123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583 |
- *usr_05.txt* Nvim
- VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
- Set your settings
- Vim can be tuned to work like you want it to. This chapter shows you how to
- make Vim start with options set to different values. Add plugins to extend
- Vim's capabilities. Or define your own macros.
- |05.1| The vimrc file
- |05.2| Example vimrc contents
- |05.3| Simple mappings
- |05.4| Adding a package
- |05.5| Adding a plugin
- |05.6| Adding a help file
- |05.7| The option window
- |05.8| Often used options
- Next chapter: |usr_06.txt| Using syntax highlighting
- Previous chapter: |usr_04.txt| Making small changes
- Table of contents: |usr_toc.txt|
- ==============================================================================
- *05.1* The vimrc file *vimrc-intro*
- You probably got tired of typing commands that you use very often. To start
- Vim with all your favorite option settings and mappings, you write them in
- what is called the init.vim file. Vim executes the commands in this file when
- it starts up.
- If you already have a init.vim file (e.g., when your sysadmin has one setup
- for you), you can edit it this way: >
- :edit $MYVIMRC
- If you don't have a vimrc file yet, see |init.vim| to find out where you can
- create a vimrc file.
- This file is always used and is recommended:
- ~/.config/nvim/init.vim (Unix and OSX) ~
- ~/AppData/Local/nvim/init.vim (Windows) ~
- The vimrc file can contain all the commands that you type after a colon. The
- simplest ones are for setting options. For example, if you want Vim to always
- start with the 'ignorecase' option on, add this line your vimrc file: >
- set ignorecase
- For this new line to take effect you need to exit Vim and start it again.
- Later you will learn how to do this without exiting Vim.
- This chapter only explains the most basic items. For more information on how
- to write a Vim script file: |usr_41.txt|.
- ==============================================================================
- *05.2* Example vimrc contents *vimrc_example.vim*
- In the first chapter was explained how to create a vimrc file. >
- :exe 'edit' stdpath('config').'/init.vim'
- In this section we will explain the various commands that can be specified in
- this file. This will give you hints about how to set up your own preferences.
- Not everything will be explained though. Use the ":help" command to find out
- more.
- >
- set backup
- This tells Vim to keep a backup copy of a file when overwriting it. The backup
- file will have the same name as the original file with "~" added. See |07.4|
- >
- set history=50
- <
- Keep 50 commands and 50 search patterns in the history. Use another number if
- you want to remember fewer or more lines.
- >
- map Q gq
- This defines a key mapping. More about that in the next section. This
- defines the "Q" command to do formatting with the "gq" operator. Otherwise the
- "Q" command repeats the last recorded register.
- >
- vnoremap _g y:exe "grep /" .. escape(@", '\\/') .. "/ *.c *.h"<CR>
- This mapping yanks the visually selected text and searches for it in C files.
- This is a complicated mapping. You can see that mappings can be used to do
- quite complicated things. Still, it is just a sequence of commands that are
- executed like you typed them.
- *vimrc-filetype*
- >
- filetype plugin indent on
- This switches on three very clever mechanisms:
- 1. Filetype detection.
- Whenever you start editing a file, Vim will try to figure out what kind of
- file this is. When you edit "main.c", Vim will see the ".c" extension and
- recognize this as a "c" filetype. When you edit a file that starts with
- "#!/bin/sh", Vim will recognize it as a "sh" filetype.
- The filetype detection is used for syntax highlighting and the other two
- items below.
- See |filetypes|.
- 2. Using filetype plugin files
- Many different filetypes are edited with different options. For example,
- when you edit a "c" file, it's very useful to set the 'cindent' option to
- automatically indent the lines. These commonly useful option settings are
- included with Vim in filetype plugins. You can also add your own, see
- |write-filetype-plugin|.
- 3. Using indent files
- When editing programs, the indent of a line can often be computed
- automatically. Vim comes with these indent rules for a number of
- filetypes. See |:filetype-indent-on| and 'indentexpr'.
- *restore-cursor* *last-position-jump* >
- augroup RestoreCursor
- autocmd!
- autocmd BufReadPre * autocmd FileType <buffer> ++once
- \ let s:line = line("'\"")
- \ | if s:line >= 1 && s:line <= line("$") && &filetype !~# 'commit'
- \ && index(['xxd', 'gitrebase'], &filetype) == -1
- \ | execute "normal! g`\""
- \ | endif
- augroup END
- Another autocommand. This time it is used after reading any file. The
- complicated stuff after it checks if the '" mark is defined, and jumps to it
- if so. It doesn't do that for a commit or rebase message, which are likely
- a different one than last time, and when using xxd(1) to filter and edit
- binary files, which transforms input files back and forth, causing them to
- have dual nature, so to speak. See also |using-xxd|.
- The backslash at the start of a line is used to continue the command from the
- previous line. That avoids a line getting very long. See |line-continuation|.
- This only works in a Vim script file, not when typing commands at the
- command line.
- >
- command DiffOrig vert new | set bt=nofile | r ++edit # | 0d_ | diffthis
- \ | wincmd p | diffthis
- This adds the ":DiffOrig" command. Use this in a modified buffer to see the
- differences with the file it was loaded from. See |diff| and |:DiffOrig|.
- >
- set nolangremap
- Prevent that the langmap option applies to characters that result from a
- mapping. If set (default), this may break plugins (but it's backward
- compatible). See 'langremap'.
- ==============================================================================
- *05.3* Simple mappings
- A mapping enables you to bind a set of Vim commands to a single key. Suppose,
- for example, that you need to surround certain words with curly braces. In
- other words, you need to change a word such as "amount" into "{amount}". With
- the :map command, you can tell Vim that the F5 key does this job. The command
- is as follows: >
- :map <F5> i{<Esc>ea}<Esc>
- <
- Note:
- When entering this command, you must enter <F5> by typing four
- characters. Similarly, <Esc> is not entered by pressing the <Esc>
- key, but by typing five characters. Watch out for this difference
- when reading the manual!
- Let's break this down:
- <F5> The F5 function key. This is the trigger key that causes the
- command to be executed as the key is pressed.
- i{<Esc> Insert the { character. The <Esc> key ends Insert mode.
- e Move to the end of the word.
- a}<Esc> Append the } to the word.
- After you execute the ":map" command, all you have to do to put {} around a
- word is to put the cursor on the first character and press F5.
- In this example, the trigger is a single key; it can be any string. But when
- you use an existing Vim command, that command will no longer be available.
- You better avoid that.
- One key that can be used with mappings is the backslash. Since you
- probably want to define more than one mapping, add another character. You
- could map "\p" to add parentheses around a word, and "\c" to add curly braces,
- for example: >
- :map \p i(<Esc>ea)<Esc>
- :map \c i{<Esc>ea}<Esc>
- You need to type the \ and the p quickly after another, so that Vim knows they
- belong together.
- The ":map" command (with no arguments) lists your current mappings. At
- least the ones for Normal mode. More about mappings in section |40.1|.
- ==============================================================================
- *05.4* Adding a package *add-package*
- You may use |:packadd| to enable packages on demand. This is useful for plugins
- you want to enable only sometimes. To enable `example_package`, use the
- following command: >
- packadd example_package
- That's all! Now you can find help about this plugin: >
- :help example_package
- This works, because when `:packadd` loaded the plugin it also added the
- package directory in 'runtimepath', so that the help file can be found.
- A package is a set of files that you can add to Vim. There are two kinds of
- packages: optional and automatically loaded on startup.
- You can find packages on the Internet in various places. It usually comes as
- an archive or as a repository. For an archive you can follow these steps:
- 1. create the package directory: >
- mkdir -p ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/fancy
- < "fancy" can be any name of your liking. Use one that describes the
- package.
- 2. unpack the archive in that directory. This assumes the top
- directory in the archive is "start": >
- cd ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/fancy
- unzip /tmp/fancy.zip
- < If the archive layout is different make sure that you end up with a
- path like this:
- ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/fancy/start/fancytext/plugin/fancy.vim ~
- Here "fancytext" is the name of the package, it can be anything
- else.
- Adding nohlsearch package *nohlsearch-install* *package-nohlsearch*
- Load the plugin with this command: >
- packadd nohlsearch
- <
- Automatically execute |:nohlsearch| after 'updatetime' or getting into
- |Insert| mode.
- Thus assuming default updatetime, hlsearch would be suspended/turned off after
- 4 seconds of idle time.
- To disable the effect of the plugin after it has been loaded: >
- au! nohlsearch
- <
- More information about packages can be found here: |packages|.
- ==============================================================================
- *05.5* Adding a plugin *add-plugin* *plugin*
- Vim's functionality can be extended by adding plugins. A plugin is nothing
- more than a Vim script file that is loaded automatically when Vim starts. You
- can add a plugin very easily by dropping it in your plugin directory.
- There are two types of plugins:
- global plugin: Used for all kinds of files
- filetype plugin: Only used for a specific type of file
- The global plugins will be discussed first, then the filetype ones
- |add-filetype-plugin|.
- GLOBAL PLUGINS *standard-plugin*
- When you start Vim, it will automatically load a number of global plugins.
- You don't have to do anything for this. They add functionality that most
- people will want to use, but which was implemented as a Vim script instead of
- being compiled into Vim. You can find them listed in the help index
- |standard-plugin-list|. Also see |load-plugins|.
- *add-global-plugin*
- You can add a global plugin to add functionality that will always be present
- when you use Vim. There are only two steps for adding a global plugin:
- 1. Get a copy of the plugin.
- 2. Drop it in the right directory.
- Where can you find plugins?
- - Some are always loaded, you can see them in the directory $VIMRUNTIME/plugin.
- - Some come with Vim. You can find them in the directory $VIMRUNTIME/macros
- and its sub-directories and under $VIM/vimfiles/pack/dist/opt/.
- - Download from the net. There is a large collection on https://www.vim.org.
- - They are sometimes posted in a Vim maillist.
- - You could write one yourself, see |write-plugin|.
- First read the text in the plugin itself to check for any special conditions.
- Then copy the file to your plugin directory:
- system plugin directory ~
- Unix ~/.local/share/nvim/site/plugin
- Example for Unix (assuming you didn't have a plugin directory yet): >
- mkdir -p ~/.local/share/nvim/site/plugin
- cp /tmp/yourplugin.vim ~/.local/share/nvim/site/plugin
- That's all! Now you can use the commands defined in this plugin.
- Instead of putting plugins directly into the plugin/ directory, you may
- better organize them by putting them into subdirectories under plugin/.
- As an example, consider using "~/.local/share/nvim/site/plugin/perl/*.vim" for
- all your Perl plugins.
- FILETYPE PLUGINS *add-filetype-plugin* *ftplugins*
- The Vim distribution comes with a set of plugins for different filetypes that
- you can start using with this command: >
- :filetype plugin on
- That's all! See |vimrc-filetype|.
- If you are missing a plugin for a filetype you are using, or you found a
- better one, you can add it. There are two steps for adding a filetype plugin:
- 1. Get a copy of the plugin.
- 2. Drop it in the right directory.
- You can find them in the same places as the global plugins. Watch out if the
- type of file is mentioned, then you know if the plugin is a global or a
- filetype one. The scripts in $VIMRUNTIME/macros are global ones, the filetype
- plugins are in $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin.
- USING A FILETYPE PLUGIN *ftplugin-name*
- You can add a filetype plugin by dropping it in the right directory. The
- name of this directory is in the same directory mentioned above for global
- plugins, but the last part is "ftplugin". Suppose you have found a plugin for
- the "stuff" filetype, and you are on Unix. Then you can move this file to the
- ftplugin directory: >
- mkdir -p ~/.local/share/nvim/site/ftplugin
- mv thefile ~/.local/share/nvim/site/ftplugin/stuff.vim
- If that file already exists you already have a plugin for "stuff". You might
- want to check if the existing plugin doesn't conflict with the one you are
- adding. If it's OK, you can give the new one another name: >
- mv thefile ~/.local/share/nvim/site/ftplugin/stuff_too.vim
- The underscore is used to separate the name of the filetype from the rest,
- which can be anything. If you use "otherstuff.vim" it wouldn't work, it would
- be loaded for the "otherstuff" filetype.
- The generic names for the filetype plugins are: >
- ftplugin/<filetype>.vim
- ftplugin/<filetype>_<name>.vim
- ftplugin/<filetype>/<name>.vim
- Here "<name>" can be any name that you prefer.
- Examples for the "stuff" filetype on Unix: >
- ~/.local/share/nvim/site/ftplugin/stuff.vim
- ~/.local/share/nvim/site/ftplugin/stuff_def.vim
- ~/.local/share/nvim/site/ftplugin/stuff/header.vim
- The <filetype> part is the name of the filetype the plugin is to be used for.
- Only files of this filetype will use the settings from the plugin. The <name>
- part of the plugin file doesn't matter, you can use it to have several plugins
- for the same filetype. Note that it must end in ".vim" or ".lua".
- Further reading:
- |filetype-plugins| Documentation for the filetype plugins and information
- about how to avoid that mappings cause problems.
- |load-plugins| When the global plugins are loaded during startup.
- |ftplugin-overrule| Overruling the settings from a global plugin.
- |write-plugin| How to write a plugin script.
- |plugin-details| For more information about using plugins or when your
- plugin doesn't work.
- |new-filetype| How to detect a new file type.
- ==============================================================================
- *05.6* Adding a help file *add-local-help*
- If you are lucky, the plugin you installed also comes with a help file. We
- will explain how to install the help file, so that you can easily find help
- for your new plugin.
- Let us suppose a plugin ("my-plugin"), which comes with a help file in a
- non-standard place (it usually resides in a sub-folder called `doc/`).
- First, create a "doc" directory in one of the directories in 'runtimepath': >
- :!mkdir -p ~/.local/share/nvim/site/doc
- Now, copy the help file to the "doc" directory: >
- :!cp my-plugin/my-plugin-doc.txt ~/.local/share/nvim/site/doc
- Here comes the trick, which allows you to jump to the subjects in the new help
- file. Generate the local tags file with the |:helptags| command: >
- :helptags ~/.local/share/nvim/site/doc
- You can see an entry for the local help file when you do: >
- :help local-additions
- The title lines from the local help files are automagically added to this
- section. There you can see which local help files have been added and jump to
- them through the tag.
- For writing a local help file, see |write-local-help|.
- ==============================================================================
- *05.7* The option window
- If you are looking for an option that does what you want, you can search in
- the help files here: |options|. Another way is by using this command: >
- :options
- This opens a new window, with a list of options with a one-line explanation.
- The options are grouped by subject. Move the cursor to a subject and press
- <Enter> to jump there. Press <Enter> again to jump back. Or use CTRL-O.
- You can change the value of an option. For example, move to the "displaying
- text" subject. Then move the cursor down to this line:
- set wrap nowrap ~
- When you hit <Enter>, the line will change to:
- set nowrap wrap ~
- The option has now been switched off.
- Just above this line is a short description of the 'wrap' option. Move the
- cursor one line up to place it in this line. Now hit <Enter> and you jump to
- the full help on the 'wrap' option.
- For options that take a number or string argument you can edit the value.
- Then press <Enter> to apply the new value. For example, move the cursor a few
- lines up to this line:
- set so=0 ~
- Position the cursor on the zero with "$". Change it into a five with "r5".
- Then press <Enter> to apply the new value. When you now move the cursor
- around you will notice that the text starts scrolling before you reach the
- border. This is what the 'scrolloff' option does, it specifies an offset
- from the window border where scrolling starts.
- ==============================================================================
- *05.8* Often used options
- There are an awful lot of options. Most of them you will hardly ever use.
- Some of the more useful ones will be mentioned here. Don't forget you can
- find more help on these options with the ":help" command, with single quotes
- before and after the option name. For example: >
- :help 'wrap'
- In case you have messed up an option value, you can set it back to the
- default by putting an ampersand (&) after the option name. Example: >
- :set iskeyword&
- Vim normally wraps long lines, so that you can see all of the text. Sometimes
- it's better to let the text continue right of the window. Then you need to
- scroll the text left-right to see all of a long line. Switch wrapping off
- with this command: >
- :set nowrap
- Vim will automatically scroll the text when you move to text that is not
- displayed. To see a context of ten characters, do this: >
- :set sidescroll=10
- This doesn't change the text in the file, only the way it is displayed.
- Most commands for moving around will stop moving at the start and end of a
- line. You can change that with the 'whichwrap' option. This sets it to the
- default value: >
- :set whichwrap=b,s
- This allows the <BS> key, when used in the first position of a line, to move
- the cursor to the end of the previous line. And the <Space> key moves from
- the end of a line to the start of the next one.
- To allow the cursor keys <Left> and <Right> to also wrap, use this command: >
- :set whichwrap=b,s,<,>
- This is still only for Normal mode. To let <Left> and <Right> do this in
- Insert mode as well: >
- :set whichwrap=b,s,<,>,[,]
- There are a few other flags that can be added, see 'whichwrap'.
- When there are tabs in a file, you cannot see where they are. To make them
- visible: >
- :set list
- Now every tab is displayed as ^I. And a $ is displayed at the end of each
- line, so that you can spot trailing spaces that would otherwise go unnoticed.
- A disadvantage is that this looks ugly when there are many Tabs in a file.
- If you have a color terminal, or are using the GUI, Vim can show the spaces
- and tabs as highlighted characters. Use the 'listchars' option: >
- :set listchars=tab:>-,trail:-
- Now every tab will be displayed as ">---" (with more or less "-") and trailing
- white space as "-". Looks a lot better, doesn't it?
- The 'iskeyword' option specifies which characters can appear in a word: >
- :set iskeyword
- < iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255 ~
- The "@" stands for all alphabetic letters. "48-57" stands for ASCII
- characters 48 to 57, which are the numbers 0 to 9. "192-255" are the
- printable latin characters.
- Sometimes you will want to include a dash in keywords, so that commands
- like "w" consider "upper-case" to be one word. You can do it like this: >
- :set iskeyword+=-
- :set iskeyword
- < iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255,- ~
- If you look at the new value, you will see that Vim has added a comma for you.
- To remove a character use "-=". For example, to remove the underscore: >
- :set iskeyword-=_
- :set iskeyword
- < iskeyword=@,48-57,192-255,- ~
- This time a comma is automatically deleted.
- When Vim starts there is one line at the bottom that is used for messages.
- When a message is long, it is either truncated, thus you can only see part of
- it, or the text scrolls and you have to press <Enter> to continue.
- You can set the 'cmdheight' option to the number of lines used for
- messages. Example: >
- :set cmdheight=3
- This does mean there is less room to edit text, thus it's a compromise.
- ==============================================================================
- Next chapter: |usr_06.txt| Using syntax highlighting
- Copyright: see |manual-copyright| vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl: