123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618 |
- -- Tests for system() and :! shell.
- local t = require('test.testutil')
- local n = require('test.functional.testnvim')()
- local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen')
- local assert_alive = n.assert_alive
- local testprg = n.testprg
- local eq, call, clear, eval, feed_command, feed, api =
- t.eq, n.call, n.clear, n.eval, n.feed_command, n.feed, n.api
- local command = n.command
- local insert = n.insert
- local expect = n.expect
- local exc_exec = n.exc_exec
- local pcall_err = t.pcall_err
- local is_os = t.is_os
- local function create_file_with_nuls(name)
- return function()
- feed('ipart1<C-V>000part2<C-V>000part3<ESC>:w ' .. name .. '<CR>')
- eval('1') -- wait for the file to be created
- end
- end
- local function delete_file(name)
- return function()
- eval("delete('" .. name .. "')")
- end
- end
- describe('system()', function()
- before_each(clear)
- describe('command passed as a List', function()
- it('throws error if cmd[0] is not executable', function()
- eq(
- "Vim:E475: Invalid value for argument cmd: 'this-should-not-exist' is not executable",
- pcall_err(call, 'system', { 'this-should-not-exist' })
- )
- eq(-1, eval('v:shell_error'))
- end)
- it('parameter validation does NOT modify v:shell_error', function()
- -- 1. Call system() with invalid parameters.
- -- 2. Assert that v:shell_error was NOT set.
- feed_command('call system({})')
- eq('E475: Invalid argument: expected String or List', eval('v:errmsg'))
- eq(0, eval('v:shell_error'))
- feed_command('call system([])')
- eq('E474: Invalid argument', eval('v:errmsg'))
- eq(0, eval('v:shell_error'))
- -- Provoke a non-zero v:shell_error.
- eq(
- "Vim:E475: Invalid value for argument cmd: 'this-should-not-exist' is not executable",
- pcall_err(call, 'system', { 'this-should-not-exist' })
- )
- local old_val = eval('v:shell_error')
- eq(-1, old_val)
- -- 1. Call system() with invalid parameters.
- -- 2. Assert that v:shell_error was NOT modified.
- feed_command('call system({})')
- eq(old_val, eval('v:shell_error'))
- feed_command('call system([])')
- eq(old_val, eval('v:shell_error'))
- end)
- it('quotes arguments correctly #5280', function()
- local out =
- call('system', { testprg('printargs-test'), [[1]], [[2 "3]], [[4 ' 5]], [[6 ' 7']] })
- eq(0, eval('v:shell_error'))
- eq([[arg1=1;arg2=2 "3;arg3=4 ' 5;arg4=6 ' 7';]], out)
- out = call('system', { testprg('printargs-test'), [['1]], [[2 "3]] })
- eq(0, eval('v:shell_error'))
- eq([[arg1='1;arg2=2 "3;]], out)
- out = call('system', { testprg('printargs-test'), 'A\nB' })
- eq(0, eval('v:shell_error'))
- eq('arg1=A\nB;', out)
- end)
- it('calls executable in $PATH', function()
- if 0 == eval("executable('python3')") then
- pending('missing `python3`')
- end
- eq('foo\n', eval([[system(['python3', '-c', 'print("foo")'])]]))
- eq(0, eval('v:shell_error'))
- end)
- it('does NOT run in shell', function()
- if is_os('win') then
- eq(
- '%PATH%\n',
- eval(
- "system(['powershell', '-NoProfile', '-NoLogo', '-ExecutionPolicy', 'RemoteSigned', '-Command', 'Write-Output', '%PATH%'])"
- )
- )
- else
- eq('* $PATH %PATH%\n', eval("system(['echo', '*', '$PATH', '%PATH%'])"))
- end
- end)
- end)
- it('sets v:shell_error', function()
- if is_os('win') then
- eval([[system("cmd.exe /c exit")]])
- eq(0, eval('v:shell_error'))
- eval([[system("cmd.exe /c exit 1")]])
- eq(1, eval('v:shell_error'))
- eval([[system("cmd.exe /c exit 5")]])
- eq(5, eval('v:shell_error'))
- eval([[system('this-should-not-exist')]])
- eq(1, eval('v:shell_error'))
- else
- eval([[system("sh -c 'exit'")]])
- eq(0, eval('v:shell_error'))
- eval([[system("sh -c 'exit 1'")]])
- eq(1, eval('v:shell_error'))
- eval([[system("sh -c 'exit 5'")]])
- eq(5, eval('v:shell_error'))
- eval([[system('this-should-not-exist')]])
- eq(127, eval('v:shell_error'))
- end
- end)
- describe('executes shell function', function()
- local screen
- before_each(function()
- screen = Screen.new()
- end)
- if is_os('win') then
- local function test_more()
- eq('root = true', eval([[get(split(system('"more" ".editorconfig"'), "\n"), 0, '')]]))
- end
- local function test_shell_unquoting()
- eval([[system('"ping" "-n" "1" ""')]])
- eq(0, eval('v:shell_error'))
- eq('"a b"\n', eval([[system('cmd /s/c "cmd /s/c "cmd /s/c "echo "a b""""')]]))
- eq(
- '"a b"\n',
- eval(
- [[system('powershell -NoProfile -NoLogo -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Command Write-Output ''\^"a b\^"''')]]
- )
- )
- end
- it('with shell=cmd.exe', function()
- command('set shell=cmd.exe')
- eq('""\n', eval([[system('echo ""')]]))
- eq('"a b"\n', eval([[system('echo "a b"')]]))
- eq('a \nb\n', eval([[system('echo a & echo b')]]))
- eq('a \n', eval([[system('echo a 2>&1')]]))
- test_more()
- eval([[system('cd "C:\Program Files"')]])
- eq(0, eval('v:shell_error'))
- test_shell_unquoting()
- end)
- it('with shell=cmd', function()
- command('set shell=cmd')
- eq('"a b"\n', eval([[system('echo "a b"')]]))
- test_more()
- test_shell_unquoting()
- end)
- it('with shell=$COMSPEC', function()
- local comspecshell = eval("fnamemodify($COMSPEC, ':t')")
- if comspecshell == 'cmd.exe' then
- command('set shell=$COMSPEC')
- eq('"a b"\n', eval([[system('echo "a b"')]]))
- test_more()
- test_shell_unquoting()
- else
- pending('$COMSPEC is not cmd.exe: ' .. comspecshell)
- end
- end)
- it('with powershell', function()
- n.set_shell_powershell()
- eq('a\nb\n', eval([[system('Write-Output a b')]]))
- eq('C:\\\n', eval([[system('cd c:\; (Get-Location).Path')]]))
- eq('a b\n', eval([[system('Write-Output "a b"')]]))
- end)
- end
- it('powershell w/ UTF-8 text #13713', function()
- if not n.has_powershell() then
- pending('powershell not found', function() end)
- return
- end
- n.set_shell_powershell()
- eq('ああ\n', eval([[system('Write-Output "ああ"')]]))
- -- Sanity test w/ default encoding
- -- * on Windows, expected to default to Western European enc
- -- * on Linux, expected to default to UTF8
- command([[let &shellcmdflag = '-NoLogo -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Command ']])
- eq(is_os('win') and '??\n' or 'ああ\n', eval([[system('Write-Output "ああ"')]]))
- end)
- it('`echo` and waits for its return', function()
- feed(':call system("echo")<cr>')
- screen:expect([[
- ^ |
- {1:~ }|*12
- :call system("echo") |
- ]])
- end)
- it('prints verbose information', function()
- api.nvim_set_option_value('shell', 'fake_shell', {})
- api.nvim_set_option_value('shellcmdflag', 'cmdflag', {})
- screen:try_resize(72, 14)
- feed(':4verbose echo system("echo hi")<cr>')
- if is_os('win') then
- screen:expect { any = [[Executing command: "'fake_shell' 'cmdflag' '"echo hi"'"]] }
- else
- screen:expect { any = [[Executing command: "'fake_shell' 'cmdflag' 'echo hi'"]] }
- end
- feed('<cr>')
- end)
- it('self and total time recorded separately', function()
- local tempfile = t.tmpname()
- feed(':function! AlmostNoSelfTime()<cr>')
- feed('echo system("echo hi")<cr>')
- feed('endfunction<cr>')
- feed(':profile start ' .. tempfile .. '<cr>')
- feed(':profile func AlmostNoSelfTime<cr>')
- feed(':call AlmostNoSelfTime()<cr>')
- feed(':profile dump<cr>')
- feed(':edit ' .. tempfile .. '<cr>')
- local command_total_time = tonumber(n.fn.split(n.fn.getline(7))[2])
- local command_self_time = tonumber(n.fn.split(n.fn.getline(7))[3])
- t.neq(nil, command_total_time)
- t.neq(nil, command_self_time)
- end)
- it('`yes` interrupted with CTRL-C', function()
- feed(
- ':call system("'
- .. (is_os('win') and 'for /L %I in (1,0,2) do @echo y' or 'yes')
- .. '")<cr>'
- )
- screen:expect([[
- |
- {1:~ }|*12
- ]] .. (is_os('win') and [[
- :call system("for /L %I in (1,0,2) do @echo y") |]] or [[
- :call system("yes") |]]))
- feed('foo<c-c>')
- screen:expect([[
- ^ |
- {1:~ }|*12
- Type :qa and press <Enter> to exit Nvim |
- ]])
- end)
- it('`yes` interrupted with mapped CTRL-C', function()
- command('nnoremap <C-C> i')
- feed(
- ':call system("'
- .. (is_os('win') and 'for /L %I in (1,0,2) do @echo y' or 'yes')
- .. '")<cr>'
- )
- screen:expect([[
- |
- {1:~ }|*12
- ]] .. (is_os('win') and [[
- :call system("for /L %I in (1,0,2) do @echo y") |]] or [[
- :call system("yes") |]]))
- feed('foo<c-c>')
- screen:expect([[
- ^ |
- {1:~ }|*12
- {5:-- INSERT --} |
- ]])
- end)
- end)
- describe('passing no input', function()
- it('returns the program output', function()
- if is_os('win') then
- eq('echoed\n', eval('system("echo echoed")'))
- else
- eq('echoed', eval('system("printf echoed")'))
- end
- end)
- it('to backgrounded command does not crash', function()
- -- This is indeterminate, just exercise the codepath. May get E5677.
- feed_command(
- 'call system(has("win32") ? "start /b /wait cmd /c echo echoed" : "printf echoed &")'
- )
- local v_errnum = string.match(eval('v:errmsg'), '^E%d*:')
- if v_errnum then
- eq('E5677:', v_errnum)
- end
- assert_alive()
- end)
- end)
- describe('passing input', function()
- it('returns the program output', function()
- eq('input', eval('system("cat -", "input")'))
- end)
- it('to backgrounded command does not crash', function()
- -- This is indeterminate, just exercise the codepath. May get E5677.
- feed_command('call system(has("win32") ? "start /b /wait more" : "cat - &", "input")')
- local v_errnum = string.match(eval('v:errmsg'), '^E%d*:')
- if v_errnum then
- eq('E5677:', v_errnum)
- end
- assert_alive()
- end)
- it('works with an empty string', function()
- eq('test\n', eval('system("echo test", "")'))
- assert_alive()
- end)
- end)
- describe('passing a lot of input', function()
- it('returns the program output', function()
- local input = {}
- -- write more than 1mb of data, which should be enough to overcome
- -- the os buffer limit and force multiple event loop iterations to write
- -- everything
- for _ = 1, 0xffff do
- input[#input + 1] = '01234567890ABCDEFabcdef'
- end
- input = table.concat(input, '\n')
- api.nvim_set_var('input', input)
- eq(input, eval('system("cat -", g:input)'))
- end)
- end)
- describe('Number input', function()
- it('is treated as a buffer id', function()
- command("put ='text in buffer 1'")
- eq('\ntext in buffer 1\n', eval('system("cat", 1)'))
- eq('Vim(echo):E86: Buffer 42 does not exist', exc_exec('echo system("cat", 42)'))
- end)
- end)
- describe('with output containing NULs', function()
- local fname = 'Xtest_functional_vimscript_system_nuls'
- before_each(create_file_with_nuls(fname))
- after_each(delete_file(fname))
- it('replaces NULs by SOH characters', function()
- eq('part1\001part2\001part3\n', eval([[system('"cat" "]] .. fname .. [["')]]))
- end)
- end)
- describe('input passed as List', function()
- it('joins List items with linefeed characters', function()
- eq('line1\nline2\nline3', eval("system('cat -', ['line1', 'line2', 'line3'])"))
- end)
- -- Notice that NULs are converted to SOH when the data is read back. This
- -- is inconsistent and is a good reason for the existence of the
- -- `systemlist()` function, where input and output map to the same
- -- characters(see the following tests with `systemlist()` below)
- describe('with linefeed characters inside List items', function()
- it('converts linefeed characters to NULs', function()
- eq(
- 'l1\001p2\nline2\001a\001b\nl3',
- eval([[system('cat -', ["l1\np2", "line2\na\nb", 'l3'])]])
- )
- end)
- end)
- describe('with leading/trailing whitespace characters on items', function()
- it('preserves whitespace, replacing linefeeds by NULs', function()
- eq(
- 'line \nline2\001\n\001line3',
- eval([[system('cat -', ['line ', "line2\n", "\nline3"])]])
- )
- end)
- end)
- end)
- it("with a program that doesn't close stdout will exit properly after passing input", function()
- local out = eval(string.format("system('%s', 'clip-data')", testprg('streams-test')))
- assert(out:sub(0, 5) == 'pid: ', out)
- eq(0, vim.uv.kill(assert(tonumber(out:match('%d+'))), 'sigkill'))
- end)
- end)
- describe('systemlist()', function()
- -- Similar to `system()`, but returns List instead of String.
- before_each(clear)
- it('sets v:shell_error', function()
- if is_os('win') then
- eval([[systemlist("cmd.exe /c exit")]])
- eq(0, eval('v:shell_error'))
- eval([[systemlist("cmd.exe /c exit 1")]])
- eq(1, eval('v:shell_error'))
- eval([[systemlist("cmd.exe /c exit 5")]])
- eq(5, eval('v:shell_error'))
- eval([[systemlist('this-should-not-exist')]])
- eq(1, eval('v:shell_error'))
- else
- eval([[systemlist("sh -c 'exit'")]])
- eq(0, eval('v:shell_error'))
- eval([[systemlist("sh -c 'exit 1'")]])
- eq(1, eval('v:shell_error'))
- eval([[systemlist("sh -c 'exit 5'")]])
- eq(5, eval('v:shell_error'))
- eval([[systemlist('this-should-not-exist')]])
- eq(127, eval('v:shell_error'))
- end
- end)
- describe('executes shell function', function()
- local screen
- before_each(function()
- screen = Screen.new()
- end)
- it('`echo` and waits for its return', function()
- feed(':call systemlist("echo")<cr>')
- screen:expect([[
- ^ |
- {1:~ }|*12
- :call systemlist("echo") |
- ]])
- end)
- it('`yes` interrupted with CTRL-C', function()
- feed(':call systemlist("yes | xargs")<cr>')
- screen:expect([[
- |
- {1:~ }|*12
- :call systemlist("yes | xargs") |
- ]])
- feed('<c-c>')
- screen:expect([[
- ^ |
- {1:~ }|*12
- Type :qa and press <Enter> to exit Nvim |
- ]])
- end)
- end)
- describe('passing string with linefeed characters as input', function()
- it('splits the output on linefeed characters', function()
- eq({ 'abc', 'def', 'ghi' }, eval([[systemlist("cat -", "abc\ndef\nghi")]]))
- end)
- end)
- describe('passing a lot of input', function()
- it('returns the program output', function()
- local input = {}
- for _ = 1, 0xffff do
- input[#input + 1] = '01234567890ABCDEFabcdef'
- end
- api.nvim_set_var('input', input)
- eq(input, eval('systemlist("cat -", g:input)'))
- end)
- end)
- describe('with output containing NULs', function()
- local fname = 'Xtest_functional_vimscript_systemlist_nuls'
- before_each(function()
- command('set ff=unix')
- create_file_with_nuls(fname)()
- end)
- after_each(delete_file(fname))
- it('replaces NULs by newline characters', function()
- eq({ 'part1\npart2\npart3' }, eval([[systemlist('"cat" "]] .. fname .. [["')]]))
- end)
- end)
- describe('input passed as List', function()
- it('joins list items with linefeed characters', function()
- eq({ 'line1', 'line2', 'line3' }, eval("systemlist('cat -', ['line1', 'line2', 'line3'])"))
- end)
- -- Unlike `system()` which uses SOH to represent NULs, with `systemlist()`
- -- input and output are the same.
- describe('with linefeed characters inside list items', function()
- it('converts linefeed characters to NULs', function()
- eq(
- { 'l1\np2', 'line2\na\nb', 'l3' },
- eval([[systemlist('cat -', ["l1\np2", "line2\na\nb", 'l3'])]])
- )
- end)
- end)
- describe('with leading/trailing whitespace characters on items', function()
- it('preserves whitespace, replacing linefeeds by NULs', function()
- eq(
- { 'line ', 'line2\n', '\nline3' },
- eval([[systemlist('cat -', ['line ', "line2\n", "\nline3"])]])
- )
- end)
- end)
- end)
- describe('handles empty lines', function()
- it('in the middle', function()
- eq({ 'line one', '', 'line two' }, eval("systemlist('cat',['line one','','line two'])"))
- end)
- it('in the beginning', function()
- eq({ '', 'line one', 'line two' }, eval("systemlist('cat',['','line one','line two'])"))
- end)
- end)
- describe('when keepempty option is', function()
- it('0, ignores trailing newline', function()
- eq({ 'aa', 'bb' }, eval("systemlist('cat',['aa','bb'],0)"))
- eq({ 'aa', 'bb' }, eval("systemlist('cat',['aa','bb',''],0)"))
- end)
- it('1, preserves trailing newline', function()
- eq({ 'aa', 'bb' }, eval("systemlist('cat',['aa','bb'],1)"))
- eq({ 'aa', 'bb', '' }, eval("systemlist('cat',['aa','bb',''],2)"))
- end)
- end)
- it("with a program that doesn't close stdout will exit properly after passing input", function()
- local out = eval(string.format("systemlist('%s', 'clip-data')", testprg('streams-test')))
- assert(out[1]:sub(0, 5) == 'pid: ', out)
- eq(0, vim.uv.kill(assert(tonumber(out[1]:match('%d+'))), 'sigkill'))
- end)
- it('powershell w/ UTF-8 text #13713', function()
- if not n.has_powershell() then
- pending('powershell not found', function() end)
- return
- end
- n.set_shell_powershell()
- eq({ is_os('win') and 'あ\r' or 'あ' }, eval([[systemlist('Write-Output あ')]]))
- -- Sanity test w/ default encoding
- -- * on Windows, expected to default to Western European enc
- -- * on Linux, expected to default to UTF8
- command([[let &shellcmdflag = '-NoLogo -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Command ']])
- eq({ is_os('win') and '?\r' or 'あ' }, eval([[systemlist('Write-Output あ')]]))
- end)
- end)
- describe('shell :!', function()
- before_each(clear)
- it(':{range}! with powershell filter/redirect #16271 #19250', function()
- local screen = Screen.new(500, 8)
- local found = n.set_shell_powershell(true)
- insert([[
- 3
- 1
- 4
- 2]])
- if is_os('win') then
- feed(':4verbose %!sort /R<cr>')
- screen:expect {
- any = [[Executing command: .?& { Get%-Content .* | & sort /R } 2>&1 | %%{ "$_" } | Out%-File .*; exit $LastExitCode"]],
- }
- else
- feed(':4verbose %!sort -r<cr>')
- screen:expect {
- any = [[Executing command: .?& { Get%-Content .* | & sort %-r } 2>&1 | %%{ "$_" } | Out%-File .*; exit $LastExitCode"]],
- }
- end
- feed('<CR>')
- if found then
- -- Not using fake powershell, so we can test the result.
- expect([[
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1]])
- end
- end)
- it(':{range}! without redirecting to buffer', function()
- local screen = Screen.new(500, 10)
- insert([[
- 3
- 1
- 4
- 2]])
- feed(':4verbose %w !sort<cr>')
- if is_os('win') then
- screen:expect {
- any = [[Executing command: .?sort %< .*]],
- }
- else
- screen:expect {
- any = [[Executing command: .?%(sort%) %< .*]],
- }
- end
- feed('<CR>')
- n.set_shell_powershell(true)
- feed(':4verbose %w !sort<cr>')
- screen:expect {
- any = [[Executing command: .?& { Get%-Content .* | & sort }]],
- }
- feed('<CR>')
- n.expect_exit(command, 'qall!')
- end)
- end)