123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809 |
- local api, fn = vim.api, vim.fn
- local M = {}
- --- Run a system command and timeout after 10 seconds.
- --- @param cmd string[]
- --- @param silent boolean?
- --- @param env? table<string,string|number>
- --- @return string
- local function system(cmd, silent, env)
- local r = vim.system(cmd, { env = env, timeout = 10000 }):wait()
- if not silent then
- if r.code ~= 0 then
- local cmd_str = table.concat(cmd, ' ')
- error(string.format("command error '%s': %s", cmd_str, r.stderr))
- end
- assert(r.stdout ~= '')
- end
- return assert(r.stdout)
- end
- --- @enum Man.Attribute
- local Attrs = {
- None = 0,
- Bold = 1,
- Underline = 2,
- Italic = 3,
- }
- --- @param line string
- --- @param row integer
- --- @param hls {attr:Man.Attribute,row:integer,start:integer,final:integer}[]
- --- @return string
- local function render_line(line, row, hls)
- --- @type string[]
- local chars = {}
- local prev_char = ''
- local overstrike, escape, osc8 = false, false, false
- local attr = Attrs.None
- local byte = 0 -- byte offset
- local hls_start = #hls + 1
- --- @param code integer
- local function add_attr_hl(code)
- local continue_hl = true
- if code == 0 then
- attr = Attrs.None
- continue_hl = false
- elseif code == 1 then
- attr = Attrs.Bold
- elseif code == 22 then
- attr = Attrs.Bold
- continue_hl = false
- elseif code == 3 then
- attr = Attrs.Italic
- elseif code == 23 then
- attr = Attrs.Italic
- continue_hl = false
- elseif code == 4 then
- attr = Attrs.Underline
- elseif code == 24 then
- attr = Attrs.Underline
- continue_hl = false
- else
- attr = Attrs.None
- return
- end
- if continue_hl then
- hls[#hls + 1] = { attr = attr, row = row, start = byte, final = -1 }
- else
- for _, a in pairs(attr == Attrs.None and Attrs or { attr }) do
- for i = hls_start, #hls do
- if hls[i].attr == a and hls[i].final == -1 then
- hls[i].final = byte
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Break input into UTF8 code points. ASCII code points (from 0x00 to 0x7f)
- -- can be represented in one byte. Any code point above that is represented by
- -- a leading byte (0xc0 and above) and continuation bytes (0x80 to 0xbf, or
- -- decimal 128 to 191).
- for char in line:gmatch('[^\128-\191][\128-\191]*') do
- if overstrike then
- local last_hl = hls[#hls]
- if char == prev_char then
- if char == '_' and attr == Attrs.Italic and last_hl and last_hl.final == byte then
- -- This underscore is in the middle of an italic word
- attr = Attrs.Italic
- else
- attr = Attrs.Bold
- end
- elseif prev_char == '_' then
- -- Even though underline is strictly what this should be. <bs>_ was used by nroff to
- -- indicate italics which wasn't possible on old typewriters so underline was used. Modern
- -- terminals now support italics so lets use that now.
- -- See:
- -- - https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/274658/purpose-of-ascii-text-with-overstriking-file-format/274795#274795
- -- - https://cmd.inp.nsk.su/old/cmd2/manuals/unix/UNIX_Unleashed/ch08.htm
- -- attr = Attrs.Underline
- attr = Attrs.Italic
- elseif prev_char == '+' and char == 'o' then
- -- bullet (overstrike text '+^Ho')
- attr = Attrs.Bold
- char = '·'
- elseif prev_char == '·' and char == 'o' then
- -- bullet (additional handling for '+^H+^Ho^Ho')
- attr = Attrs.Bold
- char = '·'
- else
- -- use plain char
- attr = Attrs.None
- end
- -- Grow the previous highlight group if possible
- if last_hl and last_hl.attr == attr and last_hl.final == byte then
- last_hl.final = byte + #char
- else
- hls[#hls + 1] = { attr = attr, row = row, start = byte, final = byte + #char }
- end
- overstrike = false
- prev_char = ''
- byte = byte + #char
- chars[#chars + 1] = char
- elseif osc8 then
- -- eat characters until String Terminator or bell
- if (prev_char == '\027' and char == '\\') or char == '\a' then
- osc8 = false
- end
- prev_char = char
- elseif escape then
- -- Use prev_char to store the escape sequence
- prev_char = prev_char .. char
- -- We only want to match against SGR sequences, which consist of ESC
- -- followed by '[', then a series of parameter and intermediate bytes in
- -- the range 0x20 - 0x3f, then 'm'. (See ECMA-48, sections 5.4 & 8.3.117)
- --- @type string?
- local sgr = prev_char:match('^%[([\032-\063]*)m$')
- -- Ignore escape sequences with : characters, as specified by ITU's T.416
- -- Open Document Architecture and interchange format.
- if sgr and not sgr:find(':') then
- local match --- @type string?
- while sgr and #sgr > 0 do
- -- Match against SGR parameters, which may be separated by ';'
- --- @type string?, string?
- match, sgr = sgr:match('^(%d*);?(.*)')
- add_attr_hl(match + 0) -- coerce to number
- end
- escape = false
- elseif prev_char == ']8;' then
- osc8 = true
- escape = false
- elseif not prev_char:match('^[][][\032-\063]*$') then
- -- Stop looking if this isn't a partial CSI or OSC sequence
- escape = false
- end
- elseif char == '\027' then
- escape = true
- prev_char = ''
- elseif char == '\b' then
- overstrike = true
- prev_char = chars[#chars]
- byte = byte - #prev_char
- chars[#chars] = nil
- else
- byte = byte + #char
- chars[#chars + 1] = char
- end
- end
- return table.concat(chars, '')
- end
- local HlGroups = {
- [Attrs.Bold] = 'manBold',
- [Attrs.Underline] = 'manUnderline',
- [Attrs.Italic] = 'manItalic',
- }
- local function highlight_man_page()
- local mod = vim.bo.modifiable
- vim.bo.modifiable = true
- local lines = api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, 0, -1, false)
- --- @type {attr:Man.Attribute,row:integer,start:integer,final:integer}[]
- local hls = {}
- for i, line in ipairs(lines) do
- lines[i] = render_line(line, i - 1, hls)
- end
- api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, false, lines)
- for _, hl in ipairs(hls) do
- if hl.attr ~= Attrs.None then
- --- @diagnostic disable-next-line: deprecated
- api.nvim_buf_add_highlight(0, -1, HlGroups[hl.attr], hl.row, hl.start, hl.final)
- end
- end
- vim.bo.modifiable = mod
- end
- --- @param name? string
- --- @param sect? string
- local function get_path(name, sect)
- name = name or ''
- sect = sect or ''
- -- Some man implementations (OpenBSD) return all available paths from the
- -- search command. Previously, this function would simply select the first one.
- --
- -- However, some searches will report matches that are incorrect:
- -- man -w strlen may return string.3 followed by strlen.3, and therefore
- -- selecting the first would get us the wrong page. Thus, we must find the
- -- first matching one.
- --
- -- There's yet another special case here. Consider the following:
- -- If you run man -w strlen and string.3 comes up first, this is a problem. We
- -- should search for a matching named one in the results list.
- -- However, if you search for man -w clock_gettime, you will *only* get
- -- clock_getres.2, which is the right page. Searching the results for
- -- clock_gettime will no longer work. In this case, we should just use the
- -- first one that was found in the correct section.
- --
- -- Finally, we can avoid relying on -S or -s here since they are very
- -- inconsistently supported. Instead, call -w with a section and a name.
- local cmd --- @type string[]
- if sect == '' then
- cmd = { 'man', '-w', name }
- else
- cmd = { 'man', '-w', sect, name }
- end
- local lines = system(cmd, true)
- local results = vim.split(lines, '\n', { trimempty = true })
- if #results == 0 then
- return
- end
- -- `man -w /some/path` will return `/some/path` for any existent file, which
- -- stops us from actually determining if a path has a corresponding man file.
- -- Since `:Man /some/path/to/man/file` isn't supported anyway, we should just
- -- error out here if we detect this is the case.
- if sect == '' and #results == 1 and results[1] == name then
- return
- end
- -- find any that match the specified name
- --- @param v string
- local namematches = vim.tbl_filter(function(v)
- local tail = fn.fnamemodify(v, ':t')
- return tail:find(name, 1, true) ~= nil
- end, results) or {}
- local sectmatches = {}
- if #namematches > 0 and sect ~= '' then
- --- @param v string
- sectmatches = vim.tbl_filter(function(v)
- return fn.fnamemodify(v, ':e') == sect
- end, namematches)
- end
- return (sectmatches[1] or namematches[1] or results[1]):gsub('\n+$', '')
- end
- --- Attempt to extract the name and sect out of 'name(sect)'
- --- otherwise just return the largest string of valid characters in ref
- --- @param ref string
- --- @return string? name
- --- @return string? sect
- --- @return string? err
- local function parse_ref(ref)
- if ref == '' or ref:sub(1, 1) == '-' then
- return nil, nil, ('invalid manpage reference "%s"'):format(ref)
- end
- -- match "<name>(<sect>)"
- -- note: name can contain spaces
- local name, sect = ref:match('([^()]+)%(([^()]+)%)')
- if name then
- -- see ':Man 3X curses' on why tolower.
- -- TODO(nhooyr) Not sure if this is portable across OSs
- -- but I have not seen a single uppercase section.
- return name, sect:lower()
- end
- name = ref:match('[^()]+')
- if not name then
- return nil, nil, ('invalid manpage reference "%s"'):format(ref)
- end
- return name
- end
- --- Attempts to find the path to a manpage based on the passed section and name.
- ---
- --- 1. If manpage could not be found with the given sect and name,
- --- then try all the sections in b:man_default_sects.
- --- 2. If it still could not be found, then we try again without a section.
- --- 3. If still not found but $MANSECT is set, then we try again with $MANSECT
- --- unset.
- --- 4. If a path still wasn't found, return nil.
- --- @param name string?
- --- @param sect string?
- --- @return string? path
- function M._find_path(name, sect)
- if sect and sect ~= '' then
- local ret = get_path(name, sect)
- if ret then
- return ret
- end
- end
- if vim.b.man_default_sects ~= nil then
- for sec in vim.gsplit(vim.b.man_default_sects, ',', { trimempty = true }) do
- local ret = get_path(name, sec)
- if ret then
- return ret
- end
- end
- end
- -- if none of the above worked, we will try with no section
- local ret = get_path(name)
- if ret then
- return ret
- end
- -- if that still didn't work, we will check for $MANSECT and try again with it
- -- unset
- if vim.env.MANSECT then
- --- @type string
- local mansect = vim.env.MANSECT
- vim.env.MANSECT = nil
- local res = get_path(name)
- vim.env.MANSECT = mansect
- if res then
- return res
- end
- end
- -- finally, if that didn't work, there is no hope
- return nil
- end
- --- Extracts the name/section from the 'path/name.sect', because sometimes the
- --- actual section is more specific than what we provided to `man`
- --- (try `:Man 3 App::CLI`). Also on linux, name seems to be case-insensitive.
- --- So for `:Man PRIntf`, we still want the name of the buffer to be 'printf'.
- --- @param path string
- --- @return string name
- --- @return string sect
- local function parse_path(path)
- local tail = fn.fnamemodify(path, ':t')
- if
- path:match('%.[glx]z$')
- or path:match('%.bz2$')
- or path:match('%.lzma$')
- or path:match('%.Z$')
- then
- tail = fn.fnamemodify(tail, ':r')
- end
- return tail:match('^(.+)%.([^.]+)$')
- end
- --- @return boolean
- local function find_man()
- if vim.bo.filetype == 'man' then
- return true
- end
- local win = 1
- while win <= fn.winnr('$') do
- local buf = fn.winbufnr(win)
- if vim.bo[buf].filetype == 'man' then
- vim.cmd(win .. 'wincmd w')
- return true
- end
- win = win + 1
- end
- return false
- end
- local function set_options()
- vim.bo.swapfile = false
- vim.bo.buftype = 'nofile'
- vim.bo.bufhidden = 'unload'
- vim.bo.modified = false
- vim.bo.readonly = true
- vim.bo.modifiable = false
- vim.bo.filetype = 'man'
- end
- --- Always use -l if possible. #6683
- --- @type boolean?
- local localfile_arg
- --- @param path string
- --- @param silent boolean?
- --- @return string
- local function get_page(path, silent)
- -- Disable hard-wrap by using a big $MANWIDTH (max 1000 on some systems #9065).
- -- Soft-wrap: ftplugin/man.lua sets wrap/breakindent/….
- -- Hard-wrap: driven by `man`.
- local manwidth --- @type integer|string
- if (vim.g.man_hardwrap or 1) ~= 1 then
- manwidth = 999
- elseif vim.env.MANWIDTH then
- manwidth = vim.env.MANWIDTH --- @type string|integer
- else
- manwidth = api.nvim_win_get_width(0) - vim.o.wrapmargin
- end
- if localfile_arg == nil then
- local mpath = get_path('man')
- -- Check for -l support.
- localfile_arg = (mpath and system({ 'man', '-l', mpath }, true) or '') ~= ''
- end
- local cmd = localfile_arg and { 'man', '-l', path } or { 'man', path }
- -- Force MANPAGER=cat to ensure Vim is not recursively invoked (by man-db).
- -- http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.editors.vim.devel/29085
- -- Set MAN_KEEP_FORMATTING so Debian man doesn't discard backspaces.
- return system(cmd, silent, {
- MANPAGER = 'cat',
- MANWIDTH = manwidth,
- })
- end
- --- @param path string
- --- @param psect string
- local function format_candidate(path, psect)
- if vim.endswith(path, '.pdf') or vim.endswith(path, '.in') then
- -- invalid extensions
- return ''
- end
- local name, sect = parse_path(path)
- if sect == psect then
- return name
- elseif sect:match(psect .. '.+$') then -- invalid extensions
- -- We include the section if the user provided section is a prefix
- -- of the actual section.
- return ('%s(%s)'):format(name, sect)
- end
- return ''
- end
- --- @param name string
- --- @param sect? string
- --- @return string[] paths
- --- @return string? err
- local function get_paths(name, sect)
- -- Try several sources for getting the list man directories:
- -- 1. `manpath -q`
- -- 2. `man -w` (works on most systems)
- -- 3. $MANPATH
- --
- -- Note we prefer `manpath -q` because `man -w`:
- -- - does not work on MacOS 14 and later.
- -- - only returns '/usr/bin/man' on MacOS 13 and earlier.
- --- @type string?
- local mandirs_raw = vim.F.npcall(system, { 'manpath', '-q' })
- or vim.F.npcall(system, { 'man', '-w' })
- or vim.env.MANPATH
- if not mandirs_raw then
- return {}, "Could not determine man directories from: 'man -w', 'manpath' or $MANPATH"
- end
- local mandirs = table.concat(vim.split(mandirs_raw, '[:\n]', { trimempty = true }), ',')
- sect = sect or ''
- --- @type string[]
- local paths = fn.globpath(mandirs, 'man[^\\/]*/' .. name .. '*.' .. sect .. '*', false, true)
- -- Prioritize the result from find_path as it obeys b:man_default_sects.
- local first = M._find_path(name, sect)
- if first then
- --- @param v string
- paths = vim.tbl_filter(function(v)
- return v ~= first
- end, paths)
- table.insert(paths, 1, first)
- end
- return paths
- end
- --- @param arg_lead string
- --- @param cmd_line string
- --- @return string? sect
- --- @return string? psect
- --- @return string? name
- local function parse_cmdline(arg_lead, cmd_line)
- local args = vim.split(cmd_line, '%s+', { trimempty = true })
- local cmd_offset = fn.index(args, 'Man')
- if cmd_offset > 0 then
- -- Prune all arguments up to :Man itself. Otherwise modifier commands like
- -- :tab, :vertical, etc. would lead to a wrong length.
- args = vim.list_slice(args, cmd_offset + 1)
- end
- if #args > 3 then
- return
- end
- if #args == 1 then
- -- returning full completion is laggy. Require some arg_lead to complete
- -- return '', '', ''
- return
- end
- if arg_lead:match('^[^()]+%([^()]*$') then
- -- cursor (|) is at ':Man printf(|' or ':Man 1 printf(|'
- -- The later is is allowed because of ':Man pri<TAB>'.
- -- It will offer 'priclass.d(1m)' even though section is specified as 1.
- local tmp = vim.split(arg_lead, '(', { plain = true })
- local name = tmp[1]
- -- See extract_sect_and_name_ref on why :lower()
- local sect = (tmp[2] or ''):lower()
- return sect, '', name
- end
- if not args[2]:match('^[^()]+$') then
- -- cursor (|) is at ':Man 3() |' or ':Man (3|' or ':Man 3() pri|'
- -- or ':Man 3() pri |'
- return
- end
- if #args == 2 then
- --- @type string, string
- local name, sect
- if arg_lead == '' then
- -- cursor (|) is at ':Man 1 |'
- name = ''
- sect = args[1]:lower()
- else
- -- cursor (|) is at ':Man pri|'
- if arg_lead:match('/') then
- -- if the name is a path, complete files
- -- TODO(nhooyr) why does this complete the last one automatically
- return fn.glob(arg_lead .. '*', false, true)
- end
- name = arg_lead
- sect = ''
- end
- return sect, sect, name
- end
- if not arg_lead:match('[^()]+$') then
- -- cursor (|) is at ':Man 3 printf |' or ':Man 3 (pr)i|'
- return
- end
- -- cursor (|) is at ':Man 3 pri|'
- local name, sect = arg_lead, args[2]:lower()
- return sect, sect, name
- end
- --- @param arg_lead string
- --- @param cmd_line string
- function M.man_complete(arg_lead, cmd_line)
- local sect, psect, name = parse_cmdline(arg_lead, cmd_line)
- if not (sect and psect and name) then
- return {}
- end
- local pages = get_paths(name, sect)
- -- We check for duplicates in case the same manpage in different languages
- -- was found.
- local pages_fmt = {} --- @type string[]
- local pages_fmt_keys = {} --- @type table<string,true>
- for _, v in ipairs(pages) do
- local x = format_candidate(v, psect)
- local xl = x:lower() -- ignore case when searching avoiding duplicates
- if not pages_fmt_keys[xl] then
- pages_fmt[#pages_fmt + 1] = x
- pages_fmt_keys[xl] = true
- end
- end
- table.sort(pages_fmt)
- return pages_fmt
- end
- --- @param pattern string
- --- @return {name:string,filename:string,cmd:string}[]
- function M.goto_tag(pattern, _, _)
- local name, sect, err = parse_ref(pattern)
- if err then
- error(err)
- end
- local paths, err2 = get_paths(assert(name), sect)
- if err2 then
- error(err2)
- end
- --- @type table[]
- local ret = {}
- for _, path in ipairs(paths) do
- local pname, psect = parse_path(path)
- ret[#ret + 1] = {
- name = pname,
- filename = ('man://%s(%s)'):format(pname, psect),
- cmd = '1',
- }
- end
- return ret
- end
- --- Called when Nvim is invoked as $MANPAGER.
- function M.init_pager()
- if fn.getline(1):match('^%s*$') then
- api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, 1, false, {})
- else
- vim.cmd('keepjumps 1')
- end
- highlight_man_page()
- -- Guess the ref from the heading (which is usually uppercase, so we cannot
- -- know the correct casing, cf. `man glDrawArraysInstanced`).
- --- @type string
- local ref = (fn.getline(1):match('^[^)]+%)') or ''):gsub(' ', '_')
- local _, sect, err = pcall(parse_ref, ref)
- vim.b.man_sect = err ~= nil and sect or ''
- if not fn.bufname('%'):match('man://') then -- Avoid duplicate buffers, E95.
- vim.cmd.file({ 'man://' .. fn.fnameescape(ref):lower(), mods = { silent = true } })
- end
- set_options()
- end
- --- Combine the name and sect into a manpage reference so that all
- --- verification/extraction can be kept in a single function.
- --- @param args string[]
- --- @return string? ref
- local function ref_from_args(args)
- if #args <= 1 then
- return args[1]
- elseif args[1]:match('^%d$') or args[1]:match('^%d%a') or args[1]:match('^%a$') then
- -- NB: Valid sections are not only digits, but also:
- -- - <digit><word> (see POSIX mans),
- -- - and even <letter> and <word> (see, for example, by tcl/tk)
- -- NB2: don't optimize to :match("^%d"), as it will match manpages like
- -- 441toppm and others whose name starts with digit
- local sect = args[1]
- table.remove(args, 1)
- local name = table.concat(args, ' ')
- return ('%s(%s)'):format(name, sect)
- end
- return table.concat(args, ' ')
- end
- --- @param count integer
- --- @param args string[]
- --- @return string? err
- function M.open_page(count, smods, args)
- local ref = ref_from_args(args)
- if not ref then
- ref = vim.bo.filetype == 'man' and fn.expand('<cWORD>') or fn.expand('<cword>')
- if ref == '' then
- return 'no identifier under cursor'
- end
- end
- local name, sect, err = parse_ref(ref)
- if err then
- return err
- end
- assert(name)
- if count >= 0 then
- sect = tostring(count)
- end
- -- Try both spaces and underscores, use the first that exists.
- local path = M._find_path(name, sect)
- if not path then
- --- Replace spaces in a man page name with underscores
- --- intended for PostgreSQL, which has man pages like 'CREATE_TABLE(7)';
- --- while editing SQL source code, it's nice to visually select 'CREATE TABLE'
- --- and hit 'K', which requires this transformation
- path = M._find_path(name:gsub('%s', '_'), sect)
- if not path then
- return 'no manual entry for ' .. name
- end
- end
- name, sect = parse_path(path)
- local buf = api.nvim_get_current_buf()
- local save_tfu = vim.bo[buf].tagfunc
- vim.bo[buf].tagfunc = "v:lua.require'man'.goto_tag"
- local target = ('%s(%s)'):format(name, sect)
- local ok, ret = pcall(function()
- smods.silent = true
- smods.keepalt = true
- if smods.hide or (smods.tab == -1 and find_man()) then
- vim.cmd.tag({ target, mods = smods })
- else
- vim.cmd.stag({ target, mods = smods })
- end
- end)
- if api.nvim_buf_is_valid(buf) then
- vim.bo[buf].tagfunc = save_tfu
- end
- if not ok then
- error(ret)
- end
- set_options()
- vim.b.man_sect = sect
- end
- --- Called when a man:// buffer is opened.
- --- @return string? err
- function M.read_page(ref)
- local name, sect, err = parse_ref(ref)
- if err then
- return err
- end
- local path = M._find_path(name, sect)
- if not path then
- return 'no manual entry for ' .. name
- end
- local _, sect1 = parse_path(path)
- local page = get_page(path)
- vim.b.man_sect = sect1
- vim.bo.modifiable = true
- vim.bo.readonly = false
- vim.bo.swapfile = false
- api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, false, vim.split(page, '\n'))
- while fn.getline(1):match('^%s*$') do
- api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, 1, false, {})
- end
- -- XXX: nroff justifies text by filling it with whitespace. That interacts
- -- badly with our use of $MANWIDTH=999. Hack around this by using a fixed
- -- size for those whitespace regions.
- -- Use try/catch to avoid setting v:errmsg.
- vim.cmd([[
- try
- keeppatterns keepjumps %s/\s\{199,}/\=repeat(' ', 10)/g
- catch
- endtry
- ]])
- vim.cmd('1') -- Move cursor to first line
- highlight_man_page()
- set_options()
- end
- function M.show_toc()
- local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf()
- local bufname = api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr)
- local info = fn.getloclist(0, { winid = 1 })
- if info ~= '' and vim.w[info.winid].qf_toc == bufname then
- vim.cmd.lopen()
- return
- end
- --- @type {bufnr:integer, lnum:integer, text:string}[]
- local toc = {}
- local lnum = 2
- local last_line = fn.line('$') - 1
- while lnum and lnum < last_line do
- local text = fn.getline(lnum)
- if text:match('^%s+[-+]%S') or text:match('^ %S') or text:match('^%S') then
- toc[#toc + 1] = {
- bufnr = bufnr,
- lnum = lnum,
- text = text:gsub('^%s+', ''):gsub('%s+$', ''),
- }
- end
- lnum = fn.nextnonblank(lnum + 1)
- end
- fn.setloclist(0, toc, ' ')
- fn.setloclist(0, {}, 'a', { title = 'Table of contents' })
- vim.cmd.lopen()
- vim.w.qf_toc = bufname
- end
- return M