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- NVIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Thiago de Arruda
- RPC API for Nvim *RPC* *rpc* *msgpack-rpc*
- Type |gO| to see the table of contents.
- ==============================================================================
- 1. Introduction *rpc-intro*
- The primary way to control Nvim programmatically is the RPC API, which speaks
- MessagePack-RPC ("msgpack-rpc"), a messaging protocol that uses the
- MessagePack serialization format:
- https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack/blob/0b8f5ac/spec.md
- All kinds of Nvim "clients" use the RPC API: user interfaces (GUIs), remote
- plugins, scripts like "nvr" (https://github.com/mhinz/neovim-remote), and even
- `nvim` itself can control other `nvim` instances. By connecting to the RPC API
- programs can:
- - Call any API function
- - Listen for events
- - Receive remote calls from Nvim
- The RPC API is like a more powerful version of Vim's `clientserver` feature.
- ==============================================================================
- 2. API mapping *rpc-api*
- The Nvim C |API| is automatically exposed to the RPC API by the build system,
- which parses headers at src/nvim/api/*. A dispatch function is generated which
- matches RPC API method names with public API functions, converting/validating
- arguments and return values back to msgpack.
- Client libraries (|api-client|s) normally provide wrappers that hide
- msgpack-rpc details from application developers. The wrappers can be
- automatically generated by reading bundled API metadata from a compiled Nvim
- instance.
- There are three ways to obtain API metadata:
- 1. Connect to a running Nvim instance and call `nvim_get_api_info` via
- msgpack-rpc. This is best for clients written in dynamic languages which
- can define functions at runtime.
- 2. Start Nvim with the |--api-info| option. Useful for clients written in
- statically-compiled languages.
- 3. Use the |api_info()| vimscript function.
- To get a human-readable list of API functions: >
- :new|put =map(api_info().functions, 'v:val.name')
- <
- To get a formatted dump of the API using python (requires the `pyyaml` and
- `msgpack-python` packages): >
- nvim --api-info | python -c 'import msgpack, sys, yaml; print yaml.dump(msgpack.unpackb(sys.stdin.read()))'
- <
- ==============================================================================
- 3. Connecting *rpc-connecting*
- See |channel-intro|, for various ways to open a channel. Most of the channel
- opening functions take an `rpc` key in the options dictionary, to enable RPC.
- Additionally, RPC channels can be opened by other processes connecting to
- TCP/IP sockets or named pipes listened to by nvim.
- Nvim creates a default RPC socket at |startup|, given by |v:servername|. To
- start with a TCP/IP socket instead, use |--listen| with a TCP-style address: >
- nvim --listen
- Additional sockets and named pipes can be started with |serverstart()|.
- Note that localhost TCP sockets are generally less secure than named pipes,
- and can lead to vunerabilities like remote code execution.
- Connecting to the socket is the easiest way a programmer can test the API,
- which can be done through any msgpack-rpc client library or full-featured
- |api-client|. Here's a Ruby script that prints 'hello world!' in the current
- Nvim instance:
- >
- #!/usr/bin/env ruby
- # Requires msgpack-rpc: gem install msgpack-rpc
- #
- # To run this script, execute it from a running Nvim instance (notice the
- # trailing '&' which is required since Nvim won't process events while
- # running a blocking command):
- #
- # :!./hello.rb &
- #
- # Or from another shell by setting NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS:
- # $ NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS=[address] ./hello.rb
- require 'msgpack/rpc'
- require 'msgpack/rpc/transport/unix'
- nvim = MessagePack::RPC::Client.new(MessagePack::RPC::UNIXTransport.new, ENV['NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS'])
- result = nvim.call(:nvim_command, 'echo "hello world!"')
- <
- A better way is to use the Python REPL with the `neovim` package, where API
- functions can be called interactively:
- >
- >>> from neovim import attach
- >>> nvim = attach('socket', path='[address]')
- >>> nvim.command('echo "hello world!"')
- <
- You can also embed an Nvim instance via |jobstart()|, and communicate using
- |rpcrequest()| and |rpcnotify()|:
- >
- let nvim = jobstart(['nvim', '--embed'], {'rpc': v:true})
- echo rpcrequest(nvim, 'nvim_eval', '"Hello " . "world!"')
- call jobstop(nvim)
- <
- ==============================================================================
- 4. Implementing API clients *rpc-api-client* *api-client*
- "API clients" wrap the Nvim API to provide idiomatic "SDKs" for their
- respective platforms (see |dev-jargon|). You can build a new API client for
- your favorite platform or programming language.
- Existing API clients are listed here:
- https://github.com/neovim/neovim/wiki/Related-projects#api-clients
- The Python client is the reference implementation for API clients. It is
- always up-to-date with the Nvim API, so its source code and test suite are
- authoritative references.
- https://github.com/neovim/python-client
- API client implementation guidelines ~
- - Separate the transport layer from the rest of the library. See
- |rpc-connecting| for details on how clients can connect to Nvim.
- - Use a MessagePack library that implements at least version 5 of the
- MessagePack spec, which supports the `bin` and `ext` types used by Nvim.
- - Read API metadata in order to create client-side wrappers for all
- msgpack-rpc methods.
- - Use a single-threaded event loop library/pattern.
- - Use a fiber/coroutine library for the language being used for implementing
- a client. These greatly simplify concurrency and allow the library to
- expose a blocking API on top of a non-blocking event loop without the
- complexity that comes with preemptive multitasking.
- - Don't assume anything about the order that responses to msgpack-rpc
- requests will arrive.
- - Clients should expect msgpack-rpc requests, which need to be handled
- immediately because Nvim is blocked while waiting for the client response.
- - Clients should expect to receive msgpack-rpc notifications, but these
- don't need to be handled immediately because they won't block Nvim
- (although they should probably be handled immediately anyway).
- Note: Most of the complexity could be handled by a msgpack-rpc library that
- supports server to client requests and notifications, but it's not clear if
- this is part of the msgpack-rpc spec. At least the Ruby msgpack-rpc library
- does not seem to support it:
- https://github.com/msgpack-rpc/msgpack-rpc-ruby/blob/master/lib/msgpack/rpc/transport/tcp.rb#L150-L158
- API metadata object ~
- API clients exist to hide msgpack-rpc details. The API metadata object
- contains information that makes this task easier (see also |rpc-types|):
- - The "version" key contains the Nvim version, API level, and API
- backwards-compatibility level.
- - The "functions" key contains a list of metadata objects for individual
- functions.
- - Each function metadata object has |rpc-types| information about the return
- value and parameters. These can be used for generating strongly-typed APIs
- in static languages.
- - Container types may be decorated with type/size constraints, e.g.
- ArrayOf(Buffer) or ArrayOf(Integer, 2). This can be useful to generate
- even more strongly-typed APIs.
- - Functions that are considered to be methods that operate on instances of
- Nvim special types (msgpack EXT) will have the `"method"` attribute set to
- `true`. The receiver type is the type of the first argument. The method
- names are prefixed with `nvim_` plus a shortened type name, e.g.
- `nvim_buf_get_lines` represents the `get_lines` method of a Buffer instance.
- - Global functions have `"method"` set to `false` and are prefixed with just
- `nvim_`, e.g. `nvim_get_buffers`.
- So for an object-oriented language, an API client contains the classes
- representing Nvim special types, and the methods of each class could be
- defined by stripping the prefix for the type as defined in the `types` metadata
- (this will always be the first two "_"-separated parts of the function name).
- There could also be a singleton Vim class with methods where the `nvim_`
- prefix is stripped off.
- ==============================================================================
- 5. Types *rpc-types*
- The Nvim C API uses custom types for all functions. |api-types|
- At the RPC layer, types form two groups:
- - Basic types that map natively to msgpack (and have a default
- representation in most msgpack-supported programming languages)
- - Special Nvim types that map to msgpack EXT with custom type codes.
- Basic types ~
- Nil -> msgpack nil
- Boolean -> msgpack boolean
- Integer (signed 64-bit integer) -> msgpack integer
- Float (IEEE 754 double precision) -> msgpack float
- String -> msgpack string
- Array -> msgpack array
- Dictionary -> msgpack map
- Note: in function calls, empty Array is accepted for Dictionary parameter.
- Special types (msgpack EXT) ~
- Buffer -> enum value kObjectTypeBuffer
- Window -> enum value kObjectTypeWindow
- Tabpage -> enum value kObjectTypeTabpage
- API functions expecting one of the special EXT types may be passed an integer
- instead, but not another EXT type. E.g. Buffer may be passed as an integer but
- not as a Window or Tabpage. The EXT object data is the object id encoded as
- a msgpack integer: For buffers this is the |bufnr()| and for windows the
- |window-ID|. For tabpages the id is an internal handle, not the tabpage
- number.
- To determine the type codes of the special EXT types, inspect the `types` key
- of the |api-metadata| at runtime. Example JSON representation: >
- "types": {
- "Buffer": {
- "id": 0,
- "prefix": "nvim_buf_"
- },
- "Window": {
- "id": 1,
- "prefix": "nvim_win_"
- },
- "Tabpage": {
- "id": 2,
- "prefix": "nvim_tabpage_"
- }
- }
- Even for statically compiled clients it is good practice to avoid hardcoding
- the type codes, because a client may be built against one Nvim version but
- connect to another with different type codes.
- vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: