123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592 |
- -- Test suite for testing luaeval() function
- local t = require('test.testutil')
- local n = require('test.functional.testnvim')()
- local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen')
- local pcall_err = t.pcall_err
- local exc_exec = n.exc_exec
- local remove_trace = t.remove_trace
- local exec_lua = n.exec_lua
- local command = n.command
- local api = n.api
- local fn = n.fn
- local clear = n.clear
- local eval = n.eval
- local feed = n.feed
- local assert_alive = n.assert_alive
- local NIL = vim.NIL
- local eq = t.eq
- before_each(clear)
- local function startswith(expected, actual)
- eq(expected, actual:sub(1, #expected))
- end
- describe('luaeval()', function()
- local nested_by_level = {}
- local nested = {}
- local nested_s = '{}'
- for i=1,100 do
- if i % 2 == 0 then
- nested = {nested}
- nested_s = '{' .. nested_s .. '}'
- else
- nested = {nested=nested}
- nested_s = '{nested=' .. nested_s .. '}'
- end
- nested_by_level[i] = {o=nested, s=nested_s}
- end
- describe('second argument', function()
- it('is successfully received', function()
- local q = {t=true, f=false, --[[n=NIL,]] d={l={'string', 42, 0.42}}}
- eq(q, fn.luaeval("_A", q))
- -- Not tested: nil, funcrefs, returned object identity: behaviour will
- -- most likely change.
- end)
- end)
- describe('lua values', function()
- it('are successfully transformed', function()
- eq({n=1, f=1.5, s='string', l={4, 2}},
- fn.luaeval('{n=1, f=1.5, s="string", l={4, 2}}'))
- -- Not tested: nil inside containers: behaviour will most likely change.
- eq(NIL, fn.luaeval('nil'))
- eq({['']=1}, fn.luaeval('{[""]=1}'))
- end)
- end)
- describe('recursive lua values', function()
- it('are successfully transformed', function()
- command('lua rawset(_G, "d", {})')
- command('lua rawset(d, "d", d)')
- eq('\n{\'d\': {...@0}}', fn.execute('echo luaeval("d")'))
- command('lua rawset(_G, "l", {})')
- command('lua table.insert(l, l)')
- eq('\n[[...@0]]', fn.execute('echo luaeval("l")'))
- end)
- end)
- describe('strings with NULs', function()
- it('are successfully converted to blobs', function()
- command([[let s = luaeval('"\0"')]])
- eq('\000', api.nvim_get_var('s'))
- end)
- it('are successfully converted to special dictionaries in table keys', function()
- command([[let d = luaeval('{["\0"]=1}')]])
- eq({_TYPE={}, _VAL={{'\000', 1}}}, api.nvim_get_var('d'))
- eq(1, fn.eval('d._TYPE is v:msgpack_types.map'))
- eq(eval('v:t_blob'), fn.eval('type(d._VAL[0][0])'))
- end)
- it('are successfully converted to blobs from a list', function()
- command([[let l = luaeval('{"abc", "a\0b", "c\0d", "def"}')]])
- eq({'abc', 'a\000b', 'c\000d', 'def'}, api.nvim_get_var('l'))
- end)
- end)
- -- Not checked: funcrefs converted to NIL. To be altered to something more
- -- meaningful later.
- it('correctly evaluates scalars', function()
- -- Also test method call (->) syntax
- eq(1, fn.luaeval('1'))
- eq(0, eval('"1"->luaeval()->type()'))
- eq(1.5, fn.luaeval('1.5'))
- eq(5, eval('"1.5"->luaeval()->type()'))
- eq("test", fn.luaeval('"test"'))
- eq(1, eval('"\'test\'"->luaeval()->type()'))
- eq('', fn.luaeval('""'))
- eq('\000', fn.luaeval([['\0']]))
- eq('\000\n\000', fn.luaeval([['\0\n\0']]))
- eq(10, eval([[type(luaeval("'\\0\\n\\0'"))]]))
- eq(true, fn.luaeval('true'))
- eq(false, fn.luaeval('false'))
- eq(NIL, fn.luaeval('nil'))
- end)
- it('correctly evaluates containers', function()
- eq({}, fn.luaeval('{}'))
- eq(3, eval('type(luaeval("{}"))'))
- eq({test=1, foo=2}, fn.luaeval('{test=1, foo=2}'))
- eq(4, eval('type(luaeval("{test=1, foo=2}"))'))
- eq({4, 2}, fn.luaeval('{4, 2}'))
- eq(3, eval('type(luaeval("{4, 2}"))'))
- eq({NIL, 20}, fn.luaeval('{[2] = 20}'))
- eq(3, eval('type(luaeval("{[2] = 20}"))'))
- eq({10, NIL, 30}, fn.luaeval('{[1] = 10, [3] = 30}'))
- eq(3, eval('type(luaeval("{[1] = 10, [3] = 30}"))'))
- local level = 30
- eq(nested_by_level[level].o, fn.luaeval(nested_by_level[level].s))
- eq({_TYPE={}, _VAL={{'\000\n\000', '\000\n\000\000'}}},
- fn.luaeval([[{['\0\n\0']='\0\n\0\0'}]]))
- eq(1, eval([[luaeval('{["\0\n\0"]="\0\n\0\0"}')._TYPE is v:msgpack_types.map]]))
- eq(eval("v:t_blob"), eval([[type(luaeval('{["\0\n\0"]="\0\n\0\0"}')._VAL[0][0])]]))
- eq({nested={{_TYPE={}, _VAL={{'\000\n\000', '\000\n\000\000'}}}}},
- fn.luaeval([[{nested={{['\0\n\0']='\0\n\0\0'}}}]]))
- end)
- it('correctly passes scalars as argument', function()
- eq(1, fn.luaeval('_A', 1))
- eq(1.5, fn.luaeval('_A', 1.5))
- eq('', fn.luaeval('_A', ''))
- eq('test', fn.luaeval('_A', 'test'))
- eq(NIL, fn.luaeval('_A', NIL))
- eq(true, fn.luaeval('_A', true))
- eq(false, fn.luaeval('_A', false))
- end)
- it('correctly passes containers as argument', function()
- eq({}, fn.luaeval('_A', {}))
- eq({test=1}, fn.luaeval('_A', {test=1}))
- eq({4, 2}, fn.luaeval('_A', {4, 2}))
- local level = 28
- eq(nested_by_level[level].o, fn.luaeval('_A', nested_by_level[level].o))
- end)
- local function sp(typ, val)
- return ('{"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.%s, "_VAL": %s}'):format(typ, val)
- end
- local function mapsp(...)
- local val = ''
- for i=1,(select('#', ...)/2) do
- val = ('%s[%s,%s],'):format(val, select(i * 2 - 1, ...),
- select(i * 2, ...))
- end
- return sp('map', '[' .. val .. ']')
- end
- local function luaevalarg(argexpr, expr)
- return eval((([=[
- [
- extend(g:, {'_ret': luaeval(%s, %s)})._ret,
- type(g:_ret)==type({})&&has_key(g:_ret, '_TYPE')
- ? [
- get(keys(filter(copy(v:msgpack_types), 'v:val is g:_ret._TYPE')), 0,
- g:_ret._TYPE),
- get(g:_ret, '_VAL', g:_ret)
- ]
- : [0, g:_ret]][1]
- ]=]):format(expr or '"_A"', argexpr):gsub('\n', '')))
- end
- it('correctly passes special dictionaries', function()
- eq({0, '\000\n\000'}, luaevalarg(sp('string', '["\\n", "\\n"]')))
- eq({0, true}, luaevalarg(sp('boolean', 1)))
- eq({0, false}, luaevalarg(sp('boolean', 0)))
- eq({0, NIL}, luaevalarg(sp('nil', 0)))
- eq({0, {[""]=""}}, luaevalarg(mapsp(sp('string', '[""]'), '""')))
- end)
- it('issues an error in some cases', function()
- eq("Vim(call):E5100: Cannot convert given Lua table: table should contain either only integer keys or only string keys",
- exc_exec('call luaeval("{1, foo=2}")'))
- startswith("Vim(call):E5107: Error loading lua [string \"luaeval()\"]:",
- exc_exec('call luaeval("1, 2, 3")'))
- startswith("Vim(call):E5108: Error executing lua [string \"luaeval()\"]:",
- exc_exec('call luaeval("(nil)()")'))
- end)
- it('should handle sending lua functions to viml', function()
- eq(true, exec_lua [[
- can_pass_lua_callback_to_vim_from_lua_result = nil
- vim.fn.call(function()
- can_pass_lua_callback_to_vim_from_lua_result = true
- end, {})
- return can_pass_lua_callback_to_vim_from_lua_result
- ]])
- end)
- it('run functions even in timers', function()
- eq(true, exec_lua [[
- can_pass_lua_callback_to_vim_from_lua_result = nil
- vim.fn.timer_start(50, function()
- can_pass_lua_callback_to_vim_from_lua_result = true
- end)
- vim.wait(1000, function()
- return can_pass_lua_callback_to_vim_from_lua_result
- end)
- return can_pass_lua_callback_to_vim_from_lua_result
- ]])
- end)
- it('can run named functions more than once', function()
- eq(5, exec_lua [[
- count_of_vals = 0
- vim.fn.timer_start(5, function()
- count_of_vals = count_of_vals + 1
- end, {['repeat'] = 5})
- vim.fn.wait(1000, function()
- return count_of_vals >= 5
- end)
- return count_of_vals
- ]])
- end)
- it('can handle clashing names', function()
- eq(1, exec_lua [[
- local f_loc = function() return 1 end
- local result = nil
- vim.fn.timer_start(100, function()
- result = f_loc()
- end)
- local f_loc = function() return 2 end
- vim.wait(1000, function() return result ~= nil end)
- return result
- ]])
- end)
- it('can handle functions with errors', function()
- eq(true, exec_lua [[
- vim.fn.timer_start(10, function()
- error("dead function")
- end)
- vim.wait(1000, function() return false end)
- return true
- ]])
- end)
- it('should handle passing functions around', function()
- command [[
- function VimCanCallLuaCallbacks(Concat, Cb)
- let message = a:Concat("Hello Vim", "I'm Lua")
- call a:Cb(message)
- endfunction
- ]]
- eq("Hello Vim I'm Lua", exec_lua [[
- can_pass_lua_callback_to_vim_from_lua_result = ""
- vim.fn.VimCanCallLuaCallbacks(
- function(greeting, message) return greeting .. " " .. message end,
- function(message) can_pass_lua_callback_to_vim_from_lua_result = message end
- )
- return can_pass_lua_callback_to_vim_from_lua_result
- ]])
- end)
- it('should handle funcrefs', function()
- command [[
- function VimCanCallLuaCallbacks(Concat, Cb)
- let message = a:Concat("Hello Vim", "I'm Lua")
- call a:Cb(message)
- endfunction
- ]]
- eq("Hello Vim I'm Lua", exec_lua [[
- can_pass_lua_callback_to_vim_from_lua_result = ""
- vim.funcref('VimCanCallLuaCallbacks')(
- function(greeting, message) return greeting .. " " .. message end,
- function(message) can_pass_lua_callback_to_vim_from_lua_result = message end
- )
- return can_pass_lua_callback_to_vim_from_lua_result
- ]])
- end)
- it('should work with metatables using __call', function()
- eq(1, exec_lua [[
- local this_is_local_variable = false
- local callable_table = setmetatable({x = 1}, {
- __call = function(t, ...)
- this_is_local_variable = t.x
- end
- })
- vim.fn.timer_start(5, callable_table)
- vim.wait(1000, function()
- return this_is_local_variable
- end)
- return this_is_local_variable
- ]])
- end)
- it('should handle being called from a timer once.', function()
- eq(3, exec_lua [[
- local this_is_local_variable = false
- local callable_table = setmetatable({5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, {
- __call = function(t, ...) this_is_local_variable = t[3] end
- })
- vim.fn.timer_start(5, callable_table)
- vim.wait(1000, function()
- return this_is_local_variable
- end)
- return this_is_local_variable
- ]])
- end)
- it('should call functions once with __call metamethod', function()
- eq(true, exec_lua [[
- local this_is_local_variable = false
- local callable_table = setmetatable({a = true, b = false}, {
- __call = function(t, ...) this_is_local_variable = t.a end
- })
- assert(getmetatable(callable_table).__call)
- vim.fn.call(callable_table, {})
- return this_is_local_variable
- ]])
- end)
- it('should work with lists using __call', function()
- eq(3, exec_lua [[
- local this_is_local_variable = false
- local mt = {
- __call = function(t, ...)
- this_is_local_variable = t[3]
- end
- }
- local callable_table = setmetatable({5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, mt)
- -- Call it once...
- vim.fn.timer_start(5, callable_table)
- vim.wait(1000, function()
- return this_is_local_variable
- end)
- assert(this_is_local_variable)
- this_is_local_variable = false
- vim.fn.timer_start(5, callable_table)
- vim.wait(1000, function()
- return this_is_local_variable
- end)
- return this_is_local_variable
- ]])
- end)
- it('should not work with tables not using __call', function()
- eq({false, 'Vim:E921: Invalid callback argument'}, exec_lua [[
- local this_is_local_variable = false
- local callable_table = setmetatable({x = 1}, {})
- return {pcall(function() vim.fn.timer_start(5, callable_table) end)}
- ]])
- end)
- it('correctly converts containers with type_idx', function()
- eq(5, eval('type(luaeval("{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.float, [vim.val_idx]=0}"))'))
- eq(4, eval([[type(luaeval('{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.dictionary}'))]]))
- eq(3, eval([[type(luaeval('{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.array}'))]]))
- eq({}, fn.luaeval('{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.array}'))
- -- Presence of type_idx makes Vim ignore some keys
- eq({42}, fn.luaeval('{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.array, [vim.val_idx]=10, [5]=1, foo=2, [1]=42}'))
- eq({foo=2}, fn.luaeval('{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.dictionary, [vim.val_idx]=10, [5]=1, foo=2, [1]=42}'))
- eq(10, fn.luaeval('{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.float, [vim.val_idx]=10, [5]=1, foo=2, [1]=42}'))
- -- The following should not crash
- eq({}, fn.luaeval('{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.dictionary}'))
- end)
- it('correctly converts self-containing containers', function()
- api.nvim_set_var('l', {})
- eval('add(l, l)')
- eq(true, eval('luaeval("_A == _A[1]", l)'))
- eq(true, eval('luaeval("_A[1] == _A[1][1]", [l])'))
- eq(true, eval('luaeval("_A.d == _A.d[1]", {"d": l})'))
- eq(true, eval('luaeval("_A ~= _A[1]", [l])'))
- api.nvim_set_var('d', {foo=42})
- eval('extend(d, {"d": d})')
- eq(true, eval('luaeval("_A == _A.d", d)'))
- eq(true, eval('luaeval("_A[1] == _A[1].d", [d])'))
- eq(true, eval('luaeval("_A.d == _A.d.d", {"d": d})'))
- eq(true, eval('luaeval("_A ~= _A.d", {"d": d})'))
- end)
- it('errors out correctly when doing incorrect things in lua', function()
- -- Conversion errors
- eq('Vim(call):E5108: Error executing lua [string "luaeval()"]:1: attempt to call field \'xxx_nonexistent_key_xxx\' (a nil value)',
- remove_trace(exc_exec([[call luaeval("vim.xxx_nonexistent_key_xxx()")]])))
- eq('Vim(call):E5108: Error executing lua [string "luaeval()"]:1: ERROR',
- remove_trace(exc_exec([[call luaeval("error('ERROR')")]])))
- eq('Vim(call):E5108: Error executing lua [NULL]',
- remove_trace(exc_exec([[call luaeval("error(nil)")]])))
- end)
- it('does not leak memory when called with too long line',
- function()
- local s = ('x'):rep(65536)
- eq('Vim(call):E5107: Error loading lua [string "luaeval()"]:1: unexpected symbol near \')\'',
- exc_exec([[call luaeval("(']] .. s ..[[' + )")]]))
- eq(s, fn.luaeval('"' .. s .. '"'))
- end)
- end)
- describe('v:lua', function()
- before_each(function()
- exec_lua([[
- function _G.foo(a,b,n)
- _G.val = n
- return a+b
- end
- mymod = {}
- function mymod.noisy(name)
- vim.api.nvim_set_current_line("hey "..name)
- end
- function mymod.crashy()
- nonexistent()
- end
- function mymod.whatis(value)
- return type(value) .. ": " .. tostring(value)
- end
- function mymod.omni(findstart, base)
- if findstart == 1 then
- return 5
- else
- if base == 'st' then
- return {'stuff', 'steam', 'strange things'}
- end
- end
- end
- ]])
- end)
- it('works in expressions', function()
- eq(7, eval('v:lua.foo(3,4,v:null)'))
- eq(true, exec_lua([[return _G.val == vim.NIL]]))
- eq(NIL, eval('v:lua.mymod.noisy("eval")'))
- eq("hey eval", api.nvim_get_current_line())
- eq("string: abc", eval('v:lua.mymod.whatis(0z616263)'))
- eq("string: ", eval('v:lua.mymod.whatis(v:_null_blob)'))
- eq("Vim:E5108: Error executing lua [string \"<nvim>\"]:0: attempt to call global 'nonexistent' (a nil value)",
- pcall_err(eval, 'v:lua.mymod.crashy()'))
- end)
- it('works when called as a method', function()
- eq(123, eval('110->v:lua.foo(13)'))
- eq(true, exec_lua([[return _G.val == nil]]))
- eq(321, eval('300->v:lua.foo(21, "boop")'))
- eq("boop", exec_lua([[return _G.val]]))
- eq(NIL, eval('"there"->v:lua.mymod.noisy()'))
- eq("hey there", api.nvim_get_current_line())
- eq({5, 10, 15, 20}, eval('[[1], [2, 3], [4]]->v:lua.vim.tbl_flatten()->map({_, v -> v * 5})'))
- eq("Vim:E5108: Error executing lua [string \"<nvim>\"]:0: attempt to call global 'nonexistent' (a nil value)",
- pcall_err(eval, '"huh?"->v:lua.mymod.crashy()'))
- end)
- it('works in :call', function()
- command(":call v:lua.mymod.noisy('command')")
- eq("hey command", api.nvim_get_current_line())
- eq("Vim(call):E5108: Error executing lua [string \"<nvim>\"]:0: attempt to call global 'nonexistent' (a nil value)",
- pcall_err(command, 'call v:lua.mymod.crashy()'))
- end)
- it('works in func options', function()
- local screen = Screen.new(60, 8)
- api.nvim_set_option_value('omnifunc', 'v:lua.mymod.omni', {})
- feed('isome st<c-x><c-o>')
- screen:expect{grid=[[
- some stuff^ |
- {1:~ }{12: stuff }{1: }|
- {1:~ }{4: steam }{1: }|
- {1:~ }{4: strange things }{1: }|
- {1:~ }|*3
- {5:-- Omni completion (^O^N^P) }{6:match 1 of 3} |
- ]]}
- api.nvim_set_option_value('operatorfunc', 'v:lua.mymod.noisy', {})
- feed('<Esc>g@g@')
- eq("hey line", api.nvim_get_current_line())
- end)
- it('supports packages', function()
- command('set pp+=test/functional/fixtures')
- eq('\tbadval', eval("v:lua.require'leftpad'('badval')"))
- eq(9003, eval("v:lua.require'bar'.doit()"))
- eq(9004, eval("v:lua.require'baz-quux'.doit()"))
- eq(9003, eval("1 ? v:lua.require'bar'.doit() : v:lua.require'baz-quux'.doit()"))
- eq(9004, eval("0 ? v:lua.require'bar'.doit() : v:lua.require'baz-quux'.doit()"))
- end)
- it('throw errors for invalid use', function()
- eq([[Vim(let):E15: Invalid expression: "v:lua.func"]], pcall_err(command, "let g:Func = v:lua.func"))
- eq([[Vim(let):E15: Invalid expression: "v:lua"]], pcall_err(command, "let g:Func = v:lua"))
- eq([[Vim(let):E15: Invalid expression: "v:['lua']"]], pcall_err(command, "let g:Func = v:['lua']"))
- eq([[Vim:E15: Invalid expression: "v:['lua'].foo()"]], pcall_err(eval, "v:['lua'].foo()"))
- eq("Vim(call):E461: Illegal variable name: v:['lua']", pcall_err(command, "call v:['lua'].baar()"))
- eq("Vim:E1085: Not a callable type: v:lua", pcall_err(eval, "v:lua()"))
- eq("Vim(let):E46: Cannot change read-only variable \"v:['lua']\"", pcall_err(command, "let v:['lua'] = 'xx'"))
- eq("Vim(let):E46: Cannot change read-only variable \"v:lua\"", pcall_err(command, "let v:lua = 'xx'"))
- eq("Vim:E107: Missing parentheses: v:lua.func", pcall_err(eval, "'bad'->v:lua.func"))
- eq("Vim:E274: No white space allowed before parenthesis", pcall_err(eval, "'bad'->v:lua.func ()"))
- eq("Vim:E107: Missing parentheses: v:lua", pcall_err(eval, "'bad'->v:lua"))
- eq("Vim:E1085: Not a callable type: v:lua", pcall_err(eval, "'bad'->v:lua()"))
- eq([[Vim:E15: Invalid expression: "v:lua.()"]], pcall_err(eval, "'bad'->v:lua.()"))
- eq("Vim:E1085: Not a callable type: v:lua", pcall_err(eval, "v:lua()"))
- eq([[Vim:E15: Invalid expression: "v:lua.()"]], pcall_err(eval, "v:lua.()"))
- end)
- describe('invalid use in fold text', function()
- before_each(function()
- feed('ifoo<CR>bar<Esc>')
- command('1,2fold')
- end)
- it('with missing function name when used as simple function', function()
- api.nvim_set_option_value('debug', 'throw', {})
- eq(
- [[Vim(eval):E15: Invalid expression: "v:lua.()"]],
- pcall_err(command, 'set foldtext=v:lua.() | eval foldtextresult(1)')
- )
- end)
- it('with missing function name when used in expression', function()
- api.nvim_set_option_value('debug', 'throw', {})
- eq(
- [[Vim(eval):E15: Invalid expression: "+v:lua.()"]],
- pcall_err(command, 'set foldtext=+v:lua.() | eval foldtextresult(1)')
- )
- end)
- it('with non-existent function when used as simple function', function()
- command('set foldtext=v:lua.NoSuchFunc() | eval foldtextresult(1)')
- assert_alive()
- end)
- it('with non-existent function when used in expression', function()
- command('set foldtext=+v:lua.NoSuchFunc() | eval foldtextresult(1)')
- assert_alive()
- end)
- end)
- end)