12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061626364 |
- " Vim compiler file
- " Compiler: Pandoc
- " Maintainer: Konfekt
- " Last Change: 2024 Nov 19
- "
- " Expects output file extension, say `:make html` or `:make pdf`.
- " Passes additional arguments to pandoc, say `:make html --self-contained`.
- " Adjust command-line flags by buffer-local/global variable
- " b/g:pandoc_compiler_args which defaults to empty.
- if exists("current_compiler")
- finish
- endif
- let s:keepcpo = &cpo
- set cpo&vim
- let current_compiler = 'pandoc'
- " As of 2024-04-08 pandoc supports the following text input formats with
- " an ftplugin on Github:
- let s:supported_filetypes =
- \ [ 'bibtex', 'markdown', 'creole', 'json', 'csv', 'tsv', 'docbook',
- \ 'xml', 'fb2', 'html', 'jira', 'tex', 'mediawiki', 'nroff', 'org',
- \ 'rtf', 'rst', 't2t', 'textile', 'twiki', 'typst', 'vimwiki' ]
- " .. and out of those the following are included in Vim's runtime:
- " 'xml', 'tex', 'html', 'rst', 'json', 'nroff', 'markdown'
- silent! function s:PandocFiletype(filetype) abort
- let ft = a:filetype
- if ft ==# 'pandoc' | return 'markdown'
- elseif ft ==# 'tex' | return 'latex'
- " Pandoc does not support XML as a generic input format, but it does support
- " EndNote XML and Jats XML out of which the latter seems more universal.
- elseif ft ==# 'xml' | return 'jats'
- elseif ft ==# 'text' || empty(ft) | return 'markdown'
- elseif index(s:supported_filetypes, &ft) >= 0 | return ft
- else
- echomsg 'Unsupported filetype: '..ft..', falling back to Markdown as input format!'
- return 'markdown'
- endif
- endfunction
- silent! function s:PandocLang()
- let lang = get(b:, 'pandoc_compiler_lang',
- \ &spell ? matchstr(&spelllang, '^\a\a') : '')
- if lang ==# 'en' | let lang = '' | endif
- return empty(lang) ? '' : '--metadata lang='..lang
- endfunction
- execute 'CompilerSet makeprg=pandoc'..escape(
- \ ' --standalone'..
- \ (s:PandocFiletype(&filetype) ==# 'markdown' && (getline(1) =~# '^%\s\+\S\+' || (search('^title:\s+\S+', 'cnw') > 0)) ?
- \ '' : ' --metadata title=%:t:r:S')..
- \ ' '..s:PandocLang()..
- \ ' --from='..s:PandocFiletype(&filetype)..
- \ ' '..get(b:, 'pandoc_compiler_args', get(g:, 'pandoc_compiler_args', ''))..
- \ ' --output %:r:S.$* -- %:S', ' \|"')
- CompilerSet errorformat=\"%f\",\ line\ %l:\ %m
- let &cpo = s:keepcpo
- unlet s:keepcpo