123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925926927928929930931932933934935936937938939940941942943944945946947948949950951952953954955956957958959960961962963964965966967968969970971972973974975976977978979980981982983984985986987988989 |
- " Test for syntax and syntax iskeyword option
- source check.vim
- CheckFeature syntax
- source view_util.vim
- source screendump.vim
- func GetSyntaxItem(pat)
- let c = ''
- let a = ['a', getreg('a'), getregtype('a')]
- 0
- redraw!
- call search(a:pat, 'W')
- let synid = synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1)
- while synid == synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1)
- norm! v"ay
- " stop at whitespace
- if @a =~# '\s'
- break
- endif
- let c .= @a
- norm! l
- endw
- call call('setreg', a)
- 0
- return c
- endfunc
- func AssertHighlightGroups(lnum, startcol, expected, trans = 1, msg = "")
- " Assert that the characters starting at a given (line, col)
- " sequentially match the expected highlight groups.
- " If groups are provided as a string, each character is assumed to be a
- " group and spaces represent no group, useful for visually describing tests.
- let l:expectedGroups = type(a:expected) == v:t_string
- \ ? a:expected->split('\zs')->map({_, v -> trim(v)})
- \ : a:expected
- let l:errors = 0
- let l:msg = (a:msg->empty() ? "" : a:msg .. ": ")
- \ .. "Wrong highlight group at " .. a:lnum .. ","
- for l:i in range(a:startcol, a:startcol + l:expectedGroups->len() - 1)
- let l:errors += synID(a:lnum, l:i, a:trans)
- \ ->synIDattr("name")
- \ ->assert_equal(l:expectedGroups[l:i - 1],
- \ l:msg .. l:i)
- endfor
- endfunc
- func Test_syn_iskeyword()
- new
- call setline(1, [
- \ ' DLTD_BY VARCHAR2(100)',
- \ ');',
- \ ''])
- syntax on
- set ft=sql
- syn match SYN /C\k\+\>/
- hi link SYN ErrorMsg
- call assert_equal('DLTD_BY', GetSyntaxItem('DLTD'))
- /\<D\k\+\>/:norm! ygn
- call assert_equal('DLTD_BY', @0)
- redir @c
- syn iskeyword
- redir END
- call assert_equal("\nsyntax iskeyword not set", @c)
- syn iskeyword @,48-57,_,192-255
- redir @c
- syn iskeyword
- redir END
- call assert_equal("\nsyntax iskeyword @,48-57,_,192-255", @c)
- setlocal isk-=_
- call assert_equal('DLTD_BY', GetSyntaxItem('DLTD'))
- /\<D\k\+\>/:norm! ygn
- let b2 = @0
- call assert_equal('DLTD', @0)
- syn iskeyword clear
- redir @c
- syn iskeyword
- redir END
- call assert_equal("\nsyntax iskeyword not set", @c)
- quit!
- endfunc
- func Test_syntax_after_reload()
- split Xsomefile
- call setline(1, ['hello', 'there'])
- w!
- only!
- setl filetype=hello
- au FileType hello let g:gotit = 1
- call assert_false(exists('g:gotit'))
- edit other
- buf Xsomefile
- call assert_equal('hello', &filetype)
- call assert_true(exists('g:gotit'))
- call delete('Xsomefile')
- endfunc
- func Test_syntime()
- if !has('profile')
- return
- endif
- syntax on
- syntime on
- let a = execute('syntime report')
- call assert_equal("\nNo Syntax items defined for this buffer", a)
- let a = execute('syntime clear')
- call assert_equal("\nNo Syntax items defined for this buffer", a)
- view ../memfile_test.c
- setfiletype cpp
- redraw
- let a = execute('syntime report')
- call assert_match('^ TOTAL *COUNT *MATCH *SLOWEST *AVERAGE *NAME *PATTERN', a)
- call assert_match(' \d*\.\d* \+[^0]\d* .* cppRawString ', a)
- call assert_match(' \d*\.\d* \+[^0]\d* .* cppNumber ', a)
- syntime off
- syntime clear
- let a = execute('syntime report')
- call assert_match('^ TOTAL *COUNT *MATCH *SLOWEST *AVERAGE *NAME *PATTERN', a)
- call assert_notmatch('.* cppRawString *', a)
- call assert_notmatch('.* cppNumber*', a)
- call assert_notmatch('[1-9]', a)
- call assert_fails('syntime abc', 'E475')
- syntax clear
- let a = execute('syntime report')
- call assert_equal("\nNo Syntax items defined for this buffer", a)
- bd
- endfunc
- func Test_syntime_completion()
- if !has('profile')
- return
- endif
- call feedkeys(":syntime \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
- call assert_equal('"syntime clear off on report', @:)
- endfunc
- func Test_syntax_list()
- syntax on
- let a = execute('syntax list')
- call assert_equal("\nNo Syntax items defined for this buffer", a)
- view ../memfile_test.c
- setfiletype c
- let a = execute('syntax list')
- call assert_match('cInclude*', a)
- call assert_match('cDefine', a)
- let a = execute('syntax list cDefine')
- call assert_notmatch('cInclude*', a)
- call assert_match('cDefine', a)
- call assert_match(' links to Macro$', a)
- call assert_fails('syntax list ABCD', 'E28:')
- call assert_fails('syntax list @ABCD', 'E392:')
- syntax clear
- let a = execute('syntax list')
- call assert_equal("\nNo Syntax items defined for this buffer", a)
- syntax keyword Type int containedin=g1 skipwhite skipempty skipnl nextgroup=Abc
- let exp = "Type xxx containedin=g1 nextgroup=Abc skipnl skipwhite skipempty int"
- call assert_equal(exp, split(execute("syntax list"), "\n")[1])
- bd
- endfunc
- func Test_syntax_completion()
- call feedkeys(":syn \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
- call assert_equal('"syn case clear cluster conceal enable foldlevel include iskeyword keyword list manual match off on region reset spell sync', @:)
- call feedkeys(":syn case \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
- call assert_equal('"syn case ignore match', @:)
- call feedkeys(":syn spell \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
- call assert_equal('"syn spell default notoplevel toplevel', @:)
- call feedkeys(":syn sync \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
- call assert_equal('"syn sync ccomment clear fromstart linebreaks= linecont lines= match maxlines= minlines= region', @:)
- " Check that clearing "Aap" avoids it showing up before Boolean.
- hi @Aap ctermfg=blue
- call feedkeys(":syn list \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
- call assert_match('^"syn list @Aap @attribute @attribute.builtin @boolean @character ', @:)
- hi clear @Aap
- call feedkeys(":syn list \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
- call assert_match('^"syn list @attribute @attribute.builtin @boolean @character ', @:)
- call feedkeys(":syn match \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
- call assert_match('^"syn match @attribute @attribute.builtin @boolean @character ', @:)
- syn cluster Aax contains=Aap
- call feedkeys(":syn list @A\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
- call assert_match('^"syn list @Aax', @:)
- endfunc
- func Test_echohl_completion()
- call feedkeys(":echohl no\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
- " call assert_equal('"echohl NonText Normal none', @:)
- call assert_equal('"echohl NonText Normal NormalFloat NormalNC none', @:)
- endfunc
- func Test_syntax_arg_skipped()
- syn clear
- syntax case ignore
- if 0
- syntax case match
- endif
- call assert_match('case ignore', execute('syntax case'))
- syn keyword Foo foo
- call assert_match('Foo', execute('syntax'))
- syn clear
- call assert_match('case match', execute('syntax case'))
- call assert_notmatch('Foo', execute('syntax'))
- if has('conceal')
- syn clear
- syntax conceal on
- if 0
- syntax conceal off
- endif
- call assert_match('conceal on', execute('syntax conceal'))
- syn clear
- call assert_match('conceal off', execute('syntax conceal'))
- endif
- syntax conceal on
- syntax conceal off
- call assert_match('conceal off', execute('syntax conceal'))
- syntax region Bar start=/</ end=/>/
- if 0
- syntax region NotTest start=/</ end=/>/ contains=@Spell
- endif
- call assert_match('Bar', execute('syntax'))
- call assert_notmatch('NotTest', execute('syntax'))
- call assert_notmatch('Spell', execute('syntax'))
- hi Foo ctermfg=blue
- let a = execute('hi Foo')
- if 0
- syntax rest
- endif
- call assert_equal(a, execute('hi Foo'))
- hi clear Bar
- hi clear Foo
- set ft=tags
- syn off
- if 0
- syntax enable
- endif
- call assert_match('No Syntax items defined', execute('syntax'))
- syntax enable
- call assert_match('tagComment', execute('syntax'))
- set ft=
- syn clear
- if 0
- syntax include @Spell nothing
- endif
- call assert_notmatch('Spell', execute('syntax'))
- syn clear
- syn iskeyword 48-57,$,_
- call assert_match('48-57,$,_', execute('syntax iskeyword'))
- if 0
- syn clear
- syn iskeyword clear
- endif
- call assert_match('48-57,$,_', execute('syntax iskeyword'))
- syn iskeyword clear
- call assert_match('not set', execute('syntax iskeyword'))
- syn iskeyword 48-57,$,_
- syn clear
- call assert_match('not set', execute('syntax iskeyword'))
- syn clear
- syn keyword Foo foo
- if 0
- syn keyword NotAdded bar
- endif
- call assert_match('Foo', execute('syntax'))
- call assert_notmatch('NotAdded', execute('highlight'))
- syn clear
- syn keyword Foo foo
- call assert_match('Foo', execute('syntax'))
- call assert_match('Foo', execute('syntax list'))
- call assert_notmatch('Foo', execute('if 0 | syntax | endif'))
- call assert_notmatch('Foo', execute('if 0 | syntax list | endif'))
- syn clear
- syn match Fopi /asdf/
- if 0
- syn match Fopx /asdf/
- endif
- call assert_match('Fopi', execute('syntax'))
- call assert_notmatch('Fopx', execute('syntax'))
- syn clear
- syn spell toplevel
- call assert_match('spell toplevel', execute('syntax spell'))
- if 0
- syn spell notoplevel
- endif
- call assert_match('spell toplevel', execute('syntax spell'))
- syn spell notoplevel
- call assert_match('spell notoplevel', execute('syntax spell'))
- syn spell default
- call assert_match('spell default', execute('syntax spell'))
- syn clear
- if 0
- syntax cluster Spell
- endif
- call assert_notmatch('Spell', execute('syntax'))
- syn clear
- syn keyword Foo foo
- syn sync ccomment
- syn sync maxlines=5
- if 0
- syn sync maxlines=11
- endif
- call assert_match('on C-style comments', execute('syntax sync'))
- call assert_match('maximal 5 lines', execute('syntax sync'))
- syn sync clear
- if 0
- syn sync ccomment
- endif
- call assert_notmatch('on C-style comments', execute('syntax sync'))
- syn sync fromstart
- call assert_match('syncing starts at the first line', execute('syntax sync'))
- syn clear
- endfunc
- " Check for an error. Used when multiple errors are thrown and we are checking
- " for an earliest error.
- func AssertFails(cmd, errcode)
- let save_exception = ''
- try
- exe a:cmd
- catch
- let save_exception = v:exception
- endtry
- call assert_match(a:errcode, save_exception)
- endfunc
- func Test_syntax_invalid_arg()
- call assert_fails('syntax case asdf', 'E390:')
- if has('conceal')
- call assert_fails('syntax conceal asdf', 'E390:')
- endif
- call assert_fails('syntax spell asdf', 'E390:')
- call assert_fails('syntax clear @ABCD', 'E391:')
- call assert_fails('syntax include random_file', 'E484:')
- call assert_fails('syntax include <afile>', 'E495:')
- call assert_fails('syntax sync x', 'E404:')
- call assert_fails('syntax keyword Abc a[', 'E789:')
- call assert_fails('syntax keyword Abc a[bc]d', 'E890:')
- call assert_fails('syntax cluster Abc add=A add=', 'E406:')
- " Test for too many \z\( and unmatched \z\(
- " Not able to use assert_fails() here because both E50:/E879: and E475:
- " messages are emitted.
- set regexpengine=1
- call AssertFails("syntax region MyRegion start='\\z\\(' end='\\*/'", 'E52:')
- let cmd = "syntax region MyRegion start='"
- let cmd ..= repeat("\\z\\(.\\)", 10) .. "' end='\*/'"
- call AssertFails(cmd, 'E50:')
- set regexpengine=2
- call AssertFails("syntax region MyRegion start='\\z\\(' end='\\*/'", 'E54:')
- let cmd = "syntax region MyRegion start='"
- let cmd ..= repeat("\\z\\(.\\)", 10) .. "' end='\*/'"
- call AssertFails(cmd, 'E879:')
- set regexpengine&
- call AssertFails('syntax keyword cMyItem grouphere G1', 'E393:')
- call AssertFails('syntax sync match Abc grouphere MyItem "abc"', 'E394:')
- call AssertFails('syn keyword Type contains int', 'E395:')
- call assert_fails('syntax include @Xxx', 'E397:')
- call AssertFails('syntax region X start', 'E398:')
- call assert_fails('syntax region X start="{"', 'E399:')
- call AssertFails('syntax cluster contains=Abc', 'E400:')
- call AssertFails("syntax match Character /'.'", 'E401:')
- call AssertFails("syntax match Character /'.'/a", 'E402:')
- call assert_fails('syntax sync linecont /\%(/', 'E53:')
- call assert_fails('syntax sync linecont /pat', 'E404:')
- call assert_fails('syntax sync linecont', 'E404:')
- call assert_fails('syntax sync linecont /pat1/ linecont /pat2/', 'E403:')
- call assert_fails('syntax sync minlines=a', 'E404:')
- call AssertFails('syntax match ABC /x/ contains=', 'E406:')
- call AssertFails("syntax match Character contains /'.'/", 'E405:')
- call AssertFails('syntax match ccFoo "Foo" nextgroup=ALLBUT,F', 'E407:')
- call AssertFails('syntax region Block start="{" contains=F,ALLBUT', 'E408:')
- call AssertFails("syntax match Characters contains=a.*x /'.'/", 'E409:')
- call assert_fails('syntax match Search /abc/ contains=ALLBUT,/\%(/', 'E53:')
- endfunc
- func Test_syn_sync()
- syntax region HereGroup start=/this/ end=/that/
- syntax sync match SyncHere grouphere HereGroup "pattern"
- call assert_match('SyncHere', execute('syntax sync'))
- syn sync clear
- call assert_notmatch('SyncHere', execute('syntax sync'))
- syn clear
- endfunc
- func Test_syn_clear()
- syntax keyword Foo foo
- syntax keyword Bar tar
- call assert_match('Foo', execute('syntax'))
- call assert_match('Bar', execute('syntax'))
- call assert_equal('Foo', synIDattr(hlID("Foo"), "name"))
- syn clear Foo
- call assert_notmatch('Foo', execute('syntax'))
- call assert_match('Bar', execute('syntax'))
- call assert_equal('Foo', synIDattr(hlID("Foo"), "name"))
- syn clear Foo Bar
- call assert_notmatch('Foo', execute('syntax'))
- call assert_notmatch('Bar', execute('syntax'))
- hi clear Foo
- call assert_equal('Foo', synIDattr(hlID("Foo"), "name"))
- hi clear Bar
- call assert_fails('syntax clear invalid_syngroup', 'E28:')
- endfunc
- func Test_invalid_name()
- syn clear
- syn keyword Nop yes
- call assert_fails("syntax keyword Wr\x17ong bar", 'E669:')
- syntax keyword @Wrong bar
- call assert_fails("syntax keyword @#Wrong bar", 'E5248:')
- syn clear
- hi clear Nop
- hi clear @Wrong
- endfunc
- func Test_ownsyntax()
- new XfooOwnSyntax
- call setline(1, '#define FOO')
- syntax on
- set filetype=c
- ownsyntax perl
- " this should not crash
- set
- call assert_equal('perlComment', synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), 'name'))
- call assert_equal('c', b:current_syntax)
- call assert_equal('perl', w:current_syntax)
- " A new split window should have the original syntax.
- split
- call assert_equal('cDefine', synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), 'name'))
- call assert_equal('c', b:current_syntax)
- call assert_equal(0, exists('w:current_syntax'))
- wincmd x
- call assert_equal('perlComment', synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name"))
- syntax off
- set filetype&
- %bw!
- endfunc
- func Test_ownsyntax_completion()
- call feedkeys(":ownsyntax java\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
- call assert_equal('"ownsyntax java javacc javascript javascriptreact', @:)
- endfunc
- func Test_highlight_invalid_arg()
- if has('gui_running')
- call assert_fails('hi XXX guifg=xxx', 'E254:')
- endif
- call assert_fails('hi DoesNotExist', 'E411:')
- call assert_fails('hi link', 'E412:')
- call assert_fails('hi link a', 'E412:')
- call assert_fails('hi link a b c', 'E413:')
- call assert_fails('hi XXX =', 'E415:')
- call assert_fails('hi XXX cterm', 'E416:')
- call assert_fails('hi XXX cterm=', 'E417:')
- call assert_fails('hi XXX cterm=DoesNotExist', 'E418:')
- call assert_fails('hi XXX ctermfg=DoesNotExist', 'E421:')
- call assert_fails('hi XXX xxx=White', 'E423:')
- endfunc
- func Test_conceal()
- if !has('conceal')
- return
- endif
- new
- call setline(1, ['', '123456'])
- syn match test23 "23" conceal cchar=X
- syn match test45 "45" conceal
- set conceallevel=0
- call assert_equal('123456 ', ScreenLines(2, 7)[0])
- call assert_equal([[0, '', 0], [0, '', 0], [0, '', 0], [0, '', 0], [0, '', 0], [0, '', 0]], map(range(1, 6), 'synconcealed(2, v:val)'))
- set conceallevel=1
- call assert_equal('1X 6 ', ScreenLines(2, 7)[0])
- call assert_equal([[0, '', 0], [1, 'X', 1], [1, 'X', 1], [1, ' ', 2], [1, ' ', 2], [0, '', 0]], map(range(1, 6), 'synconcealed(2, v:val)'))
- set conceallevel=1
- set listchars=conceal:Y
- call assert_equal([[0, '', 0], [1, 'X', 1], [1, 'X', 1], [1, 'Y', 2], [1, 'Y', 2], [0, '', 0]], map(range(1, 6), 'synconcealed(2, v:val)'))
- call assert_equal('1XY6 ', ScreenLines(2, 7)[0])
- set conceallevel=2
- call assert_match('1X6 ', ScreenLines(2, 7)[0])
- call assert_equal([[0, '', 0], [1, 'X', 1], [1, 'X', 1], [1, '', 2], [1, '', 2], [0, '', 0]], map(range(1, 6), 'synconcealed(2, v:val)'))
- set conceallevel=3
- call assert_match('16 ', ScreenLines(2, 7)[0])
- call assert_equal([[0, '', 0], [1, '', 1], [1, '', 1], [1, '', 2], [1, '', 2], [0, '', 0]], map(range(1, 6), 'synconcealed(2, v:val)'))
- call AssertFails("syntax match Entity '&' conceal cchar=\<Tab>", 'E844:')
- syn clear
- set conceallevel&
- bw!
- endfunc
- func Test_bg_detection()
- CheckNotGui
- " auto-detection of &bg, make sure it isn't set anywhere before this test
- hi Normal ctermbg=0
- call assert_equal('dark', &bg)
- hi Normal ctermbg=4
- call assert_equal('dark', &bg)
- hi Normal ctermbg=12
- call assert_equal('light', &bg)
- hi Normal ctermbg=15
- call assert_equal('light', &bg)
- " manually-set &bg takes precedence over auto-detection
- set bg=light
- hi Normal ctermbg=4
- call assert_equal('light', &bg)
- set bg=dark
- hi Normal ctermbg=12
- call assert_equal('dark', &bg)
- hi Normal ctermbg=NONE
- endfunc
- func Test_syntax_hangs()
- if !has('reltime') || !has('float') || !has('syntax')
- return
- endif
- " This pattern takes a long time to match, it should timeout.
- new
- call setline(1, ['aaa', repeat('abc ', 1000), 'ccc'])
- let start = reltime()
- set nolazyredraw redrawtime=101
- syn match Error /\%#=1a*.*X\@<=b*/
- redraw
- let elapsed = reltimefloat(reltime(start))
- call assert_true(elapsed > 0.1)
- call assert_true(elapsed < 1.0)
- " second time syntax HL is disabled
- let start = reltime()
- redraw
- let elapsed = reltimefloat(reltime(start))
- call assert_true(elapsed < 0.1)
- " after CTRL-L the timeout flag is reset
- let start = reltime()
- exe "normal \<C-L>"
- redraw
- let elapsed = reltimefloat(reltime(start))
- call assert_true(elapsed > 0.1)
- call assert_true(elapsed < 1.0)
- set redrawtime&
- bwipe!
- endfunc
- func Test_synstack_synIDtrans()
- new
- setfiletype c
- syntax on
- call setline(1, ' /* A comment with a TODO */')
- call assert_equal([], synstack(1, 1))
- norm f/
- eval synstack(line("."), col("."))->map('synIDattr(v:val, "name")')->assert_equal(['cComment', 'cCommentStart'])
- eval synstack(line("."), col("."))->map('synIDattr(synIDtrans(v:val), "name")')->assert_equal(['Comment', 'Comment'])
- norm fA
- call assert_equal(['cComment'], map(synstack(line("."), col(".")), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")'))
- call assert_equal(['Comment'], map(synstack(line("."), col(".")), 'synIDattr(synIDtrans(v:val), "name")'))
- norm fT
- call assert_equal(['cComment', 'cTodo'], map(synstack(line("."), col(".")), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")'))
- call assert_equal(['Comment', 'Todo'], map(synstack(line("."), col(".")), 'synIDattr(synIDtrans(v:val), "name")'))
- call assert_fails("let n=synIDtrans([])", 'E745:')
- syn clear
- bw!
- endfunc
- " Check highlighting for a small piece of C code with a screen dump.
- func Test_syntax_c()
- CheckRunVimInTerminal
- call writefile([
- \ '/* comment line at the top */',
- \ 'int main(int argc, char **argv) { // another comment',
- \ '#if 0',
- \ ' int not_used;',
- \ '#else',
- \ ' int used;',
- \ '#endif',
- \ ' printf("Just an example piece of C code\n");',
- \ ' return 0x0ff;',
- \ '}',
- \ "\t\t ",
- \ ' static void',
- \ 'myFunction(const double count, struct nothing, long there) {',
- \ "\t// 123: nothing to endif here",
- \ "\tfor (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {",
- \ "\t break;",
- \ "\t}",
- \ "\tNote: asdf",
- \ '}',
- \ ], 'Xtest.c', 'D')
- " This makes the default for 'background' use "dark", check that the
- " response to t_RB corrects it to "light".
- let $COLORFGBG = '15;0'
- let buf = RunVimInTerminal('Xtest.c', {})
- call term_sendkeys(buf, ":syn keyword Search Note\r")
- call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_syntax_c_01', {})
- call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
- let $COLORFGBG = ''
- endfun
- " Test \z(...) along with \z1
- func Test_syn_zsub()
- new
- syntax on
- call setline(1, 'xxx start foo xxx not end foo xxx end foo xxx')
- for l:re in [0, 1, 2]
- " Example taken from :help :syn-ext-match
- syntax region Z start="start \z(\I\i*\)" skip="not end \z1" end="end \z1"
- eval AssertHighlightGroups(1, 1, l:expected, 1, 'regexp=' .. l:re)
- syntax clear Z
- endfor
- set re&
- bw!
- endfunc
- " Using \z() in a region with NFA failing should not crash.
- func Test_syn_wrong_z_one()
- new
- call setline(1, ['just some text', 'with foo and bar to match with'])
- syn region FooBar start="foo\z(.*\)bar" end="\z1"
- " call test_override("nfa_fail", 1)
- redraw!
- redraw!
- " call test_override("ALL", 0)
- bwipe!
- endfunc
- func Test_syntax_after_bufdo()
- call writefile(['/* aaa comment */'], 'Xaaa.c', 'D')
- call writefile(['/* bbb comment */'], 'Xbbb.c', 'D')
- call writefile(['/* ccc comment */'], 'Xccc.c', 'D')
- call writefile(['/* ddd comment */'], 'Xddd.c', 'D')
- let bnr = bufnr('%')
- new Xaaa.c
- badd Xbbb.c
- badd Xccc.c
- badd Xddd.c
- exe "bwipe " . bnr
- let l = []
- bufdo call add(l, bufnr('%'))
- call assert_equal(4, len(l))
- syntax on
- " This used to only enable syntax HL in the last buffer.
- bufdo tab split
- tabrewind
- for tab in range(1, 4)
- norm fm
- call assert_equal(['cComment'], map(synstack(line("."), col(".")), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")'))
- tabnext
- endfor
- bwipe! Xaaa.c
- bwipe! Xbbb.c
- bwipe! Xccc.c
- bwipe! Xddd.c
- syntax off
- endfunc
- func Test_syntax_foldlevel()
- new
- call setline(1, [
- \ 'void f(int a)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' if (a == 1) {',
- \ ' a = 0;',
- \ ' } else if (a == 2) {',
- \ ' a = 1;',
- \ ' } else {',
- \ ' a = 2;',
- \ ' }',
- \ ' if (a > 0) {',
- \ ' if (a == 1) {',
- \ ' a = 0;',
- \ ' } /* missing newline */ } /* end of outer if */ else {',
- \ ' a = 1;',
- \ ' }',
- \ ' if (a == 1)',
- \ ' {',
- \ ' a = 0;',
- \ ' }',
- \ ' else if (a == 2)',
- \ ' {',
- \ ' a = 1;',
- \ ' }',
- \ ' else',
- \ ' {',
- \ ' a = 2;',
- \ ' }',
- \ '}',
- \ ])
- setfiletype c
- syntax on
- set foldmethod=syntax
- call assert_fails('syn foldlevel start start', 'E390')
- call assert_fails('syn foldlevel not_an_option', 'E390')
- set foldlevel=1
- syn foldlevel start
- redir @c
- syn foldlevel
- redir END
- call assert_equal("\nsyntax foldlevel start", @c)
- syn sync fromstart
- call assert_match('from the first line$', execute('syn sync'))
- let a = map(range(3,9), 'foldclosed(v:val)')
- call assert_equal([3,3,3,3,3,3,3], a) " attached cascade folds together
- let a = map(range(10,15), 'foldclosed(v:val)')
- call assert_equal([10,10,10,10,10,10], a) " over-attached 'else' hidden
- let a = map(range(16,27), 'foldclosed(v:val)')
- let unattached_results = [-1,17,17,17,-1,21,21,21,-1,25,25,25]
- call assert_equal(unattached_results, a) " unattached cascade folds separately
- syn foldlevel minimum
- redir @c
- syn foldlevel
- redir END
- call assert_equal("\nsyntax foldlevel minimum", @c)
- syn sync fromstart
- let a = map(range(3,9), 'foldclosed(v:val)')
- call assert_equal([3,3,5,5,7,7,7], a) " attached cascade folds separately
- let a = map(range(10,15), 'foldclosed(v:val)')
- call assert_equal([10,10,10,13,13,13], a) " over-attached 'else' visible
- let a = map(range(16,27), 'foldclosed(v:val)')
- call assert_equal(unattached_results, a) " unattached cascade folds separately
- set foldlevel=2
- syn foldlevel start
- syn sync fromstart
- let a = map(range(11,14), 'foldclosed(v:val)')
- call assert_equal([11,11,11,-1], a) " over-attached 'else' hidden
- syn foldlevel minimum
- syn sync fromstart
- let a = map(range(11,14), 'foldclosed(v:val)')
- call assert_equal([11,11,-1,-1], a) " over-attached 'else' visible
- quit!
- endfunc
- func Test_search_syntax_skip()
- new
- let lines =<< trim END
- /* This is VIM */
- Another Text for VIM
- let a = "VIM"
- call setline(1, lines)
- syntax on
- syntax match Comment "^/\*.*\*/"
- syntax match String '".*"'
- " Skip argument using string evaluation.
- 1
- call search('VIM', 'w', '', 0, 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name") =~? "comment"')
- call assert_equal('Another Text for VIM', getline('.'))
- 1
- call search('VIM', 'cw', '', 0, 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name") !~? "string"')
- call assert_equal(' let a = "VIM"', getline('.'))
- " Skip argument using Lambda.
- 1
- call search('VIM', 'w', '', 0, { -> synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name") =~? "comment"})
- call assert_equal('Another Text for VIM', getline('.'))
- 1
- call search('VIM', 'cw', '', 0, { -> synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name") !~? "string"})
- call assert_equal(' let a = "VIM"', getline('.'))
- " Skip argument using funcref.
- func InComment()
- return synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name") =~? "comment"
- endfunc
- func NotInString()
- return synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name") !~? "string"
- endfunc
- 1
- call search('VIM', 'w', '', 0, function('InComment'))
- call assert_equal('Another Text for VIM', getline('.'))
- 1
- call search('VIM', 'cw', '', 0, function('NotInString'))
- call assert_equal(' let a = "VIM"', getline('.'))
- delfunc InComment
- delfunc NotInString
- bwipe!
- endfunc
- func Test_syn_contained_transparent()
- " Comments starting with "Regression:" show the result when the highlighting
- " span of the containing item is assigned to the contained region.
- syntax on
- let l:case = "Transparent region contained in region"
- new
- syntax region X start=/\[/ end=/\]/ contained transparent
- syntax region Y start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=X
- call setline(1, "==(--[~~]--)==")
- let l:expected = " YYYYYYYYYY "
- eval AssertHighlightGroups(1, 1, l:expected, 1, l:case)
- syntax clear Y X
- bw!
- let l:case = "Transparent region extends region"
- new
- syntax region X start=/\[/ end=/\]/ contained transparent
- syntax region Y start=/(/ end=/)/ end=/e/ contains=X
- call setline(1, "==(--[~~e~~]--)==")
- let l:expected = " YYYYYYYYYYYYY "
- " Regression: " YYYYYYY YYY "
- eval AssertHighlightGroups(1, 1, l:expected, 1, l:case)
- syntax clear Y X
- bw!
- let l:case = "Nested transparent regions extend region"
- new
- syntax region X start=/\[/ end=/\]/ contained transparent
- syntax region Y start=/(/ end=/)/ end=/e/ contains=X
- call setline(1, "==(--[~~e~~[~~e~~]~~e~~]--)==")
- " Regression: " YYYYYYY YYYYYYYYY "
- eval AssertHighlightGroups(1, 1, l:expected, 1, l:case)
- syntax clear Y X
- bw!
- let l:case = "Transparent region contained in match"
- new
- syntax region X start=/\[/ end=/\]/ contained transparent
- syntax match Y /(.\{-})/ contains=X
- call setline(1, "==(--[~~]--)==")
- let l:expected = " YYYYYYYYYY "
- eval AssertHighlightGroups(1, 1, l:expected, 1, l:case)
- syntax clear Y X
- bw!
- let l:case = "Transparent region extends match"
- new
- syntax region X start=/\[/ end=/\]/ contained transparent
- syntax match Y /(.\{-}[e)]/ contains=X
- call setline(1, "==(--[~~e~~]--)==")
- let l:expected = " YYYYYYYYYY "
- " Regression: " YYYYYYY "
- eval AssertHighlightGroups(1, 1, l:expected, 1, l:case)
- syntax clear Y X
- bw!
- let l:case = "Nested transparent regions extend match"
- new
- syntax region X start=/\[/ end=/\]/ contained transparent
- syntax match Y /(.\{-}[e)]/ contains=X
- call setline(1, "==(--[~~e~~[~~e~~]~~e~~]--)==")
- let l:expected = " YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY "
- " Regression: " YYYYYYY YYYYYY "
- eval AssertHighlightGroups(1, 1, l:expected, 1, l:case)
- syntax clear Y X
- bw!
- endfunc
- func Test_syn_include_contains_TOP()
- let l:case = "TOP in included syntax refers to top level of that included syntax"
- new
- syntax include @INCLUDED syntax/c.vim
- syntax region FencedCodeBlockC start=/```c/ end=/```/ contains=@INCLUDED
- call setline(1, ['```c', '#if 0', 'int', '#else', 'int', '#endif', '```' ])
- let l:expected = ["cCppOutIf2"]
- eval AssertHighlightGroups(3, 1, l:expected, 1)
- " cCppOutElse has contains=TOP
- let l:expected = ["cType"]
- eval AssertHighlightGroups(5, 1, l:expected, 1, l:case)
- syntax clear
- bw!
- endfunc
- func Test_syn_include_contains_TOP_excluding()
- new
- syntax include @INCLUDED syntax/c.vim
- syntax region FencedCodeBlockC start=/```c/ end=/```/ contains=@INCLUDED
- call setline(1, ['```c', '#if 0', 'int', '#else', 'int', '#if', '#endif', '```' ])
- let l:expected = ["cCppOutElse", "cConditional"]
- eval AssertHighlightGroups(6, 1, l:expected, 1)
- syntax clear
- bw!
- endfunc
- " This was using freed memory
- func Test_WinEnter_synstack_synID()
- autocmd WinEnter * call synstack(line("."), col("."))
- autocmd WinEnter * call synID(line('.'), col('.') - 1, 1)
- call setline(1, 'aaaaa')
- normal! $
- new
- close
- au! WinEnter
- bw!
- endfunc
- " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab