123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566 |
- if exists('g:loaded_remote_plugins')
- finish
- endif
- let g:loaded_remote_plugins = '/path/to/manifest'
- " Get the path to the rplugin manifest file.
- function! s:GetManifestPath() abort
- let manifest_base = ''
- return fnamemodify($NVIM_RPLUGIN_MANIFEST, ':p')
- endif
- let dest = stdpath('data')
- if !empty(dest)
- if !isdirectory(dest)
- call mkdir(dest, 'p', 0700)
- endif
- let manifest_base = dest
- endif
- return manifest_base.'/rplugin.vim'
- endfunction
- " Old manifest file based on known script locations.
- function! s:GetOldManifestPaths() abort
- let prefix = exists('$MYVIMRC')
- \ ? $MYVIMRC
- \ : matchstr(get(split(execute('scriptnames'), '\n'), 0, ''), '\f\+$')
- let origpath = fnamemodify(expand(prefix, 1), ':h')
- \.'/.'.fnamemodify(prefix, ':t').'-rplugin~'
- if !has('win32')
- return [origpath]
- endif
- " Windows used to use $APPLOCALDATA/nvim but stdpath('data') is
- " $XDG_DATA_DIR/nvim-data
- let pseudostdpath = exists('$LOCALAPPDATA') ? '$LOCALAPPDATA' : '~/AppData/Local'
- let pseudostdpath = fnamemodify(expand(pseudostdpath), ':p')
- return [substitute(pseudostdpath, '[/\\]\=$', '/', '') . 'nvim/rplugin.vim', origpath]
- endfunction
- function! s:GetManifest() abort
- let manifest = s:GetManifestPath()
- if !filereadable(manifest)
- " Check if an old manifest file exists and move it to the new location.
- for old_manifest in s:GetOldManifestPaths()
- if filereadable(old_manifest)
- call rename(old_manifest, manifest)
- break
- endif
- endfor
- endif
- return manifest
- endfunction
- function! s:LoadRemotePlugins() abort
- let g:loaded_remote_plugins = s:GetManifest()
- if filereadable(g:loaded_remote_plugins)
- execute 'source' fnameescape(g:loaded_remote_plugins)
- endif
- endfunction
- command! -bar UpdateRemotePlugins call remote#host#UpdateRemotePlugins()
- call s:LoadRemotePlugins()