123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143 |
- " Vim syntax file
- " Language: HASTE - a language for VLSI IC programming
- " Maintainer: M. Tranchero - maurizio.tranchero?gmail.com
- " Credits: some parts have been taken from vhdl, verilog, and C syntax
- " files
- " Version: 0.9
- " Last Change: 0.9 improvement of haste numbers detection
- " Change: 0.8 error matching for wrong hierarchical connections
- " Change: 0.7 added more rules to highlight pre-processor directives
- if exists("b:current_syntax")
- finish
- endif
- " quit when a syntax file was already loaded
- if exists("b:current_syntax")
- finish
- endif
- " case is significant
- syn case match
- " HASTE keywords
- syn keyword hasteStatement act alias arb array begin bitvec
- syn keyword hasteStatement bitwidth boolvec broad case
- syn keyword hasteStatement cast chan const dataprobe do edge
- syn keyword hasteStatement else end export false ff fi file
- syn keyword hasteStatement fit for forever func if import
- syn keyword hasteStatement inprobe is les main narb narrow
- syn keyword hasteStatement negedge od of or outprobe pas
- syn keyword hasteStatement posedge probe proc ram ramreg
- syn keyword hasteStatement repeat rom romreg sample sel si
- syn keyword hasteStatement sign sizeof skip stop then true
- syn keyword hasteStatement type until var wait wire
- syn keyword hasteFutureExt Z ffe partial
- syn keyword hasteVerilog buf reg while
- " Special match for "if", "or", and "else" since "else if"
- " and other "else+if" combination shouldn't be highlighted.
- " The right keyword is "or"
- syn match hasteStatement "\<\(if\|then\|else\|fi\)\>"
- syn match hasteNone "\<else\s\+if\>$"
- syn match hasteNone "\<else\s\+if\>\s"
- syn match hasteNone "\<elseif\>\s"
- syn match hasteNone "\<elsif\>\s"
- syn match hasteStatement "\<\(case\|is\|si\)\>"
- syn match hasteStatement "\<\(repeat\|until\)\>"
- syn match hasteStatement "\<\(forever\|do\|od\)\>"
- syn match hasteStatement "\<\(for\|do\|od\)\>"
- syn match hasteStatement "\<\(do\|or\|od\)\>"
- syn match hasteStatement "\<\(sel\|les\)\>"
- syn match hasteError "\<\d\+[_a-zA-Z]\+\>"
- syn match hasteError "\(\([[:alnum:]]\+\s*(\s\+\|)\s*,\)\)\s*\([[:alnum:]]\+\s*(\)"
- " Predifined Haste types
- syn keyword hasteType bool
- " Values for standard Haste types
- " syn match hasteVector "\'[0L1HXWZU\-\?]\'"
- syn match hasteVector "0b\"[01_]\+\""
- syn match hasteVector "0x\"[0-9a-f_]\+\""
- syn match hasteCharacter "'.'"
- " syn region hasteString start=+"+ end=+"+
- syn match hasteIncluded display contained "<[^>]*>"
- syn match hasteIncluded display contained "<[^"]*>"
- syn region hasteInclude start="^\s*#include\>\s*" end="$" contains=hasteIncluded,hasteString
- " integer numbers
- syn match hasteNumber "\d\+\^[[:alnum:]]*[-+]\{0,1\}[[:alnum:]]*"
- syn match hasteNumber "-\=\<\d\+\(\^[+\-]\=\d\+\)\>"
- syn match hasteNumber "-\=\<\d\+\>"
- " syn match hasteNumber "0*2#[01_]\+#\(\^[+\-]\=\d\+\)\="
- " syn match hasteNumber "0*16#[0-9a-f_]\+#\(\^[+\-]\=\d\+\)\="
- " operators
- syn keyword hasteSeparators & , . \|
- syn keyword hasteExecution \|\| ; @
- syn keyword hasteOperator := ? ! :
- syn keyword hasteTypeConstr "[" << >> .. "]" ~
- syn keyword hasteExprOp < <= >= > = # <> + - * == ##
- syn keyword hasteMisc ( ) 0x 0b
- "
- syn match hasteSeparators "[&:\|,.]"
- syn match hasteOperator ":="
- syn match hasteOperator ":"
- syn match hasteOperator "?"
- syn match hasteOperator "!"
- syn match hasteExecution "||"
- syn match hasteExecution ";"
- syn match hasteExecution "@"
- syn match hasteType "\[\["
- syn match hasteType "\]\]"
- syn match hasteType "<<"
- syn match hasteType ">>"
- syn match hasteExprOp "<"
- syn match hasteExprOp "<="
- syn match hasteExprOp ">="
- syn match hasteExprOp ">"
- syn match hasteExprOp "<>"
- syn match hasteExprOp "="
- syn match hasteExprOp "=="
- syn match hasteExprOp "##"
- " syn match hasteExprOp "#"
- syn match hasteExprOp "*"
- syn match hasteExprOp "+"
- syn region hasteComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=@Spell
- syn region hasteComment start="{" end="}" contains=@Spell
- syn match hasteComment "//.*" contains=@Spell
- " Define the default highlighting.
- " Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
- hi def link hasteSpecial Special
- hi def link hasteStatement Statement
- hi def link hasteCharacter String
- hi def link hasteString String
- hi def link hasteVector String
- hi def link hasteBoolean String
- hi def link hasteComment Comment
- hi def link hasteNumber String
- hi def link hasteTime String
- hi def link hasteType Type
- hi def link hasteGlobal Error
- hi def link hasteError Error
- hi def link hasteAttribute Type
- "
- hi def link hasteSeparators Special
- hi def link hasteExecution Special
- hi def link hasteTypeConstr Special
- hi def link hasteOperator Type
- hi def link hasteExprOp Type
- hi def link hasteMisc String
- hi def link hasteFutureExt Error
- hi def link hasteVerilog Error
- hi def link hasteDefine Macro
- hi def link hasteInclude Include
- " hi def link hastePreProc Preproc
- " hi def link hastePreProcVar Special
- let b:current_syntax = "haste"
- " vim: ts=8