123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697 |
- *vim_diff.txt* Nvim
- Differences between Nvim and Vim *vim-differences*
- Nvim differs from Vim in many ways, although editor and Vimscript (not
- Vim9script) features are mostly identical. This document is a complete and
- centralized reference of the differences.
- Type |gO| to see the table of contents.
- ==============================================================================
- 1. Configuration *nvim-config*
- - Use `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/init.vim` instead of `.vimrc` for your |config|.
- - Use `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim` instead of `.vim` to store configuration files.
- - Use `$XDG_STATE_HOME/nvim/shada/main.shada` instead of `.viminfo` for persistent
- session information. |shada|
- ==============================================================================
- 2. Defaults *nvim-defaults*
- - Filetype detection is enabled by default. This can be disabled by adding
- ":filetype off" to |init.vim|.
- - Syntax highlighting is enabled by default. This can be disabled by adding
- ":syntax off" to |init.vim|.
- - 'autoindent' is enabled
- - 'autoread' is enabled
- - 'background' defaults to "dark" (unless set automatically by the terminal/UI)
- - 'backspace' defaults to "indent,eol,start"
- - 'backupdir' defaults to .,~/.local/state/nvim/backup// (|xdg|), auto-created
- - 'belloff' defaults to "all"
- - 'compatible' is always disabled
- - 'complete' excludes "i"
- - 'cscopeverbose' is enabled
- - 'directory' defaults to ~/.local/state/nvim/swap// (|xdg|), auto-created
- - 'display' defaults to "lastline,msgsep"
- - 'encoding' is UTF-8 (cf. 'fileencoding' for file-content encoding)
- - 'fillchars' defaults (in effect) to "vert:│,fold:·,sep:│"
- - 'formatoptions' defaults to "tcqj"
- - 'fsync' is disabled
- - 'hidden' is enabled
- - 'history' defaults to 10000 (the maximum)
- - 'hlsearch' is enabled
- - 'incsearch' is enabled
- - 'joinspaces' is disabled
- - 'langnoremap' is enabled
- - 'langremap' is disabled
- - 'laststatus' defaults to 2 (statusline is always shown)
- - 'listchars' defaults to "tab:> ,trail:-,nbsp:+"
- - 'mouse' defaults to "nvi"
- - 'mousemodel' defaults to "popup_setpos"
- - 'nrformats' defaults to "bin,hex"
- - 'ruler' is enabled
- - 'sessionoptions' includes "unix,slash", excludes "options"
- - 'shortmess' includes "F", excludes "S"
- - 'showcmd' is enabled
- - 'sidescroll' defaults to 1
- - 'smarttab' is enabled
- - 'startofline' is disabled
- - 'switchbuf' defaults to "uselast"
- - 'tabpagemax' defaults to 50
- - 'tags' defaults to "./tags;,tags"
- - 'ttimeoutlen' defaults to 50
- - 'ttyfast' is always set
- - 'undodir' defaults to ~/.local/state/nvim/undo// (|xdg|), auto-created
- - 'viewoptions' includes "unix,slash", excludes "options"
- - 'viminfo' includes "!"
- - 'wildmenu' is enabled
- - 'wildoptions' defaults to "pum,tagfile"
- - |man.lua| plugin is enabled, so |:Man| is available by default.
- - |matchit| plugin is enabled. To disable it in your config: >
- :let loaded_matchit = 1
- - |g:vimsyn_embed| defaults to "l" to enable Lua highlighting
- Default Mouse ~
- *default-mouse* *disable-mouse*
- By default the mouse is enabled, and <RightMouse> opens a |popup-menu| with
- standard actions ("Cut", "Copy", "Paste", …). Mouse is NOT enabled in
- |command-mode| or the |more-prompt|, so you can temporarily disable it just by
- typing ":".
- If you don't like this you can disable the mouse in your |config| using any of
- the following:
- - Disable mouse completely by unsetting the 'mouse' option: >
- set mouse=
- - Pressing <RightMouse> extends selection instead of showing popup-menu: >
- set mousemodel=extend
- - Pressing <A-LeftMouse> releases mouse until the cursor moves: >
- nnoremap <A-LeftMouse> <Cmd>
- \ set mouse=<Bar>
- \ echo 'mouse OFF until next cursor-move'<Bar>
- \ autocmd CursorMoved * ++once set mouse&<Bar>
- \ echo 'mouse ON'<CR>
- <
- To remove the "How-to disable mouse" menu item and the separator above it: >vim
- aunmenu PopUp.How-to\ disable\ mouse
- aunmenu PopUp.-1-
- <
- Default Mappings ~
- *default-mappings*
- Nvim creates the following default mappings at |startup|. You can disable any
- of these in your config by simply removing the mapping, e.g. ":unmap Y".
- >
- nnoremap Y y$
- nnoremap <C-L> <Cmd>nohlsearch<Bar>diffupdate<Bar>normal! <C-L><CR>
- inoremap <C-U> <C-G>u<C-U>
- inoremap <C-W> <C-G>u<C-W>
- xnoremap * y/\V<C-R>"<CR>
- xnoremap # y?\V<C-R>"<CR>
- nnoremap & :&&<CR>
- <
- Default Autocommands ~
- *default-autocmds*
- Default autocommands exist in the following groups. Use ":autocmd! {group}" to
- remove them and ":autocmd {group}" to see how they're defined.
- nvim_terminal:
- - BufReadCmd: Treats "term://" buffers as |terminal| buffers. |terminal-start|
- nvim_cmdwin:
- - CmdwinEnter: Limits syntax sync to maxlines=1 in the |cmdwin|.
- ==============================================================================
- 3. New Features *nvim-features*
- Job control |job-control|
- LSP framework |lsp|
- Lua scripting |lua|
- Parsing engine |treesitter|
- Providers
- Clipboard |provider-clipboard|
- Node.js plugins |provider-nodejs|
- Python plugins |provider-python|
- Ruby plugins |provider-ruby|
- Remote plugins |remote-plugin|
- Shared data |shada|
- Terminal emulator |terminal|
- Vimscript parser |nvim_parse_expression()|
- XDG base directories |xdg|
- Working intuitively and consistently is a major goal of Nvim.
- *feature-compile*
- - Nvim always includes ALL features, in contrast to Vim (which ships with
- various combinations of 100+ optional features). Think of it as a leaner
- version of Vim's "HUGE" build. This reduces surface area for bugs, and
- removes a common source of confusion and friction for users.
- - Nvim avoids features that cannot be provided on all platforms; instead that
- is delegated to external plugins/extensions. E.g. the `-X` platform-specific
- option is "sometimes" available in Vim (with potential surprises:
- https://stackoverflow.com/q/14635295).
- - Vim's internal test functions (test_autochdir(), test_settime(), etc.) are
- not exposed (nor implemented); instead Nvim has a robust API.
- - Behaviors, options, documentation are removed if they cost users more time
- than they save.
- Usability details have been improved where the benefit outweighs any
- backwards-compatibility cost. Some examples:
- - Directories for 'directory' and 'undodir' are auto-created.
- - Terminal features such as 'guicursor' are enabled where possible.
- Some features are built in that otherwise required external plugins:
- - Highlighting the yanked region, see |lua-highlight|.
- External plugins run in separate processes. |remote-plugin| This improves
- stability and allows those plugins to work without blocking the editor. Even
- "legacy" Python and Ruby plugins which use the old Vim interfaces (|if_pyth|,
- |if_ruby|) run out-of-process.
- Platform and I/O facilities are built upon libuv. Nvim benefits from libuv
- features and bug fixes, and other projects benefit from improvements to libuv
- by Nvim developers.
- Command-line highlighting:
- The expression prompt (|@=|, |c_CTRL-R_=|, |i_CTRL-R_=|) is highlighted
- using a built-in Vimscript expression parser. |expr-highlight|
- *E5408* *E5409*
- |input()|, |inputdialog()| support custom highlighting. |input()-highlight|
- *g:Nvim_color_cmdline*
- (Experimental) Command-line (|:|) is colored by callback defined in
- `g:Nvim_color_cmdline` (this callback is for testing only, and will be
- removed in the future).
- Commands:
- |:checkhealth|
- |:drop| is always available
- |:Man| is available by default, with many improvements such as completion
- |:match| can be invoked before highlight group is defined
- |:source| works with Lua
- User commands can support |:command-preview| to show results as you type
- Events:
- |RecordingEnter|
- |RecordingLeave|
- |SearchWrapped|
- |Signal|
- |TabNewEntered|
- |TermClose|
- |TermOpen|
- |UIEnter|
- |UILeave|
- Functions:
- |dictwatcheradd()| notifies a callback whenever a |Dict| is modified
- |dictwatcherdel()|
- |menu_get()|
- |msgpackdump()|, |msgpackparse()| provide msgpack de/serialization
- |stdpath()|
- |system()|, |systemlist()| can run {cmd} directly (without 'shell')
- |matchadd()| can be called before highlight group is defined
- Highlight groups:
- |highlight-blend| controls blend level for a highlight group
- |expr-highlight| highlight groups (prefixed with "Nvim")
- |hl-NormalFloat| highlights floating window
- |hl-NormalNC| highlights non-current windows
- |hl-MsgArea| highlights messages/cmdline area
- |hl-MsgSeparator| highlights separator for scrolled messages
- |hl-Substitute|
- |hl-TermCursor|
- |hl-TermCursorNC|
- |hl-WinSeparator| highlights window separators
- |hl-Whitespace| highlights 'listchars' whitespace
- Input/Mappings:
- ALT (|META|) chords always work (even in the |TUI|). Map |<M-| with any key:
- <M-1>, <M-BS>, <M-Del>, <M-Ins>, <M-/>, <M-\>, <M-Space>, <M-Enter>, etc.
- Case-sensitive: <M-a> and <M-A> are two different keycodes.
- ALT may behave like <Esc> if not mapped. |i_ALT| |v_ALT| |c_ALT|
- Normal commands:
- |gO| shows a filetype-defined "outline" of the current buffer.
- Options:
- 'cpoptions' flags: |cpo-_|
- 'display' flags: "msgsep" minimizes scrolling when showing messages
- 'guicursor' works in the terminal
- 'fillchars' flags: "msgsep" (see 'display'), "horiz", "horizup",
- "horizdown", "vertleft", "vertright", "verthoriz"
- 'foldcolumn' supports up to 9 dynamic/fixed columns
- 'inccommand' shows interactive results for |:substitute|-like commands
- and |:command-preview| commands
- 'laststatus' global statusline support
- 'mousescroll' amount to scroll by when scrolling with a mouse
- 'pumblend' pseudo-transparent popupmenu
- 'scrollback'
- 'signcolumn' supports up to 9 dynamic/fixed columns
- 'statusline' supports unlimited alignment sections
- 'tabline' %@Func@foo%X can call any function on mouse-click
- 'winblend' pseudo-transparency in floating windows |api-floatwin|
- 'winhighlight' window-local highlights
- Signs:
- Signs are removed if the associated line is deleted.
- Variables:
- |v:progpath| is always absolute ("full")
- |v:windowid| is always available (for use by external UIs)
- ==============================================================================
- 4. Changed features *nvim-features-changed*
- Nvim always builds with all features, in contrast to Vim which may have
- certain features removed/added at compile-time. |feature-compile|
- Some Vim features were changed in Nvim, and vice versa.
- If a Python interpreter is available on your `$PATH`, |:python| and |:python3|
- are always available and may be used simultaneously. See |provider-python|.
- |:redir| nested in |execute()| works.
- |mkdir()| behaviour changed:
- 1. Assuming /tmp/foo does not exist and /tmp can be written to
- mkdir('/tmp/foo/bar', 'p', 0700) will create both /tmp/foo and /tmp/foo/bar
- with 0700 permissions. Vim mkdir will create /tmp/foo with 0755.
- 2. If you try to create an existing directory with `'p'` (e.g. mkdir('/',
- 'p')) mkdir() will silently exit. In Vim this was an error.
- 3. mkdir() error messages now include strerror() text when mkdir fails.
- |string()| and |:echo| behaviour changed:
- 1. No maximum recursion depth limit is applied to nested container
- structures.
- 2. |string()| fails immediately on nested containers, not when recursion limit
- was exceeded.
- 2. When |:echo| encounters duplicate containers like >
- let l = []
- echo [l, l]
- <
- it does not use "[...]" (was: "[[], [...]]", now: "[[], []]"). "..." is
- only used for recursive containers.
- 3. |:echo| printing nested containers adds "@level" after "..." designating
- the level at which recursive container was printed: |:echo-self-refer|.
- Same thing applies to |string()| (though it uses construct like
- "{E724@level}"), but this is not reliable because |string()| continues to
- error out.
- 4. Stringifyed infinite and NaN values now use |str2float()| and can be evaled
- back.
- 5. (internal) Trying to print or stringify VAR_UNKNOWN in Vim results in
- nothing, E908, in Nvim it is internal error.
- |json_decode()| behaviour changed:
- 1. It may output |msgpack-special-dict|.
- 2. |msgpack-special-dict| is emitted also in case of duplicate keys, while in
- Vim it errors out.
- 3. It accepts only valid JSON. Trailing commas are not accepted.
- |json_encode()| behaviour slightly changed: now |msgpack-special-dict| values
- are accepted, but |v:none| is not.
- Viminfo text files were replaced with binary (messagepack) ShaDa files.
- Additional differences:
- - |shada-c| has no effect.
- - |shada-s| now limits size of every item and not just registers.
- - 'viminfo' option got renamed to 'shada'. Old option is kept as an alias for
- compatibility reasons.
- - |:wviminfo| was renamed to |:wshada|, |:rviminfo| to |:rshada|. Old
- commands are still kept.
- - ShaDa file format was designed with forward and backward compatibility in
- mind. |shada-compatibility|
- - Some errors make ShaDa code keep temporary file in-place for user to decide
- what to do with it. Vim deletes temporary file in these cases.
- |shada-error-handling|
- - ShaDa file keeps search direction (|v:searchforward|), viminfo does not.
- |printf()| returns something meaningful when used with `%p` argument: in Vim
- it used to return useless address of the string (strings are copied to the
- newly allocated memory all over the place) and fail on types which cannot be
- coerced to strings. See |id()| for more details, currently it uses
- `printf("%p", {expr})` internally.
- |c_CTRL-R| pasting a non-special register into |cmdline| omits the last <CR>.
- |CursorMoved| always triggers when moving between windows.
- Lua interface (|lua.txt|):
- - `:lua print("a\0b")` will print `a^@b`, like with `:echomsg "a\nb"` . In Vim
- that prints `a` and `b` on separate lines, exactly like
- `:lua print("a\nb")` .
- - `:lua error('TEST')` emits the error “E5105: Error while calling lua chunk:
- [string "<VimL compiled string>"]:1: TEST”, whereas Vim emits only “TEST”.
- - Lua has direct access to Nvim |API| via `vim.api`.
- - Lua package.path and package.cpath are automatically updated according to
- 'runtimepath': |lua-require|.
- Commands:
- |:doautocmd| does not warn about "No matching autocommands".
- |:wincmd| accepts a count.
- `:write!` does not show a prompt if the file was updated externally.
- Command line completion:
- The meanings of arrow keys do not change depending on 'wildoptions'.
- Functions:
- |input()| and |inputdialog()| support for each other’s features (return on
- cancel and completion respectively) via dictionary argument (replaces all
- other arguments if used), and "cancelreturn" can have any type if passed in
- a dictionary.
- |input()| and |inputdialog()| support user-defined cmdline highlighting.
- Highlight groups:
- |hl-ColorColumn|, |hl-CursorColumn| are lower priority than most other
- groups
- |hl-CurSearch| highlights match under cursor instead of last match found
- using |n| or |N|
- |hl-CursorLine| is low-priority unless foreground color is set
- |hl-VertSplit| superseded by |hl-WinSeparator|
- Highlight groups names are allowed to contain the characters `.` and `@`.
- It is an error to define a highlight group with a name that doesn't match
- the regexp `[a-zA-Z0-9_.@]*` (see |group-name|).
- Macro/|recording| behavior
- Replay of a macro recorded during :lmap produces the same actions as when it
- was recorded. In Vim if a macro is recorded while using :lmap'ped keys then
- the behaviour during record and replay differs.
- 'keymap' is implemented via :lmap instead of :lnoremap so that you can use
- macros and 'keymap' at the same time. This also means you can use |:imap| on
- the results of keys from 'keymap'.
- Mappings:
- Creating a mapping for a simplifiable key (e.g. <C-I>) doesn't replace an
- existing mapping for its simplified form (e.g. <Tab>).
- Motion:
- The |jumplist| avoids useless/phantom jumps.
- Normal commands:
- |Q| replays the last recorded macro instead of switching to Ex mode.
- Instead |gQ| can be used to enter Ex mode.
- Options:
- 'ttimeout', 'ttimeoutlen' behavior was simplified
- 'jumpoptions' "stack" behavior
- 'jumpoptions' "view" tries to restore the |mark-view| when moving through
- the |jumplist|, |changelist|, |alternate-file| or using |mark-motions|.
- 'shortmess' the "F" flag does not affect output from autocommands
- Shell:
- Shell output (|:!|, |:make|, …) is always routed through the UI, so it
- cannot "mess up" the screen. (You can still use "chansend(v:stderr,…)" if
- you want to mess up the screen :)
- Nvim throttles (skips) messages from shell commands (|:!|, |:grep|, |:make|)
- if there is too much output. No data is lost, this only affects display and
- improves performance. |:terminal| output is never throttled.
- |:!| does not support "interactive" commands. Use |:terminal| instead.
- (GUI Vim has a similar limitation, see ":help gui-pty" in Vim.)
- :!start is not special-cased on Windows.
- |system()| does not support writing/reading "backgrounded" commands. |E5677|
- Startup:
- |-e| and |-es| invoke the same "improved Ex mode" as -E and -Es.
- |-E| and |-Es| read stdin as text (into buffer 1).
- |-es| and |-Es| have improved behavior:
- - Quits automatically, don't need "-c qa!".
- - Skips swap-file dialog.
- |-s| reads Normal commands from stdin if the script name is "-".
- Reading text (instead of commands) from stdin |--|:
- - works by default: "-" file is optional
- - works in more cases: |-Es|, file args
- Syntax highlighting:
- syncolor.vim has been removed. Nvim now sets up default highlighting groups
- automatically for both light and dark backgrounds, regardless of whether or
- not syntax highlighting is enabled. This means that |:syntax-on| and
- |:syntax-enable| are now identical. Users who previously used an
- after/syntax/syncolor.vim file should transition that file into a
- colorscheme. |:colorscheme|
- TUI:
- *:set-termcap*
- Start Nvim with 'verbose' level 3 to show terminal capabilities: >
- nvim -V3
- <
- *'term'* *E529* *E530* *E531*
- 'term' reflects the terminal type derived from |$TERM| and other environment
- checks. For debugging only; not reliable during startup. >
- :echo &term
- < "builtin_x" means one of the |builtin-terms| was chosen, because the expected
- terminfo file was not found on the system.
- Nvim will use 256-colour capability on Linux virtual terminals. Vim uses
- only 8 colours plus bright foreground on Linux VTs.
- Vim combines what is in its |builtin-terms| with what it reads from terminfo,
- and has a 'ttybuiltin' setting to control how that combination works. Nvim
- uses one or the other, it does not attempt to merge the two.
- UI/Display:
- |Visual| selection highlights the character at cursor. |visual-use|
- Vimscript compatibility:
- `count` does not alias to |v:count|
- `errmsg` does not alias to |v:errmsg|
- `shell_error` does not alias to |v:shell_error|
- `this_session` does not alias to |v:this_session|
- Working directory (Vim implemented some of these later than Nvim):
- - |DirChanged| and |DirChangedPre| can be triggered when switching to another
- window or tab.
- - |getcwd()| and |haslocaldir()| may throw errors if the tab page or window
- cannot be found. *E5000* *E5001* *E5002*
- - |haslocaldir()| checks for tab-local directory if and only if -1 is passed as
- window number, and its only possible returns values are 0 and 1.
- - `getcwd(-1)` is equivalent to `getcwd(-1, 0)` instead of returning the global
- working directory. Use `getcwd(-1, -1)` to get the global working directory.
- ==============================================================================
- 5. Missing legacy features *nvim-features-missing*
- Some legacy Vim features are not yet implemented:
- - *if_lua* : Nvim |Lua| API is not compatible with Vim's "if_lua"
- - *if_mzscheme*
- - |if_pyth|: *python-bindeval* *python-Function* are not supported
- - *if_tcl*
- *:gui*
- *:gvim*
- ==============================================================================
- 6. Removed features *nvim-features-removed*
- These Vim features were intentionally removed from Nvim.
- Aliases:
- ex (alias for "nvim -e")
- exim (alias for "nvim -E")
- gex (GUI)
- gview (GUI)
- gvim (GUI)
- gvimdiff (GUI)
- rgview (GUI)
- rgvim (GUI)
- rview
- rvim
- view (alias for "nvim -R")
- vimdiff (alias for "nvim -d" |diff-mode|)
- Commands:
- :fixdel
- :helpfind
- :mode (no longer accepts an argument)
- :open
- :Print
- :promptfind
- :promptrepl
- :scriptversion (always version 1)
- :shell
- :sleep! (does not hide the cursor; same as :sleep)
- :smile
- :tearoff
- Compile-time features:
- Emacs tags support
- X11 integration (see |x11-selection|)
- Eval:
- Vim9script
- *js_encode()*
- *js_decode()*
- *v:none* (used by Vim to represent JavaScript "undefined"); use |v:null| instead.
- *v:sizeofint*
- *v:sizeoflong*
- *v:sizeofpointer*
- Events:
- *SigUSR1* Use |Signal| to detect `SIGUSR1` signal instead.
- Highlight groups:
- *hl-StatusLineTerm* *hl-StatusLineTermNC* are unnecessary because Nvim
- supports 'winhighlight' window-local highlights.
- For example, to mimic Vim's StatusLineTerm: >
- hi StatusLineTerm ctermfg=black ctermbg=green
- hi StatusLineTermNC ctermfg=green
- autocmd TermOpen,WinEnter * if &buftype=='terminal'
- \|setlocal winhighlight=StatusLine:StatusLineTerm,StatusLineNC:StatusLineTermNC
- \|else|setlocal winhighlight=|endif
- <
- Options:
- antialias
- *'balloondelay'* *'bdlay'*
- *'ballooneval'* *'beval'* *'noballooneval'* *'nobeval'*
- *'balloonexpr'* *'bexpr'*
- bioskey (MS-DOS)
- conskey (MS-DOS)
- *'cp'* *'nocompatible'* *'nocp'* *'compatible'* (Nvim is always "nocompatible".)
- 'cpoptions' (gjkHw<*- and all POSIX flags were removed)
- *'cryptmethod'* *'cm'* *'key'* (Vim encryption implementation)
- *'ed'* *'edcompatible'* *'noed'* *'noedcompatible'*
- 'encoding' ("utf-8" is always used)
- esckeys
- 'guioptions' "t" flag was removed
- *'guifontset'* *'gfs'* (Use 'guifont' instead.)
- *'guipty'* (Nvim uses pipes and PTYs consistently on all platforms.)
- 'highlight' (Names of builtin |highlight-groups| cannot be changed.)
- *'imactivatefunc'* *'imaf'*
- *'imactivatekey'* *'imak'*
- *'imstatusfunc'* *'imsf'*
- *'insertmode'* *'im'* Use the following script to emulate 'insertmode':
- >
- autocmd BufWinEnter * startinsert
- inoremap <Esc> <C-X><C-Z><C-]>
- inoremap <C-C> <C-X><C-Z>
- inoremap <C-L> <C-X><C-Z><C-]><Esc>
- inoremap <C-Z> <C-X><C-Z><Cmd>suspend<CR>
- noremap <C-C> <Esc>
- snoremap <C-C> <Esc>
- noremap <C-\><C-G> <C-\><C-N><Cmd>startinsert<CR>
- cnoremap <C-\><C-G> <C-\><C-N><Cmd>startinsert<CR>
- inoremap <C-\><C-G> <C-X><C-Z>
- autocmd CmdWinEnter * noremap <buffer> <C-C> <C-C>
- autocmd CmdWinEnter * inoremap <buffer> <C-C> <C-C>
- lua << EOF
- vim.on_key(function(c)
- if c == '\27' then
- local mode = vim.api.nvim_get_mode().mode
- if mode:find('^[nvV\22sS\19]') and vim.fn.getcmdtype() == '' then
- vim.schedule(function()
- vim.cmd('startinsert')
- end)
- end
- end
- end)
- <
- *'macatsui'*
- *'maxcombine'* *'mco'*
- Nvim always displays up to 6 combining characters. You can still edit
- text with more than 6 combining characters, you just can't see them.
- Use |g8| or |ga|. See |mbyte-combining|.
- *'maxmem'* Nvim delegates memory-management to the OS.
- *'maxmemtot'* Nvim delegates memory-management to the OS.
- *'prompt'* *'noprompt'*
- *'remap'* *'noremap'*
- *'restorescreen'* *'rs'* *'norestorescreen'* *'nors'*
- *'shelltype'*
- *'shortname'* *'sn'* *'noshortname'* *'nosn'*
- *'swapsync'* *'sws'*
- *'termencoding'* *'tenc'* (Vim 7.4.852 also removed this for Windows)
- *'terse'* *'noterse'* (Add "s" to 'shortmess' instead)
- textauto
- textmode
- *'toolbar'* *'tb'*
- *'toolbariconsize'* *'tbis'*
- *'ttybuiltin'* *'tbi'* *'nottybuiltin'* *'notbi'*
- *'ttyfast'* *'tf'* *'nottyfast'* *'notf'*
- *'ttymouse'* *'ttym'*
- *'ttyscroll'* *'tsl'*
- *'ttytype'* *'tty'*
- weirdinvert
- Performance:
- Folds are not updated during insert-mode.
- Startup:
- --literal (file args are always literal; to expand wildcards on Windows, use
- |:n| e.g. `nvim +"n *"`)
- Easy mode: eview, evim, nvim -y
- Restricted mode: rview, rvim, nvim -Z
- Vi mode: nvim -v
- Test functions:
- test_alloc_fail()
- test_autochdir()
- test_disable_char_avail()
- test_feedinput()
- test_garbagecollect_soon
- test_getvalue()
- test_ignore_error()
- test_null_blob()
- test_null_channel()
- test_null_dict()
- test_null_function()
- test_null_job()
- test_null_list()
- test_null_partial()
- test_null_string()
- test_option_not_set()
- test_override()
- test_refcount()
- test_scrollbar()
- test_setmouse()
- test_settime()
- test_srand_seed()
- TUI:
- *t_xx* *termcap-options* *t_AB* *t_Sb* *t_vb* *t_SI*
- Nvim does not have special `t_XX` options nor <t_XX> keycodes to configure
- terminal capabilities. Instead Nvim treats the terminal as any other UI,
- e.g. 'guicursor' sets the terminal cursor style if possible.
- *termcap*
- Nvim never uses the termcap database, only |terminfo| and |builtin-terms|.
- *xterm-8bit* *xterm-8-bit*
- Xterm can be run in a mode where it uses true 8-bit CSI. Supporting this
- requires autodetection of whether the terminal is in UTF-8 mode or non-UTF-8
- mode, as the 8-bit CSI character has to be written differently in each case.
- Vim issues a "request version" sequence to the terminal at startup and looks
- at how the terminal is sending CSI. Nvim does not issue such a sequence and
- always uses 7-bit control sequences.
- ==============================================================================
- vim:tw=78:ts=8:sw=2:et:ft=help:norl: