730 B

  1. #!/usr/bin/env bash
  2. set -e
  3. set -o pipefail
  4. CI_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
  5. source "${CI_DIR}/common/"
  6. source "${CI_DIR}/common/"
  7. source "${CI_DIR}/common/"
  8. enter_suite build
  9. check_core_dumps --delete quiet
  10. prepare_build
  11. build_nvim
  12. exit_suite --continue
  13. source ~/.nvm/
  14. nvm use 10
  15. enter_suite tests
  16. if test "$CLANG_SANITIZER" != "TSAN" ; then
  17. # Additional threads are only created when the builtin UI starts, which
  18. # doesn't happen in the unit/functional tests
  19. if test "${FUNCTIONALTEST}" != "functionaltest-lua"; then
  20. run_test run_unittests
  21. fi
  22. run_test run_functionaltests
  23. fi
  24. run_test run_oldtests
  25. run_test install_nvim
  26. exit_suite --continue
  27. end_tests