123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438 |
- -- Insert-mode tests.
- local t = require('test.testutil')
- local n = require('test.functional.testnvim')()
- local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen')
- local clear, feed, insert = n.clear, n.feed, n.insert
- local expect = n.expect
- local command = n.command
- local eq = t.eq
- local eval = n.eval
- local curbuf_contents = n.curbuf_contents
- local api = n.api
- describe('insert-mode', function()
- before_each(function()
- clear()
- end)
- it('indents only once after "!" keys #12894', function()
- command('let counter = []')
- command('set indentexpr=len(add(counter,0))')
- feed('i<C-F>x')
- eq(' x', curbuf_contents())
- end)
- it('CTRL-@', function()
- -- Inserts last-inserted text, leaves insert-mode.
- insert('hello')
- feed('i<C-@>x')
- expect('hellhello')
- -- C-Space is the same as C-@.
- -- CTRL-SPC inserts last-inserted text, leaves insert-mode.
- feed('i<C-Space>x')
- expect('hellhellhello')
- -- CTRL-A inserts last inserted text
- feed('i<C-A>x')
- expect('hellhellhellhelloxo')
- end)
- describe('Ctrl-R', function()
- it('works', function()
- command("let @@ = 'test'")
- feed('i<C-r>"')
- expect('test')
- end)
- it('works with multi-byte text', function()
- command("let @@ = 'påskägg'")
- feed('i<C-r>"')
- expect('påskägg')
- end)
- it('double quote is removed after hit-enter prompt #22609', function()
- local screen = Screen.new(50, 6)
- feed('i<C-R>')
- screen:expect([[
- {18:^"} |
- {1:~ }|*4
- {5:-- INSERT --} |
- ]])
- feed("=function('add')")
- screen:expect([[
- {18:"} |
- {1:~ }|*4
- ={25:function}{16:(}{26:'add'}{16:)}^ |
- ]])
- feed('<CR>')
- screen:expect([[
- {18:"} |
- {1:~ }|
- {3: }|
- ={25:function}{16:(}{26:'add'}{16:)} |
- {9:E729: Using a Funcref as a String} |
- {6:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ |
- ]])
- feed('<CR>')
- screen:expect([[
- ^ |
- {1:~ }|*4
- {5:-- INSERT --} |
- ]])
- end)
- end)
- describe('Ctrl-O', function()
- it('enters command mode for one command', function()
- feed('ihello world<C-o>')
- feed(':let ctrlo = "test"<CR>')
- feed('iii')
- expect('hello worldiii')
- eq(1, eval('ctrlo ==# "test"'))
- end)
- it('re-enters insert mode at the end of the line when running startinsert', function()
- -- #6962
- feed('ihello world<C-o>')
- feed(':startinsert<CR>')
- feed('iii')
- expect('hello worldiii')
- end)
- it('re-enters insert mode at the beginning of the line when running startinsert', function()
- insert('hello world')
- feed('0<C-o>')
- feed(':startinsert<CR>')
- feed('aaa')
- expect('aaahello world')
- end)
- it('re-enters insert mode in the middle of the line when running startinsert', function()
- insert('hello world')
- feed('bi<C-o>')
- feed(':startinsert<CR>')
- feed('ooo')
- expect('hello oooworld')
- end)
- end)
- describe('Ctrl-V', function()
- it('supports entering the decimal value of a character', function()
- feed('i<C-V>076<C-V>167')
- expect('L§')
- end)
- it('supports entering the octal value of a character with "o"', function()
- feed('i<C-V>o114<C-V>o247<Esc>')
- expect('L§')
- end)
- it('supports entering the octal value of a character with "O"', function()
- feed('i<C-V>O114<C-V>O247<Esc>')
- expect('L§')
- end)
- it('supports entering the hexadecimal value of a character with "x"', function()
- feed('i<C-V>x4c<C-V>xA7<Esc>')
- expect('L§')
- end)
- it('supports entering the hexadecimal value of a character with "X"', function()
- feed('i<C-V>X4c<C-V>XA7<Esc>')
- expect('L§')
- end)
- it('supports entering the hexadecimal value of a character with "u"', function()
- feed('i<C-V>u25ba<C-V>u25C7<Esc>')
- expect('►◇')
- end)
- it('supports entering the hexadecimal value of a character with "U"', function()
- feed('i<C-V>U0001f600<C-V>U0001F601<Esc>')
- expect('😀😁')
- end)
- it('entering character by value is interrupted by invalid character', function()
- feed('i<C-V>76c<C-V>76<C-F2><C-V>u3c0j<C-V>u3c0<M-F3><C-V>U1f600j<C-V>U1f600<D-F4><Esc>')
- expect('LcL<C-F2>πjπ<M-F3>😀j😀<D-F4>')
- end)
- it('shows o, O, u, U, x, X, and digits with modifiers', function()
- feed('i<C-V><M-o><C-V><D-o><C-V><M-O><C-V><D-O><Esc>')
- expect('<M-o><D-o><M-O><D-O>')
- feed('cc<C-V><M-u><C-V><D-u><C-V><M-U><C-V><D-U><Esc>')
- expect('<M-u><D-u><M-U><D-U>')
- feed('cc<C-V><M-x><C-V><D-x><C-V><M-X><C-V><D-X><Esc>')
- expect('<M-x><D-x><M-X><D-X>')
- feed('cc<C-V><M-1><C-V><D-2><C-V><M-7><C-V><D-8><Esc>')
- expect('<M-1><D-2><M-7><D-8>')
- end)
- end)
- it('Ctrl-Shift-V supports entering unsimplified key notations', function()
- feed('i<C-S-V><C-J><C-S-V><C-@><C-S-V><C-[><C-S-V><C-S-M><C-S-V><M-C-I><C-S-V><C-D-J><Esc>')
- expect('<C-J><C-@><C-[><C-S-M><M-C-I><C-D-J>')
- end)
- it('multi-char mapping updates screen properly #25626', function()
- local screen = Screen.new(60, 6)
- command('vnew')
- insert('foo\nfoo\nfoo')
- command('wincmd w')
- command('set timeoutlen=10000')
- command('inoremap jk <Esc>')
- feed('i<CR>βββ<Left><Left>j')
- screen:expect {
- grid = [[
- foo │ |
- foo │β^jβ |
- foo │{1:~ }|
- {1:~ }│{1:~ }|
- {2:[No Name] [+] }{3:[No Name] [+] }|
- {5:-- INSERT --} |
- ]],
- }
- feed('k')
- screen:expect {
- grid = [[
- foo │ |
- foo │^βββ |
- foo │{1:~ }|
- {1:~ }│{1:~ }|
- {2:[No Name] [+] }{3:[No Name] [+] }|
- |
- ]],
- }
- end)
- describe('backspace', function()
- local function set_lines(line_b, line_e, ...)
- api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, line_b, line_e, true, { ... })
- end
- local function s(count)
- return (' '):rep(count)
- end
- local function test_cols(expected_cols)
- local cols = { { n.fn.col('.'), n.fn.virtcol('.') } }
- for _ = 2, #expected_cols do
- feed('<BS>')
- table.insert(cols, { n.fn.col('.'), n.fn.virtcol('.') })
- end
- eq(expected_cols, cols)
- end
- it('works with tabs and spaces', function()
- local _ = Screen.new(30, 2)
- command('setl ts=4 sw=4')
- set_lines(0, 1, '\t' .. s(4) .. '\t' .. s(9) .. '\t a')
- feed('$i')
- test_cols({
- { 18, 26 },
- { 17, 25 },
- { 15, 21 },
- { 11, 17 },
- { 7, 13 },
- { 6, 9 },
- { 2, 5 },
- { 1, 1 },
- })
- end)
- it('works with varsofttabstop', function()
- local _ = Screen.new(30, 2)
- command('setl vsts=6,2,5,3')
- set_lines(0, 1, 'a\t' .. s(4) .. '\t a')
- feed('$i')
- test_cols({
- { 9, 18 },
- { 8, 17 },
- { 8, 14 },
- { 3, 9 },
- { 7, 7 },
- { 2, 2 },
- { 1, 1 },
- })
- end)
- it('works with tab as ^I', function()
- local _ = Screen.new(30, 2)
- command('set list listchars=space:.')
- command('setl ts=4 sw=4')
- set_lines(0, 1, '\t' .. s(4) .. '\t' .. s(9) .. '\t a')
- feed('$i')
- test_cols({
- { 18, 21 },
- { 15, 17 },
- { 11, 13 },
- { 7, 9 },
- { 4, 5 },
- { 1, 1 },
- })
- end)
- it('works in replace mode', function()
- local _ = Screen.new(50, 2)
- command('setl ts=8 sw=8 sts=8')
- set_lines(0, 1, '\t' .. s(4) .. '\t' .. s(9) .. '\t a')
- feed('$R')
- test_cols({
- { 18, 34 },
- { 17, 33 },
- { 15, 25 },
- { 7, 17 },
- { 2, 9 },
- { 1, 8 }, -- last screen cell of first tab is at vcol 8
- })
- end)
- it('works with breakindent', function()
- local _ = Screen.new(17, 4)
- command('setl ts=4 sw=4 bri briopt=min:5')
- set_lines(0, 1, '\t' .. s(4) .. '\t' .. s(9) .. '\t a')
- feed('$i')
- test_cols({
- { 18, 50 },
- { 17, 49 },
- { 15, 33 },
- { 11, 17 },
- { 7, 13 },
- { 6, 9 },
- { 2, 5 },
- { 1, 1 },
- })
- end)
- it('works with inline virtual text', function()
- local _ = Screen.new(50, 2)
- command('setl ts=4 sw=4')
- set_lines(0, 1, '\t' .. s(4) .. '\t' .. s(9) .. '\t a')
- local ns = api.nvim_create_namespace('')
- local vt_opts = { virt_text = { { 'text' } }, virt_text_pos = 'inline' }
- api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(0, ns, 0, 2, vt_opts)
- feed('$i')
- test_cols({
- { 18, 30 },
- { 17, 29 },
- { 15, 25 },
- { 11, 21 },
- { 7, 17 },
- { 6, 13 },
- { 2, 9 },
- { 1, 5 },
- })
- end)
- it("works with 'revins'", function()
- local _ = Screen.new(30, 3)
- command('setl ts=4 sw=4 revins')
- set_lines(0, 1, ('a'):rep(16), s(3) .. '\t' .. s(4) .. '\t a')
- feed('j$i')
- test_cols({
- { 11, 14 },
- { 10, 13 },
- { 9, 9 },
- { 5, 5 },
- { 1, 1 },
- { 1, 1 }, -- backspace on empty line does nothing
- })
- eq(2, api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[1])
- end)
- end)
- it('backspace after replacing multibyte chars', function()
- local screen = Screen.new(30, 3)
- api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, true, { 'test ȧ̟̜̝̅̚m̆̉̐̐̇̈ å' })
- feed('^Rabcdefghi')
- screen:expect([[
- abcdefghi^ |
- {1:~ }|
- {5:-- REPLACE --} |
- ]])
- feed('<bs>')
- screen:expect([[
- abcdefgh^å |
- {1:~ }|
- {5:-- REPLACE --} |
- ]])
- feed('<bs>')
- screen:expect([[
- abcdefg^ å |
- {1:~ }|
- {5:-- REPLACE --} |
- ]])
- feed('<bs>')
- screen:expect([[
- abcdef^m̆̉̐̐̇̈ å |
- {1:~ }|
- {5:-- REPLACE --} |
- ]])
- feed('<bs>')
- screen:expect([[
- abcde^ȧ̟̜̝̅̚m̆̉̐̐̇̈ å |
- {1:~ }|
- {5:-- REPLACE --} |
- ]])
- feed('<bs>')
- screen:expect([[
- abcd^ ȧ̟̜̝̅̚m̆̉̐̐̇̈ å |
- {1:~ }|
- {5:-- REPLACE --} |
- ]])
- feed('<esc>')
- api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, true, { 'wow 🧑🌾🏳️⚧️x' })
- feed('^Rabcd')
- screen:expect([[
- abcd^🧑🌾🏳️⚧️x |
- {1:~ }|
- {5:-- REPLACE --} |
- ]])
- feed('e')
- screen:expect([[
- abcde^🏳️⚧️x |
- {1:~ }|
- {5:-- REPLACE --} |
- ]])
- feed('f')
- screen:expect([[
- abcdef^x |
- {1:~ }|
- {5:-- REPLACE --} |
- ]])
- feed('<bs>')
- screen:expect([[
- abcde^🏳️⚧️x |
- {1:~ }|
- {5:-- REPLACE --} |
- ]])
- feed('<bs>')
- screen:expect([[
- abcd^🧑🌾🏳️⚧️x |
- {1:~ }|
- {5:-- REPLACE --} |
- ]])
- feed('<bs>')
- screen:expect([[
- abc^ 🧑🌾🏳️⚧️x |
- {1:~ }|
- {5:-- REPLACE --} |
- ]])
- end)
- end)