chicken.vim 1.6 KB

  1. " CHICKEN-specific Vim customizations
  2. " Last Change: 2018-03-05
  3. " Author: Evan Hanson <>
  4. " Maintainer: Evan Hanson <>
  5. " URL:
  6. " Notes: These are supplemental settings, to be loaded after the core
  7. " Scheme ftplugin file (ftplugin/scheme.vim). Enable it by setting
  8. " b:is_chicken=1 and filetype=scheme.
  9. if !exists('b:did_scheme_ftplugin')
  10. finish
  11. endif
  12. setl keywordprg=chicken-doc
  13. setl lispwords+=and-let*
  14. setl lispwords+=compiler-typecase
  15. setl lispwords+=condition-case
  16. setl lispwords+=define-compiler-syntax
  17. setl lispwords+=define-constant
  18. setl lispwords+=define-external
  19. setl lispwords+=define-for-syntax
  20. setl lispwords+=define-foreign-type
  21. setl lispwords+=define-inline
  22. setl lispwords+=define-location
  23. setl lispwords+=define-record
  24. setl lispwords+=define-record-printer
  25. setl lispwords+=define-specialization
  26. setl lispwords+=fluid-let
  27. setl lispwords+=foreign-lambda*
  28. setl lispwords+=foreign-primitive
  29. setl lispwords+=foreign-safe-lambda*
  30. setl lispwords+=functor
  31. setl lispwords+=handle-exceptions
  32. setl lispwords+=let-compiler-syntax
  33. setl lispwords+=let-location
  34. setl lispwords+=let-optionals
  35. setl lispwords+=let-optionals*
  36. setl lispwords+=letrec-values
  37. setl lispwords+=match
  38. setl lispwords+=match-let
  39. setl lispwords+=match-let*
  40. setl lispwords+=match-letrec
  41. setl lispwords+=module
  42. setl lispwords+=receive
  43. setl lispwords+=set!-values
  44. setl lispwords+=test-group
  45. let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin . ' keywordprg<'
  46. if exists('g:loaded_matchit') && !exists('b:match_words')
  47. let b:match_words = '#>:<#'
  48. let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin . ' | unlet! b:match_words'
  49. endif