123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117 |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- (Not needed for LuaJIT or Lua 5.2+)
- --
- -- Coroutine safe xpcall and pcall versions
- --
- -- https://keplerproject.github.io/coxpcall/
- --
- -- Encapsulates the protected calls with a coroutine based loop, so errors can
- -- be dealed without the usual Lua 5.x pcall/xpcall issues with coroutines
- -- yielding inside the call to pcall or xpcall.
- --
- -- Authors: Roberto Ierusalimschy and Andre Carregal
- -- Contributors: Thomas Harning Jr., Ignacio Burgueño, Fabio Mascarenhas
- --
- -- Copyright 2005 - Kepler Project
- --
- -- $Id: coxpcall.lua,v 1.13 2008/05/19 19:20:02 mascarenhas Exp $
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Checks if (x)pcall function is coroutine safe
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function isCoroutineSafe(func)
- local co = coroutine.create(function()
- return func(coroutine.yield, function() end)
- end)
- coroutine.resume(co)
- return coroutine.resume(co)
- end
- -- No need to do anything if pcall and xpcall are already safe.
- if isCoroutineSafe(pcall) and isCoroutineSafe(xpcall) then
- _G.copcall = pcall
- _G.coxpcall = xpcall
- return { pcall = pcall, xpcall = xpcall, running = coroutine.running }
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Implements xpcall with coroutines
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---@diagnostic disable-next-line
- local performResume
- local oldpcall, oldxpcall = pcall, xpcall
- local pack = table.pack or function(...) return {n = select("#", ...), ...} end
- local unpack = table.unpack or unpack
- local running = coroutine.running
- --- @type table<thread,thread>
- local coromap = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" })
- local function handleReturnValue(err, co, status, ...)
- if not status then
- return false, err(debug.traceback(co, (...)), ...)
- end
- if coroutine.status(co) == 'suspended' then
- return performResume(err, co, coroutine.yield(...))
- else
- return true, ...
- end
- end
- function performResume(err, co, ...)
- return handleReturnValue(err, co, coroutine.resume(co, ...))
- end
- --- @diagnostic disable-next-line: unused-vararg
- local function id(trace, ...)
- return trace
- end
- function _G.coxpcall(f, err, ...)
- local current = running()
- if not current then
- if err == id then
- return oldpcall(f, ...)
- else
- if select("#", ...) > 0 then
- local oldf, params = f, pack(...)
- f = function() return oldf(unpack(params, 1, params.n)) end
- end
- return oldxpcall(f, err)
- end
- else
- local res, co = oldpcall(coroutine.create, f)
- if not res then
- local newf = function(...) return f(...) end
- co = coroutine.create(newf)
- end
- coromap[co] = current
- return performResume(err, co, ...)
- end
- end
- --- @param coro? thread
- local function corunning(coro)
- if coro ~= nil then
- assert(type(coro)=="thread", "Bad argument; expected thread, got: "..type(coro))
- else
- coro = running()
- end
- while coromap[coro] do
- coro = coromap[coro]
- end
- if coro == "mainthread" then return nil end
- return coro
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Implements pcall with coroutines
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function _G.copcall(f, ...)
- return coxpcall(f, id, ...)
- end
- return { pcall = copcall, xpcall = coxpcall, running = corunning }