123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314 |
- local t = require('test.unit.testutil')
- local itp = t.gen_itp(it)
- local child_call_once = t.child_call_once
- local cimport = t.cimport
- local eq = t.eq
- local ffi = t.ffi
- local to_cstr = t.to_cstr
- local strings = cimport('stdlib.h', './src/nvim/strings.h', './src/nvim/memory.h')
- child_call_once(function()
- UVARNUM_TYPE = ffi.typeof('uvarnumber_T')
- end)
- describe('vim_strsave_escaped()', function()
- local vim_strsave_escaped = function(s, chars)
- local res = strings.vim_strsave_escaped(to_cstr(s), to_cstr(chars))
- local ret = ffi.string(res)
- -- Explicitly free memory so we are sure it is allocated: if it was not it
- -- will crash.
- strings.xfree(res)
- return ret
- end
- itp('precedes by a backslash all chars from second argument', function()
- eq([[\a\b\c\d]], vim_strsave_escaped('abcd', 'abcd'))
- end)
- itp('precedes by a backslash chars only from second argument', function()
- eq([[\a\bcd]], vim_strsave_escaped('abcd', 'ab'))
- end)
- itp('returns a copy of passed string if second argument is empty', function()
- eq('text \n text', vim_strsave_escaped('text \n text', ''))
- end)
- itp('returns an empty string if first argument is empty string', function()
- eq('', vim_strsave_escaped('', '\r'))
- end)
- itp('returns a copy of passed string if it does not contain chars from 2nd argument', function()
- eq('some text', vim_strsave_escaped('some text', 'a'))
- end)
- end)
- describe('vim_strnsave_unquoted()', function()
- local vim_strnsave_unquoted = function(s, len)
- local res = strings.vim_strnsave_unquoted(to_cstr(s), len or #s)
- local ret = ffi.string(res)
- -- Explicitly free memory so we are sure it is allocated: if it was not it
- -- will crash.
- strings.xfree(res)
- return ret
- end
- itp('copies unquoted strings as-is', function()
- eq('-c', vim_strnsave_unquoted('-c'))
- eq('', vim_strnsave_unquoted(''))
- end)
- itp('respects length argument', function()
- eq('', vim_strnsave_unquoted('-c', 0))
- eq('-', vim_strnsave_unquoted('-c', 1))
- eq('-', vim_strnsave_unquoted('"-c', 2))
- end)
- itp('unquotes fully quoted word', function()
- eq('/bin/sh', vim_strnsave_unquoted('"/bin/sh"'))
- end)
- itp('unquotes partially quoted word', function()
- eq('/Program Files/sh', vim_strnsave_unquoted('/Program" "Files/sh'))
- end)
- itp('removes ""', function()
- eq('/Program Files/sh', vim_strnsave_unquoted('/""Program" "Files/sh'))
- end)
- itp('performs unescaping of "', function()
- eq('/"Program Files"/sh', vim_strnsave_unquoted('/"\\""Program Files"\\""/sh'))
- end)
- itp('performs unescaping of \\', function()
- eq('/\\Program Files\\foo/sh', vim_strnsave_unquoted('/"\\\\"Program Files"\\\\foo"/sh'))
- end)
- itp('strips quote when there is no pair to it', function()
- eq('/Program Files/sh', vim_strnsave_unquoted('/Program" Files/sh'))
- eq('', vim_strnsave_unquoted('"'))
- end)
- itp('allows string to end with one backslash unescaped', function()
- eq('/Program Files/sh\\', vim_strnsave_unquoted('/Program" Files/sh\\'))
- end)
- itp('does not perform unescaping out of quotes', function()
- eq('/Program\\ Files/sh\\', vim_strnsave_unquoted('/Program\\ Files/sh\\'))
- end)
- itp('does not unescape \\n', function()
- eq('/Program\\nFiles/sh', vim_strnsave_unquoted('/Program"\\n"Files/sh'))
- end)
- end)
- describe('vim_strchr()', function()
- local vim_strchr = function(s, c)
- local str = to_cstr(s)
- local res = strings.vim_strchr(str, c)
- if res == nil then
- return nil
- else
- return res - str
- end
- end
- itp('handles NUL and <0 correctly', function()
- eq(nil, vim_strchr('abc', 0))
- eq(nil, vim_strchr('abc', -1))
- end)
- itp('works', function()
- eq(0, vim_strchr('abc', ('a'):byte()))
- eq(1, vim_strchr('abc', ('b'):byte()))
- eq(2, vim_strchr('abc', ('c'):byte()))
- eq(0, vim_strchr('a«b»c', ('a'):byte()))
- eq(3, vim_strchr('a«b»c', ('b'):byte()))
- eq(6, vim_strchr('a«b»c', ('c'):byte()))
- eq(nil, vim_strchr('«»', ('«'):byte()))
- -- 0xAB == 171 == '«'
- eq(nil, vim_strchr('\171', 0xAB))
- eq(0, vim_strchr('«»', 0xAB))
- eq(3, vim_strchr('„«»“', 0xAB))
- eq(7, vim_strchr('„«»“', 0x201C))
- eq(nil, vim_strchr('„«»“', 0x201D))
- eq(0, vim_strchr('„«»“', 0x201E))
- eq(0, vim_strchr('\244\143\188\128', 0x10FF00))
- eq(2, vim_strchr('«\244\143\188\128»', 0x10FF00))
- -- |0xDBFF |0xDF00 - surrogate pair for 0x10FF00
- eq(nil, vim_strchr('«\237\175\191\237\188\128»', 0x10FF00))
- end)
- end)
- describe('vim_snprintf()', function()
- local function a(expected, buf, bsize, fmt, ...)
- local args = { ... }
- local ctx = string.format('snprintf(buf, %d, "%s"', bsize, fmt)
- for _, x in ipairs(args) do
- ctx = ctx .. ', ' .. tostring(x)
- end
- ctx = ctx .. string.format(') = %s', expected)
- eq(#expected, strings.vim_snprintf(buf, bsize, fmt, ...), ctx)
- if bsize > 0 then
- local actual = ffi.string(buf, math.min(#expected + 1, bsize))
- eq(expected:sub(1, bsize - 1) .. '\0', actual)
- end
- end
- local function uv(n)
- return ffi.cast(UVARNUM_TYPE, n)
- end
- local function i(n)
- return ffi.cast('int', n)
- end
- local function l(n)
- return ffi.cast('long', n)
- end
- local function ll(n)
- return ffi.cast('long long', n)
- end
- local function z(n)
- return ffi.cast('ptrdiff_t', n)
- end
- local function u(n)
- return ffi.cast('unsigned', n)
- end
- local function ul(n)
- return ffi.cast('unsigned long', n)
- end
- local function ull(n)
- return ffi.cast('unsigned long long', n)
- end
- local function uz(n)
- return ffi.cast('size_t', n)
- end
- itp('truncation', function()
- for bsize = 0, 14 do
- local buf = ffi.gc(strings.xmalloc(bsize), strings.xfree)
- a('1.00000001e7', buf, bsize, '%.8g', 10000000.1)
- a('1234567', buf, bsize, '%d', i(1234567))
- a('1234567', buf, bsize, '%ld', l(1234567))
- a(' 1234567', buf, bsize, '%9ld', l(1234567))
- a('1234567 ', buf, bsize, '%-9ld', l(1234567))
- a('deadbeef', buf, bsize, '%x', u(0xdeadbeef))
- a('001100', buf, bsize, '%06b', uv(12))
- a('one two', buf, bsize, '%s %s', 'one', 'two')
- a('1.234000', buf, bsize, '%f', 1.234)
- a('1.234000e+00', buf, bsize, '%e', 1.234)
- a('nan', buf, bsize, '%f', 0.0 / 0.0)
- a('inf', buf, bsize, '%f', 1.0 / 0.0)
- a('-inf', buf, bsize, '%f', -1.0 / 0.0)
- a('-0.000000', buf, bsize, '%f', tonumber('-0.0'))
- a('漢語', buf, bsize, '%s', '漢語')
- a(' 漢語', buf, bsize, '%8s', '漢語')
- a('漢語 ', buf, bsize, '%-8s', '漢語')
- a('漢', buf, bsize, '%.3s', '漢語')
- a(' foo', buf, bsize, '%5S', 'foo')
- a('%%%', buf, bsize, '%%%%%%')
- a('0x87654321', buf, bsize, '%p', ffi.cast('char *', 0x87654321))
- a('0x0087654321', buf, bsize, '%012p', ffi.cast('char *', 0x87654321))
- end
- end)
- itp('positional arguments', function()
- for bsize = 0, 24 do
- local buf = ffi.gc(strings.xmalloc(bsize), strings.xfree)
- a('1234567 ', buf, bsize, '%1$*2$ld', l(1234567), i(-9))
- a('1234567 ', buf, bsize, '%1$*2$.*3$ld', l(1234567), i(-9), i(5))
- a('1234567 ', buf, bsize, '%1$*3$.*2$ld', l(1234567), i(5), i(-9))
- a('1234567 ', buf, bsize, '%3$*1$.*2$ld', i(-9), i(5), l(1234567))
- a('1234567', buf, bsize, '%1$ld', l(1234567))
- a(' 1234567', buf, bsize, '%1$*2$ld', l(1234567), i(9))
- a('9 12345 7654321', buf, bsize, '%2$ld %1$d %3$lu', i(12345), l(9), ul(7654321))
- a('9 1234567 7654321', buf, bsize, '%2$d %1$ld %3$lu', l(1234567), i(9), ul(7654321))
- a('9 1234567 7654321', buf, bsize, '%2$d %1$lld %3$lu', ll(1234567), i(9), ul(7654321))
- a('9 12345 7654321', buf, bsize, '%2$ld %1$u %3$lu', u(12345), l(9), ul(7654321))
- a('9 1234567 7654321', buf, bsize, '%2$d %1$lu %3$lu', ul(1234567), i(9), ul(7654321))
- a('9 1234567 7654321', buf, bsize, '%2$d %1$llu %3$lu', ull(1234567), i(9), ul(7654321))
- a('9 deadbeef 7654321', buf, bsize, '%2$d %1$x %3$lu', u(0xdeadbeef), i(9), ul(7654321))
- a('9 c 7654321', buf, bsize, '%2$ld %1$c %3$lu', i(('c'):byte()), l(9), ul(7654321))
- a('9 hi 7654321', buf, bsize, '%2$ld %1$s %3$lu', 'hi', l(9), ul(7654321))
- a('9 0.000000e+00 7654321', buf, bsize, '%2$ld %1$e %3$lu', 0.0, l(9), ul(7654321))
- a('two one two', buf, bsize, '%2$s %1$s %2$s', 'one', 'two', 'three')
- a('three one two', buf, bsize, '%3$s %1$s %2$s', 'one', 'two', 'three')
- a('1234567', buf, bsize, '%1$d', i(1234567))
- a('deadbeef', buf, bsize, '%1$x', u(0xdeadbeef))
- a('001100', buf, bsize, '%2$0*1$b', i(6), uv(12))
- a('001100', buf, bsize, '%1$0.*2$b', uv(12), i(6))
- a('one two', buf, bsize, '%1$s %2$s', 'one', 'two')
- a('001100', buf, bsize, '%06b', uv(12))
- a('two one', buf, bsize, '%2$s %1$s', 'one', 'two')
- a('1.234000', buf, bsize, '%1$f', 1.234)
- a('1.234000e+00', buf, bsize, '%1$e', 1.234)
- a('nan', buf, bsize, '%1$f', 0.0 / 0.0)
- a('inf', buf, bsize, '%1$f', 1.0 / 0.0)
- a('-inf', buf, bsize, '%1$f', -1.0 / 0.0)
- a('-0.000000', buf, bsize, '%1$f', tonumber('-0.0'))
- end
- end)
- itp('%zd and %zu', function()
- local bsize = 20
- local buf = ffi.gc(strings.xmalloc(bsize), strings.xfree)
- a('-1234567 -7654321', buf, bsize, '%zd %zd', z(-1234567), z(-7654321))
- a('-7654321 -1234567', buf, bsize, '%2$zd %1$zd', z(-1234567), z(-7654321))
- a('1234567 7654321', buf, bsize, '%zu %zu', uz(1234567), uz(7654321))
- a('7654321 1234567', buf, bsize, '%2$zu %1$zu', uz(1234567), uz(7654321))
- end)
- end)
- describe('strcase_save()', function()
- local strcase_save = function(input_string, upper)
- local res = strings.strcase_save(to_cstr(input_string), upper)
- return ffi.string(res)
- end
- itp('decodes overlong encoded characters.', function()
- eq('A', strcase_save('\xc1\x81', true))
- eq('a', strcase_save('\xc1\x81', false))
- end)
- end)
- describe('reverse_text', function()
- local reverse_text = function(str)
- return t.internalize(strings.reverse_text(to_cstr(str)))
- end
- itp('handles empty string', function()
- eq('', reverse_text(''))
- end)
- itp('handles simple cases', function()
- eq('a', reverse_text('a'))
- eq('ba', reverse_text('ab'))
- end)
- itp('handles multibyte characters', function()
- eq('bα', reverse_text('αb'))
- eq('Yötön yö', reverse_text('öy nötöY'))
- end)
- itp('handles combining chars', function()
- local utf8_COMBINING_RING_ABOVE = '\204\138'
- local utf8_COMBINING_RING_BELOW = '\204\165'
- eq(
- 'bba' .. utf8_COMBINING_RING_ABOVE .. utf8_COMBINING_RING_BELOW .. 'aa',
- reverse_text('aaa' .. utf8_COMBINING_RING_ABOVE .. utf8_COMBINING_RING_BELOW .. 'bb')
- )
- end)
- itp('treats invalid utf as separate characters', function()
- eq('\192ba', reverse_text('ab\192'))
- end)
- itp('treats an incomplete utf continuation sequence as valid', function()
- eq('\194ba', reverse_text('ab\194'))
- end)
- end)