst,nsisPreprocLangStr,nsisPreprocEnvVar
- syn region nsisPreprocLangStr start="\$(" end=")" contains=nsisPreprocSubst,nsisPreprocLangStr,nsisPreprocEnvVar
- syn region nsisPreprocEnvVar start="\$%" end="%" contains=nsisPreprocSubst,nsisPreprocLangStr,nsisPreprocEnvVar
- "VARIABLES (4.2.2)
- syn match nsisUserVar "$\d"
- syn match nsisUserVar "$R\d"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$INSTDIR"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$OUTDIR"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$CMDLINE"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$LANGUAGE"
- "CONSTANTS (4.2.3)
- syn match nsisSysVar "$PROGRAMFILES"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$PROGRAMFILES32"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$PROGRAMFILES64"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$COMMONFILES"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$COMMONFILES32"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$COMMONFILES64"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$DESKTOP"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$EXEDIR"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$EXEFILE"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$EXEPATH"
- syn match nsisSysVar "${NSISDIR}"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$WINDIR"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$SYSDIR"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$TEMP"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$STARTMENU"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$SMPROGRAMS"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$SMSTARTUP"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$QUICKLAUNCH"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$DOCUMENTS"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$SENDTO"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$RECENT"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$FAVORITES"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$MUSIC"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$PICTURES"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$VIDEOS"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$NETHOOD"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$FONTS"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$TEMPLATES"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$APPDATA"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$LOCALAPPDATA"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$PRINTHOOD"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$INTERNET_CACHE"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$COOKIES"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$HISTORY"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$PROFILE"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$ADMINTOOLS"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$RESOURCES"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$RESOURCES_LOCALIZED"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$CDBURN_AREA"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$HWNDPARENT"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$PLUGINSDIR"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$\\r"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$\\n"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$\\t"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$\$"
- syn match nsisSysVar "$\\["'`]"
- "LABELS (4.3)
- syn match nsisLocalLabel contained "[^-+!$0-9;"'#. \t/*][^ \t:;#]*:\ze\%($\|[ \t;#]\|\/\*\)"
- syn match nsisGlobalLabel contained "\.[^-+!$0-9;"'# \t/*][^ \t:;#]*:\ze\%($\|[ \t;#]\|\/\*\)"
- syn keyword nsisBoolean contained true false
- syn keyword nsisOnOff contained on off
- syn keyword nsisRegistry contained HKCR HKLM HKCU HKU HKCC HKDD HKPD SHCTX
- syn keyword nsisRegistry contained HKCR32 HKCR64 HKCU32 HKCU64 HKLM32 HKLM64
- syn keyword nsisRegistry contained HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT32 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT64
- syn keyword nsisRegistry contained HKEY_CURRENT_USER32 HKEY_CURRENT_USER64
- syn keyword nsisRegistry contained HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE32 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE64
- syn keyword nsisRegistry contained SHELL_CONTEXT
- " common options
- syn cluster nsisAnyOpt contains=nsisComment,nsisLineContinuation,nsisPreprocSubst,nsisPreprocLangStr,nsisPreprocEnvVar,nsisUserVar,nsisSysVar,nsisString,nsisNumber
- syn region nsisBooleanOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisBoolean
- syn region nsisOnOffOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisOnOff
- syn region nsisLangOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisLangKwd
- syn match nsisLangKwd contained "/LANG\>"
- syn region nsisFontOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisFontKwd
- syn match nsisFontKwd contained "/\%(ITALIC\|UNDERLINE\|STRIKE\)\>"
- "STATEMENTS - pages (4.5)
- syn keyword nsisStatement contained Page UninstPage nextgroup=nsisPageOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisPageOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisPageKwd
- syn keyword nsisPageKwd contained custom license components directory instfiles uninstConfirm
- syn match nsisPageKwd contained "/ENABLECANCEL\>"
- syn keyword nsisStatement contained PageEx nextgroup=nsisPageExOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisPageExOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisPageExKwd
- syn match nsisPageExKwd contained "\<\%(un\.\)\?\%(custom\|license\|components\|directory\|instfiles\|uninstConfirm\)\>"
- syn keyword nsisStatement contained PageExEnd PageCallbacks
- "STATEMENTS - sections (4.6.1)
- syn keyword nsisStatement contained AddSize SectionEnd SectionGroupEnd
- syn keyword nsisStatement contained Section nextgroup=nsisSectionOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisSectionOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSectionKwd
- syn match nsisSectionKwd contained "/o\>"
- syn keyword nsisStatement contained SectionIn nextgroup=nsisSectionInOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisSectionInOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSectionInKwd
- syn keyword nsisSectionInKwd contained RO
- syn keyword nsisStatement contained SectionGroup nextgroup=nsisSectionGroupOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisSectionGroupOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSectionGroupKwd
- syn match nsisSectionGroupKwd contained "/e\>"
- "STATEMENTS - functions (4.7.1)
- syn keyword nsisStatement contained Function FunctionEnd
- "STATEMENTS - LogicLib.nsh
- syn match nsisStatement "${If}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${IfNot}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${Unless}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${ElseIf}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${ElseIfNot}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${ElseUnless}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${Else}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${EndIf}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${EndUnless}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${AndIf}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${AndIfNot}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${AndUnless}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${OrIf}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${OrIfNot}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${OrUnless}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${IfThen}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${IfNotThen}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${||\?}" nextgroup=@nsisPseudoStatement skipwhite
- syn match nsisStatement "${IfCmd}" nextgroup=@nsisPseudoStatement skipwhite
- syn match nsisStatement "${Select}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${Case}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${Case[2-5]}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${CaseElse}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${Default}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${EndSelect}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${Switch}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${EndSwitch}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${Break}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${Do}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${DoWhile}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${DoUntil}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${ExitDo}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${Continue}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${Loop}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${LoopWhile}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${LoopUntil}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${For}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${ForEach}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${ExitFor}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${Next}"
- "STATEMENTS - Memento.nsh
- syn match nsisStatement "${MementoSection}"
- syn match nsisStatement "${MementoSectionEnd}"
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained Var nextgroup=nsisVarOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisVarOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisVarKwd
- syn match nsisVarKwd contained "/GLOBAL\>"
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained Caption ChangeUI CheckBitmap CompletedText ComponentText
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained DetailsButtonText DirText DirVar
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained FileErrorText Icon InstallButtonText
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained InstallDir InstProgressFlags
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained LicenseData LicenseText
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained MiscButtonText Name OutFile
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained SpaceTexts SubCaption UninstallButtonText UninstallCaption
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained UninstallIcon UninstallSubCaption UninstallText
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained AddBrandingImage nextgroup=nsisAddBrandingImageOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisAddBrandingImageOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisAddBrandingImageKwd
- syn keyword nsisAddBrandingImageKwd contained left right top bottom width height
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained nextgroup=nsisBooleanOpt skipwhite
- \ AllowRootDirInstall AutoCloseWindow
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained BGFont nextgroup=nsisFontOpt skipwhite
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained BGGradient nextgroup=nsisBGGradientOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisBGGradientOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisBGGradientKwd
- syn keyword nsisBGGradientKwd contained off
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained BrandingText nextgroup=nsisBrandingTextOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisBrandingTextOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisBrandingTextKwd
- syn match nsisBrandingTextKwd contained "/TRIM\%(LEFT\|RIGHT\|CENTER\)\>"
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained CRCCheck nextgroup=nsisCRCCheckOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisCRCCheckOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisCRCCheckKwd
- syn keyword nsisCRCCheckKwd contained on off force
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained DirVerify nextgroup=nsisDirVerifyOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisDirVerifyOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisDirVerifyKwd
- syn keyword nsisDirVerifyKwd contained auto leave
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained InstallColors nextgroup=nsisInstallColorsOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisInstallColorsOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisInstallColorsKwd
- syn match nsisInstallColorsKwd contained "/windows\>"
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained InstallDirRegKey nextgroup=nsisRegistryOpt skipwhite
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained InstType nextgroup=nsisInstTypeOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisInstTypeOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisInstTypeKwd
- syn match nsisInstTypeKwd contained "/\%(NOCUSTOM\|CUSTOMSTRING\|COMPONENTSONLYONCUSTOM\)\>"
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained LicenseBkColor nextgroup=nsisLicenseBkColorOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisLicenseBkColorOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisLicenseBkColorKwd
- syn match nsisLicenseBkColorKwd contained "/\%(gray\|windows\)\>"
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained LicenseForceSelection nextgroup=nsisLicenseForceSelectionOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisLicenseForceSelectionOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisLicenseForceSelectionKwd
- syn keyword nsisLicenseForceSelectionKwd contained checkbox radiobuttons off
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained ManifestDPIAware nextgroup=nsisManifestDPIAwareOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisManifestDPIAwareOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisManifestDPIAwareKwd
- syn keyword nsisManifestDPIAwareKwd contained notset true false
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained ManifestSupportedOS nextgroup=nsisManifestSupportedOSOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisManifestSupportedOSOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisManifestSupportedOSKwd
- syn match nsisManifestSupportedOSKwd contained "\<\%(none\|all\|WinVista\|Win7\|Win8\|Win8\.1\|Win10\)\>"
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained RequestExecutionLevel nextgroup=nsisRequestExecutionLevelOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisRequestExecutionLevelOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisRequestExecutionLevelKwd
- syn keyword nsisRequestExecutionLevelKwd contained none user highest admin
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained SetFont nextgroup=nsisLangOpt skipwhite
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained nextgroup=nsisShowInstDetailsOpt skipwhite
- \ ShowInstDetails ShowUninstDetails
- syn region nsisShowInstDetailsOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisShowInstDetailsKwd
- syn keyword nsisShowInstDetailsKwd contained hide show nevershow
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained SilentInstall nextgroup=nsisSilentInstallOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisSilentInstallOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSilentInstallKwd
- syn keyword nsisSilentInstallKwd contained normal silent silentlog
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained SilentUnInstall nextgroup=nsisSilentUnInstallOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisSilentUnInstallOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSilentUnInstallKwd
- syn keyword nsisSilentUnInstallKwd contained normal silent
- syn keyword nsisAttribute contained nextgroup=nsisOnOffOpt skipwhite
- \ WindowIcon XPStyle
- syn keyword nsisCompiler contained nextgroup=nsisOnOffOpt skipwhite
- \ AllowSkipFiles SetDatablockOptimize SetDateSave
- syn keyword nsisCompiler contained FileBufSize SetCompressorDictSize
- syn keyword nsisCompiler contained SetCompress nextgroup=nsisSetCompressOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisSetCompressOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSetCompressKwd
- syn keyword nsisSetCompressKwd contained auto force off
- syn keyword nsisCompiler contained SetCompressor nextgroup=nsisSetCompressorOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisSetCompressorOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSetCompressorKwd
- syn keyword nsisSetCompressorKwd contained zlib bzip2 lzma
- syn match nsisSetCompressorKwd contained "/\%(SOLID\|FINAL\)"
- syn keyword nsisCompiler contained SetOverwrite nextgroup=nsisSetOverwriteOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisSetOverwriteOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSetOverwriteKwd
- syn keyword nsisSetOverwriteKwd contained on off try ifnewer ifdiff lastused
- syn keyword nsisCompiler contained Unicode nextgroup=nsisBooleanOpt skipwhite
- syn keyword nsisVersionInfo contained VIAddVersionKey nextgroup=nsisLangOpt skipwhite
- syn keyword nsisVersionInfo contained VIProductVersion VIFileVersion
- "FUNCTIONS - basic (4.9.1)
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained Delete Rename nextgroup=nsisDeleteOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisDeleteOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisDeleteKwd
- syn match nsisDeleteKwd contained "/REBOOTOK\>"
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained Exec ExecWait SetOutPath
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained ExecShell ExecShellWait nextgroup=nsisExecShellOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisExecShellOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisExecShellKwd
- syn match nsisExecShellKwd contained "/INVOKEIDLIST\>"
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained File nextgroup=nsisFileOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisFileOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisFileKwd
- syn match nsisFileKwd contained "/\%(nonfatal\|[arx]\|oname\)\>"
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained ReserveFile nextgroup=nsisReserveFileOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisReserveFileOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisReserveFileKwd
- syn match nsisReserveFileKwd contained "/\%(nonfatal\|[rx]\|plugin\)\>"
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained RMDir nextgroup=nsisRMDirOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisRMDirOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisRMDirKwd
- syn match nsisRMDirKwd contained "/\%(REBOOTOK\|r\)\>"
- "FUNCTIONS - registry & ini (4.9.2)
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained DeleteINISec DeleteINIStr FlushINI ReadINIStr WriteINIStr
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained ExpandEnvStrings ReadEnvStr
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained DeleteRegKey nextgroup=nsisDeleteRegKeyOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisDeleteRegKeyOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisDeleteRegKeyKwd,nsisRegistry
- syn match nsisDeleteRegKeyKwd contained "/ifempty\>"
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained nextgroup=nsisRegistryOpt skipwhite
- \ DeleteRegValue EnumRegKey EnumRegValue ReadRegDWORD ReadRegStr WriteRegBin WriteRegDWORD WriteRegExpandStr WriteRegStr
- syn region nsisRegistryOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisRegistry
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained WriteRegMultiStr nextgroup=nsisWriteRegMultiStrOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisWriteRegMultiStrOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisRegistry,nsisWriteRegMultiStrKwd
- syn match nsisWriteRegMultiStrKwd contained "/REGEDIT5\>"
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SetRegView nextgroup=nsisSetRegViewOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisSetRegViewOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSetRegViewKwd
- syn keyword nsisSetRegViewKwd contained default lastused
- "FUNCTIONS - general purpose (4.9.3)
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained CallInstDLL CreateDirectory GetDLLVersion
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained GetDLLVersionLocal GetFileTime GetFileTimeLocal
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained GetTempFileName SearchPath RegDLL UnRegDLL
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained CopyFiles nextgroup=nsisCopyFilesOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisCopyFilesOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisCopyFilesKwd
- syn match nsisCopyFilesKwd contained "/\%(SILENT\|FILESONLY\)\>"
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained CreateShortcut nextgroup=nsisCreateShortcutOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisCreateShortcutOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisCreateShortcutKwd
- syn match nsisCreateShortcutKwd contained "/NoWorkingDir\>"
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained GetFullPathName nextgroup=nsisGetFullPathNameOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisGetFullPathNameOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisGetFullPathNameKwd
- syn match nsisGetFullPathNameKwd contained "/SHORT\>"
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SetFileAttributes nextgroup=nsisSetFileAttributesOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisSetFileAttributesOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisFileAttrib
- syn keyword nsisFileAttrib contained FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY
- "FUNCTIONS - Flow Control (4.9.4)
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained Abort Call ClearErrors GetCurrentAddress
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained GetFunctionAddress GetLabelAddress Goto
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained IfAbort IfErrors IfFileExists IfRebootFlag IfSilent
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained IntCmp IntCmpU Int64Cmp Int64CmpU IntPtrCmp IntPtrCmpU
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained Return Quit SetErrors StrCmp StrCmpS
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained MessageBox nextgroup=nsisMessageBoxOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisMessageBoxOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisMessageBox
- syn keyword nsisMessageBox contained MB_DEFBUTTON1 MB_DEFBUTTON2 MB_DEFBUTTON3 MB_DEFBUTTON4
- syn match nsisMessageBox contained "/SD\>"
- "FUNCTIONS - File and directory i/o instructions (4.9.5)
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained FileClose FileOpen FileRead FileReadUTF16LE
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained FileReadByte FileReadWord FileSeek FileWrite
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained FileWriteByte FileWriteWord
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained FindClose FindFirst FindNext
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained FileWriteUTF16LE nextgroup=nsisFileWriteUTF16LEOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisFileWriteUTF16LEOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisFileWriteUTF16LEKwd
- syn match nsisFileWriteUTF16LEKwd contained "/BOM\>"
- "FUNCTIONS - Uninstaller instructions (4.9.6)
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained WriteUninstaller
- "FUNCTIONS - Misc instructions (4.9.7)
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained GetErrorLevel GetInstDirError InitPluginsDir Nop
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SetErrorLevel Sleep
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SetShellVarContext nextgroup=nsisSetShellVarContextOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisSetShellVarContextOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSetShellVarContextKwd
- syn keyword nsisSetShellVarContextKwd contained current all
- "FUNCTIONS - String manipulation support (4.9.8)
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained StrCpy StrLen
- "FUNCTIONS - Stack support (4.9.9)
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained Exch Push Pop
- "FUNCTIONS - Integer manipulation support (4.9.10)
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained IntFmt Int64Fmt IntOp IntPtrOp
- "FUNCTIONS - Rebooting support (4.9.11)
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained Reboot SetRebootFlag
- "FUNCTIONS - Install logging instructions (4.9.12)
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained LogSet nextgroup=nsisOnOffOpt skipwhite
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained LogText
- "FUNCTIONS - Section management instructions (4.9.13)
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SectionSetFlags SectionGetFlags SectionSetText
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SectionGetText SectionSetInstTypes SectionGetInstTypes
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SectionSetSize SectionGetSize SetCurInstType GetCurInstType
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained InstTypeSetText InstTypeGetText
- "FUNCTIONS - User Interface Instructions (4.9.14)
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained BringToFront DetailPrint EnableWindow
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained FindWindow GetDlgItem HideWindow IsWindow
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained ShowWindow
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained CreateFont nextgroup=nsisFontOpt skipwhite
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained nextgroup=nsisBooleanOpt skipwhite
- \ LockWindow SetAutoClose
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SendMessage nextgroup=nsisSendMessageOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisSendMessageOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSendMessageKwd
- syn match nsisSendMessageKwd contained "/TIMEOUT\>"
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SetBrandingImage nextgroup=nsisSetBrandingImageOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisSetBrandingImageOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSetBrandingImageKwd
- syn match nsisSetBrandingImageKwd contained "/\%(IMGID\|RESIZETOFIT\)\>"
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SetDetailsView nextgroup=nsisSetDetailsViewOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisSetDetailsViewOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSetDetailsViewKwd
- syn keyword nsisSetDetailsViewKwd contained show hide
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SetDetailsPrint nextgroup=nsisSetDetailsPrintOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisSetDetailsPrintOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSetDetailsPrintKwd
- syn keyword nsisSetDetailsPrintKwd contained none listonly textonly both lastused
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SetCtlColors nextgroup=nsisSetCtlColorsOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisSetCtlColorsOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSetCtlColorsKwd
- syn match nsisSetCtlColorsKwd contained "/BRANDING\>"
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained SetSilent nextgroup=nsisSetSilentOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisSetSilentOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSetSilentKwd
- syn keyword nsisSetSilentKwd contained silent normal
- "FUNCTIONS - Multiple Languages Instructions (4.9.15)
- syn keyword nsisInstruction contained LoadLanguageFile LangString LicenseLangString
- "SPECIAL FUNCTIONS - install (
- syn match nsisCallback "\.onGUIInit"
- syn match nsisCallback "\.onInit"
- syn match nsisCallback "\.onInstFailed"
- syn match nsisCallback "\.onInstSuccess"
- syn match nsisCallback "\.onGUIEnd"
- syn match nsisCallback "\.onMouseOverSection"
- syn match nsisCallback "\.onRebootFailed"
- syn match nsisCallback "\.onSelChange"
- syn match nsisCallback "\.onUserAbort"
- syn match nsisCallback "\.onVerifyInstDir"
- "SPECIAL FUNCTIONS - uninstall (
- syn match nsisCallback "un\.onGUIInit"
- syn match nsisCallback "un\.onInit"
- syn match nsisCallback "un\.onUninstFailed"
- syn match nsisCallback "un\.onUninstSuccess"
- syn match nsisCallback "un\.onGUIEnd"
- syn match nsisCallback "un\.onRebootFailed"
- syn match nsisCallback "un\.onSelChange"
- syn match nsisCallback "un\.onUserAbort"
- syn match nsisInclude contained "!include\>" nextgroup=nsisIncludeOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisIncludeOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisIncludeKwd
- syn match nsisIncludeKwd contained "/\%(NONFATAL\|CHARSET\)\>"
- syn match nsisSystem contained "!addincludedir\>"
- syn match nsisSystem contained "!addplugindir\>" nextgroup=nsisAddplugindirOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisAddplugindirOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisAddplugindirKwd
- syn match nsisAddplugindirKwd contained "/\%(x86-ansi\|x86-unicode\)\>"
- syn match nsisSystem contained "!appendfile\>" nextgroup=nsisAppendfileOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisAppendfileOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisAppendfileKwd
- syn match nsisAppendfileKwd contained "/\%(CHARSET\|RawNL\)\>"
- syn match nsisSystem contained "!cd\>"
- syn match nsisSystem contained "!delfile\>" nextgroup=nsisDelfileOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisDelfileOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisDelfileKwd
- syn match nsisDelfileKwd contained "/nonfatal\>"
- syn match nsisSystem contained "!echo\>"
- syn match nsisSystem contained "!error\>"
- syn match nsisSystem contained "!execute\>"
- syn match nsisSystem contained "!makensis\>"
- syn match nsisSystem contained "!packhdr\>"
- syn match nsisSystem contained "!finalize\>"
- syn match nsisSystem contained "!system\>"
- syn match nsisSystem contained "!tempfile\>"
- syn match nsisSystem contained "!getdllversion\>"
- syn match nsisSystem contained "!gettlbversion\>"
- syn match nsisSystem contained "!warning\>"
- syn match nsisSystem contained "!pragma\>" nextgroup=nsisPragmaOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisPragmaOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisPragmaKwd
- syn keyword nsisPragmaKwd contained enable disable default push pop
- syn match nsisSystem contained "!verbose\>" nextgroup=nsisVerboseOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisVerboseOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisVerboseKwd
- syn keyword nsisVerboseKwd contained push pop
- syn match nsisDefine contained "!define\>" nextgroup=nsisDefineOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisDefineOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisDefineKwd
- syn match nsisDefineKwd contained "/\%(ifndef\|redef\|date\|utcdate\|math\|file\)\>"
- syn match nsisDefine contained "!undef\>"
- syn match nsisPreCondit contained "!ifdef\>"
- syn match nsisPreCondit contained "!ifndef\>"
- syn match nsisPreCondit contained "!if\>" nextgroup=nsisIfOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisIfOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisIfKwd
- syn match nsisIfKwd contained "/FileExists\>"
- syn match nsisPreCondit contained "!ifmacrodef\>"
- syn match nsisPreCondit contained "!ifmacrondef\>"
- syn match nsisPreCondit contained "!else\>"
- syn match nsisPreCondit contained "!endif\>"
- syn match nsisMacro contained "!insertmacro\>"
- syn match nsisMacro contained "!macro\>"
- syn match nsisMacro contained "!macroend\>"
- syn match nsisMacro contained "!macroundef\>"
- syn match nsisMacro contained "!searchparse\>" nextgroup=nsisSearchparseOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisSearchparseOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSearchparseKwd
- syn match nsisSearchparseKwd contained "/\%(ignorecase\|noerrors\|file\)\>"
- syn match nsisMacro contained "!searchreplace\>" nextgroup=nsisSearchreplaceOpt skipwhite
- syn region nsisSearchreplaceOpt contained start="" end="$" transparent keepend contains=@nsisAnyOpt,nsisSearchreplaceKwd
- syn match nsisSearchreplaceKwd contained "/ignorecase\>"
- " Define the default highlighting.
- " Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
- hi def link nsisInstruction Function
- hi def link nsisComment Comment
- hi def link nsisFirstComment Comment
- hi def link nsisLocalLabel Label
- hi def link nsisGlobalLabel Label
- hi def link nsisStatement Statement
- hi def link nsisString String
- hi def link nsisBoolean Boolean
- hi def link nsisOnOff Boolean
- hi def link nsisFontKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisLangKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisPageKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisPageExKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisSectionKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisSectionInKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisSectionGroupKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisVarKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisAddBrandingImageKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisBGGradientKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisBrandingTextKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisCRCCheckKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisDirVerifyKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisInstallColorsKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisInstTypeKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisLicenseBkColorKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisLicenseForceSelectionKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisManifestDPIAwareKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisManifestSupportedOSKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisRequestExecutionLevelKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisShowInstDetailsKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisSilentInstallKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisSilentUnInstallKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisSetCompressKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisSetCompressorKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisSetOverwriteKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisDeleteKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisExecShellKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisFileKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisReserveFileKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisRMDirKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisDeleteRegKeyKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisWriteRegMultiStrKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisSetRegViewKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisCopyFilesKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisCreateShortcutKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisGetFullPathNameKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisFileAttrib Constant
- hi def link nsisMessageBox Constant
- hi def link nsisFileWriteUTF16LEKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisSetShellVarContextKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisSendMessageKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisSetBrandingImageKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisSetDetailsViewKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisSetDetailsPrintKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisSetCtlColorsKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisSetSilentKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisRegistry Identifier
- hi def link nsisNumber Number
- hi def link nsisError Error
- hi def link nsisUserVar Identifier
- hi def link nsisSysVar Identifier
- hi def link nsisAttribute Type
- hi def link nsisCompiler Type
- hi def link nsisVersionInfo Type
- hi def link nsisTodo Todo
- hi def link nsisCallback Identifier
- " preprocessor commands
- hi def link nsisPreprocSubst PreProc
- hi def link nsisPreprocLangStr PreProc
- hi def link nsisPreprocEnvVar PreProc
- hi def link nsisDefine Define
- hi def link nsisMacro Macro
- hi def link nsisPreCondit PreCondit
- hi def link nsisInclude Include
- hi def link nsisSystem PreProc
- hi def link nsisLineContinuation Special
- hi def link nsisIncludeKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisAddplugindirKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisAppendfileKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisDelfileKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisPragmaKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisVerboseKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisDefineKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisIfKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisSearchparseKwd Constant
- hi def link nsisSearchreplaceKwd Constant
- let b:current_syntax = "nsis"
- let &cpo = s:cpo_save
- unlet s:cpo_save