deprecated.txt 2.9 KB

  1. *deprecated.txt* Nvim
  3. Nvim *deprecated*
  4. The items listed below are "deprecated". This means they will be removed in
  5. the future. They should not be used in new scripts, and old scripts should be
  6. updated.
  7. ==============================================================================
  8. API ~
  9. *nvim_buf_clear_highlight()* Use |nvim_buf_clear_namespace()| instead.
  10. Commands ~
  11. *:rv*
  12. *:rviminfo* Deprecated alias to |:rshada| command.
  13. *:wv*
  14. *:wviminfo* Deprecated alias to |:wshada| command.
  15. Environment Variables ~
  16. *$NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS* Deprecated in favor of |--listen|. If both are given,
  17. $NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS is ignored.
  18. Events ~
  19. *EncodingChanged* Never fired; 'encoding' is always "utf-8".
  20. *FileEncoding* Never fired; equivalent to |EncodingChanged|.
  21. *GUIEnter* Never fired; use |UIEnter| instead.
  22. *GUIFailed* Never fired.
  23. Keycodes ~
  24. *<MouseDown>* Use <ScrollWheelUp> instead.
  25. *<MouseUp>* Use <ScrollWheelDown> instead.
  26. Functions ~
  27. *buffer_exists()* Obsolete name for |bufexists()|.
  28. *buffer_name()* Obsolete name for |bufname()|.
  29. *buffer_number()* Obsolete name for |bufnr()|.
  30. *file_readable()* Obsolete name for |filereadable()|.
  31. *highlight_exists()* Obsolete name for |hlexists()|.
  32. *highlightID()* Obsolete name for |hlID()|.
  33. *inputdialog()* Use |input()| instead.
  34. *jobclose()* Obsolete name for |chanclose()|
  35. *jobsend()* Obsolete name for |chansend()|
  36. *last_buffer_nr()* Obsolete name for bufnr("$").
  37. *rpcstop()* Deprecated. Instead use |jobstop()| to stop any job,
  38. or chanclose(id, "rpc") to close RPC communication
  39. without stopping the job. Use chanclose(id) to close
  40. any socket.
  41. Modifiers ~
  42. *cpo-<*
  43. *:menu-<special>*
  44. *:menu-special* <> notation is always enabled.
  45. *:map-<special>*
  46. *:map-special* <> notation is always enabled.
  47. Normal commands ~
  48. *]f*
  49. *[f* Same as "gf".
  50. Options ~
  51. *'cscopeverbose'* Enabled by default. Use |:silent| instead.
  52. *'exrc'* *'ex'* Security risk: downloaded files could include
  53. a malicious .nvimrc or .exrc file. See 'secure'.
  54. Recommended alternative: define an autocommand in your
  55. |vimrc| to set options for a matching directory.
  56. 'gd'
  57. 'gdefault' Enables the |:substitute| flag 'g' by default.
  58. *'fe'* 'fenc'+'enc' before Vim 6.0; no longer used.
  59. *'highlight'* *'hl'* Names of builtin |highlight-groups| cannot be changed.
  60. *'langnoremap'* Deprecated alias to 'nolangremap'.
  61. *'vi'*
  62. *'viminfo'* Deprecated alias to 'shada' option.
  63. *'viminfofile'* Deprecated alias to 'shadafile' option.
  64. UI extensions~
  65. *ui-wildmenu* Use |ui-cmdline| with |ui-popupmenu| instead. Enabled
  66. by the `ext_wildmenu` |ui-option|. Emits these events:
  67. ["wildmenu_show", items]
  68. ["wildmenu_select", selected]
  69. ["wildmenu_hide"]
  70. Variables~
  71. *b:terminal_job_pid* PID of the top-level process in a |:terminal|.
  72. Use `jobpid(&channel)` instead.
  73. vim:noet:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: