123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139 |
- " Vim syntax file
- " Language: Liquid
- " Maintainer: Tim Pope <vimNOSPAM@tpope.org>
- " Filenames: *.liquid
- " Last Change: 2013 May 30
- if exists('b:current_syntax')
- finish
- endif
- if !exists('main_syntax')
- let main_syntax = 'liquid'
- endif
- if !exists('g:liquid_default_subtype')
- let g:liquid_default_subtype = 'html'
- endif
- if !exists('b:liquid_subtype') && main_syntax == 'liquid'
- let s:lines = getline(1)."\n".getline(2)."\n".getline(3)."\n".getline(4)."\n".getline(5)."\n".getline("$")
- let b:liquid_subtype = matchstr(s:lines,'liquid_subtype=\zs\w\+')
- if b:liquid_subtype == ''
- let b:liquid_subtype = matchstr(&filetype,'^liquid\.\zs\w\+')
- endif
- if b:liquid_subtype == ''
- let b:liquid_subtype = matchstr(substitute(expand('%:t'),'\c\%(\.liquid\)\+$','',''),'\.\zs\w\+$')
- endif
- if b:liquid_subtype == ''
- let b:liquid_subtype = g:liquid_default_subtype
- endif
- endif
- if exists('b:liquid_subtype') && b:liquid_subtype != ''
- exe 'runtime! syntax/'.b:liquid_subtype.'.vim'
- unlet! b:current_syntax
- endif
- syn case match
- if exists('b:liquid_subtype') && b:liquid_subtype != 'yaml'
- " YAML Front Matter
- syn include @liquidYamlTop syntax/yaml.vim
- unlet! b:current_syntax
- syn region liquidYamlHead start="\%^---$" end="^---\s*$" keepend contains=@liquidYamlTop,@Spell
- endif
- if !exists('g:liquid_highlight_types')
- let g:liquid_highlight_types = []
- endif
- if !exists('s:subtype')
- let s:subtype = exists('b:liquid_subtype') ? b:liquid_subtype : ''
- for s:type in map(copy(g:liquid_highlight_types),'matchstr(v:val,"[^=]*$")')
- if s:type =~ '\.'
- let b:{matchstr(s:type,'[^.]*')}_subtype = matchstr(s:type,'\.\zs.*')
- endif
- exe 'syn include @liquidHighlight'.substitute(s:type,'\.','','g').' syntax/'.matchstr(s:type,'[^.]*').'.vim'
- unlet! b:current_syntax
- endfor
- unlet! s:type
- if s:subtype == ''
- unlet! b:liquid_subtype
- else
- let b:liquid_subtype = s:subtype
- endif
- unlet s:subtype
- endif
- syn region liquidStatement matchgroup=liquidDelimiter start="{%" end="%}" contains=@liquidStatement containedin=ALLBUT,@liquidExempt keepend
- syn region liquidExpression matchgroup=liquidDelimiter start="{{" end="}}" contains=@liquidExpression containedin=ALLBUT,@liquidExempt keepend
- syn region liquidComment matchgroup=liquidDelimiter start="{%\s*comment\s*%}" end="{%\s*endcomment\s*%}" contains=liquidTodo,@Spell containedin=ALLBUT,@liquidExempt keepend
- syn region liquidRaw matchgroup=liquidDelimiter start="{%\s*raw\s*%}" end="{%\s*endraw\s*%}" contains=TOP,@liquidExempt containedin=ALLBUT,@liquidExempt keepend
- syn cluster liquidExempt contains=liquidStatement,liquidExpression,liquidComment,liquidRaw,@liquidStatement,liquidYamlHead
- syn cluster liquidStatement contains=liquidConditional,liquidRepeat,liquidKeyword,@liquidExpression
- syn cluster liquidExpression contains=liquidOperator,liquidString,liquidNumber,liquidFloat,liquidBoolean,liquidNull,liquidEmpty,liquidPipe,liquidForloop
- syn keyword liquidKeyword highlight nextgroup=liquidTypeHighlight skipwhite contained
- syn keyword liquidKeyword endhighlight contained
- syn region liquidHighlight start="{%\s*highlight\s\+\w\+\s*%}" end="{% endhighlight %}" keepend
- for s:type in g:liquid_highlight_types
- exe 'syn match liquidTypeHighlight "\<'.matchstr(s:type,'[^=]*').'\>" contained'
- exe 'syn region liquidHighlight'.substitute(matchstr(s:type,'[^=]*$'),'\..*','','').' start="{%\s*highlight\s\+'.matchstr(s:type,'[^=]*').'\s*%}" end="{% endhighlight %}" keepend contains=@liquidHighlight'.substitute(matchstr(s:type,'[^=]*$'),'\.','','g')
- endfor
- unlet! s:type
- syn region liquidString matchgroup=liquidQuote start=+"+ end=+"+ contained
- syn region liquidString matchgroup=liquidQuote start=+'+ end=+'+ contained
- syn match liquidNumber "-\=\<\d\+\>" contained
- syn match liquidFloat "-\=\<\d\+\>\.\.\@!\%(\d\+\>\)\=" contained
- syn keyword liquidBoolean true false contained
- syn keyword liquidNull null nil contained
- syn match liquidEmpty "\<empty\>" contained
- syn keyword liquidOperator and or not contained
- syn match liquidPipe '|' contained skipwhite nextgroup=liquidFilter
- syn keyword liquidFilter date capitalize downcase upcase first last join sort size strip_html strip_newlines newline_to_br replace replace_first remove remove_first truncate truncatewords prepend append minus plus times divided_by contained
- syn keyword liquidConditional if elsif else endif unless endunless case when endcase ifchanged endifchanged contained
- syn keyword liquidRepeat for endfor tablerow endtablerow in contained
- syn match liquidRepeat "\%({%\s*\)\@<=empty\>" contained
- syn keyword liquidKeyword assign cycle include with contained
- syn keyword liquidForloop forloop nextgroup=liquidForloopDot contained
- syn match liquidForloopDot "\." nextgroup=liquidForloopAttribute contained
- syn keyword liquidForloopAttribute length index index0 rindex rindex0 first last contained
- syn keyword liquidTablerowloop tablerowloop nextgroup=liquidTablerowloopDot contained
- syn match liquidTablerowloopDot "\." nextgroup=liquidTableForloopAttribute contained
- syn keyword liquidTablerowloopAttribute length index index0 col col0 index0 rindex rindex0 first last col_first col_last contained
- hi def link liquidDelimiter PreProc
- hi def link liquidComment Comment
- hi def link liquidTypeHighlight Type
- hi def link liquidConditional Conditional
- hi def link liquidRepeat Repeat
- hi def link liquidKeyword Keyword
- hi def link liquidOperator Operator
- hi def link liquidString String
- hi def link liquidQuote Delimiter
- hi def link liquidNumber Number
- hi def link liquidFloat Float
- hi def link liquidEmpty liquidNull
- hi def link liquidNull liquidBoolean
- hi def link liquidBoolean Boolean
- hi def link liquidFilter Function
- hi def link liquidForloop Identifier
- hi def link liquidForloopAttribute Identifier
- let b:current_syntax = 'liquid'
- if exists('main_syntax') && main_syntax == 'liquid'
- unlet main_syntax
- endif