1234567891011121314151617 |
- " Vim filetype plugin file
- " Language: xslt
- " Maintainer: Dan Sharp <dwsharp at users dot sourceforge dot net>
- " Last Changed: 20 Jan 2009
- " URL: http://dwsharp.users.sourceforge.net/vim/ftplugin
- if exists("b:did_ftplugin") | finish | endif
- runtime! ftplugin/xml.vim ftplugin/xml_*.vim ftplugin/xml/*.vim
- let b:did_ftplugin = 1
- " Change the :browse e filter to primarily show xsd-related files.
- if has("gui_win32") && exists("b:browsefilter")
- let b:browsefilter="XSLT Files (*.xsl,*.xslt)\t*.xsl;*.xslt\n" . b:browsefilter
- endif